Different Worlds by Kirst
Summary: Spikes a huge star whos got a reputation as a ladies man after being hurt by his ex. Buffys a stripper trying to take care of her little brother and sister. Both are from different worlds can they make it work?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 41011 Read: 34572 Published: 10/06/2006 Updated: 11/04/2006
Captivating by Kirst
Author's Notes:
if this is rubbish just let me know lol its my first fic
“Whey! Over here dude!”
Spike spotted Xander waving frantically at him next to a table full of people grinning at him goofily. Spike laughed and shook his head at how much of a fool Xander was, sure they had been best friends since high school but man he never stopped surprising him with his childish antics. Spike walked over to his friend who immediately engulfed him in a hug.
“Congrats spike.” He laughed before turning to the table of friends.
“Now everyone I think we should all raise our glasses” Xander looked around the table at Gunn, Fred , Oz, Anya, Cordelia and Graham who all raised their glasses of whatever alcohol they were currently knocking back.
“To Spike and his shiny new award.” Xander finished clapping spike on his back before pushing him into a seat and handing him a beer.
Spike laughed and nodded his head at all his friends smiling at them happily.
“Oh my god are you Spike Devlin? Oh wow you are! Will you sign my shirt?” Spike looked up at the obviously dumb blonde who was staring at him obviously using her sexy eyes and licking her lips. Spike raised his eyebrows taking in her barely there top.

Where the hell is I supposed to sign?!

“sure.” Spike replied pleasantly getting a pen off of Fred and signing the t-shirt.
“Urm do you like, want to go somewhere more private?” she asked resting her hand on his leg.
“Sorry, pet but im here with friends.” Spike replied curtly pushing her hand off his leg. The girl give him one last lustful look before turning and stomping off.

“See this is why I didn’t want to come to a seedy place like this.” Spike grumbled at Xander. Coming to this strip club was all xanders idea, he figured the press wouldn’t even think of coming here. Plus he got to ogle women all night.
“I agree with spike my idea of fun isn’t exactly staring at girls all night.” Fred agreed.
“Oh I don’t know I find the breasts on these girls rather appealing their firm yet perky.” Anya chipped in gaining a round of groans from everyone at the table except Oz who simply blinked.
“Well it’s not my fault you’re a huge movie star, your gunna get recognised where ever you go man.” Xander tried ducking his head in apology.
Spike just leaned back in his chair and sighed.

About an hour later everyone was defiantly a lot merrier. Spike looked at Anya who was shamelessly flirting with the bar man and then turned to see Fred and Gunn deep in an obviously passionate kiss. Xander was sitting at the bar with one of the strippers perched in his lap and Cordelia and Graham had gone home early. Spike turned around and saw Oz sitting at a nearby table.

Oz who was almost as famous as Spike himself was. Was surrounded by women who were all fawning over him. Oz just sat there obviously not interested in any of the girls but not ignoring them like most other celebrities would do. Spike and Oz had met on the set of a talk show they were both appearing on.

They were both only just starting to become recognised and had immediately hit it off. Oz was the lead singer in a band Dingoes Ate My Baby who were absolutely massive everywhere and even though Oz was officially a huge rock star he hadn’t changed at all. He was still the same oz that had grown up in New York, who only spoke when he had something important to say and not once had spike seen him with a groupie. In fact spike hadn’t seen him with a girl since he had met him.
Oz was a definite gentleman when it came to women and so he always declined offers from women when he got them because most of them only wanted him because what he was not who he was.

Spike on the other hand could not say the same thing about himself. Spike was what most would call a man whore. Before he became famous he only had eyes for one girl. Drusilla Rayne. She was his everything and stayed with him right until he hit the big time. And that was when he realised exactly what Drusilla was really like.

It was splashed all over the papers for the world to see how much of a cheating cow she was. Spike was devastated when he found out and the only reason he got through it was because of Xander and the rest of his mates. After he had recovered spike had said to hell with women and had proceed to sleep with every woman he came into contact with, except for Cordy, Anya and Fred of course.

Girls threw themselves at spike where ever he went. From his bad boy bleached hair and his piercing blue eyes down to his unbelievably cut six pack, it also helped that he had 2 Oscars under his belt and a bank account to rival bill gates.
Spike was a god to women everywhere. But soon the appeal of sleeping with loads of different women wore off but his reputation had already been made as a ladies man and that was it. He sighed and looked around the club again and his eyes were directed back to the stage when the light came on and music started playing.

A woman made her way to the front of the stage and began to swing her hips and move her body to the music. Spike immeadiatly paid attention to every detail of her dance not even noticing when a man next to him tipped a drink in his lap.

She’s bloody gorgeous

Spike leant forward and stared at the little blonde that had attracted his attention. She was a tiny thing not much taller than five foot but she was definitely a stunning package. Spikes gaze raked over her. She had long wavy blonde hair that shone like gold when the lights where on her. She had bright captivating green eyes that spike could see even from this distance and her body was breathtaking. Spike took in her perfectly shaped breasts and trailed down to her toned yet soft looking stomach. The red thong she was wearing didn’t exactly cover much and spike gulped audibly when he saw the muscles in her thighs contract as she danced.

Bet she could put those muscles to good use.

Spike thought to himself. He glanced around the club and saw that almost every other man who didn’t already have a girl in their lap were also staring at the goddess on stage. She was captivating.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=21881