Where There's a Will There's a Way by bloody_bint
Summary: Four years after the murder and Spike still can't talk about it. Will the arrival of Buffy Summers at Sunnydale High change that? Buffy and her brothers are new to the small town and she is certain Spike Giles has something to hide. Though perhaps Buffy does as well?
*Winnner: Bloody Colonials Award (Alternative Universe) @ the RWS Awards*
*Winner: Lonley School Award (Best High School fic) @ the CoH Awards*

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: Yes Word count: 50695 Read: 41108 Published: 01/05/2006 Updated: 04/12/2009
Pep Talks by bloody_bint
Chapter 8: Pep-Talks

She worried her bottom lip and wrung her hands, becoming increasingly nervous as the minutes passed. Spike hadn’t shown up for their morning class, the substitute repeating his name again and again had made her nervous then, but nothing compared to now. Now that she hadn’t seen him all day, she prayed he had just skipped. Just as panic was swelling inside her a voice shattered the silence.

“Hey sista’.” Gunn smiled as he popped his head in before allowing his long lean body to follow.

“Hey Gunn, you’re late, really late, like Spike late, what’s up with that?” Buffy blushed slightly at the pet name before questioning the unprecedented incident.

“I actually came back in to get you girly, there’s no one else coming,” he peered down at the blonde apologetically.

“Oh… well… is Spike already out there cause usually he’s last and he could of at least let me know so I didn’t stay here like an idiot.’ She avoided eye contact knowing well that her annoyance didn’t completely hide her pain.

“No luck little lady, Spike’s not here today. Got a family thing, but he instructed me to let you sweat awhile before telling you what’s what and offering his apologies. He’ll pick you up at seven, with bells on I’m sure.” Gunn winked with the smirk that spread over his lips.

“OH! Thanks! Hey! SO not fair that he has you to do his evil bidding.” Buffy playfully elbowed Gunn as they moved together from the room and towards the fresh air.

“Hey now, don’t go shootin’ the messenger, plus its kinda fun watching you squirm.” He dodged another not so playful blow.

“Yeah, well I’m here to entertain, right.” They both giggled, the sunlight melting into their flesh.

Buffy took her place on the splintered bench and was quickly swept up in thoughts.

‘Turns out this day is a good after all. And with the not seeing Spike it’s like they say ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ right. So now it’ll be extra tingly delicious when he comes over to OH MY GOD… he’s coming over to MY house! Where my brothers live, and where I have a mother and a bedroom, and oh my god Spike in my bedroom! Oh bad… why cant I just… oh it’s no use. I’m bad.’


Rupert Giles placed a reassuring hand across his sons back as they crept through the manicured paths of the cemetery. Spike was grateful for the support, but knew it was more for his father then for him, tears still drying on Giles’ stubbled face. They made their way in unison never taking their eyes from the course ahead, careful not to break the silence that seemed to be protecting them somehow. A muffled sob escaped from his father, making Spike tense. The silence had been broken.

“You right da’?” Spike’s eyes stayed locked forward.

“Yes quite. It’s- it’s just hard you know… I really can’t believe another year has passed.” Giles hung his head as he spoke.

“Been awhile.” He tried to sound indifferent, but fell short of the task.

“William, you really mustn’t…”

“Please da’, just don’t, please.” Desperation was evident through his voice.

“Right…” Giles knew his boy needed help, but was also well aware that pushing him would only accomplish the opposite, especially today of all days. Thus he changed the subject. “Have plans tonight?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. I… I’ve got a date.” He mumbled through the admission as they approached the old Citroen.

“I’m terribly sorry but I don’t seem to speak disgruntled youth, care trying that again?” Giles snicked, ducking into the vehicle.

“I. Have. A. Date.”

“With a GIRL?!” Giles was well aware of his sons ‘reputation’, but being his father he was privy to the inside scoop. And the inside scoop was that Spike had never had a girlfriend let alone used the word date.

“HEY! WATCH it! You might be my da’… but me just sittin’ here, lettin’ you ‘ave a go isn’t bloody well likely!” He couldn’t believe that his own flesh and blood might actually think he didn’t like girls.

“Oh for heavens sake, I didn’t mean… dear lord I just meant you haven’t exactly brought home many young ladies now have you.” He eyed his son.

“Yeah, well I’m NOT startin’ now. No telling what you would say to her. I’m going OUT on a date- not IN… so don’t go getting’ your hopes up right.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it… now that we have that settled may I ask what this brave girl’s name might be?” He arched a brow at his boy as he drove.

“Buffy Summers.” Again his mumble was inaudible.

“Unless her name is that of some primitive grunting language that I know nothing about I suggesting you give it another go, yes.”

“Her name is BUFFY! Buffy Summers… bloody hell try listenin’ ole man!” Spike couldn’t hide his amusement at his father’s joke and although he attempted to sound annoyed he broke into laughter as he spoke, followed directly by Giles.

As the car pulled up to their home both men’s laughter finally subsided. They silently traversed the drive slipping through the door heading separate directions. They didn’t have to say anything more, as they settled into their own exploits both thought of the other with supreme appreciation and love, they always did, especially on the anniversary of Jenny’s death.


Buffy sat; buried amongst the growing mound of clothing she was having no luck choosing from. She let out a long sigh and let her head fall back onto the outfit cushion surrounding her. She was contemplating surrendering to the pile, allowing herself to be swallowed up when a tapping at her door seized her attention. She attempted to stand but was taken aback literally when the mountain had other ideas. She summoned all her strength in one final effort to rise, barely succeeding.

“Come, in.” It came out strained as she made her way from the cloth prison.

“Hey Buff… sis… sister o’ mine who I haven’t seen in like forever.” Xander swung open her door stepping forward only to stop abruptly at the heaping barricade. “Let me guess, making a fort. Can I play?” He smiled widely.

“Ha-Ha, very funny… and hello o’ forgetful one… you saw me today at practice. Now shoo, date preparation is a delicate process and your testosterone is ruining my feminie touch, so get.” Buffy shoved her brother from her room.

“Ok, Ok.” He put his hands up in defeat before stopping suddenly. “Before I go… I… it… it’s not about Spike, and I know you can take care of yourself. I just… with everything… call, once, please it…”

“Of course ill call, you don’t have to worry. I’ll call, promise.” She leaned in kissing her twin on the cheek only to watch him smile and retreat down the stairs.

Buffy turned towards the department store mass that was quickly devouring her entire room. Slumping down near one edge she began to methodically pick through the visible pieces. Glancing casually at her clock she noticed that time had escaped her and immediately began sifting through her wardrobe with renewed vigour. ‘I’ve got to HURRY.’


Spike staggered through a darkened kitchen jumping fiercely when the lights suddenly flickered on.

“Bleedin’ HELL! Are you tryin’ to give a guy a heart attack!” Spike clutched at his chest glaring at his father’s unexpected form.

“Perhaps.” Giles leaned on the doorframe a pleased smile crossing his lips. “What, pray tell, were you doing in the dark in the first place?”

Spike recommenced his interrupted deed, opening and leaning down into the fridge, returning with a single red rose hanging from his shaky hand.

“Just… um… ready to go- right.” He averted his father’s gaze, crossing the expanse between them, ducking around him quickly.

“William, before you go.” Spike ceased his movements at his father’s voice only to be gathered up in Giles’ tight embrace.

Father and son held each other, firmly, needing the support each other provided.

“Da’ you right? I could stay…”

“Nonsense, I’m fine. Really, you go and have a lovely time.” He ushered his boy to the door. “And William… please be on your best behaviour yes.”

Spike just smiled, his father knew him too well.

He negotiated the concrete plain towards the Desoto, fingers clutching the rose in one hand, his keys in the other. Spike slid the key into the lock, diving into the cracked leather, carefully placing the flower next to him before starting the engine. His mind drummed from one thing to another. ‘What a day.’ He flicked on the stereo, smiling softly when the loud beat assaulted his senses; he needed to clear his mind. Spike jarred his head to the music, letting it all go as various streets of Sunnydale flashed by.


*A/N: And next the date woop! Please review!*
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16462