Spank Your Inner Moppet by Sarah Aless
Summary: A bit of battle re-enactment in a Sunnydale alley. Can Spike prevail where Angel failed?
Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes Word count: 5726 Read: 5955 Published: 03/23/2004 Updated: 03/25/2004

1. Kick My Ass!!! by Sarah Aless

2. You're not as strong as you think. by Sarah Aless

Kick My Ass!!! by Sarah Aless
Title: Spank Your Inner Moppet

Author: Sarah Aless

Contact/Feedback: Oh and I have an LJ now feel free to send the love (or death-threats) there its at

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: B/S

Spoilers: Season Two, ‘When She Was bad’ - Season 6, after ‘Smashed’ before ‘As You Were’

Disclaimer: Y'know I wish they were mine. Unfortunately it still hasn't happened. Joss and ME own them. I'm just using them for my own smutty ends.

Distribution:, One Good Lay, Spanking the Slayerettes & Anyone else.....Put it where you like ;-) but please tell me where it's going.

Summary: A bit of battle re-enactment in a Sunnydale alley (well fight re-enactment anyway). Can Spike prevail where Angel failed? Spike and Buffy, fighting, arguing and screwing (eventually) – what more could we want?

A/N: The speech which is in italics in this part is quoted directly from ‘When She Was Bad’ – I did this so’s not to confuse whats being re-enacted and whats being actually said.

Patrol had been boring. No big brewin’ evil, not even a pathetic fledgling to play with. Buffy would obviously have been fine alone, but she had her constant thorn in the side along with her. As there was nothing doing demon wise, they’d fallen into old habits, namely sniping at one another. Spike wanted to go back to his crypt for a little ‘extra-curricular’ fun. Buffy was insisting that they keep patrolling, suspicious of the fact that it was too quiet; asserting that something must be about to happen. So, patrolling continued. The conversation had turned to their moments of glory and failure, battle wise. That’s what started it.

Buffy related the tale of the time, a couple of weeks before Spike had arrived in Sunnydale, when the order of Aurelius had almost resurrected the Master. Shockingly, she actually admitted to Spike that that little faux pas had been caused by her own stubborn, pig-headedness. Spike had snorted at that. Averring that, although Buffy was undoubtedly a ‘stubborn little chit’ (which earned him a severe eye-roll), the blame was all Angel’s. This hardly surprised Buffy, given enough time Spike could find a way to blame Angel for anything. She’d bitten, however, and asked him to elaborate; that’s when the real trouble started.

“As bloody usual,” Spike informed her. “He handled it all wrong. Stupid bloody poof! Now if I’d been around, your silly little friends would never have gotten caught in the first place.”

“Spike you were totally evil then, bent on killing me. You wouldn’t have cared if my ‘silly little friends’ were kidnapped. In fact you’d probably have helped.”

“Well obviously luv. I don’t mean me then.” Spike threw her a ‘c’mon luv, keep-up’ look. “Mean me now. I’d have known straight away what was eating you. I’d have snapped you out of it in the alley, on the way to the Bronze. Sent you right back to the library, just in time to stop the raiding party.”

“Oh let me guess. You’d have ‘kicked my ass’ like I challenged Angel to do?” During their talk she’d told him word for word of the conversation with Angel. It had slightly embarrassed her, even now. She was shocked by how vividly she could remember it – apparently she still had it in her to be ashamed of her behaviour. “You’re so predictable Spike. Besides, you know whose ass would have been getting kicked in that scenario. And you know it wouldn’t be me limping home.”

“Do I detect a hint of the same cocky arrogance that caused the trouble all that time ago pet?”

“Oh, trust you to bring the word ‘cocky’ into it. Don’t you ever think of anything, or with anything but, your….‘thing’?

“You’re the one making an innocent comment all sexual luv. What’s wrong? Am I stirring up memories of how much ‘cock’ you weren’t getting from the ponce back then?”

Buffy didn’t get a chance to answer that one, which was probably just as well.

“Hey! What’s with the man-handling Spike?”

“This is the place isn’t it?”

Buffy suddenly realised that this was indeed the self same alley. The place where she’d almost had a showdown with Angel, when she’d returned from that first summer with her dad after she moved to Sunnydale. The night she’d tortured Xander on the dancefloor of the Bronze; the night she’d almost gotten her watcher killed; the night she’d crushed the bones of the master.

“Want me to show you what I’d have done if you’d have challenged me like that?” Spike smirked at her his eyes twinkling.

The night was just boring enough that a little re-enactment, topped off by her kicking Spike’s ass sounded quite inviting. Apart from anything else, she was a little pissed that he thought he had enough control over her that he’d have been able to ‘snap her out of it’.

“Why not?” She said, her own eyes twinkling now as she brushed past him and began to walk up the alley. “Got nothing better to do. You attempting to kick my ass will be good exercise if nothing else.” As she’d hoped he began to follow her up the alley. She knew he’d have the whole conversation she’d related, stored in his vamp brain, so she went straight into the ‘re-enactment’.

“You know being stalked isn’t really a big turn on for girls.”

“You need help. Someone to watch your back……… And a very nice view it is pet. One thing I can’t fault him on.” Spike was unashamedly leering at her leather covered ass.

Much as he loved the memories of that first time they’d done the nasty, which the skirt she wore brought back, he couldn’t help but wish it was shorter.

“Spike! Are we doing this or not?”

“Yeah, yeah, sorry.”

“Don’t you mean my neck?”

He moved round in front of her just as she’d described Angel doing.

“Why are you riding me? Or not, mores the pity.”


He held up his hand up in a placatory gesture, before indicating she should go on.

“Because I don’t trust you. You’re a vampire…………Oh I’m sorry. Is that an offensive term? Should I say ‘undead American’?”

Spike chuckled in spite of himself, thinking ‘Bet the ponce loved that! Nice quip from her too. Cheeky little cow.’

“You have to trust someone.”

“I trust me.”

“You’re not as strong as you think.” Spike waggled his eyebrows, now they were getting to the good stuff.

Buffy smirked at him and Spike suddenly wondered why they were playing this silly game. Why hadn’t he dragged her back to his crypt already? He really had to fight the urge to do just that as she drew herself up before him, smirk still in place.

“Think you can take me?”

“ANYway you want me to luv, and then some!”

“Spike, I thought we were going to find out your response to my challenge. If you’re going to keep interrupting we’re never gonna get to the fight.”

“Ok, fine……… What?”

“C’mon. I mean you musta thought about it, what would happen if it ever came down to a fight. You vampire. Me the Slayer. I mean you must have wondered. Well, why don’t we find out?”

“I’m not gonna fight you.” He had to force himself to say it. That smug look on her face made his demon scream to take her down. Wipe the smile off her face.

“Come on!” The expression became unbelievably cocky now. Spike vamped out as she put her hands, back and onto her hips, pushing her breasts out, so they presented a very pleasing image, framed by the skimpy tank top she wore. “Kick my ass!”

That was it, the challenge was issued.

Spike immediately lunged for her. The audacity and ‘cock-suredness’ of her expression and speech causing his demon to take control in a primal way. The demon rage caused a distinct lack of finesse in his first assault, allowing Buffy to easily side-step out of his way. Laughing she gave him a ding around the back of the head as he sailed past her.

Spike paused momentarily to unvamp and rein in his demon. This would be over embarrassingly quickly if he didn’t start using his head and ignoring his demon’s desire to rip and shred. He turned slowly to where Buffy stood behind him, still laughing at his blundering opening strike.

“Right then!” he said, breathing in heavily through his nostrils, his face now a picture of the phrase ‘dead-calm’. “You want your ass kicked? You’ll get your ass kicked!”

“Uhuh Spike.” That cheeky smirk again. “I’m sure I will. Cos, you’ve started out so well!”

This time he feigned a punch with his right hand and caught her face with a sharp left hook. She staggered back a little but quickly brought her foot up and delivered a kick to his stomach. Now Spike was the one staggering backwards as Buffy advanced to begin the pummelling. The blow to the stomach hadn’t hit Spike as hard as he was letting her think and he took a moment to admire his Slayer. She was stalking towards him, wisps of her hair flying out around her determined face. She was a breathtakingly (if he had any to take) beautiful force to be reckoned with when she was like this. He ducked his head again so as not to be put off by the sight she presented. He was very slightly bent over and looking down a little, enabling him to see her fist as she swung up to hit him under the chin.

He easily grabbed her wrist. In a fluid movement he yanked her forward by the captured arm and swung her round so that he was holding it behind her back. Shoving her slightly as he released her wrist, he delivered a mighty kick to her backside as she staggered forward.

“Told you I’d kick your ass luv.” Spike grinned as Buffy turned to him again, face full of fury. Her expression reverted back to a smirk as she replied.

“Oh I’m sorry! Did you actually touch me there? I didn’t feel a thing.”

“Tsk, tsk, luv. Still got that attitude going on there. Careful what you say. Kicking your ass isn’t the only thing I can do to it.”

“You’re a pig Spike!” Buffy flushed as she remembered how she’d panted and moaned last night as Spike fingered her pussy and ass while he went down on her.

Spike grinned to himself, Buffy all flustered (and probably getting wet, if he knew anything about it) made his plan just that much easier.

“But you love my pork sword pet. Don’t ya?” He cupped his crotch and thrust into his hand as he spoke.

Buffy dropped her fight stance and stared at him open-mouthed for a second.

“You did not just use the phrase ‘pork sword’” She said in disbelief. “Just for that you’re not getting any sex for at least a month! You’ve put me right off the idea. And I’m soooo gonna kick your ass now!”

Spike was gleeful. She’d just upped the challenge to a sexual one too. He didn’t for a second, take seriously her threat to withhold sex. Oh she could try, but he hadn’t yet failed to convince her to lose her knickers when she was reluctant. Whether he accomplished the task with words, or a look, or strategically placed lips and fingers, she always ‘gave in’ to his amorous attentions – usually by responding in a much hornier manner than he himself had started with.

“Slayer.” He taunted “I could kick your arse with my hands tied behind my head! And you know you’ll never hold out, depriving yourself of my own special brand of lovin.”

Buffy looked at him in disbelief again. “Your ‘own special brand of lovin’? God Spike. I swear you’re channelling Austin Powers or something tonight…...Cheesy lines much? If you keep talking like that, you’ll make it so easy for me to keep my legs shut and your dick in your pants.” The smirk returned to her face as Spike looked slightly taken aback at the uncharacteristic ‘spicy talk’ for a second. “You are so full of shit! And you’re so dead!”

She launched herself at him again. This time it was Spike who side-stepped and Buffy who sailed gracefully past him before landing in a decidedly ungraceful heap on a pallet lying in the alley. Spike stalked over and hauled her up by her collar. Holding onto the back of her jacket he held her at arms length, so that she was positioned side-on to him and proceeded to repeatedly kick her backside in what looked like a bizarre parody of Michael Flatley’s River Dance.

Eventually Buffy pried his fingers off her collar and turned round in a whirl. She grabbed the front of his coat, pulling him towards her to head-butt him before throwing him against a wall. While he was still stunned from the head-butt she flung him round so he was face first against the wall. As quickly as she could she backed up a little and delivered a running kick to his ass.

“Oh!” he grinned as he turned again. “Obviously my literally kicking your ass just gave you ideas and didn’t have the desired effect at all. Guess we’ll have to try another strategy to get you to drop the pig-headedness and go stop your friends from being captured.” In all the tacky taunting and silly sparring Buffy had forgotten the ‘point’ of this. Spike’s words caused a mischievous spark in her brain.

“Y’know.” she grinned right back at him. “You’re right. It’s not working is it? You aren’t managing. Guess I’ll be off to the Bronze then, seeing as how you’ve failed even more miserably than Angel did to make me ‘see sense’.”

She turned and ran, laughing at the brief look of rage she’d caught on Spike’s face caused by her unfavourable comparison of him to Angel. She’d only gotten a few steps before Spike’s hand caught a clump of her hair, causing her to come to a complete stop almost immediately.

“Fine, pet. You want to get childish? Run away, taunt me with the poof? Then I’ll treat you like the spoiled child you’re being.” There was a large packing crate conveniently situated close to where they had stopped. Spike dragged her towards this, still with a firm grip on her hair. He’d learned that grabbing her hair was a smart move, as she would always quell any really violent movements or attempts to escape his grasp for fear of losing a chunk of her golden tresses.

“What the hell are you babbling about Spike? Let go of me! You’re hurting.”

“Should’ve thought about that earlier luv.” Spike scoffed, he knew he wasn’t really hurting her. He wasn’t pulling hard and she was the slayer for God’s sake! He reached the convenient packing crate and sat down on it, relinquishing his hold on her hair for the time being at least. The second he let go and sat down Buffy took a swing at his face. Spike chuckled as he easily caught her wrist, blocking the blow and using her momentum to turn her over his knees.

Now I just wonder what he’ll do with her now?? Hehe well seeing as it’s me, probably no surprises there but who wants to know anyway?
You're not as strong as you think. by Sarah Aless
Buffy was taken completely by surprise when he immediately landed a hard smack on her ass.

“Ow! You BASTARD!” she yelled. She began to kick her legs and tried to push herself up off his lap.

“A-a-ah. I told you. You’re behaving like a child so you’re going to be treated like one. Now hold still. THIS is what Angel should have done.” He said swatting her ass a couple more times.

“Spike you asshole. Let me go, you pathetic excuse for a vampire! I’m going to kick the shit out of you when I get up.” Buffy yelled as she continued to struggle, arms and legs flailing.

“Now that’s not really giving me any incentive to let you go, is it luv?” Spike replied. He easily hefted her small from so that her upper body was hanging even further over his left thigh. Bringing his right leg out and up a little, he lifted it over her flailing legs then clamped it down, pinning her lower limbs.

‘Shit!’ Buffy thought to herself as she realised she couldn’t move her legs. There was nothing she could use to push herself up and now her entire lower body was completely immobilised. In keeping with the snit she had been playing at being in, Buffy became indignant and very vociferous about it.

“Spike you fucking prick. I’m going to make you die slowly for this. Going to throw you in a bath full of holy water and pull you out before you totally burn, just so I can throw you in again and again. Ow, ow, ow!! Stop it!!”

Spike was spanking her with great fervour now. “Lovely as the view is when you’re squirming and fighting me, you’d better hold still and take this like a big brave Slayer.” He chuckled. “I’m going to spank that bad attitude right out of you.”

“But this isn’t fair!” she wailed as he continued to smack her with ever increasing gusto. “The challenge was to kick my ass. You couldn’t do it in a fair fight so you resort to this!?”

“Oh Buffy!” Spike sighed, stopping the blows. “You really don’t know when to keep your mouth shut do you? I got you in this position because you decided to run away from the ‘fair fight’! So don’t you dare try to lecture me.”

“Damnit you shit. Let me up and I won’t run away again. I’ll be too busy kicking your carcass from one end of this alley to the other.”

Spike reached down and pulled her head back by the hair. “Stop it Buffy!” he yelled, inches from her ear. “I’ve had enough. I beat you fair and square to get you over my knee and despite my attempts to make you behave you’re continuing to be a right little bitch! Well, you’ve tried my patience completely, so now, my sweet Slayer, you are really going to get it.”

Letting go of her hair he crossed his hand over her back and yanked on her skirt. After two hard tugs the skirt came free of the leg he was holding hers down with. He nimbly pulled it all the way up to ruck at her waist, baring her ass. To his extreme delight Buffy’s underwear consisted of nothing more than a tiny black thong.

“Nice knickers luv!” he cooed appreciatively. “Makes it much easier to spank your ass a lovely red colour when it’s nice and bare like this.”

“Don’t you fucking dare!” she yelled, struggling wholeheartedly now and cursing her body for the fact that it was responding to this whole scenario in a distinctly sexual way. Her heavy breathing definitely wasn’t all due to her struggles to get off his knee. The warmth from her spanked ass had already spread around to her moistening cunny and she was getting hornier by the second.

“Don’t dare what, luv?” Spike questioned, stroking her bum cheeks before slipping a finger into her thong to test for the wetness he’d already smelled was there. “Don’t dare do this?”


“Was this….”


“what you meant?”

“You think you can threaten me?”


Buffy decided to try a different tack. “Spi-ike” she sing-songed, even as she squirmed from the tingling in her ass “I can feel how hard you are. It’s pressing into my side. Don’t you want to go back to your crypt and do something about that?”

“Give it up Buff, that’s not going to work.”

“Spike we’re out in the open! Stop it. Now!”

“Not until I’ve smacked the attitude out of you.”

Buffy realised that she didn’t know if her ‘attitude’ was all play acting any more. It had been, but fighting with Spike was so much fun and she’d honestly gotten a little pissed when he’d gained the upper hand. It was a confused pissed though. She hated any thing that even hinted at Spike ‘defeating’ her. However, the fact that he had her so thoroughly pinioned and was spanking her like a wayward child made her simultaneously want to kick his ass and give in to him, so that they could go back to his place and go at it like bunnies. Fighting had always been a form of foreplay with them. He had her lust simmering just below the surface, occasionally pushing it out into the light as he alternately spanked and rubbed her through her thong. It was one of these rubs while they talked that caused her to moan out loud.

“Oh-ho Slayer” Spike sounded unbelievably full of himself. “Making progress am I luv? Not protesting quite so much just there, were you?”

“Ok Spike. Fine. Let’s just go to your place and fuck.”

“But what about your Watcher and your mates? I’m supposed to make you go save them.”

“I’m not playing any more Spike. I need you in me and soon. Besides,” she continued, as she felt Spike shift his weight a little, possibly giving her an escape route “you’ve taken longer than talking to Angel and going to the Bronze did the first time around. My friends would have already been captured. Idiot!”

“Hey, no you don’t.” Buffy had made her move to escape his grasp. Spike clamped his leg down on hers again and put an arm on her back to keep her down. After administering a flurry of slaps to her behind that had her squirming and biting back moans he spoke again.

“Well, if your friends would have been captured by now, I guess we both failed this little exercise. However, only one of us is over the others knee having their ass spanked. And only one of us still hasn’t dropped the attitude. You were just silly enough to call me an idiot weren’t you?”

“Oohhhhmmm” Was the only response he got from her as his hand slipped once again into her underwear and gently teased her hardening nub. Abruptly he pulled his hand out and landed another hefty smack on her now ruddy bottom.

“Looks like the attitude’s still there. Maybe smacking your arse isn’t enough, pet.” Nevertheless he spanked her another twice, setting off delicious, spreading tingles. He then lifted his right leg and placed it between her own. He nudged her legs apart and quickly brought his hand up to slap her pussy. Buffy gasped and pushed back as his hand made contact again.

Spike grinned, but the grin fell clean off his face as she used the fact that she now had one leg free to her advantage. Using the aforementioned leg to anchor and steady herself, she twisted her upper body as far as she could towards Spike. She brought her left elbow up to connect quite heavily with the side of Spikes face. Spike was stunned enough that she managed to wriggle from his grasp and off his lap. She landed with a thump on her ass and grimacing slightly bounced straight up, pulling her skirt down as she stood. She faced him, fists raised body back in fighting stance.

Spike shook his head and stood up himself, facing her with a slightly dopey expression on his face. He took in her stubbornly set chin, eyes flashing fire and flushed cheeks from her head hanging upside down over his knee.

“God you’re beautiful, luv.” He smirked when Buffy’s brows knit together in response. She clearly hadn’t been expecting that. “Obstinate and cheeky as hell, but bloody beautiful.”

“Wha?” Buffy said, cocking her head to the side in an expression that he never failed to find both adorable and intensely enticing.

In the time it took to blink, Spike made his move. Lifting her by her lapels, he swung her round and slammed her against a metal shutter which was covering a doorway behind them. The shutter was the same kind as on the Magic Box, the kind that looked like a sideways version of the metal ‘concertina’ doors found on old elevators. He moved quickly. The second her back hit the shutter with a resounding clang he moved forward, forcing her thighs to part around him. He held her up and began to kiss her ferociously.

Buffy pushed and held him off briefly to catch the breath knocked out of her when she’d hit the metal latticework. Her thighs now rested on his hips as the kiss was reinstated with extreme vigour on both parts. Now that he had her pinned between himself and the shutter Spike pressed his body forward to hold her up and took a wrist in each hand. He raised her arms above her head, then moulded her fingers through the gaps in the shutter so that she clung to two points where the metal crossed over to make diamond shapes.

“Hold on tight Slayer.” He growled “You’re about to have your brains fucked out.”

Buffy made an indiscriminate noise which was a jumble of a groan, a sigh and a whimper, as Spike attacked her neck with harsh kisses and blunt teeth. All thoughts of fighting him fled her brain, taking all their belongings AND the kitchen sink along with them.

“Yeah that’s right luv. You want it don’t you? Might not have managed to beat the wilfulness out of you, although it was fun trying, but I’m sure as hell gonna screw it out of you.”

“Then stop fucking talking about it and do it!” Buffy found her voice again.

“But we’re out in the open!” Spike said, mocking her with her own words from earlier before pressing her even more firmly against the shutter and nipping at her nipples through her tank top.

“Ohhhh….ooohhh god Spike. I swear to God if you don’t put your dick in me RIGHT NOW I’ll.........unghhhhhh”

As she’d delivered this last little speech Spike had freed his dick and cut her off by shoving her thong to the side and thrusting up into her, hard. Pleased to find that she was more than wet enough to take him.

“God yeah Buffy…………….. that’s what you wanted wasn’t it?” He immediately set a thundering pace, slamming his dick in and out of her at dizzying speed. “How much attitude have you got now?.......huh…….huh…..too busy taking my cock up you to argue now aren’t you…….”

“Ohh fuck…….fuck……god that’s good Spike……..fuck me harder……..uunngh……is that the best you can do?.......come on Spike…..harder damn you, faster……..give it to me”

Spike growled as she cast aspersions on his prowess with her grunted, halting speech.
She wanted it harder did she? Faster? Wanted him to give it to her? Well she’d damn well get it. Pressing his upper body to hers he ran his hands along her thighs; he brought them from her ass, where he’d been partially supporting her, to hook under her knees. With a roar he shoved her knees up and out until they were way out past shoulder width. The position meant that Buffy was mostly holding her own weight by her arms and therefore could not really thrust back at him as he held her wide open and jacked into her harder and harder. Although her stomach muscles would later protest the strain, at the current moment in time Buffy was unaware of anything but Spike’s dick hammering in her and the white hot heat consuming her entire body.

She was past speech now as Spike just kept on battering into her, grunting on every up thrust. Her grunts and moans turned to mewls of need as she got closer and closer to her climax. Spike stared down at his dick flying in and out of her deliciously spread pussy. “Yeah that’s it Buffy……..take my cock……..should’ve known a good fucking would make you drop the attitude……….can’t get enough can you…..oh god yeah…..squeeze me baby”

Spike knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. The sight of her splayed and hanging on for dear life as he plundered her drenched channel combined with the sensation of driving into her had him hanging on a razors edge. Taking his right hand off her leg he moved it to her clit which had only been getting the odd spurt of stimulation when his body happened to make contact during his frenzied thrusting. The leg he had been holding slid down his side and just dangled as he continued to go at it.

He rubbed her clit and pumped and pumped. Their strangled moans and groans were accompanied by the sound of Buffy’s back thumping into the metal and her dangling leg joining it as it bounced off the shutter. As her orgasm rose in her Buffy bashed her head backwards, unaware of the pain as convulsions spread from her well-fucked pussy; making the dangling leg, and the one that Spike gripped with bruising force, tense up. Her entire body went rigid as she pulled her weight up on her arms and screamed her release. A few more thrusts were all that was needed to send Spike bellowing after her, shooting his thick sticky paste into her still throbbing and contracting passage.

As they both panted in complete satiation Spike pried Buffy’s fingers from where they were gripping so hard he was amazed she hadn’t bled. As soon as he’d pulled them down, her arms went around his neck and she fell forward with her full weight on him. Vampire he might be, but after the cum Spike had just had his legs refused to co-operate with bearing their combined weights. Luckily he realised this and managed to lower them to a kneeling position, Buffy’s legs wrapped round his waist, before they gave out on him completely.

Lifting her head up from where it rested on his shoulder he looked her in the eye. No teasing or taunting or challenge in his voice now, as he said.

“Well, that shut you up anyway. For a full three seconds I would say”

Buffy laughed at him. “For now.” She conceded. “No more attitude here!.........except that means no more getting staked to the wall by a sexy vampire doesn’t it.”

“Sexy eh?” Spike gloated slightly at her choice of words

“Yeah, just let it go Spike.” Buffy warned. “Temporary lapse in sanity.” Spike was about to answer when Buffy’s eyebrows shot up and she began to laugh. He immediately jumped to the erroneous conclusion that she was laughing at him.

“There’s no need to be mean Slayer……..well meaner than usual. Right after shagging isn’t the best time to laugh at a bloke y’know.”

“I’m not laughing at you Spike. It’s Cordy.”

“Huh?” Spike said, looking around, wondering why in the hell the ex-cheerleader bitch was here.

“Back then, when I was being a bitch.” Buffy elaborated. “She tried an intervention. She told me to ‘get over it’, she said I should spank my inner moppet.” Buffy giggled before adding. “Guess you did a bang up job of that for me!”

“Not the only thing I did a ‘bang up’ job of luv. If your screaming is anything to go by.”

He expected a thwap round the head but on looking at Buffy’s face realised that she had turned thoughtful.

“’smatter luv?” he asked all concern now.

“Oh nothing.” Buffy said breezily “Just thinking, you know I was a ‘right bitch’ more than just that one time you know.”

“You don’t have to tell me that!” Spike grinned as he did get the thwap round the head this time.

“Did I get to the part of the story where I was mean to Xander?”

Spike frowned “I AM NOT pretending to be that pathetic little…………”

“Not even to have me all pressed up against you, teasing you. Not even to have the chance to show me what you would have done if I’d teased you like that?”

Spikes frown began to lift as her words filtered through his brain “Well,” he said an evil glint in his eye now “when you put it like that luv. What’s a feller to do but take his lady dancing?”


Please let me know what you thought. My muse gets huffy when our respective backs need feeding. ;)
This story archived at