What You Wanted by TheBear
Summary: A now retired Buffy is called upon to save the world, when a charasmatic vampire raises an army
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: Yes Word count: 71388 Read: 40446 Published: 04/02/2004 Updated: 05/17/2004
A love reclaimed by TheBear
“Giles. Have you seen Buffy?” Angel asked as he entered the watcher’s makeshift office.

“Er no, I’m afraid I haven’t” Giles looked up from the pile of paperwork in front of him. Such a painful task, but someone had to make the arrangements. Make the arrangements, a horrible euphemism for sending the bodies home. He sighed so many brave girls lost, and yet he couldn’t help but be relieved that it was his children that remained standing.

“I did see Willow and Xander heading to the canteen with Dawn” he told the souled vampire, “perhaps Buffy joined them there”

“Thanks Giles” and with that he was gone, looking for Buffy as always. Giles wondered absently if Angel would ever stop worrying about the girl, woman, he corrected himself.

He shook his head he had work to do. He trailed his pencil down the list, Claire Wilson, seventeen years old, family in New York, he picked up the phone to make the call.


"So, er, what about your boyfriend?” he asked as they wandered side by side back towards slayer central the disdain in his voice a thin veil over his apprehension.

She grinned, that was her Spike, so very jealous, so endearingly insecure “Broke it off before we left” she told him waggling the bare fingers of her left hand right in his face.

He batted her hand away and smirked, “before or after you where planning to jump my hot little body?” so paradoxically egotistical

She narrowed her eyes, “Before” she told him haughtily.

Spike picked up on the playfulness beneath her tone, “Oh yeah, and you wouldn’t have let me take you in the grave yard the night before, fiancé be damned.” He paused shaking his head and tutting “Strumpet”

“Strumpet” she repeated incredulously, “what am I some buxom eighteenth century serving wench?”

“Na” he swung and arm around her shoulder, “You haven’t got the figure for it”

Outraged she dug her elbow hard into his ribs making him laugh and splutter. She smiled broadly and snuggled back under his arm, could it always have been this easy, this good, if she’d just have let it. Probably not, you have to pay the price, go through the pain and all that rot. God she was even thinking in Spike speak, this could be a very bad relationship for her vocabulary.

They walked in silence the last hundred feet to the canteen entrance, shifting to walk hand in hand, Spike marvelled at the feel of her strong little hand in his as they approached the door, never in a million years would he have believe he’d have her like this.

She hesitated, nervous tension gripping her body, making her shoulders tense, he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and smiled at her. She nodded and stepped deliberately through the open door. Willow, Xander and Dawn where sitting together in the centre of the room, Xander excitedly recounting the heroics of the battle at the temple to a bewitched Dawn and smiling Willow.

He felt her pause, felt the fear rolling off her in waves and almost took pity on her, almost released her hand from his grip, but she needed to do this, they both needed her to do this. With a deep breath an a quick roll of her shoulders she gripped his hand tighter and led them over to the table, “Hi guys” she greeted, nervousness making her sound shrill.

“Hey” Willow and Dawn greeted simultaneously, “Xander was telling me all about the fight” Dawn told her seemingly oblivious to the couples joined hands.

“Yeah, if you wanna hear all about it you need to pull up a chair and grab some sugary goodness” Xander waved his hand at the battered donuts on the centre of the table. Buffy frowned, why hadn’t they noticed yet, this was just dragging it out, putting off the inevitable tirade of warnings and recriminations.

“They got a bit damaged in transit” Willow told them conspiratorially “I think someone sat on them” she gestured with her head towards a guilty looking Xander.

“They’re still good” Xander defended, “Come on you two sit yourselves down, I’m just getting to the good bit”

Right, Buffy decided, time to make them notice, she was done with subtle. She guided a perplexed looking Spike to a free chair and plonked herself down on his lap, one arm around his neck.

“So” Xander continued once they where seated, “Buffy grabs the knife and cuts her hands” he made a pair of slashing motions across his own palms. “Then she…”

“Guys” Buffy interrupted impatiently, “I’m sitting on Spikes knee we came in holding hands.” She gestured at herself, "Notice anything different about me?”

“Oh yeah” Dawn smiled, “I’m glad you guys finally made up”

“Yeah congrats Spike” Xander gave the vampire a wry grin that spoke of male solidarity, “guess you wore her down eventually

“So she leaps into the circle,” he continued his story to a wide-eyed Dawn.

“Is that it?” Buffy interrupted incredulously, “No ‘what’s wrong with you Buffy?’ ‘Have you lost your mind?’ No ‘What have you done to her Spike?’ Not even a little ‘Buffy, do you really think this is a good idea?’”

“Buffy” Willow stifled a giggle at the Slayers outburst, “we’re all cool with this. We know how you two feel about each other”

“Plus” Xander continued with a magnanimous shrug, “Spike saved my life which puts him right at the top of my, ‘Demons who can date Buffy ‘ list”

“We want you to be happy Buffy” Dawn told her, “its all we’ve ever wanted”

Buffy brought a hand to her mouth as happy tears began to flow freely down her face, “Oh, you don’t know what that means to me. I love you all so much” she stood up and the four friends joined together in and awkward four way hug.

“Can you lot pack that in” Spikes annoyed voice broke them apart after several long moments spent holding each other in silence, “it’s enough to make a fella nauseous”


“I’m thinking about going back to work” Buffy announced taking a bite of the jammy donut that she and Spike had spent a long time bickering good naturedly over until she had resorted to pouting and he had reach over to grab an iced one instead muttering about ‘Bloody women’ and their ‘dirty tactics’

“I didn’t know you’d quit” Dawn asked in confusion, a frown marring her pretty face.

“Oh no” she clarified looking between the groups matching questioning looks, “back to work” she mimed staking Spike and laughed at his affronted look.

He vamped out and growled playfully, bringing his jaws snapping shut millimetres from her exposed throat. She squealed and tried to squirm out of his vice like grip, moments before she fell heavily on her backside as he was pulled violently out from under her.

It took her a moment to realise what was going on, looking up from her position on the floor she saw Angel slam a surprised Spike hard against the neighbouring table.

“Bloody hell Angelus” Spike sat up in the splintered remains of the table, “What the hell did you do that for?”

“I warned you Spike” the dark vampire spat contempt dripping from the words, “I told you I wouldn’t let you hurt her”

Spike narrowed his eyes shaking his head in an effort to understand what the souled vampire was talking about. He rolled his eyes with realisation, “You though I was biting her?” he asked, “Here? In front of her friends? While eating donuts?” he raised and eyebrow in disbelief as if he was having a hard time comprehending just how stupid Angel was.

“Angel” Buffy’s annoyed voice sounded from behind him as Spike climbed to his feet, “We were just playing. It was a joke”

“You joke about eating people now?” Angel questioned incredulously thrusting his hands into his pockets. Buffy caught Spike’s eyes to see him smirking at the same recollection, from her party years ago, ‘we do not joke about eating people in this house’

“Only sometimes” she said with a giggle as she crossed over to stand beside Spike her hand running possessively up his arm.

Angel noticed the gesture and realised that she had been sitting willingly on his knee a moment ago, not held prisoner in a death grip. “Buffy, you’re not” he gesture between her and Spike, “You can’t seriously be considering…” he trailed off as if there were no words sufficiently repugnant to describe such a relationship.

Buffy straightened, of course it had been too easy, she wasn’t going to get off scot-free after all. She braced herself to begin her defence when she felt Spike’s hand come to rest in the small of her back, offering silent support, she was immediately glad she had her boyfriend with her. Boyfriend, she smiled at the thought, that’s what he was and she didn’t have to justify herself to anyone, least of all Angel.

“No I’m not considering a relationship with Spike” she told Angel firmly, ignoring the feeling of loss as Spike stiffened and removed his hand. “I’m all done considering” She reached for her boyfriends hand, clasping it tightly in her own.

“Spike and I are together. It’s not up for discussion” she fixed Angel with a challenging look. “Now I’m tired,” she told him, “and I’m going to bed”

She dragged Spike with her as she went, leading him out of the canteen towards the accommodation area, what was her room number again, they’re grand exit would loose some of it’s punch if she had to scurry back in and ask someone.

The moment the double doors swung shut behind them she found herself pressed against the corridor wall, Spike’s mouth attacking hers with possessive desire. She grasped at his shoulders, pulling herself closer to his body as they kissed, her mouth opening in welcome.

She broke away breathless, “Room 340” she gasped, surprising what you could recall given the right motivation.

Spike swept her up into his arms, making her squeak in delighted surprise as he dashed for the elevator. Once inside he set her down and she kissed him again, her hands running greedily over his back as he pressed her against the wall. Oh God it was so good, so right to be back in his arms, she hadn’t even realised how much she’d missed this, how poultry and insipid everything else had been in comparison. She dug he fingers into his short spikes, tilting his head demanding he deepen the kiss.

“Excuse me” the girls nervous voice pulled them reluctantly from their lust filled haze, “is this your floor?” the young slayer asked from the other side of the lifts open door.

Buffy giggled, “Yep this is us, um, sorry about that” she took Spike’s hand and ran past the girl, pulling him with her towards her room.

They tumbled together through the door, kissing and laughing as they went. Once inside he picked her up and tossed her onto the small double bed delighting in her happy squeal as she hit the mattress bouncing and laughing, he shed his duster in one smooth movement and advanced on her slowly.

The playful laughter died on her lips as she watched him stalk towards the bed with predatory intensity, oh god did he know how hot that was, actually knowing Spike yeah he probably did. She swallowed hard as he crawled up the bed on his knees and knuckles, his muscles clearly visible, playing under the thin cotton of his tee-shirt.

He stopped when he reached her chest, dipping his head to inhale the scent of her skin, exposed by her v-necked top. “Buffy” he whispered his voice low and hoarse with desire.

She gripped his hair pulling him up so she could kiss him, her hands wandering down to free his tee-shirt from the waist band of his jeans, greedily slipping underneath to caress the cool skin of his back.

He tore his lips away from hers, trailing open mouthed kisses down the column of her throat while his free hand stroked slow long lines from the curve of her hip to the underside of her breast and back down, dislodging her top as it went.

He pulled away, resting on his elbow, one hand drawing light patterns on the soft skin of her tummy, “Hello” he whispered, a soft smile playing around his mouth.

She smiled back with a lazy blink of her big green eyes, “Hello” she purred, squirming like a contented kitten against the cheap bed cover. His eyes became serious, she felt the tension in his body, the residual uncertainty as he opened his mouth to speak. “I love you” she beat him to it, a hurried declaration designed to make his own easier.

His huge smile told her he’d never tire of hearing that from her, “say it again” he confirmed her thought, his blue eyes shining with awed wonder.

She trailed her hands over his chest and back down to hang loosely around his waist, “I love you” softer this time, slower, telling him with the timbre of her voice the gentle colour of her eyes that she did, that she really, finally did.

“Love you too,” he murmured leaning down to kiss her slow and languid on her soft swollen lips. He could have stayed like this forever, just kissing her, holding her, knowing that she loved him, could have ignored the animal call of her body to his and simply lain with her feeling her warm hands brush gently over his back.

“Ummmmm” she moaned as his hand travelled over her breast, “Spike” the need in her voice spurring them both on. Their kisses became more urgent, hands moving erratically, grasping at clothes and skin as they went. His shirt went first, ripped clean in half by the desperate slayer, exposing smooth pale skin to her amorous exploration.

He pulled her shirt over her head, sparing the fabric and deftly undid her bra. One handed, Buffy thought absently, I wonder how he learned that, Dru strikes me as more of a corset kinda girl. Silly irrelevant thoughts fled as he lavished kisses on her chest teasing her sensitive flesh until she arched up against him. She moved on autopilot lifting her legs so he could remove her jeans, leaving her naked and writhing beneath him.

He moved down, trailing kisses over her belly, she was sorely tempted by the direction of his attention, she knew, after all, exactly what he could do. “No” she whispered tugging on his shoulders wanting to bring him back up to her, that particular game could wait, they had all night, this first time was about connecting about being truly close to each other and she wanted him close, so very close.

The smooth skin of her belly was warm under his lips, smelling of sweat and jasmine, he moved southward wanting to make this good for her, make it everything she could possibly want. Her strong hands gripped his shoulders pulling him away, “No” a whispered plea. ‘No please Spike stop’

Suddenly her heat was cleansing fire, burning his skin like holy water. With a startled cry he scrambled back, tumbling of the bed and backing into the small desk, eyes wide, breath coming in harsh unnecessary gasps. “Oh God, I… Buffy, I’m sorry, oh God. I didn’t”

“Spike” she immediately recognised her mistake, never say ‘No’ during sex with the man who tried to rape you she thought wryly. Funny how this was so much harder for him than it had ever been for her.

“Baby” she crawled to the bottom of the bed opening her arms in invitation, “It’s okay, come here. I just wanted to kiss you”

He regarded her with wide suspicious eyes, looking unconvinced and wary. “Come here” she commanded more firmly, “I promise it’s ok” time for the big gun, “trust me”

He relaxed visibly, of course he trusted her, he always had. “Buffy” one last residual reservation as he moved back to her arms.

She shushed him gently pulling him down to lie with her, “it’s okay baby,” she murmured into his hair as she cradled him against her chest, “its okay”

They lay like that for a long time, lost in their own thoughts, concern and regret keeping each of them silent. “Kiss me” Buffy broke first her own desperate longing making her selfish, she knew she should wait, give him time to come to terms with everything, but she just wanted him so damn much. Wanted to soothe him with her kisses, reassure him with her body. He complied of course, he was her willing slave after all, nothing had happened in the long years since he had pledged himself to her to change that.

She wanted to hold back, let him take his time, let him lead. But it was taking too long and the twin aches of her heart and body demanded she be with him; connect with him body and soul. She deepened the kiss rolling them over so he lay between her legs, revelling in the weight of his body, the feel of his skin against hers.

She felt his reluctance, his fear and stroked comforting circles on his back, one hand playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. Dirty tactics really, she knew how much he liked that.

“Buffy” he moaned her name with needy intensity, his own hands beginning to map the soft curves of her body. She could feel the passion building again, so easily reignited in both of them, their hands becoming greedy and demanding their kisses frantic. “Buffy, Buffy, Buffy…” he murmured her name into her skin as he lavished her throat with wet kisses.

“Spike” she rejoined her hands travelling to his belt. She could feel his desire in the involuntary movement of his hips, in his raspy suppliant moans, and yet still he held back, tensing as she undid the heavy buckle.

“Buffy are you sure?” he whispered desire and uncertainty making his voice sound strange in the suddenly silent room.

She smiled holding his eyes, trying to convey with her relaxed expression and the gentle pressure of her hands tugging on his waistband that she really, really, was, “I’m sure” she told him sweetly as she popped the buttons of his fly “I’m the surestest”

Whatever she had done it seemed to have been enough to convince him, his mouth slammed down on hers urgent and demanding as she struggled to help him kick of his jeans.

He paused to look into her face as she angled her hips upward, inviting him in, holding her eyes as he entered her, watching her expression. She resisted the urge to throw her head back and moan, it felt so good, so damn good, to have him inside her again. Her body longed to push up hard against him, her hands itched to claw at his back, she stayed still eyes locked on his lips slightly parted.

“I love you,” she told him softly as he hovered motionless above her, buried deep in her welcoming body “I love you”.

Her declaration snapped him from the trance like wonder of being with her again and he began to move, an easy steady rhythm that she matched instinctively, punctuated with deep kisses and murmured words of love and devotion.

She peppered his neck and jaw with soft breathless kisses, “I love you,” she whispered against his skin, strange how now she’d said it once she just couldn’t stop telling him. Not that he’d ever complain about that.

“Buffy” he kept moving as he pulled away to look into her watery eyes, “I love you, my sweet precious Buffy.”

She picked up the pace titling her pelvis and urging him on with her own thrusts. “Buffy, Oh God Slayer, Love you. Love you so much”

“Spike” she groaned, pulling his lips to hers in a deep needy kiss as they began to move together more quickly smooth deep strokes that made her moan into his mouth in time with each thrust of his hips. God it was perfect, just perfect, there would be time later for the hard violent sex they both enjoyed, time for games and teasing, she knew that later she would let him tease her until she was clawing at him like a wild cat. Later they could spend hours reacquainting themselves with each others bodies, but right now this was perfect, moving steadily together towards release, their tongues tangling ceaselessly, his hands buried in her hair, hers gripping his shoulders as she came.

She wanted to tare her mouth away from his and scream out her pleasure, but she just couldn’t stop kissing him couldn’t break the tender connection of their mouths. He kept kissing her long after he hand moaned into her mouth and his movements had slowed until they where motionless except for the gentle caresses of their lips and his left hand running slowly through her hair.

Eventually he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers, “Buffy” he mouthed silently. She smiled sleepily at him, as sense of deep contentment settling on her, “hey” she greeted her hand coming up to stroke his face. He leant into the touch, his free hand stroking her hip. God it was good to have him back.

“Hey yourself” he replied eyes twinkling, as his hand move sensually along the dip of her waist to brush lightly under her breast.

She felt the air thicken around them, charging with his changing attitude as his thumb brushed lightly across her nipple making her gasp slightly. He looked at her mischievously drawing his hand down to brush over her ass pulling her out of quiet post coital relaxation and coaxing her again toward mindless desire, oh yes, it was good to have him back.


A/N Only the epilogue to go now, hope the sex scene wasn't too awful, didn't know how to write it at all. came over all British.

Thnaks for the review Nip1, glad you liked it
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=1983