Summary: Buffy and Spike go dancing
Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 4
Completed: Yes
Word count: 10338
Read: 9489
Published: 04/15/2004
Updated: 04/22/2004
1. ch 1 by Sarah Aless
2. Chapter 2 by Sarah Aless
3. Chapter 3a by Sarah Aless
4. Chapter 3b by Sarah Aless
***PLEASE READ****Ok I have started a yahoo group to house my fic as I've had people asking where they can get it all together. The address is New stuff by me will be posted at the group first, probably about a day ahead of posting anywhere else.
I also made it because there is a short video clip to accompany the first part of this fic. I made it to demonstrate how the song would work for this scenario and so that people who don't know the song can hear it and envisage what they are reading that little bit easier. Please join the group and check it out if you want to. It's in the files section of my group
Title: Did I Ever Thank You….
Author: Sarah Aless
Contact/Feedback:, OR OR
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: B/S
Spoilers: Season two When She Was Bad (technically) Season 6 After Dead Things, before As You Were
Disclaimer: Y'know I wish they were mine. Unfortunately it still hasn't happened. Joss and ME own them I'm just using them for my own smutty ends.
Distribution:, One Good Lay, StS, Fangsandfairytales & Anyone else.....Put it where you like ;-) but please tell me where it's going.
Summary: PWP. They already re-enacted Buffy’s encounter with Angel from‘When She Was Bad’. Now they’re at it again. What would be different if Buffy danced with Spike the way she danced with Xander?
A/N!!!! There is a short video clip to go with this fic. I set up a yahoo group to upload it to and to store all my fics in one place eventually. Please join at file available at
Buffy was almost out of breath when they reached the Bronze. As soon as Spike had decided they were going dancing he’d quizzed her about what exactly had happened and also about what she’d been wearing. He’d been quite content to imagine the little maroon dress she’d described. However, Buffy had been sure that she still had it and had decided that she wasn’t dressed for Bronzing just now. It hadn’t taken much more effort than telling him that the dress was shorter than the skirt she currently wore to make Spike agree to a pit stop at (or more accurately, a considerable detour to) her house so she could change. She’d found the dress in the back of her wardrobe; not being able to find the corresponding shoes, she’d opted for the knee high boots that she knew Spike loved. The ones he called ‘Fuck Me Boots.’
When she’d come downstairs after dressing and quickly applying make up Spike had sucked in a whistling breath through his teeth. His eyes had raked her form, more than appreciatively. He’d practically pulled her off her feet as he headed out the door. After waiting impatiently for her to lock up he had grabbed her hand and set off at a considerable pace. He tugged her along in his wake as he moved through Sunnydale with a single-minded determination. Despite the speed with which Spike moved they found the Bronze locked and in darkness when they arrived. Evidently their little ‘role-play’ in the alley had taken much longer to play out than either had imagined.
“Oh well.” Buffy sighed. “Guess that one’s out the window. If it wasn’t burnt out I’d suggest we go to the factory and re-enact you being a bitch.” A wicked grin lit her face. “Drusilla and Angelus’ bitch.”
“Not funny Slayer.” Spike glowered “You can take the ‘cheeky little smartass’ routine too far you know.”
“Aww…..poor baby. Did I upset the big bad vampire?” Buffy’s grin got bigger.
“Slayer I’m warning you.” Spike growled. “Don’t push me. I’ve already soundly smacked your arse once tonight. Don’t make me do it again.”
“Like you could!” Buffy exclaimed. “You got lucky Spikey. Don’t make me ‘smack your arse’.”
Spike didn’t even dignify that remark with a response. Yes, she was the Slayer and yes, she was therefore slightly stronger than him physically. Her ability as a fighter was second to none. However, ever since their relationship had become the ‘other’ kind of physical, Spike had had the advantage. He was much more experienced than her in the area of carnal pleasure and his ability to use that to distract her was what often left her entirely at his mercy. He also knew that, no matter what she might say about that, it was certainly not a state of affairs she was ever entirely unhappy about.
After a derisory snort at her threat he knelt down in front of the door of the Bronze and, drawing something out of his duster pocket, began to fiddle with the lock.
“Spike!” Buffy hissed. “You’d better not be doing what I think you’re doing. I’ve done plenty of things with you that I’d never have imagined myself doing……….”
“Like screaming your lungs out, while getting fucked in an alley?” Spike interjected, turning and looking up at her with a leer. Buffy ignored him.
“……but I AM NOT adding breaking and entering to my resume.”
Just then the door clicked open and Spike stood up, looking extremely affronted.
“Do you mind Slayer? I did not break anything! I’m very adept I’ll have you know. And as for the entering, if I were you I’d be focussing more on where you’re going to be entered, than the building you’re about to go into.”
Buffy flushed, but fought not to let his attempts to unsettle her work.
“Spike I’m supposed to be a good guy! Hello? Protector of the innocent and stuff. I can’t go breaking into places and trespassing and ……..”
“I told you! I didn’t break anything. But I hear you Slayer. I hear you’re serious, so….”
Moving closer, he tilted her chin up and pressed his lips gently to hers. As he increased the pressure a little both of their mouths opened slowly. Gently, he pushed his tongue into her mouth, where it was met by hers, moving equally as gently as she relaxed into the kind of kiss they seldom shared but which always left her weak-kneed. Man could this vamp ever kiss! Spike put his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him. His hands drifted up to her shoulders as the kiss intensified. As soon as he reached her shoulders he abruptly broke off the kiss and spun her round. He hooked his arm around her neck from behind. He grabbed one of her arms, which was flailing in shock and held it between them, behind her back. Before she could even attempt to yell at him, he’d nudged the door to the Bronze fully open and was dragging her backwards into the deserted club.
“See, now you haven’t done anything wrong.” He breathed into her ear still gripping from behind. “I kidnapped you and dragged you in here under duress. You are in no way culpable. Don’t see what the fuss was anyway.” He added a little sullenly as he released her. “This is bleedin’ Sunnydale! Any idiot that puts a flimsy little door and lock like that on their property is NOT a victim of crime. They’re getting their just retribution for an extreme lack of common sense!”
Buffy had been about to yell at him when he released her, but she found his little rant, fairly amusing actually. Truth be told she was also still a little hazy from the lovely kissage that had been occurring immediately before.
“Right then, wait here.” He tugged her further into the building before disappearing off to the bar area. Buffy stood and watched, nonplussed, as he jumped over the bar and began to rut around behind the counter.
“Spike what the hell are you doing?”
“Don’t get your knickers in a knot luv. I’m just looking for something. Aha!”
Buffy heard a click then Spike stood up behind the bar and placed a paint spattered cd player on it. Walking over to her he pointed the remote control at the cd player and the sultry beat of Alannah Myles ‘Black Velvet’ began to play. Buffy was instantly in the moment. She’d always found this song to have a sexy, heated kind of feeling to it. It was perfect for the kind of dancing she’d done that night with Xander; which now seemed like a lifetime ago.
“This song do ya luv? Slinky enough beats for you?”
Buffy eyed him suspiciously. “If I didn’t know that you couldn’t possibly have, I’d swear you’d planned this.” She said.
“’Fraid not Slayer. It just so happens that I’ve hung around in here after closing. That’s how I knew about this. They put it on when they’re cleaning up and when they’re setting up.”
“And why exactly have you spent so much time here? Not like you can eat the patrons or staff chip-boy. What else would attract you?” Buffy was blatantly fishing to find out if another girl was the reason Spike was so familiar with the Bronze’s out of hours operations. Her tone wasn’t lost on Spike.
“Jealous pet?” Spike raised an eyebrow. “I do have other things to do than mope around in my crypt waiting for you to deign to grace me with your presence you know.”
Buffy raised an eyebrow right back at him.
“Well ok, that’s what I do most of the time but………..Look, are we doing this or not?” He’d decided to quit while he was….well not too far behind anyway.
She’d never admit it in a million years but Buffy’s jealousy was very real. Which was handy really, because if Spike thought he’d gotten rid of the attitude in the alley he was about to be surprised. His evasiveness and her belief that she had reason to be jealous solidified in her, putting her in just the right frame of mind to play her part to perfection here.
“Start the song again.” She ordered, grinning as Spike did so, hitting repeat at the same time.
A predatory smile lit her face as she slunk towards him. Reaching out as she got to him she grabbed two handfuls of his shirt. Looking up at him with a gaze that was pure ‘smoulder’ she suggested huskily, “Let’s dance.”
Although he hadn’t been there at the time Spike did a fairly accurate of Xander’s confused “O—ok.” The abrupt change in her demeanour and the sexy sway of her hips as she pulled him onto the empty dancefloor, had him gulping like a nervous schoolboy. He let himself be led slowly forward, his pants tightening with every step and every sway of Buffy’s hips.
When they reached the centre of the dancefloor she released her grip on his shirt, moving backwards ever so slightly so that they weren’t quite touching. A small smile twitched the corner of her lips as she noticed the bulge in Spike’s pants and the way he gawped at her as she continued to move to the beat. Oh yeah! He was definitely enjoying the show. Slowly, she raised her hands above her head; a movement which mirrored her position from earlier in the evening when he’d pounded her in the alley, and the significance of which was not lost on Spike. Hands up high she allowed her knees to bend as she dipped sensuously in front of him, her hips never breaking rhythm as she came back up again. As the guitar kicked in she moved forward, still sensuously undulating from side to side.
His hands moved to her hips as the lyrics began. He surprised himself by how lightly he held her, considering all he wanted to do was pull her groin closer to his and press his arousal into her. He didn’t though, although he couldn’t for the unlife of him give any better reason for this than he was enjoying the show far too much to alter the re-enactment. He was transfixed as her breasts moved enticingly in seeming counterpoint to her hips. Her obviously braless state allowed him to see her hardened nipples as they rubbed at the fabric of the dress. The sight caused him to suck in a breath as she began to move down his body again. He thought for a blissful second that she was going to go down on her knees right there and take him in her mouth and could have groaned as she rode the beat back up, to stand fully upright before him again. God but she was beautiful. She was exuding pure sex as she danced only for him, her desire for him burning in her eyes and screaming at him in the sinful movement of her supple body. Yet, maybe most exciting of all, her eyes also twinkled with a challenge almost, that she’d tease just as long and as much as she wanted and what was he going to do about it? He stood completely still, becoming completely spellbound when she moved in even closer. Her arms rested on his, where he held her around the waist as she pushed her hips forward, brushing against him in just the right place as she continued to move.
He quickly reached the point of deciding to drop his hands a little lower. Grab her ass and hold her against him while he did his own bout of grinding. However, it wasn’t to be. Buffy gracefully turned herself around in the confined space between him and his arms so that her back was to him and kept on moving. Spike’s jaw clenched and unclenched rapidlyas his nostrils flared. He’d thought she’d been alluring enough dancing face to face and groin to groin. Now he was about ready to cum in his pants as she ground her ass back against him. The bass-line of the music didn’t help the throbbing in his dick as it pulsed through his entire body. The vibration of the sound accentuated by the random little thrusts back from her ass.
As his unnecessary breathing became more ragged she reached up with her left hand and gently brushed his cheek. His lust and his demon flared at what appeared to be a ‘there-there, settle down’ gesture. Bringing her hand back down she didn’t give him time to react as she continued to sway to the beat, grinding herself back against him on every beat now; never quite hard enough, yet enough to make him sure it was a promise of more to come. Spike swallowed hard, wondering if he was really going to last until she walked away from him as she had done Xander. His cock was rapidly taking control of his brain, not to mention his motor functions and he wasn’t at all sure that Buffy wasn’t going to find herself bent over a table, being seriously hammered in a few seconds.
He became aware of the lyrics for a fleeting moment as Buffy turned, just as Alannah sang ‘Bring you to your knees’. She was doing a good job of that. Moving nearer she shamelessly rubbed her crotch against his leg, one foot either side of it, as she brought her mouth up to his. He thought she was going to kiss him until she positioned her mouth slightly to the right of his and whispered huskily.
“William.” Spike nearly choked (entirely forgetting that such a thing was not possible), she never called him ‘William’; she was really pulling all the stops out here. For some reason, hearing her use his given name made him want to weep and kiss her passionately at the same time. Probably because it was as if, by using his ‘human’ name, she was acknowledging that he was a person, in her eyes, and not just an evil soulless thing.
“Did I ever thank you?” she whispered grinding against his leg again and allowing herself a slight smirk at the mystified look on his face from her use of his real name. “For helping me feel again?”
“No.” His answer was forced out through gritted teeth as her body heat invaded him through his clothes. Her wet heated pussy rubbing against his leg, occupying all his attention for now as he thought about how much he wanted to sink into her and thrust until one or both of them passed out from sheer pleasure.
Never breaking her dance she slid round so that she was almost behind him. Her right hand intentionally trailed behind, across the bulge in his pants. The touch was light but she allowed her nails to scratch over the denim, causing delicious vibrations against his now extremely sensitive member. Her hand lingered, squeezing gently at his intimate place as she stood on her tiptoes. Still she tortured him with her hand, her movement and the heat of her burning centre, still moving against his thigh. Barely leaning her chin on his shoulder she whispered,
“Don’t you wish I would?”
She turned to leave and immediately felt Spike’s hand close in an iron grip on her upper arm.
tbc........y'know if you're wildly curious. Let me know.
A/N: Join my group and get part 3 a little earlier - see part 1 for details. The 'prequel' to this fics 'Spank Your Inner Moppet' is also there.
Also, bit of largely inconsequential timeline clearing up. This is set after Dead Things but in my world that episode was not resolved by Buffy beating Spike up. However the balcony sex did happen.
Dedication: This chapter and the next are dedicated to Jill, Jolynn and Regent. For contributing, between them, help, encouragement and ideas which I have either used or set off sparks for other ideas. You guys are great.
Part 2
He whirled her around so that once again she was in front, with her back to him. He yanked her back against him, one hand snaking around her hips, pulling her ass and lower back against the erection that she’d given him with her teasing. Grinding against her in time with the music, he brought his mouth to her ear. His cool tongue licking at her lobe made her shudder. She shuddered again even harder as he hissed.
“Oh but you are going to thank me. It’s not a little boy you’re dealing with now Slayer, and you don’t have a cat in hells chance of teasing me like that and just walking away.”
Controlling another shudder, Buffy turned her head a little to speak to him.
“Face forward.” Spike said, his tone making it an order she daren’t disobey.
The rough edge to his voice caused butterflies in the pit of Buffy’s stomach and a leak of moisture from her core.
“Thought you were clever didn’t you? A two minute dance that’d make a stripper proud, then just flounce off into the sunset.”
“Actually….” Buffy started.
“Shut up.” Spike growled. “Your body just did plenty of talking for you and now it’s going to get its reply.” Grabbing her hands he took them prisoner beneath his own, holding them against her stomach. Roughly, he pulled her hips back until her ass came into contact with the ever increasing bulge in his pants.
“Do you feel that? Huh? Do you see what happens when you tease little girl?”
“Uhuh!” She gasped out as one of his hands moved up to graze her nipple through the thin material of her dress. “I think I’m getting it.”
“Oh not yet you’re not luv. But believe me you’re going to.”
Buffy’s knees almost gave way at the lust his voice conveyed with that promise. A slight whimper escaped her as she attempted to move away from the throbbing cock that was rubbing against her back, exposed by the low cut of the back of the dress. How quickly she had been turned from hunter to prey. She wanted to dance face-to-face, wanted to kiss him, wanted to throw her legs around his waist and do a very particular kind of dance. He would have none of it though. When she attempted to pull her hands from his grasp and turn around he growled into her ear in warning. The growl turning to almost a purr of arousal as her struggles caused even more friction on his cock, he’d always loved to see her physically squirm, whether it was when they wanted kill each other, or because he was driving her insane with lust. He let her continue for a second before clamping down more firmly on her hands, pressing them almost painfully into her stomach.
“No getting away now Slayer.” He purred. “It’s my dance now and you’ll stay as you are.” Buffy groaned as he pushed his hips against her ass. “What’s wrong girly? You getting all wet from feeling a real mans dick against your delectable, cock-teasing little ass?”
He pushed his hips forward again, continuing with a back and forth movement in time to the bass-line of the music. Buffy got wetter and wetter and felt the colour rising to her cheeks as his dick brushed back and forth with just the right amount of pressure.
Spike knew the effect he was having on her. He could have smelled it from miles away. He had absolutely no need to touch her to verify, but he decided a little more teasing could only fall into the realm of a good thing.
“Let’s see shall we?” he whispered, his body still taunting hers, in time with the music as the song began again on repeat.
Slowly, he slid her hands lower and lower down her stomach. She groaned softly when he stopped before they reached their seemingly inevitable destination. One of his hands easily restrained both of hers. The other moved from her breasts to her leg, an inch or two below the hem of her dress.
Buffy squirmed back against him, a tiny gasp escaping her throat as his thumb lazily caressed the back of her knee, while his fingers skimmed the front of her thigh. Moving upwards incredibly slowly they reached her dress and didn’t break stride for a second. They didn’t get any faster either. A brief moment of familiarity at the position and the action washed over her for a second but disappeared just as quickly as his hand continued, pulling her dress ever higher.
Slowly, torturously, his hand then moved up the front of her thigh, his hips and other hand guiding her body in moving to the sensual rhythm. She struggled in vain again to free one of her hands. Her only conscious thought being that she needed to shove his hand and her skirt up and make him touch her where she needed it most. She needed to do it quickly, before she exploded from the agonising, molten arousal between her legs.
Her head lolled back and she closed her eyes in frustration as a soft whimper left her. Why couldn’t she just keep quiet? It was bad enough that he was getting her this worked up without her making it so obvious. Yet she made the noise again when she made another unsuccessful attempt to break his grip. Spike chuckled and his hand stilled, fingers resting on her upper thigh, thumb brushing the side gently up and down. After stroking for a moment the hand moved round to the back of her thigh and continued its upward journey, now pulling her skirt higher at the back than the front. When the hand moved to softly stroke the inside of her other thigh Buffy almost stopped breathing. Surely he was going where she wanted him now. He had to be. Just a little higher. Just a little.
“No! Don’t stop.” She breathed as his hand hovered just below her aching wetness.
“A-a-ah” Spike chided as he slid his hand back down her leg. “You’re not setting the rules anymore Slayer. Just you keep quiet and dance.”
Buffy thought she would die of frustration if he began the journey of his hand from the beginning again. Luckily for her, Spike was almost as anxious as she was to get to the good stuff. His hand slid up to her butt, baring it to the cool air.
“Ooh. Wearing a thong?” he murmured appreciatively when he encountered her bare cheek.
There’d been no way she could have kept on her thong from earlier, when she’d gone home to get changed. It was completely soaked with both their juices.
“Very thoughtful of you to put a clean one on pet, but completely unnecessary. You definitely won’t be needing underwear for what I have in mind for you. Think we’ll have rid of that!”
Even through her lusty haze Buffy grinned as she felt his hand move up a little to capture the waistband of her underwear. It took him a good couple of seconds and finger snaking down to tickle the top of her ass crack for him to realise that there was nothing to rip off her.
“No panties?” he growled, his dick twitching at the realisation. “You really take the cock-teasing seriously don’t you? Were you knickerless for Xander too? Or is this just for me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she said. The coquettish tone she’d been trying for completely absent as his fingers moved round to caress the fold where her body and thighs met, causing her to gasp. She tried to arch against his hand, attempting to force it lower into her slick nether lips. Of course, her endeavours were fruitless. When Spike decided he wanted revenge, he really made sure that everything went according to his plans.
“Oh. Eager now are we?” He breathed, his hand inching closer to her clit. “And after you were so quick to try to run out on me! I think you can wait a little longer.”
“No!!” Buffy groaned. “No more waiting. Just do damnit! Get your dick out and use it already.”
She was surprised and excited to feel his hand leave its quest and a second later hear his zipper come down. Despite the fact that she should (and did) know him better, she actually let herself believe that he was finally giving in. His blatant arousal had been, well, blatant ever since she had started dancing for him. Now it seemed he wasn’t going to deny himself any longer and Buffy was eternally grateful.
Freeing his dick, Spike wasted no time in pushing it forward to her wetness. However, he didn’t enter her as she’d expected him to. He held the underside of it and ran it once back and forth over her ever saturating lips. Buffy gasped as the head nudged at her clit from underneath. She tried desperately to free herself so she could direct his member back over the same spot, grind down on it until she screamed out her ecstasy. His actions made her weaker than she had imagined though and she didn’t stand a chance of getting even one hand free. Keeping his dick between her legs he ran his hand round it, his knuckles rubbing randomly yet completely enticingly across her sensitive genital area. He rubbed round, and over and up and down, until his dick was as completely covered in her secretions as she was.
Pulling back he left go of his member to apply a little pressure to her back. Pushing her slightly forward he pushed up between her ass cheeks. As with her pussy, he didn’t enter her. It wasn’t like they hadn’t had anal sex; or like Buffy would protest about anything he did just now, but that particular indulgence wasn’t his plan. When he was comfortably between her cheeks he pulled her fully upright again by the hair; an action which made Buffy groan and her knees threaten to buckle, again. The change in her position made her ass cheeks tighten around him, both clamping him to her and caressing him at the same time. He began a slow up and down thrusting movement.
“This what you meant luv?” he grunted in her ear. “My dick is out and definitely in use. Happy now?”
“No!” she had meant to shout her denial, but it came out as a whispered sigh as his hand strayed back to her aching wetness and a finger entered her.
He only kept it there long enough to press against her g-spot for a second then he withdrew it. Her ass clamped harder on his dick as he used his sopping wet digit to tickle at her perineum.
“Oh fuck!” Buffy gasped. “Damnit Spike. Enough playing, you got me wet enough, you know it. Just do it already.”
“Oh got you wet did I?” he questioned, the smirk she couldn’t see plainly evident in his voice. “You think that even compares to how HARD,” he thrust upwards in a manner commensurate with his word, “you got me with your wanton little display? It isn’t nice to tease Buffy, and now you’re finding out why. Thought you had all the power didn’t you? Shoes on the other foot now luv. You won’t get it til you beg me for it.”
She was ready to do it; oh God was she ready to do it. However, this was a fun game and she was just about compos mentis enough to realise she still wanted to play along.
“Never gonna happen, loser.” Oh well done Buffy, even the first time around you’d have come up with a better insult than that, she mentally slapped herself. “Oh!!!”
The latest exclamation was wrung from her when Spike pulled himself from between her ass cheeks and pushed forward once again so that he rubbed the outside of her sex.
“Let’s see if we can’t change your tune luv.” The smirk was still audible. “Close your legs you little hussy,” he commanded, making Buffy realise that she’d been leaning herself forward and unconsciously pushing her legs wider and wider apart.
He didn’t give her time to obey before grabbing an arm in each of his strong hands and holding them tight to the sides of her body, simultaneously pushing her legs together so that her thighs and pussy formed a tight sheath around his dick. Buffy didn’t even struggle against him, especially when he started to thrust his hips back and forth.
She’d read about something similar to this in a history book once. People used to do this instead of having full-blown sex in cases where they were desperate to avoid babies, or where it was imperative that the woman remain a virgin. She’d thought at the time it sounded extremely silly. Although she could see where it might feel nice, for the man at least, she’d failed to see it as a passionate manoeuvre, or what the woman would get out of it. Now she understood. Every time Spike thrust forward the head of his dick pushed at the underside of her clit, causing a moan to escape her every single time.
“P- please,” Buffy finally broke, pleading in a whisper as his silky length teased her again by passing over the entrance she so desperately wanted him to enter, as he began to suck and lick on her neck. He began to suck and lick on her neck varying pressure, rhythm and location, to drive her to distraction. He knew neck play always did it to her and he’d also known that it would be more likely than anything else to break her. He grinned before talking as if he hadn’t even heard her.
“See, if Xander had had some balls about him, he’d have done this. He’d never have let you walk away after that display. Aren’t you glad I’m not a pathetic little child like that?”
“Oh God!” Buffy groaned in frustration when his thrusts became faster but shallower, so that he wasn’t making any contact whatsoever with her clit.
“I would be if you weren’t all mouth and no action.” She gritted out, resuming her attempts to free her hands. Her momentary pleading had vanished when his mouth left her neck to speak
“Oh you’ve done it now Slayer. You’re bloody lucky this place is deserted because I’m about to fuck you raw; slam into you until you scream. Mind you, after your behaviour I’d be doing it no matter who could see.”
“So what are you waiting for? Ohhhh…..ohhh fuck yeah.” Spike had snaked an arm around her waist again, easily holding both arms to her sides still. His now free hand dropping immediately to her clit, rubbing almost punishingly, as she floundered, not knowing whether to try to grind against his dick or his hand.
“You – you wouldn’t have the…….oohhh……..the balls to go at it……..ooohh… here if it was full of people anyway.” Buffy knew she was pushing him now, but in her experience, it invariably made for incredibly mind-blowing fucking, besides wasn’t her role for the night cock-tease? There’s always more than the obvious ways to do that.
“Oh wouldn’t I?” Spike growled letting her go momentarily. Pulling his dick out he spun them round and tilted her head upwards to look at the balcony above them. Impossibly, the memories of how he’d taken her there just a few nights ago washed over her, and she felt a fresh rush of desire. “How quickly you forget pet! Maybe there should be more than one re-enactment here tonight.”
TBC………Hehe, I’m enjoying the teasing too. If you want another chapter I promise there will be sex next time, and plenty of it.
Chapter 3a by Sarah Aless
Chapter 3a
A/N: See parts 1 and 2 for dedications/ info on joining my group to get the final instalment quicker.
Buffy didn’t even attempt to shake his hand from her chin where it was held forcing her to look up at ‘the scene of the crime’. His dick, now wet from sliding against the outside of her sex, was rubbing against the bare skin at the small of her back. The feel of it further reminded her that their position was so similar to the one that he had taken her in just days ago. Not sure if it was the memory or the feel of him now against her Buffy tried and failed to suppress a shiver of excitement. He’d just had to go and mention that hadn’t he. The seductive way he’d whispered in her ear, about belonging in the dark. The way she hadn’t offered more than token resistance, because no matter her opinion on the things he was saying, she’d been powerless to resist, his touch, his needless breath on her neck and ear, his dick sliding into her so easily, filling her so completely. The memory of the sensations rushed through her and she determined she wouldn’t give in so easily this time.
A nanosecond before she attempted to move though, Spike clamped down on her arms and hauled her over to a nearby table. He’d felt her body tense as if she was about to strike with an elbow to the stomach or a backwards punch to the face and had made his countermove before she even got started. Without a second thought he pulled a stool down from the table, where it had no doubt been placed when the Bronze closed earlier, and bent her over it. His hands slid down her arms, guiding her hands to grip the legs of the stool.
“Hold on tight gorgeous.” He said. “I’m a man who keeps his word. Gonna be one hell of a ride.”
“Yeah and I’m going to be the one doing the riding!” Buffy stated determinedly, pushing herself up.
“Oh I don’t think so sweetheart.” Spike asserted, slamming her back down before she was even half upright. With one hand on her back holding her down, he then proceeded to wriggle his pants down and step out of them before reaching down and ripping the dress from where it covered just above her ass to its hemline. Just as quickly he moved forward and slammed his dick forward. No teasing this time. He entered her in one swift thrust, pausing only to groan at the delicious sensation of her red hot flesh gripping him. As pleasurable as rubbing the outside of her wet little quim and tight ass had been, nothing compared to the feeling of sinking into her welcoming depths.
Buffy grunted as he filled her and her temporary fight left her as swiftly as it had come. Just as long as he started thrusting soon she’d stay right here forever. She did not have a long wait. Almost instantly Spike began to move, he pulled almost all of the way out and slammed back in. The rhythm he found instantly accelerated and he began to grunt and pant himself as he dove into her again and again. All she could do was hold on and let his deliciously energetic fucking carry her closer and closer to that brain-numbing pleasure that would have her screaming her lungs out. Luckily for her he wasn’t letting up even a fraction.
“See what happens to cock-teasers?” he panted “They get bent over the nearest convenient object and fucked inside out. Do you feel it? Do you like it? Getting your just desserts?”
“Oh…..god that’s……… good…….god it’s good Spike.” Buffy gasped out in response
“You’ve felt nothing yet Slayer.” Spike growled. “Do you want to know how much faster and harder I can pound you? Think you can handle it like you seemed to be suggesting with your dirty little dance moves?”
His words were punctuated by the slap of his balls on her thighs and Buffy could do nothing but chew on her bottom lip and groan as he continued his assault. The assault not just on her body but her mind as his words wormed into her brain, making the fires of her desire roar as if blown by a bellows.
As she began to groan increasingly loudly in time with his thrusts, Spike regained a little of his composure. Slowing a little, he couldn’t help a thin smile at her whimper of frustration caused by the decrease in speed. He realised he had to stop. She was in was one of only a couple of positions that made orgasm from penetration alone possible for her. No way was she getting that yet! Pulling out he pulled her upright before swinging her round and crushing her body to his and his lips to hers. When he pulled back from the kiss Buffy looked up at him, a hint of triumph in her eyes.
“Thought I wasn’t getting it til I begged you for it.” She goaded. “Sure felt like I was getting it there Spike. All the way inside of me, so big and hard and powerful. I thought you said you were a man of your word Spike.”
“You’ve bloody well been asking for it since you started dancing wench!” Spike exclaimed. “However, I wasn’t talking about my dick Slayer, although I applaud just how ‘one-tracked’ your mind can be. I was talking about you cumming. You won’t get ‘that’ until you literally beg me for it. Not going to deprive myself totally of your hot little snatch in the process though am I?”
Before Buffy could even think of a response he began to kiss her again. Their kisses heated and almost desperate now. Slowly but surely he moved her backwards towards the bar. When her back made contact he slid his hands to her waist and lifted her up onto the counter top. He broke the kiss and again with one hand, ripped the dress, which was hanging open at the back, entirely from her body; leaving Buffy gasping in shock and arousal. He took a moment to admire her lithe and beautiful body, now clad only in flesh coloured hold up stockings – which had a pretty lace section where they held themselves up he noticed appreciatively - and her knee length boots. Sucking in his cheeks, his eyes sparking with lust and just a hint of demon, he spun her and pushed her down so that she lay on her back, stretched out along the length of the bar. Climbing onto the bar himself he immediately fastened his mouth on her clit.
Buffy’s upper body lurched upwards at the unexpected contact, having been anticipating him thrusting his dick right back into her. Her head dropped back onto the bar with a thunk and a shot of pain that she didn’t really feel, as Spike’s talented mouth wrung a needy groan from her. His attention to her sensitive nub was short-lived, he wasn’t kidding about the begging part and wasn’t about to risk accidentally sending her over the edge. Instead he concentrated on pushing his obscenely long tongue in and out of her streaming entrance. Although he knew he could reach it he studiously avoided her g-spot 99.9% of the time. Stimulating it only once or twice, just to drive her that bit crazier.
Buffy writhed and moaned on the bar as Spike tongued her in a fast rhythm. She was as weak as a kitten, especially when he did reach that little bit further and firmly licked that lovely spot inside of her. One of her arms lolled uselessly off the side of the bar, she wasn’t even sure where the other was. Her body arched trying to push her clit against his nose until one arm came forward and held her hips still. Spike loved making her this crazy, nothing could compare to his own sensations when he thrust into her wet, warm, willing body, but knowing that he could do this to her came a close second. When Spike was sure she was entirely incapable of trying to move he spoke.
“You know what luv? I think you begging for my dick as well as begging me to make you cum is a great idea. Well done for suggesting it.”
Buffy’s head thrashed and her hips attempted to buck towards him under his restraining arm. At this point she’d beg for anything he wanted her to, if only she could speak!
“Hmmnnh” she mumbled.
“What was that luv?” Spike grinned down at her. With one hand he shoved each leg in turn up to bend at the knee and then grasped each knee and pushed them wide. His other hand was stroking at his raging erection. Buffy’s eyes popped open when she realised he’d stopped touching her. Her gaze immediately locked with his as he sat back between her legs. Tongue pushed up behind his top teeth as he leered, hand still stroking at his cock.
“Thought I’d lay off just a little.” He explained. “Can’t plead with me if you can’t talk can you?” his smile was a tantalising mix of pure lust and evil. Completely knowing of his power right now.
Buffy’s head dropped back onto the bar. She squeezed her eyes closed and heaved in two humungous breaths.
“And that was your mistake!” she said, lifting her upper body as much as she was able, a glint in her eye now replacing the blank lust of moments before. His ‘laying off’ had given her a chance to slightly regroup. “Oh look at that,” she continued. “I can talk again. And do you hear me begging Spike?” Her eyes opened wide, an innocent look on her face as she questioned.” No, you don’t. Cos it’s not gonna happen!”
Spike just continued to grin as he held her hips down again. His hand left his cock and flicked quickly at her swollen clit, just the way she liked it. The effect on Buffy was almost instantaneous. He body went limp, eyes rolling back in her head, knees sagging out to the sides. Proud of his power and not letting up for an instant, Spike plunged two fingers into her, curling them upwards and pressing rhythmically on her g-spot. He kept this up until she began to make unintelligible noises again, her entire lower body tensing every time he pressed up.
Sliding forward he moved his dick to her saturated pussy and slowly rubbed from her vaginal entrance to her clit. Another of those unintelligible noises came from deep in Buffy’s throat, her body again trying in vain to move towards the source of her torture, like a moth to a flame.
“This what you want Slayer?” Spike questioned, repeating the movement again. “My dick in you what you’re after? Getting your pussy pounded again? That what you want?”
“You….oh….you know it is!” she breathed loudly.
“And where does my little Jezebel want it?” he said now positioning his dick just at her opening. “Here?”
He pushed just far enough inside that when the lowest of her inner muscles clenched, trying to hold on to him, they succeeded in doing nothing but pushing him a little further back out. Buffy growled in frustration as he kept probing, but never hard enough to actually enter her. She willed her walls to stop trying to close on him, but they had long ago stopped listening to her brain. When Buffy growled again, louder Spike chuckled.
“You know what you have to do pet. I can see how much you want to cum. Before you can you know what I want to hear.”
She had opened her mouth to force speech from it again when Spike added.
“C’mon. Ask me nicely, there’s a good girl.”
Buffy’s mouth snapped shut. Anger flaring at the condescending tone in his voice.
“Fuck you!”
Damnit, this was Spike! He was supposed to be following her around with moon eyes, not taking pleasure from teasing her and condescending to her and…..oh his dick was moving again and not where she wanted it.
“Not til you make nice and ask me for it.” Spike chuckled again. He’d withdrawn completely now and was sliding his dick back up to her clit. “I can feel how much you want it.” He taunted as he began to tap at her clit with the head of his dick. “All you have to do is beg.” He sing-songed as if talking to a child; each word accompanied by a tap to her clit. Causing her body to jump involuntarily with each contact.
Buffy made her move before his current activities incapacitated her again. Bringing her legs together she trapped Spike between her strong thighs.
You can blame my friend Jill for this being split in two. She was the one who gave me the idea, pointing out that it fitted nicely with the ‘teasing’ theme of the fic.
So anyone for part b?
Chapter 3b by Sarah Aless
Part 3b
A/N: Ok so this part is actually shorter than I intended. Never mind it's full of smutty goodness. There may be some things that people feel are missing from this part but there is an author's note at the end to explain why things played out as they did.
PREVIOUSLY: Buffy made her move before his current activities incapacitated her again. Bringing her legs together she trapped Spike between her strong thighs.
She grinned at his look of shock and his attempts to push her legs apart.
“Silly, Spike. Can’t you see you’re torturing yourself as much as me? Your urge to sink yourself into me will win long before I give in, you know it. You need it, need to bury your cock deep in me. To slam in until we slide the length of this bar. I thought you were going to take me up on the balcony again. You didn’t wait for me to beg then, did you? Just took what you wanted. You remember how much I wanted it too, how I felt, don’t you Spike? Think about it. How wet I’ll be, how hot, how my flesh wraps around you like a glove. The way that the harder and deeper you give it to me, the harder and faster I fuck you back. The way I can draw every drop of cum out of you as I squeeze you, screaming your name. You’re giving that up just for the sake of a couple of little words from me?”
A thrill went through her as she saw the yellow flickering in his eyes as she spoke. By far the lowest growl she’d heard him give tore from his throat as he finally forced her legs apart and as he had earlier, plowed straight forward into her. She almost orgasmed on the spot when his demon face emerged. ‘Oh well done Buffy,’ she thought ‘the plan to get him to fuck you worked then! And you know what you’re in for now.’ She desperately tried to hold on to the sides of the counter top as Spike pistoned into her. His demon began growling as she risked letting go of the bar with one hand to pull his head down to her neck. Just as he was about to bite her he stopped moving and pulled his upper body up and away from her. Shaking his head he braced himself on his arms as his face reverted to human form.
“Oh……touche Slayer! Gotta give you your dues, you nearly had me there!” he gritted out. Giving himself a moment to settle down he finally laughed a little. “Devious little minx! You knew for a fact that you’d cum hard if I bit you!”
Buffy couldn’t help but grin, despite the ache in her groin from how close she had just been, yet again. She shrugged and smiled at him. “Was worth a try.” She said simply.
“That it was Slayer. That it was.” He said. Pulling her up so that she sat straddling him atop the bar he kissed her hungrily. “Y’know, you’re for it once I get you on that balcony. Unless of course, you’re ready to give in now and beg me.”
Wondering at her own sanity Buffy looked him dead in the eye, squeezed her inner muscles against his still embedded cock and said, “Make me.”
With a speed beyond her comprehension Spike was suddenly on his feet. Her legs were wrapped around him and she kept up the squeezing as he headed for the stairs. He stopped at the bottom to slam her into a pillar. A hand on her clit had her moaning as he thrust up hard into her. “This what you had in mind?” he grunted as he took her, rubbing harder at her clit. “Or maybe this?” he questioned pulling her away from the wall and sending them crashing onto the stairs. He was on top of her as his dick and hand kept moving on her and in her. The cold metal stairs bit into her skin as they rutted like animals and at this point she didn’t even care. She could feel her orgasm building and prayed that she could keep the tell tale signs hidden from Spike.
“No! Please! Please ok. I said it. Please! I need to cum!” she shrieked as Spike – who seemed to know her bodily responses better than she did – stopped as the tension was really reaching breaking point within her. That was it, he’d won and although she’d be pissed about it later all she cared about right now was reaching the release that had been so cruelly denied her too many times tonight.
She was puzzled when he didn’t immediately take up his opportunity and drive them both to that glorious place where the world fell away and their screaming deliverance was all that mattered. Instead he turned them around so that he was sitting on the stairs. Her feet rested on the stair above him as he spread her legs wide. Tipping her body back so that her lower back rested on his knees he directed her to hold onto the crossbar in the middle of the banister on either side of her.
“All you had to do was ask.” He said. “Not gonna make it easy though. I could stay here all night, in your warm wet trembling pussy. It’s squeezing and caressing me all on its own, can you feel it. Long as I give your clit the odd flick you’ll keep contracting nicely for me. Dare say I could have myself a nice long orgasm just from making your insides quake. That delicious squeezing will do it every time.”
Buffy groaned and attempted to move herself on him. The position allowed her almost no leverage however and she quickly reverted to pleading. “Please Spike. I’m sorry for teasing. I was asking for it, I know it. Please give it to me.”
“Well that’s a start at least.” Spike grinned. “What do you want me to do Buffy?”
“I want you to fuck me Spike, hard and fast. Show me what happens when I try to walk out on you. Make me scream and cum all over your cock.”
He had been going to see what else he could get out of her, but that last sentence shredded the little self-control he’d been bluffing with. Grabbing her hips in a bruising grip he began to lift her up and down on his cock; noting with satisfaction that if he straightened his legs a little and rested them a step or two down his cock would be angled nicely to hit her internal sweet spot and allow her to cum just from penetration. And unlike earlier he was very happy to let that happen.
“That what you want Slayer?” he grunted. “Want to cum all over my cock. Want me to make you scream yourself hoarse?”
“Oh god….oh god…..yes! That’s it Spike!”
Her head was reclining now and she began to feel light headed as all the blood not currently situated at her groin rushed down to her brain. Moans and grunts were all she was capable of as Spike continued to bang her ferociously.
“Got you good didn’t I?” he gritted “Now you know what happens when you wind me up…… And you love it…….. You begged me for it.” He couldn’t resist rubbing that in, especially knowing that it would do nothing but push her closer to the precipice. “Danced like a whore, begged like a whore, and …….oh fuck…do that again….and now you’re getting fucked like one. Aaaahh yeah……you love it don’t you? Love my dick in your pussy. Gonna make you cum so hard.”
With that he yanked her upright, never stilling his thrusting once. Vamping out as her breasts came level with his mouth he sucked her right nipple into his mouth, biting on it and sliding his fangs into the soft skin of her breast. Buffy screamed as her orgasm finally rushed through her. All she could see was red with white sparks flashing, her hips rocking the small amount they were able trying to prolong the delicious abandonment. She was just quieting a little when he repeated the action on her other breast. This triggered another screaming release lasting just a little longer and leaving her panting harder. She sagged against him as it started to pass. Spike however was not done yet. Sinking his fangs into her neck directly over her ‘Angel’ scar he sent the exhausted Slayer flying headlong into her biggest orgasm of the night. Freeing his fangs he felt his own release hastening through him.
Buffy panted harshly, unable to scream anymore as the sensations continued to wash over her. The withdrawal of his fangs triggered another wave of pleasure just as he lifted her to make his final thrust. The self-same inner muscles that she’d teased him by talking about earlier clamped down only to find his dick withdrawn. Instantaneously Spike had pushed back in. In his single minded headlong rush to his own release there was no time for thought. When his erection encountered the resistance of her firmly clenched vaginal muscles he simply growled and slammed her body down and his dick up, forcing its way into her. Buffy’s eyes went wide as they locked onto his. It felt like losing her virginity all over again, but mixed with the orgasm still running through her it was the most intense mixture of pleasure and pain she had ever experienced. The dull throb was immediately alleviated as Spike roared, his cold seed flooding her channel and soothing the heated throb caused by his slamming her walls open to allow him entrance.
Their eyes remained locked as Buffy’s hips unconsciously shifted up and down his length, drawing out the end of her pleasure. Both were panting as their foreheads met and they clung to one another.
“Oh God Spike.” Buffy finally managed to speak. “That was……it was…..God!!”
“Buffy I’m sorry, about the end there, I……”
“Don’t Spike.” She said putting a finger to his lips. “In case you didn’t notice, there was no part of that I didn’t love.”
Spike smiled at her. “’Cept we never actually made it to the balcony.”
Buffy laughed, “So what else is new? We never make it to the bed either.” she shrugged. “I know one thing though. I’ll definitely think twice about pulling that dancing routine again. Especially with you.”
“Yep. I plan on doing it a lot more often.” She grinned wickedly. “In fact I think we’ll have to make it while the place is open next time.”
“That’s my girl.” Spike chuckled before Buffy caught his mouth in a slow tender kiss.
Pulling back she had pulled on her ‘serious Buffy’ mask and Spike wondered exactly what hell was about to be paid and for what.
“William,” she said softly. “Did I ever thank you….”
“I don’t need any thanks for helping you feel. That you let me do what I can is all the thanks I need.” He interrupted her.
“I wasn’t going to say for that. But I do thank you for it. I meant did I ever thank you for saving my life?”
Spike was puzzled.
“You told me you did. Every night in your dreams. And you’ve done it since I’ve been back. First of all just by listening, now by giving me what I need. By loving me even when I’m a bitch to you.” Spike was taken aback. “I don’t think I have.” She finished softly.
She moved her mouth back down and her lips brushed his as she spoke the words. “Thank you William.”
It was their tenderest kiss yet and for a long while they were quiet just holding each other. Still joined. Eventually though Spike’s inner big-mouth won out.
“So you feel like showing your appreciation up on the balcony?” he asked, his cheekiest little boy grin on his face.
Feedback is your friend :D
A/N: The gist of some of the reviews seemed very enthusiastic about the inclusion of sex on the balcony. I left this out for a couple of reasons.1) There are some amazing fics out there that already have it covered. 2) I started a fic a long time ago on that theme, which I never finished. However I dare say (despite what I just said in point 1) that I will get round to finishing it someday. 3) The fic I started was more angsty and dark and that's what kept coming out when I tried to write balcony sex. 4) Like Buffy says, they never make it to the bed, can't hurt not to make it to the balcony.
Another note, I made the Bronze closed and deserted because of `The Dance' by Starcrossed . I love this story and I didn't want to intentionally or unintentionally plagiarise. That one is a lot about the fact that its `public' – whereas I wanted this to be more about the teasing.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.