Wild World by Luvver21
Summary: Previously- Money for Nothing- Buffy Summers looks like a typical High School girl to those around her, but what they don't realise is that ont he inside she's in intense pain trying to get over the loss of her mother, forget her past, tame her abusive father, get a new start at Sunnydale high and make a future for herself.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape, Child Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 8625 Read: 8901 Published: 04/05/2006 Updated: 04/25/2007
Hospital Beds by Luvver21
A.N.: I am SOOOOOOO sorry I haven’t updated for so long guys. I was having a huge writers block and real life was completely hectic. I really hope you enjoy the new update, although I’m sure u all would’ve appreciated it more if it had come a little sooner :P. Once again, I’m really sorry.

Chapter Seven, The Truth Revealed

Angel looked around the room with astonishment and embarrassment written all over his face. He found himself unable to believe what his sister had just screamed at him, in a public place no less. He looked in through the window that divided him from his oldest sister, watching as she and Spike sat chatting together. Her face was lit up with joy as Spike said something funny to make her laugh. He couldn’t believe that his always joyful sister could’ve been living such a hell without him knowing.

Angel felt deeply ashamed of him self. He couldn’t believe how he could’ve just ignored all the evidence. All the times that he’d seen bruises on Buffy’s face, arms or legs, all the times that he’d walked past her room, heard her crying and just think it was a girly teenager thing, all the times his father had made rude and horrible comments to Buffy and he’d assumed they were just having a normal little fight. How could he have been so blind?

In the bathroom Dawn was thinking the exact same thing. How could he not have even suspected, if not known, that something horrible was going on between his sister and his horrid father. She sat on the counter in the bathroom, crying her eyes out into Cordelia’s shoulder. Cordelia comforted her as best as she could, but without knowing what had really been going on with the eldest Summer’s woman, she didn’t really know what to say.

Dawn sobbed until she had no more tears to cry, then lifted her head from Cordelia’s shoulder, whipped her eyes and stepped out of the washroom, her head high in the air, not even sparing her brother even the smallest of glances as she went into Buffy’s room.

“Hey, Dawn”, said Buffy as she saw her little sister walk in the door.
“Are you okay? You look a little…”

“I’m fine, just a little tired I guess.”

“Maybe you should go home, Dawn. Get some rest. You’ve still got school on Monday. Just get Angel to take you home.”

Dawn tried to keep the grimace off her face as she nodded her head in consent.
“All right Buffy. I’ll come by tomorrow.”

As Dawn left the room, Buffy turned to Spike. He had a serious look on his face and Buffy knew what was coming.

“Buffy, tell me baby, tell me what happened.”

Buffy turned to him with tears in her eyes. But had to look down quickly as his ice blue eyes seemed to reach into her soul.

“He seemed so normal, I thought he was just a nice, normal guy. I had no idea… no idea. How could he have done that… how? I don’t understand.” Buffy looked out into space as she recounted the story, Willow by her side, adding in the small details when Buffy couldn’t take much more.

“How could he have done that to us? How?” she looked into Willow’s eyes as both their eyes filled with tears.


They both broke down into tears and fell into each others arms, the two men looking down at them with sympathetic looks. Slowly, they took their respective woman into their arms and comforted them.

Spike looked at Oz from over Buffy’s shaking shoulder and the sympathy in his eyes slowly turned to anger, anger at Riley and Parker, anger at what they’d done and anger at how they’d done it for their own sick amusement. Oz nodded at him and they both slowly disentangled themselves.

“I’m sorry baby, but Oz and I have to take care of something tonight.”

Oz nodded his head in agreement. “We’ll be back tomorrow, to spend the day with you. Don’t worry; everything is going to turn out fine. You’ll see you’ll be just fine.”

“Alright” said Willow as she looked deep into Oz’s eyes and kissed him goodbye.

Buffy turned to Spike and closed her eyes as she kissed him passionately. Breaking the kiss, Spike said goodbye once more and sighed as he and Oz left the cold, dank hospital room.

Spike turned to Oz, pushing the regret of leaving Buffy on her first night in the hospital to the back of his mind. He ran his pale and muscled hand through his bleached blonde hair, threw on his leather duster and turned to where Oz was putting on his own coat. Nodding to each other once more, they marched out of the hospital, side by side, with murder in their cold, dark eyes.

___////_____///___BURN, BURN –LOSTPROPHETS____////_______//______

Where do I begin, with this life we're living in
Market youth their uniform, make us all fit in
But do you think, that we're that blind?
That we can't see through all your lies?

Cause if it's no good
Burn burn the stations
We'll burn it down
Burn burn the truth
Enjoy the flames
In celebration
Enjoy the sound
For us, for them, for you

I know that I've been told
My intergrity was sold
Price and placed upon the shelf
It's worth it's weight in gold
But do you think we've lost our minds?
Yeah we can see through all your lies?

Burn burn the truth the lies the news
Burn burn the life that you cant choose
Burn burn the hate that gets you through
Burn burn for us, for them, for you

Cause if it's no good
Burn burn the stations
We'll burn it down
Burn burn the truth
Enjoy the flames
In celebration
Enjoy the sound

For us, for them, for you


Please review and in the future I’ll try to update more often.

Thanks a lot for your support!! :D
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=18586