What You Wanted by TheBear
Summary: A now retired Buffy is called upon to save the world, when a charasmatic vampire raises an army
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: Yes Word count: 71388 Read: 40412 Published: 04/02/2004 Updated: 05/17/2004
A bit of progress by TheBear
“Buffy?” Richard’s sounded strange, tense, when Buffy answered the phone.

Buffy slapped herself on the forehead, “Oh God Richard, I am so sorry, I meant to call but everything’s just gone crazy around here”

“Problems with your new house guest?” he asked his tone bitter.

“How… how did you know about…?” Buffy began flustered by the obvious accusation in her fiancée’s voice. “Yeah, he’s an old friend and he’s kinda in trouble, so we took him in. It’s not for long, just till he gets himself sorted out”

“If I recall correctly, it was his assertion that the two of you where in no way friends” Buffy tensed, God he sounded so much like a lawyer she felt as if she were on trial.

“Well he’s really more Dawn’s friend than mine” she replied desperately trying to keep her voice casual despite the swarm of butterflies in her belly. “He was like a big brother to her back in Sunnydale”

“Oh I see” he retorted angrily “another Sunnydale friend you never told me about”

“Richard” she tried to calm him “there’s really nothing to tell. He and I weren’t that close, he’s just a friend of Dawn’s”

“I see” he paused, in the silence Buffy could hear her own heart thundering in her chest. “So why’s he in your bedroom”

Righteous anger boiled in the Slayer’s mind “Have you been spying on me?” she asked outraged.

“Forget it Buffy” he spat angrily, “you know where I am. If you can find a minute to talk”

Buffy listened to the dial tone for several seconds before finally replacing the receiver in its cradle. Sighing deeply she ran a shaky hand through her hair and turned around. “Aahhh!!!” she cried loudly jumping back.

“Jesus Spike!” she chided him, her hand going to her rapidly beating heart, “you scared the shit outta me”

He gave an amused chuckle and leaned heavily against the counter, “Trouble in paradise?” he asked blandly, angling his head slightly towards the phone. She sighed taking a seat next to him.

“You could say that. It seems nice normal fiancée and crazy Slayer life are definitely non-mixy things”

“That prat is your fiancée?” he asked scathingly, “I knew you had piss poor taste in men Slayer, but hell, even Angelus had style”

Buffy shrugged, “he’s nice, very reliable”.

Spike frowned, was that the extent of her defence of her future husband? “Reliable?” he asked raising a scarred eyebrow, “I think I’ll interpret that as ‘boring’?

She narrowed her eyes at him. “You interpret it however you like” she replied haughtily.
“It’s not like you care who I date” was that bitterness in the Slayer’s tone?

“Too bloody right I don’t” he replied defensively. He didn’t care, really, why would he? But somehow the suit didn’t seem good enough for her.

“Right then” she replied stiffly.

“Right” he replied, why the hell was this suddenly so bloody awkward? He had come down stairs out of sheer boredom, teasing the Slayer about her sorry excuse for a love life was supposed to be more fun than this. But oh fuck was she? Where there tears in her eyes?

Don’t you dare cry Slayer, he pleaded mentally, don’t you bloody cry. Oh shit she was, big luminous eyes filling with tears, lower lip trembling slightly as she fought back tears. He froze, his mind replaying a similar scene, at night on the Slayers back porch in Sunnydale.

“Don’t do that.” He tried to order, but it game out more of a plea, “Come on Slayer, don’t you dare cry.”

“I’m sorry” she shouldn’t have tried to speak, she lost her control and fat tears began to roll down her flushed cheeks.

Spike looked around the kitchen desperately, as if hoping to find that help had magically appeared. He looked back at the Slayer, her head buried in her hands, quiet sobs sending tremors through her slight frame. Just leave her, she’d be ok, she’s a bloody Slayer, stupid bint deserves to cry. Say something cruel. Rub it in.

“Come on pet, buggers not worth it” his voice was gentle and pleading. She looked up at him with huge wet eyes, God she was beautiful. Shit no, what was he thinking, get out Spike, this is all bloody wrong. “Don’t cry love” he gently touched her shoulder, feeling her warm body move instinctively in to the touch.

“I’m sorry” she mindlessly apologised again. “Everything’s just upside down, with Marcus and the Slayers, and your back and I can’t even think straight. I never believed…” she moved closer, her eyes searching his as his hand slid gently down to her elbow.

“I mean, I made wishes sure, but I never let myself really hope.” She was so close now that had he needed to breathe they would have been sharing the same air. Instinctively his hand came to rest on her hip, feeling her intoxicating warmth spreading through his fingers. Closer still, till only a thin layer of charged air separated their bodies, “Spike” she whispered softly, a plea and an invitation.

He was drowning, he could feel himself slipping under, she smelt of jasmine and her hand had come to rest lightly on his chest, hot little fingers branding his cold skin, her green eyes filled with hope.

“Slayer” he responded, his body tingled with desire. She was so close. His eyes drifted to her lips, parted and pouting. He tilted his head, his eyes locked on hers again, moving closer so slowly, just inches more and his lips would be on hers.

“Bloody hell” he shouted, his voice loud and harsh as it shattered the silence of the house. He shoved her back roughly, wincing as his wounds punished the action.

She held his eyes over the feet that now separated them, both panting, frustrated and confused. “Sod this” he spat angrily before hobbling unsteadily from the room.


“Hey there Buffster” Xander’s cheerful voice penetrated the Slayers dazed mind, how long had she been sitting there, she wondered, too stunned to move. “How was your day at home with the recently evil again undead?” he asked light-heartedly

“Hey Xan” she greeted, a wan smile tugging her lips.

“Ready to make some progress with the big bad?”

Buffy jumped guiltily, how could he know… oh of course Marcus. She shook herself, clearing her thoughts, “Way to go with the positive thinking Xan, given our spectacular lack of anything even resembling progress” Buffy could feel herself relaxing in to the gentle banter, Xander’s familiar companionship slowly easing her tense mind.

“The way I see it, there’s only so much failure we can manage, before success becomes inevitable.” He gave her a cheeky grin that lightened her sagging spirit, “Plus” he continued seriously, “I have with me the secret to achieving research success” with a flourish he produced a box of donuts, like a magician producing a rabbit from a hat.

Buffy couldn’t help but laugh, God how had she lived so long without him in her life, “I love you Xan” she told him spontaneously, revelling in the simplicity of their relationship.

He gave her a soft sincere smile, “Love you too, Buff”


“So you say he has a psychic working for him?” Giles asked, later that evening when the group gathered together.

Spike sat next to a concerned Dawn who, fussed and fluttered around him, until he had slapped her lightly over the back of the head and told her to “Quit your bloody clucking woman”

“Yeah” he answered, wincing slightly as he adjusted his aching body in the chair. “Regular Dru clone, going on about fine wine and Slayer tears. Marcus seemed to put a lot of faith in it though. Oh yeah Beatrice. Bint’s name was Beatrice”

“Ooh!” Willow cut in excitedly. “I have a Beatrice” she consulted her screen. “Definitely a Dru clone, vampire, powerful seer, kinda crazy” she gave Spike an apologetic smile. He shrugged dismissively, nodding for her to continue. “It seems she’s his vampire sire and his biological sister, and eww”

“What” asked Xander looking over her shoulder, “Wow, she’s hot” he commented catching Spike’s eye. The two shared a purely masculine moment of concordance, that wasn’t lost on Buffy, where she stood by the mantle casting surreptitious glances at the vampire.

“She’s also twisted” Willow continued. “She and Marcus where lovers before they where turned. Quite the scandal apparently ruined the whole family.”

“Ewww!” Buffy seconded the redhead sentiment

“Is there anything else you can tell us?” Giles asked the vampire for what seemed like the thousandth time. “The Slayers are in position and are readying themselves for combat, but as yet we still have no idea what we will be facing.

“Getting demon’s working together” Spike’s voice held a hint of awed appreciation. “That’s a hell of a feet, I was surprised enough to see a Vaith working for a Vampire. But your Slayers say he’s got Trex and Bedrog fighting together. The man must be one hell of an orator”

“It does seem unlikely” Giles commented, “That even the most powerful of reasoning could inspire such an alliance.”

“Too bloody right” Spike agreed. “Bedrog ain’t big on reason either, more your blood and mayhem kinda guys.”

Dawn’s mind flashed back to her conversation with Willow yesterday, she addressed the witch. “Could it be some kind of mind control? A spell maybe”

“A spell like that would be impossible to maintain over any length of time. Plus there’s no way he could do it to that many demons, even if he had the power” She shook her head. “Besides, I really don’t think a spell of that magnitude could go unnoticed”

“Quite right” Giles added, “Also, many demons have natural defences against that kind of magical attack.”

Silence fell on the group once again. Buffy eyes again found the vampire, only to widen in surprise to find him staring straight at her. She blushed deeply and looked away.

He was speaking, whispering something to Dawn. Buffy strained to hear him but could only make out the odd word. Dawn got up and fetched a pad and pencil for the desk in the study, handing in to Spike and settling herself down close to him. Buffy frowned, did she have to sit that close, give the guy some space Dawnie. Damn she was jealous again, stop it Buffy.

She watched as his hand moved deftly over the pad guiding the pencil through long sweeping strokes, his eyes were down and she could watch him without reservation. Her mind wandered, to long nights in his crypt, his talented hands drawing patterns on her bare skin, she had been his canvas back then and his muse. She ached with regret as the memory played out, moving inexorably towards its conclusion, when she would through harsh uncaring words at him, words of denial and fear. She remembered the sick satisfaction she would get from watching his face as she delivered her perfectly designed barbs, hope and affection crumbling into hurt and desperation.

She tore her eyes away from him as he looked up, placing the sketch in Giles’ waiting hand. “Best I can remember that’s Marcus”

“Thank you” Giles didn’t take his eyes off the image, “This is most…” he trailed off, his fingers tracing the image.

“Giles?” Buffy asked, “Giles?” again louder when the watcher didn’t respond.

“Huh?” he asked looking at his one time charge.

“Giles” her tone was exasperated. “What is it?”

“I’m not sure it’s just…” He paused again, his eyes on the image. “This around his neck, he was wearing this exact thing?” he asked the vampire urgently.

“Yeah, pendant thing, like a big hunk of amber in the middle of a triangle.” Spike replied gesturing to his own chest as if the amulet hung there. “Bit poncy, but then what d’ya expect from a bloody spic”

“What is it Giles?” Willow asked, moving to look over the watchers shoulder.

“I’m not sure, but I’ve seen it somewhere before”

A/N Thanks for the reviews. Look how fast it made me write. My fingers are like a blur on the keyboard. :)

Wow Cali, I love you , you keep picking out the bits I was really happy with.

Hey KMS, you gotta agree she does kinda deserve it, she was not always a nice lady .

Hello Sluggie, welcome to my story hope this chapter pleases.

Hi Lynete Oh no your complements have swelled my head so much I can't get out of my office, help me someone, I'm stuck.

Hugs and Slugs for alll, even those naughty people who dont bother to review, you know who you are, grr, bad dogs
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=1983