Where There's a Will There's a Way by bloody_bint
Summary: Four years after the murder and Spike still can't talk about it. Will the arrival of Buffy Summers at Sunnydale High change that? Buffy and her brothers are new to the small town and she is certain Spike Giles has something to hide. Though perhaps Buffy does as well?
*Winnner: Bloody Colonials Award (Alternative Universe) @ the RWS Awards*
*Winner: Lonley School Award (Best High School fic) @ the CoH Awards*

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: Yes Word count: 50695 Read: 41106 Published: 01/05/2006 Updated: 04/12/2009
Scoring by bloody_bint
Chapter 5: Scoring

Buffy twirled a silky strand of hair between two fingers as she locked eyes with Spike for perhaps the twentieth time since they both had entered the cafeteria. He winked causing the natural pink in her cheeks to flare a deep red. He was obviously ignoring everything being said amongst the team members he sat with, his eyes firmly fixed upon Buffy. Her expression slowly morphed from one of shy appreciation to one of deep contemplation and worry as her thoughts stole her away from her staring.

‘I wonder if he’s thinking about the kiss, what if he doesn’t want to take it slow, or what is he does want to take it slow but he wants me to make the first move, I cant do that, or wait, what if he has realised what a mistake I am and is staring because he wants to tell me but feels bad.’ Buffy failed to notice Spike making his way across the lunchroom until he casually flopped down beside her.

“Something wrong kitten?” Spike tried to hide the concern in his voice as he forced eye contact. He had noticed the sudden change in her manner and couldn’t help worry that it had something to do with him.

‘What if she’s regretting it, she did call it a moment of weakness didn’t she, bloody fantastic you wanker, you’ve gone and buggered the whole thing up, you had to kiss her, you couldn’t just talk to her, wait talk to her? Ponce.’

“No I-I’m Great, I mean, fine, I mean, how are you?” her eyes pleaded for reassurance, swimming in his blue pools.

“Couldn’t be better, well I could be better, but I don’t have to be better, how I am now, its fine, you?” he anxiously worked is fingers, hoping for some sign that everything was still ok.

“You already asked me,” a coy smile crept into her features without her even knowing it- melting the tension.

It was enough for Spike he allowed himself to get lost in her emerald eyes and her beautiful smile.

“BUF-FY!” Willow had been calling her friends name over and over again, and now she almost yelled the syllables.

“Hey… what… huh? Rude much Will you don’t have to yell,” Buffy’s eyes scanned the quickly emptying cafeteria as she finished her reprimand.

“Oh, OH, sorry Will, my total bad,” she focused on Willow before turning back towards Spike.

“See you after class goldilocks,” he brushed a gentle kiss across her cheek before pivoting and rapidly slipping away.

“You are SO his sex kitten,” Willow bounced with energy.

“Am NOT, and ewwww Will, you kiss your mother with that mouth,” Buffy flung an arm in the direction of her delighted friend.

“Don’t try and pull one over on me missy, I saw you two, your SO his eye candy, his sexy kitten eye candy,” she led the way to class as she continued her torment.

“Oh YEAH, well what about you and Xander huh, you two looked pretty cosy, what have you been up to?”

“Up to? Nothing, there is NO up to. I’m very seldom naughty, swear,” her eyes widened in shock which accompanied the red tint painted over her face.

“Yeah, like I’m gonna believe you gutter-mouth,” both girls burst into laughter as they moved together down the hallway only to stop as they crept into class.

They exchanged a knowing look and a wry smile before leaning back in their seats and letting their thoughts return to where they belonged, on Xander and Spike.


Spike swung his duster into the aged locker, chipped and dented with use and experiences, hanging it with deliberate motions- carelessly throwing the rest of his clothing in after. He made sure no leather was peeking out before slamming it and pivoting, placing an alabaster leg on the bench before him, stretching a sock taught he resisted the urge to fold it neatly.

‘Bloody hell has it really come to this… you acting like a tight ass priss, like William AGAIN. Be careful, you CAN’T have him coming back, ever, not ever.’


As Spike approached the half open entryway to the training room he slowed his pace, becoming quiet and stealthy. He supported his weight on the doorframe and took in the sight before him; a clearly nervous Buffy was re-arranging bandages by size and wrapper colour.

“Blue comes after green in the rainbow, or didn’t you know that pet?” Spike bit back his laughter as she spun around wide-eyed.

“Uh... yes… but not big blue.” Buffy winced as her statement sunk in.

“Right then, my mistake,” with every word the space between them shrunk as he stalked closer.

“Is there something you need, I mean, is there something injury related I can help you with, not that I’m assuming your injured, I mean, you are here so I just thought you might be hurt or sore, ice?” she held the dripping ice pack up between them.

“What… do you think I’m hot luv,” his tongue swiped across his lips as he smirked.

“It’s for swelling.” She said matter-of-factly before her face caught fire with embarrassment.

“Well, you do seem to have that effect on me kitten,” Spike let his body caress hers, letting her feel his burning erection through the thin fabric of his uniform.

“I… uh…” Buffy’s voice failed her as her eyes rolled closed at his proximity. ‘His warmth, his smell, what is that smell, that is a good, good smell, oh I’m bad, no he’s bad, this is bad, so, so bad.’

“Come out with me on Friday night?” he didn’t want to miss the opportunity, she was his right now- he could have anything.

Her eyes slid open; she focused her dazed irises on his.

“Please, Buffy.” He leaned in a husky whisper tickling her neck.

The moment her name hit her skin in that deep low sex she felt her knees buckle and had to focus all her energy in order to shake her head, once she did she was convinced she might collapse.

“Right- I’ll pick you up at seven then, “ he snaked an arm around her waist, steadying her wavering frame, letting his bee-stung bottom lip rub her earlobe with each syllable before turning- heading out to the field.

“Right,” the raspy word fell into an empty room between long deep breaths.

Buffy stayed frozen where she was for several minutes allowing her heartbeat to slow and her skin to cool. As she thrust through the double doors the sun bit at her eyes causing her to reach into her bag to retrieve her sunglasses. Placing them over her squinting emeralds she continued on to the grass- grateful for the sun and the protective shade of her glasses, now no one could see her staring.

This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16462