Where There's a Will There's a Way by bloody_bint
Summary: Four years after the murder and Spike still can't talk about it. Will the arrival of Buffy Summers at Sunnydale High change that? Buffy and her brothers are new to the small town and she is certain Spike Giles has something to hide. Though perhaps Buffy does as well?
*Winnner: Bloody Colonials Award (Alternative Universe) @ the RWS Awards*
*Winner: Lonley School Award (Best High School fic) @ the CoH Awards*

Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: Yes Word count: 50695 Read: 41127 Published: 01/05/2006 Updated: 04/12/2009
Match by bloody_bint
Chapter 9: Match

Spike purposefully lifted his clenched fist to the Summers’ door, rapping his whitened knuckles against the dark wood. He was enthused to say the least, twitching slightly when he heard footsteps approaching- his anticipation stunted when it wasn’t Buffy who appeared in the doorway.

“What do you want?” Angel spat at Spike.

Typically Spike would have exuded confidence, quickly quipping about how he wanted Buffy, but not tonight, today had been rough and he just wanted to sail through this storm.

“I’m here to pick up Buffy… for our date. That right with you mate?” He forced a smile through is frustration.

“I’m not your MATE…and NO! It’s not. I asked you before… What. Do. You. Want. With my sister?” Angel glowered at the boy in front of him.

“Leave my DATE alone!” Buffy stopped halfway down the stairs, her glare piercing the back of her brother’s head. “Don’t you have some brooding to do in your basement big brother, really?”

“He started it.” Angel sulked away, his comment mumbled in annoyance.

Spike’s eyes finally fell on Buffy; she stood above him like an angel. A clingy red strapless dress hugged every curve of her tight body. Black heels laced up her ankles like ivy growing over her legs. Her hair danced over her shoulders in tighter curls then usual, cupping her shimmering face. Smoky emeralds stared back at him through their lust filled gaze.

Buffy finished her dissension, arriving in front of Spike, taking in all of his appearance.

The black slacks were smaller then someone else his size might wear, enhancing his slight hips and firm ass. A dark shirt hung usque due to two buttons being rebelliously left undone. His hair stood straight up in blond tuffs, free from the constraints of too much gel. The part that made Buffy weak with desire, he was wearing eyeliner, just a hint encasing his blue pools.

“You look bloody fantastic!” Spike broke the passionate silence unintentionally licking his lips as he praised her. .

“Did somebody get the…” Joyce suddenly appeared in the foyer smiling brightly when she noticed Spike. “Oh you must be William.”

Spike’s muscles seized at the familiar sound echoing through his mind, his eyes glazed over no longer allowing him to see Buffy, to see anything. He tried desperately to rid himself of the word. ‘It can’t be, it can’t be, it can’t be. She’s gone you idiot! You’re not him, you’re… ’

“Spike… SPIKE!” Buffy tugged on his arms trying to get his attention.

“What? No! Huh? Oh… sorry pet, I don’t know what came over me.” Spike steadied himself with a cleansing breath.

“You sure your good cause you looked pretty out there… I mean… I zone out sometimes but that gets the blue ribbon for sure.” She looked at him clearly worried.

“I’m sure, really. I probably just need some fresh air and some food. You ready to go?” He smiled softly, easing her concern.

“Yeah…” Buffy heard Joyce clearing her throat deliberately. “Oops! Sorry mom, my total bad! Spike this is my mother.”

“It’s nice to meet you… Spike was it? I thought my daughter mentioned your name being…”

“It’s a nickname! But I really do prefer it. It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Summers.” The words spilled out in an accelerated rant as he kissed the back of her hand, he prayed she wouldn’t say his given name again.
“Spike it is then… and call me Joyce.” She instructed before facing Buffy. “You two have a wonderful time- behave yourselves.”

“Oh and Wi- Spike.” Joyce corrected. “You’re welcome here any time, don’t be a stranger ok.”

“MOM!” Buffy groaned. “Love you- don’t wait up, bye!” With that Buffy was pulling Spike from her home and down the driveway, away from her mother and any other embarrassing distractions.

“Easy kitten… were not on the clock here. Unless of coarse somethin’s gonna turn into a pumpkin at midnight, in which case I regret coming so late.” Spike slowed his pace, pulling her with him.

“Funny… and no- no pumpkins. I’m just excited… it’s nice- seeing you outside of school, and the training room, and practice.” She arched a poignant brow. “Wait… remind me again why I need to see you more?” They both shared a quick laugh. “It’s just… I could get use to it is all.”

“Glad to here it luv.” He wrenched open the passenger door they had just arrived at, ducking into the dark void for a moment before re-emerging flushed.

“It’s for you.” He tried to elude her stare, but was unsuccessful as he held the rose out with a quivering hand.

“Thank you.” He could feel her breathy whisper on his skin as she closed in on him, sweeping his lips into an astounding kiss.

“No pet, thank you.” Husky and deep he growled before stepping aside to give Buffy access to the black Desoto, racing around to his side directly after- they drove away from the house on Revello.


Giles sat, clutching one of many drinks that evening, eyes puffy and raw from a lethal combination of whiskey and tears. He stared, transfixed on the thoughtfully placed picture beside him- gazing back his way with her brilliant two-dimensional smile.

“I miss you baby.” Giles’ voice was raspy and choked- the booze and pain taking its toll.

“I… it- it should have been me Jenny! I can’t do this without you.” Tears followed the set tracks down his tired face.

“You… I wasn’t even there and still… still it’s too hard.”

“Our boy is in pain Jenny… I- I can’t help him… I try and I can’t… you could make him see!” He took the picture up in one fisted hand.

“I’m letting you DOWN! Our boy needs me and I don’t know what to do… I CAN’T do it!” He screamed

The glass flew from his hand shattering on the far wall with a sharp sound that echoed through the darkness.

“DAMN-IT JENNY!” His voice quaked. “I love you.” Tears streamed freely as he slumped back onto himself, drenched in pain.


Buffy fought the butterflies swirling in her stomach as they waited on their food, smiling shyly at his appreciative expression. She sipped at her water, yearning to take her mind off of everything Spike.

‘Mmmm water… water’s good… dolphins live in water…. swimming pools are filled with water… I take a shower in water… shower, mmmm Spike in the shower, damn-it.”

“Warm enough?” Spike’s voice sent her reeling back into reality.

“What? Huh?” Unfortunately reality was confusing Buffy at the moment.

“You shivered before. I thought you might feel a slight chill is all, didn’t mean to confuse you kitten.” He winked, stroking her hand with his thumb.

“Oh, right… NO. I’m actually really hot… I mean warm. I’m fine! The temperature here is fine.” Her crimson tone gave away her embarrassment. She thanked the powers that be that he only knew about her verbal bad and not the real reason she was so flush.

“So where were you today?” She decided to change the subject before she did something else embarrassing.

“Cemetery.” Spike answered casually before realising what he had said, stunned at his candid admittance.

“You were at a cemetery?” Buffy gave him a quizzical look.

“Um… yeah… for … for a …” He tried to back pedal.

“Funeral?” Buffy tried at a guess, confused by his sudden change in demeanour.

“Y-Yeah.” He thought about the implications, but only for a moment, anything was better then the truth. “A friend of a friend of a friend died… da’ made me go, it wasn’t anything really.” He looked everywhere but into her eyes as he lied.

Before Buffy could argue the waiter appeared brandishing their meals.

‘Bloody hell! THAT was close! Well done Spike, just tell her all about what a messed up failure you are on your first date. Cemeteries are always a great dinner conversation piece you wanker. Just SHUT-UP and eat William’


His hand finally slipped from the thick glass bottle lying empty beside him. His eyes and heart had given in long ago, their will not seemingly as strong as that of the hand. It wasn’t sleep, sleep implies restfulness and peace, Giles felt none of those things as his body continued to breath, continued to live, feeling nothing. Wasn’t it suppose to get easier as the years passed, no, it was always harder- people lie.

Year one, Giles wept with William- both inconsolable for days.

Year two, Giles wailed and roared- screaming words of revenge, things broke. William cried alone.

Year three, Giles added booze to the mourning rage. William said nothing- no tears.

Now, on the verge of alcohol-induced coma, Giles’ mind thought of his son. His body clung to its moisture, withholding tears as he prayed for a release for his boy, a release from the pain. Every year it was more severe. Giles was the cliché- the lamenting widower; William was without label, he was the one to worry about. His breathing shallowed, but persisted as Rupert drew himself in, tucking away stray appendages- readying him for a long night.


“Ohhhhhh, I ate way too much- my tummy is angry.” Right on que a deep gurgle escaped Buffy’s swollen stomach.

“What are you on about? You didn’t even finish that third slice of… what was it? Double chocolate fudge cake.” Spike arched a brow and laughed at the glare he received between moans of pain.

“You’re evil! You encouraged me! It’s not good to aid an addiction, you know that!” she clutched her abdomen in protest.

“What? And miss out on you almost consuming your entire bleedin’ body weight in chocolate.” scoffing he placed a hand over his heart. “I’m no saint.”

“You got that right, you… you evil non-sainty guy!” She huffed in frustration, turning away.

“Right, that’s enough of that. I’m sorry- how ‘bout we walk it off? Sound good to you my little Oompa-Loompa.” He snorted, grabbing the hand that struck his chest- pulling her into him.

“Hey! Not fair, you can’t be all smooth and romancey when I’m mad at you!”

“Is that right?”

“Yes, it’s a rule!”

“What about makin’ up luv?” Spike nibbled the tender flesh of her neck. “Can’t I apologize?”

“Y-You’re forgiven.” She stepped back. “Walking sounds nice.”

Spike smirked at Buffy’s shy smile and unsteady legs, but said nothing, taking her hand- leading her down Main Street.

“Stupid git!” He cursed himself. “You must be freezin’ kitten.”

Before Buffy could comment he swooped down, enveloping her shivering frame in the folds of his duster flush against his body.

“That better luv?” He smiled, kissing her forehead.

“Jury’s still out…” She smiled up at him wryly. “I’ve never actually worn a coat with someone attached before… it’s nice, in a having NO personal space kinda way.”

“Come on. Don’t pretend you’re not just a little bit in love with it pet.” He arched a scarred brow.

“How’d you get this?” She spoke softly as she traced the mark.

“Um, right… got in a fight is all, cheap shot.” He avoided eye contact, swallowing hard.

“How old were you, it’s healed pretty…”

“Four-teen.” He cut in, shivering slightly.

“Who’d you get in a fight with at fourteen!”

“Don’t BLOODY know!” He pushed away. “Said it was a cheap shot!”

Buffy folded her arms over her exposed shoulders, staring adamantly at the pavement.

“S-Sorry… I didn’t mean… did I say something wrong?” Her voice cracked.

“No…” He crossed the expanse between them. “Course not kitten. I- I’m sorry… I’m just not use to people getting’ the jump on me is all, touchy subject.”

“Oh… I understand… I was just trying to get to know you better. I just wanted…”

“Well let’s see what we can do ‘bout that shall we.” He drew her into the warmth and intimacy of his coat once more.

“Want to know all my ins and outs do you, let’s give you a run down then- right goldilocks.” He brushed the hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

“I have to worn you though… I’m a bad man.” She giggled as he growled into her neck.

“Hmmm, where to begin… I’ll think give the little girl a lesson ‘bout all my favourite things.” Spike leaned down resting his forehead on hers. “I like to kiss you.” He brushed across her lips with a tender kiss.

“I’m bloody good at…” He licked and suckled down her jaw line, tracing her curves as she groaned.

“I want to…” He took her ear lobe in his steaming wet mouth- nibbling fiercely.

“And I dream ‘bout…” He traced two fingers down her dress halting just shy of where her thong hugged and began rubbing tight circles across the invisible line educing an inundation of dampness amid her legs
“See now you know all ‘bout me luv.” He dropped his tone even lower breathing heavily into her ear. “Here end-ith the lesson.”

Buffy allowed her eyes to flutter open and drew in a long breath to regain use of all her faculties- she was weak with desire, but contained herself.

“Huh… is that all? Tell me something I don’t know.” She yawned, a smirk gracing her face. She clenched her jaw to keep from giggling.

“Kitten wants more huh?” He howled, plunging towards her lips.

The crashing embrace seized them completely. Even Spike didn’t anticipate the intensity, both opening their eyes wide for an instant. He gobbled up her plump bottom lip, forcefully savouring her. They didn’t advance just remained glued to one another, grinding their mouths, tasting. After an extensive phase their inflamed faces wrenched apart, both panting for air.

“Oh, oh… people are staring.” Buffy ducked deep into the shelter of the leather.

“Lucky bunch they are.” Spike snickered holding her secure.

“We should probably call it a night, not that I didn’t have a nice time. I DID!” She turned scarlet. “I should just be getting home, you know.”

“I completely agree luv.” He tiltied her head up. “On one condition.”

“And what’s that?”

“Come over to my place tomorrow night?”

“What! Really? I don’t know?”

“Please pet… my da’s got a gig- will be out all night… say you’ll come.” He pouted.

“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea, and your dad has a what?” Buffy shot a confused look.

“He sings and plays the bloody guitar at the coffee shop, and you don’t have to tell me how bleedin’ traumatic it is… I’m well aware.”

“Oh.” She giggled. “I think it’s kinda cute.”

“Oh do you…” A wide smirk spread across his face. “Well in that case it runs in the family.”

“You’ll have to prove it to me some time.”

“That mean you’re coming over tomorrow?”

“I guess it does.”


*A/N: First date! Just a little thing but there is WAY more Spuffy moments to come! Please please please review.... makes the plot bunnies dance!*

Special thank you to Cordykitten, Photographynut, and Pet for always leaving such lovely reviews! *hugs you guys to death*
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=16462