Drag Me Down by evildeadgirl
Summary: Buffy is still reeling from seeing Spike and Anya together, but the Trio doesn't give her the chance to catch her breath. When the Trios' plan backfires, Buffy and Spike are catapulted back in time, and must face their own demons, and find a way to get back.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 37 Completed: Yes Word count: 54957 Read: 66522 Published: 09/20/2006 Updated: 06/21/2007
Chapter 8 by evildeadgirl
Author's Notes:
I was anxious to post this one, so all the errors belong to me. My betas have yet to see this. :D
~*~Chapter 8~*~

“What’s put you in such a bloody chipper mood Slayer?”

Buffy grinned down at Spike and squeezed her thighs tighter against his waist, “No rules…well, not really. For the first time I’m free to just…be, with fear of repercussions. Anything I do in this time will be forgotten.”

“Like me?”

Buffy rolled her eyes at his pouty tone, “I’ll remember Spike.”

“So that’s the plan then, ‘do’ Spike?”

Buffy giggled at his dignified tone, “I was thinking more like do Spike, or Spike does Buffy; the doing isn’t limited to just you.”

“Right tease you are luv,” Spike growled grabbing Buffy by the hips and pulling her down against the erection straining against his jeans. He rolled swiftly in one motion and pinned her to the ground beneath him.

Instinctively Buffy wrapped her legs around his waist drawing him closer. Spike leaned down, letting his tongue play in circles upon the sensitive skin below her ear. She let her arms slide up his back, and dug her nails into the smooth leather of his jacket as he began to nibble softly on her skin.

“Now…Spike…now….” Her breathy moan spurred him into action. Sliding one hand between them he undid his belt and unzipped his jeans. Without deviating from his attack on Buffy’s neck he deftly undid her pants as well, pushing them down between them.

“So sweet…” Spike growled dragging his mouth to meet Buffy’s lips, and at the same moment sliding inside of her. He swallowed her moan of pleasure as he began moving within her.

Buffy arched up against him, feeling his cock slide in and out of her. “Harder!!” she gasped digging her nails deeper into his back.

Spike let out a growl as Buffy’s muscles squeezed his prick; he reared back and drove into her deeper. He slammed in her into the ground each time he slid back into her. Her eyes were closed now, and the words spewing from her lips were blurring together into unrecognizable sounds.

It was fierce and violent; she was drawing blood from his back, and he was pulling blood from her lips. It was sex, it was fucking, hard and full of pleasure, but it was nothing more.

Spike felt Buffy tense beneath him and drew out; the head of his prick dripping just outside her entrance. Her arousal was overpowering, the smell of her juices dripping onto the earth. It took all his concentration not to sink back into her.

“Spike PLEASE!” she screamed trying to pull him back inside her. He cracked, and with a roar plunged back into her warmth.

Her climax was instantaneous; her body was shaking as she came. He followed quickly; letting out another roar as he released himself into her warm body.

They lay still; Buffy’s chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath, and Spike reveling the feeling of still being inside her.

Buffy let her head lay back against the ground and closed her eyes. His body felt good covering hers; she felt protected and wanted.

Spike pulled out of Buffy and rose to his feet stuffing himself back in his pants. He stared down at her as he buckled his belt. Her cheeks were flushed, but her breathing had slowed.

*She’s so bloody gorgeous*

Buffy was in dreamland; she didn’t know how long she’d been lying on the ground, but she did know Spike had gotten up. Goosebumps were starting to cover her skin, and she shivered. She opened her eyes and sat up, “Spike?”

He was gone.

She scooted back into her pants and struggled to her feet. He had left her; he had fucked her, and left her.

*He did to you what you always do to him*

A single tear made its way down her cheek. Is what he felt every time she left him?

*It wasn’t supposed to be like this*

She had finally let go of her inhibitions, and accepted that she wanted him, and now it seemed he was paying her back. She had wanted this to be special; the first time they could be together without her getting in the way, but somehow she had done it anyway.

*Did you think he was actually going to continue to take it?*

She had. This wasn’t meant to be a vacation fuck; she hadn’t meant this as an escape from the real world. She had wanted to be with him without feeling guilty, and somehow it had gone back to the dark place they had started in.


Buffy sat huddled on Giles’ couch beside Willow. She hadn’t wanted to go back to the crypt, she was too afraid of what she would find. She had slept on Giles’ couch last night, but it was obvious he wasn’t comfortable with her being there.

*You liar, you were afraid you’d actually have to fix the mess you made*

“…so I think everything should be in order within the next few days. Buffy?”

She nodded at Giles; they were going home.

“There’s just one more thing…” Giles coughed, and looked at Willow.

“Buffy, we can make it so you forget too; that you and Spike ever went back in time. Should…do you want that?”

Forget everything. That would mean going back to a place where she completely loathed Spike, and was still pissed about his little tryst with Anya. Back before she had finally figured out what she needed to do to fix her life, and be happy. Back before Spike had decided he’d had enough of her crap, back when he still loved her.

“I don’t know…I’ll think about it Ok?”

“Sure Buffy, whatever you want.” Willow got to her feet and headed for the door. Buffy sighed and stood as well, following Willow.

“Thanks for letting me crash last night Giles.”

“Buffy, you can stay tonight as well if you need to. I imagine sharing living quarters with Spike isn’t very pleasant.”

*If only you knew*

“No, I’m good,” she smiled at Giles when he looked doubtful, “honestly it’ll be fine. He needs to know we’re leaving soon.”

“Sleep well Buffy.”

Willow and Buffy made their way down the walk to the street.

“Buffy are you Ok?” Willow was staring at uneasily at her.

“No I’m really not.” The words slipped out before she could stop them. This wasn’t her Willow, this was pre-gay Willow. She wouldn’t understand.

“It’s Spike isn’t it?” Willow smiled at the shocked expression on Buffy’s face. “I’m not blind; I could see the way you two were looking at each other on the front stoop the other day. Do you love him?”

“That’s the big question isn’t it?” Buffy laughed, and Willow looked at her curiously. “Oh, it’s just you asked me the same question in my time. I guess some things never change. No, I don’t know if I do, at least not yet.”

Buffy was quiet, and the pair continued walking towards the cemetery.

“Did you have a fight?”

“You could say that. No, scratch that, we didn’t have a fight. He finally decided he wasn’t going to put up with my shit anymore, and I didn’t see it coming.”

“Wow, I’m starting to sense mopy Buffy. He broke up with you?”

Buffy looked tiredly at Willow, “In a way I guess. I mean there wasn’t really anything to break; whatever it was had already been obliterated. I took whatever it is we had and stepped on it; smooshed, shattered, smashed. That’s what I do.”

“So stop.”

She did, she stopped and turned to look at Willow.

“You obviously know what you do wrong in relationships right? And don’t try to tell me you don’t care about Spike, because we wouldn’t be having this conversation if you didn’t. So stop wrecking it, and go fix it.”

Buffy smiled at Willow, “When did you get so wise?”

“I’ll get back to you on that one.”

“It isn’t really that simple Willow; he knows when we get back to our time, nothing will have changed.”

“Why not?”

“You, Giles, Dawn, Xander…the list is long. Spike may be a part of our lives, but he still isn’t wanted. I don’t know if I can handle the backlash.”

“Maybe that’s what the problem is Buffy; he knows that, which is why he has given up. If you want this to work, maybe you need to do what is best for you, and not for the Scoobies.”



It was too late. She stood in at the bottom of the ladder in the basement of the crypt with her hands at her sides. Everything was gone. The black sheets, the candles, everything he had gotten for himself was gone. He’d left her the bed and the chest, and of course the books.

He was really gone.

A/N: Brat if you leave a review I'll e-mail you a PB Cup. :D
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=21653