Wild World by Luvver21
Summary: Previously- Money for Nothing- Buffy Summers looks like a typical High School girl to those around her, but what they don't realise is that ont he inside she's in intense pain trying to get over the loss of her mother, forget her past, tame her abusive father, get a new start at Sunnydale high and make a future for herself.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape, Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 8625 Read: 8910 Published: 04/05/2006 Updated: 04/25/2007
Time to learn by Luvver21
Buffy woke up, she noticed she was lying in a large white bed, surrounded by large white curtains and, between a small opening in the curtains, she could see a large whit room. She was in hospital. Slowly, she remembered the events of the night before.

Suddenly, she leaned over the bed and vomited into the garbage can that, coincidentally, sat right beside her bed. ‘Seems the nurses knew what a wonderful morning I was going to have.” She thought humorlessly.

Buffy sat up, got out of bed and walked out of her secluded space of curtains and into the main room. As she looked around, she noticed many other areas that were secluded from the room by pure white curtains. As she slowly crept out of the room she heard a nasally voice come from behind her. “Where do you think you’re going?!” Buffy turned around to see a young, obviously bleached, blonde in a nurse’ uniform glaring at her. “I was…hum…” she replied, unable to come of with a very good excuse for why she was out of bed. “You’re going to have to wait for the doctor before you can leave” the nurse said in a haughty tone ignoring Buffy’s attempt at speaking.

The nurse directed Buffy back to her bed, roughly. As Buffy lay back in bed she tried as hard as possible not to cry as she thought of Parker and Riley. Then she panicked. ‘O God! Where the hell is Willow!?’ She rushed from her bed, ignoring as the high pitched voice of the nurse screamed at her. She rushed to the first curtain, then the second whipping them all open. When she got to the ninth curtain she found Willow sitting up in her bed, reading happily. “Willow!” she cried out, hugging her best friend tightly.

Willow looked up and frowned at Buffy. “Buffy what are you doing out of bed? You’re supposed to be waiting for the doctor to check on you? Didn’t the nurse tell you? NURSE!? Did you not tell her to…?” Buffy cut her off. “Willow I had to see if you were okay. “Buffy, of course I’m not okay, but you ended up a lot worse off than I did. I mean look at you. You look like crap, no offence.”

Buffy looked down at herself and saw the many bandages that covered her body. ‘Guess I was so doped up on Pain Killers I didn’t notice them.’ She thought. “None taken, sorry Willow, I’ll go back to bed. I hope you’re feeling good though. I’m really… sorry about what happened Wills.”

“Don’t worry Buffy, I’m feeling fine, and it wasn’t your fault. Let’s just try and repress for now.” Buffy nodded her head, exited the curtain and scowled at the nurse as she returned to her bed.

Buffy sat in her bed for about thirty minutes before the doctor came to her bed. “I’ve checked on your friend Willow, over there, we’ve talked and worked some things out and have decided that after I’m done checking you over, you should return at a later date for a check up.” She said calmly to the small blonde in front of her. Buffy nodded her head in agreement and let the doctor check her over.

Once she had done checking Buffy over, the doctor asked the nurse to grab Willow so they could discus the arrangements. The nurse wheeled Willow over, a few minutes later, in a large wheel chair. “Alright,” said the doctor, “I have checked you both over and think that you should both stay in the hospital for a few more days. It’s hard to tell right now, but there seems to be some minor damage that without treatment could become more serious. I’m gonna let your friends in here, they haven’t been shutting up about seeing you two. They’re worried sick.” As soon as the doctor left the nurse came in to give them a stern look and then left them. A few minutes later the door bashed in and Angel, Dawn, Willow’s parents, Cordelia, Spike and Oz came crashing through the door.

Angel came in took one look at his sister and looked away with tears in his eyes. Spike came rushing to the side of her bed, grabbed her face in his hands and smashed his lips to hers. The kiss turned from hard, to tender as Spike brushed his tongue across her lips. Buffy opened her mouth and granted him entrance. As the kiss broke off, Spike leaned his forehead against hers and stared deeply into her eyes with concern, relief and care. Buffy looked back into his eyes with confusion but also happiness.

Willow gaped openly at the couple, before her face was turned by a tender hand and her lips met Oz’s. Spike and Buffy turned to look at their friends, happy for them and then turned to each other and their lips met in another kiss.

The rest of the group was starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable so Dawn decided to leave the four of them alone, in their own little world. “We’ll… uh… be out… yeah.” Said Dawn as she grabbed Cordelia and Angel by their elbows and dragged them from the room. The two couples didn’t even acknowledge their departure as they continued kissing like there was no tomorrow.

As they reached the outside of the room, Angel started pacing. I don’t understand how this could’ve happened. I was there the whole time. I kept an eye on her, how could they have slipped away without me noticing?”

As Angel paced back and forth Dawn became angry. “Oh right, like you’re such a great brother. Then how do you explain the fact that you never noticed when Buffy had bruises all over her face? How do you explain the fact that you didn’t notice that dad has been abusing her for over a year!?” Dawn screamed and then stormed off towards the women’s washroom.

“What?!” asked Angel after his sister, but she had already disappeared into the girl’s room. He turned to Cordelia, but all she did was give him a sympathetic look and then trail after his sister into the washroom.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=18586