Right Here Waiting by LittleJenn
Summary: This is based on just some what of my life and what’s going on with a certain guy by using the characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. All Human. there will be some spike/other and some buffy/other but nothing graphic i promise.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 1099 Read: 1276 Published: 02/14/2006 Updated: 02/14/2006

1. The Beginning by LittleJenn

The Beginning by LittleJenn
Author's Notes:
Just something i came up with one day while thinking about the guy i like from work. hope you all like and please review.
Things started back a few months ago while Buffy was working at the double meat Palace. Buffy was having the worst day of her of life or so she thought. She had to work a double shift and it was starting to take its toll on her and she just couldn’t stand it between fighting with some of her coworker’s one in particular too. The only thing that could make Buffy’s day better was a certain someone named William or better known as spike. Every time he came around or near her she would melt into a big puddle.
It gets worse though because he was so sweet to her that it made it even harder to try not to like him. See Spike had a girl friend that he had been with for years named Drusilla and boy was she crazy or at least that’s what Buffy thought anyway.

Willow, Faith and a few of her other co workers knew she was in love with spike, though they tried to fix her up with other people she just couldn’t see anyone but spike.
However Buffy’s day got better when spike started working on the Sunday mornings with her he made them so much better that it made the day way more bearable.
Little did Buffy know though is that spike also loved her from the first time he ever saw her he just couldn’t take his eyes off of her. However he would never tell her because of course there was his girlfriend that he couldn’t leave she needed him or at least that’s what he kept telling himself. Spike had a feeling that they were over along time ago but they still for some reason stayed together because she was his first love and he wanted to work out there problems even if she didn’t. See what Spike didn’t know is that his precious Drusilla was sleeping with his best friend Angel O’Connor for the last year and a half.
Drusilla see wanted to have her cake and eat it to but she would never give up spike because he was her little play toy that she could do whatever she wanted with at anytime and Angel well he just was everything that Spike wasn’t. Angel was a complete jerk and then some. He was a biggest womanizer on the planet. He was not only seeing Drusilla but he was also with his secretary Darla.

Buffy was also not really supposed to be lusting after spike either because she was dating her high school sweetheart Riley Finn. They had been together for six years and Riley was well boring as hell or that’s what Buffy thought but she would never tell anyone that especially her friends who thought that the couple was so right for each other.
Buffy hadn’t been in love with Riley for so long that she forgot why they were even together anymore. It wasn’t like they had anything in common at all even there sex life sucked beyond belief. Riley never showed her any kind of affection he just felt that she was with him and that’s how it was going to be.
Buffy couldn’t wait to see Spike so then that way the awful day that she encountered would finally be over and she could just melt in to the ocean blue eyes and never come out again. However reality came crashing back when her boss got her in face and told her that she needed to start cleaning out the fry hopper so that the next shift could get ready for there dinner hour.
Just as Buffy started scrubbing out the fry hopper her night and shinning armor walked through the door looking sexier than ever. His slicked back bleached blond hair, all black outfit and matching duster completed his look. Spike smiled at Buffy as he walked past her to get ready for his shift at the Double Meat.
Buffy and Spike hadn’t always gotten along see when Buffy first started working at the Double Meat she was really shy because she didn’t know anyone that well I mean she had seen Spike around before but didn’t really ever give him the time of day until one day they just started talking and the conversation flowed really well and they talked about everything from the weather to relationships. It was like they were born to be with each other. They seemed to have things in common and they enjoyed making fun of the people that they worked with. Things just seemed really perfect with each other until Buffy found out that Spike had a girlfriend of many years see they never seemed to discuss that part of there lives with each other which seemed weird to Buffy that Spike never brought it up in any of there conversations that they had throughout the time that they had become friends. So Buffy had to tell Spike about her and Riley which there really wasn’t much to tell he wasn’t that great of a boyfriend so she just never brought him up at all if she could help it anyway.

See Spike had a reason also for not brining Drusilla up either. He didn’t want Buffy to know that he was taking because he wanted her all to himself and when she had told him about Riley he had to suppress his jealously at someone else getting to touch and be with his women. Yes that is how Spike felt about Buffy she was his even if she didn’t know it yet because if he had of he would of thrown her down on the floor and showed her just how much he did love her right there in front of everyone and that thought didn’t scare him at all which was weird because he was supposed to be in love with Drusilla but he sort of wished that she would just leave and never come back.
So Spike just kept on dreaming about his beloved Buffy and hoped that one day she would love him as much as he loved her. He also hoped that one day they could be married and start a family which is something he never dreamed of with Drusilla.
Little did Spike know though that he wasn’t the only one who wanted the same exact things and that soon he would get everything he ever dreamed of having.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=17508