In The Harsh Light Of Day by PassionFish
Summary: Set in early S4. No chip and I've screwed with the timeline. Begins during 'Harsh Light of Day'. What if Spike hadn't paused? [Vamp!Buffy Warning!]
Categories: Serial Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Horror
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 8164 Read: 16444 Published: 03/08/2004 Updated: 06/26/2006
Chapter Two by PassionFish
Part Two

As Spike led his new Queen by the hand out of the Mansion, he had been only too aware of the male minion’s appreciative glances. But a bloody example of one who had dared to attempt to touch her had quickly averted their eyes.

The night was cool, in direct contrast to the warmth of the turned-Slayer's hand in his own. He hadn't realised she would still feel alive, not that he was complaining. The combination of fire and ice was amazing, coupled with the vampire extras; Spike could safely say he was one 'happy' undead man.

He leaned down, and pressed a kiss to her lips as she looked at him. "Where do you want to go, pet?"

Buffy smiled, "Oooh, the bar on campus - I wanna dance!"

Spike returned the expression, his grin turning into a chuckle at her laughter-filled squeal of his name, as he lifted her up in his arms, dancing her around the graveyard, the moon shining brightly above them.


The vampire couple returned to the mansion half an hour before the sun finally set in the sky. Having danced the night away and feasted upon several couples, the two returned to their home, making love till well into the day before falling asleep, contented purrs rolling around thier bedroom walls.


In the City Of Angels, Cordelia Chase looked over at the dead bodies of the younger Watcher and the raven-haired actress that laid sprain across the floor.

Their throats had been ripped out - their heads connected to their bodies by a thread.

Angelus closed in on the ex-cheerleader, his evil smile the last thing she'd ever see.

As he let her lifeless body drop to the floor, Angelus smirked, "So...we're off to stock up on the essentials,” He began to himself, holding up the bag of 'happy' pills he'd removed from Rebecca Lowell earlier, "Then back to visit my slutty ex...Hmmm, it’s good to be back."


The following night, a large supply of drugs in his bag, Angelus drove the two hour trip back to Sunnydale, stopping off briefly for something to wash the pills down with.

It was close to midnight by the time he pulled up to the mansion. Dumping his bag back in his room, he headed out for some action, his mind briefly reeling over the familiar scent that seemed to permeate the mansion.


"Master Spike?" The timid voice of the vampire who had drawn the short straw greeted the blonde vampires as they returned from an exhilarating hunt. Both were excited from the fight and very horny.

"What?" Spike snapped, as Buffy began nibbling on his neck from her position in his arm.

"I t-thought you should k-know that Master A-Angelus returned tonight." The young vampire stuttered helplessly through his fear, his eyes glued to the floor in automatic submission.

The minion ducked his head lower; afraid of Spike's temper, which he was sure to receive the brunt of at the news of his sire's return.

The reaction he expected was not the one he received.

Spike's almost hysterical laughter filled the mansion.

"With soul or without?" He finally asked, swallowing a groan as an apparently unaffected Buffy rolled her hips into his erection - attempting to retain some restraint in front of the minions.


Spike smiled evilly, "This should be very interesting."

He swung Buffy up in to his arms carrying her down to their bedroom. The second thier door was shut they both tore at the other's clothing.

Lust, frenzied and fierce, filled their undead veins. They came together violently, each growling the same word before biting down on their lover's neck - claiming their mate.


Their purrs louder than before, Spike curled around the Slayer protectively, his cock deep inside her, an arm holding him to her possessively. His fangs back in her neck in a proprietary gesture, they fell asleep from the sheer exhaustion of thier violent love-making.


It was like this that Angelus found them, a few hours later.

He'd sought her out at the Bronze, the Watcher's house - even played the soul to ask the witch where she was.

But none knew.

It was then that Angelus recalled the familiar scent, or rather scents, that had permeated the air at the mansion.


And Buffy.

His powerful growl rumbled through the room at the sight before him, waking the slumbering couple.

Spike absently retracted his fangs from Buffy's neck, moving to meet the eyes of his grandsire. Buffy blinked sleepily, before covering herself from Angelus' eyes.

Spike growled back, his arms tightening around the ex-Slayer.

When the older vampire's growl upped a notch, Buffy slipped into her true face growling angrily at the vampire who threatened her mate and sire.

The sight of Vamped! Buffy was enough to shock Angelus out of his game face. "Whah...?"

"Yeah, mate - there've been some changes in good ol' Sunnyhell since you left." Spike explained with a smile, before biting down on Buffy's neck. Her hips rose involuntarily and her yellow eyes were hidden behind their lids, as they rolled up in evident pleasure.

"Angelus, get out of our room." Buffy breathed out, as Spike slammed into her from behind.

With a final growl, Angelus stormed out, slamming the door behind him, his long black coat billowing behind him with the movement. for more!
This story archived at http://