Sauntering Angels by silly_bint
Summary: Buffy Summers is an average girl, head over heels in love with the bad boy of the school Spike. He's always kept to his gang until the day trouble starts to brew in Sunnydale, between two rival gangs. Buffy of course getting stuck in the very middle
Categories: Fantasy/AU Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 39 Completed: No Word count: 103694 Read: 38936 Published: 10/07/2006 Updated: 03/14/2007
here I am by silly_bint
Author's Notes:
I've been having major writing blocks lately which is part of the reason why this chapter hasn't come out for so long. I have the whole thing mapped out but I feel like everyone has lost interest. Thank you to all the people who have reviewed, it has helped immensely. I can say that Ghosts 1 and 2 are coming up which shall really set things in motion. I'll try and get them posted as soon as possible. Sorry for the insanely long A/N
I really shouldn’t be here.

The thought kept repeating itself the entire ten minutes it took to finally raise her hand and knock on the door. The day at school had come close to being her worst in five years and the fact that Buffy hadn’t turned up was a major factor. The red head was more than slightly worried that her best friend would never again attend Sunnydale High’s nightmarish halls and well for Willow that was unacceptable… no way was she going to suffer with only Harmony for entertainment.

Willow’s knuckles barely had touched the hard surface when Jonathon pried the door open and looked her up and down. The geek’s eyes made her want to wrap herself in a gigantic canvas.

“What in the name of Han Solo are you doing here?”

Willow cringed, nervously tucking long red hair behind her ears. I knew this was a mistake. Seeing her former nemesis from chess club in the doorway of one of the west coast’s most infamous gangs was nothing if not a massive warning sign, complimented by acme like symbols of ‘do not enter’. The neon lights were already flashing like mad in her brain. Willow smoothed her tartan skirt and forced her face to mirror something similar to calm.

“Spike said I could come visit Buffy anytime I wanted.”

Jonathon shrugged indifferently. He loved to play up being a member but in reality he had little say in any deals. Just seeing the top student sweat in fear was enough for him. He silently moved aside to let her pass, taking in the white knee high socks. If only she would consider wearing leather , he thought wistfully.

The mansion was far bigger than she had previously imagined, a wide hallway branching off to a large kitchen on her right and a lounge room with the weirdest colour scheme imaginable. On the left, a long corridor trailed down, numerous doors indicating that many more people lived in the house than Willow had suspected. Her mouth fell open at the sweeping staircase which connected to the second floor. Buffy is so lucky.

Willow darted a glance over at Jonathon, who, apathetically was jogging to catch the latest episode of Stargate SG1. It was the one show that others had allowed him to watch after Jacob chucked a fit over Scotty’s accent. Claims that the actor was faking it had quickly descended into an all out brawl and of course broken the screen. One of the conditions ever since had been the banning of all science fiction shows except for Stargate. Jonathon considered himself lucky.

The little man remained oblivious to the calculating way Willow studied the room. It was shameful to admit but she hadn’t come specifically to check up on Buffy. Rather she had come to the gang’s abode to spy.

Though Xander had not suggested it as such, Willow was not so blind as to not realise that her crush was asking/bribing her to investigate her best friend’s current residence. Sure it sounded squeaky clean on the phone but now Willow wasn’t so sure.

What if Buffy’s family didn’t know about her location for a reason?

And if that reason was indeed as awful as the red head was coming to suspect, then had she betrayed Buffy?

Willow stepped into the kitchen, determined not to answer those questions.

That would only make the consequences real.

She jumped in surprise as a arm dragged her in.

“Lookie who we have here… Little Miss Rosenberg snooping around.” Darla let go of Willow’s hand, backing up until she stood in line with Cordelia. She had never trusted the red head after Willow became friends with Harris. There was something too naïve about the girl for her own good. Blue eyes watched in dismay as Cordelia launched herself into the dork’s arms and began to hug. This is so pathetic. Seeking to interrupt the weird little reunion and also the odd display of emotion Darla tugged on Cordelia’s shoulder, reminding her of the oddity of Willow’s presence.

Taking in the questioning look of her matriarch Cordelia turned to her best friend and smiled gently. “What are you doing here? I thought that you wanted nothing to do with gangs and all that.”

“You guys all ditched school” offered Willow nervously. She had no real reason to be here. This was such a bad idea.

Seeing through the poor excuse Darla glared. “And?”

“And I just wanted to check that everything was okay… I don’t get to see you guys regularly and I missed you.”

Darla snorted. “You don’t actually believe her do you?” She tossed her shorn locks back imperiously and gazed at the two taller girls. Everything in her body was screaming not to trust Willow. Something was not right.

Cordelia however didn’t agree.

“How about you stop being such a bitch for once?” retorted Cordy with just a tinge of her former attitude. “Wills is completely trustworthy.”

The brunette turned her back on Darla, enjoying the feeling of being in control even if she would pay for it later. She quickly linked arms with Willow and started pulling her in the direction of Buffy’s rooms. She had finished her tutoring session with Spike in the training room late that morning and since been going through the man’s CDs. Every time a particular song came on that the blonde couldn’t stand, there would be a dramatic pause before the horrible sounds of a case hitting the trash can. The entire gang was amazed that Spike hadn’t torn out his hair in frustration and put a stop to it. Jonathon had been threatened with a knife when he dared to touch a Ramones disc.

The Brit didn’t so much as flinch when Buffy bitched about a particularly long solo from the Cure.

Spike had confessed to a very amused Gunn that he was certain he’d win Buffy over eventually. He just had to play the music constantly. Either she’d kill him during sounds of ‘the Clash’ or she’d grin and bear it. In the end Spike was positive that he’d be victorious.

Cordelia had other suspicions.

Opening the door to the tumultuous blondes’ bedroom, she steeled herself for the sounds of an argument.

Instead she walked in on what could only be the beginnings of a very personal moment.

Spike’s muscled back faced the door, completely sans shirt as the man hummed along to the music. His belt buckle fell to the floor as he started to take off the pants, forcing Cordelia to interrupt.

“Um excuse me…” The prom queen’s hand remained firmly on the doorway as Spike turned without a care. His hips jutted forward precariously, emphasising the washboard abs just above. If she could dare to look Cordelia knew she would see the telltale bulge of his muscles as it descended down to an area that was forbidden.

“You right there cheerleader?” asked Spike as he curled his tongue behind his teeth. Seeing her dazed nod he called out to Buffy who lay on the floor surrounded by old records. “Pet? Your gal pals are here to see you.” He gestured for them to come in, not bothering to fix the top button of his jeans. It was amusing watching Red blush.

Azure eyes focused in on Buffy as yawning she arched her back and forced her body upright. After the fight she had been withdrawn, darting glances at him every few minutes before nervously breaking eye contact when he caught her doing it. There was definitely something up. Spike knew that the entire incident with Faith would still be weighing heavily on her mind. Hell, even he was worrying about the sodding bird and he didn’t have any reason to be anxious.

Couple that with whatever the prat Jacob had said and Spike was a man walking a tightrope.

It would only take a quick glance to see that the bleached blonde didn’t deal with tension well. Don’t know how much more I can bleeding well stand of this, he thought with frustration as Buffy all but sidestepped around him and greeted her chums. Tonight he would have to talk to her and open up. He had no clue what the Irishman had spilled which meant that the Brit would be forced to talk by default.

Honesty’s the best policy, my arse.

With a sigh Spike grabbed a maroon shirt from the closet, deciding that perhaps he could go and play pool at the Bronze. Think about what he was going to say. It had hurt to talk about his mum so intimately. Still bloody ached knowing that he was at fault. If possible Spike wanted to save himself from further nancy boy emotions during confession time. Which of course meant that he’d have to prepp and secure a lot of booze.

So be it.

Slinging on his duster, Spike walked out of the room, Buffy and the girls having already waltzed out. He decided to lock the door this time, knowing that if given the chance Jonathon would nick a record and play it just to try and sound cool. Listening to the small man rate the Blitzkrieg Bop against the Star Wars symphonies had nearly killed him.

“Spike!” Angel stood at the foot of the staircase, one arm wrapped around Cordelia as Willow hung uncomfortably off the other.

What does the wanker think he’s doing?

Cursing both himself and the residual aches from their fight earlier, Spike rolled his eyes and then settled them on his leader. “What do you want now Peaches? I plan on being busy tonight.”

Aureli grinned in response. This was a perfect opportunity to introduce the women to some of their more unsavory business dealings and also get the gang comfortable with taking over Parker’s load. “Willow wanted our girls to go to the cinema but I had a better idea.”

Instantly Spike was suspicious. “Is that right” he drawled roughly. “Did it hurt trying to think?”

“Not as much as you hope Will.” The brunette curved his arm more possessively around Cordelia’s waist, wishing that it was Buffy instead. He would forever regret not having her in his bed. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the petite blonde waiting on the sidelines worrying over her dorky friend, and wanting to leave. Buffy was clearly uncomforable with the amount of people that suddenly seemed to flood the foyer.


“Just bloody well say it Angel. I haven’t got all night.”

“Let’s pay ‘Sin’ a visit.”

Immediately a rousing cheer went up, Wes even giving a rare smile. Any business conducted at the strip club would be solely pleasurable. If Spike dared to disagree more than Angel would think he was weak and defective.

The bleached blonde quickly realised the fact and shrugged his duster on more firmly. “Why not” he muttered, knowing that they could all hear. “Not much else to do in this sodding town.” He didn’t dare look at Buffy, knowing that if she didn’t already dislike him because of Jacob’s words than she would certainly feel that way by the end of the night.

He swiftly made his way to her side as the gang moved out of the house and out to their vehicles.

It was going to be a long night for everyone.


After seeing the way Faith dressed, Buffy was certain that she would be prepared for the club. The building itself was not too extreme, standing only one storey and boasting a dark, yet not dangerous atmosphere. Posters of near naked gild were glued to the door but then she had expected that. A bouncer, at least three inches taller than Spike, stood imposingly at the door, only stepping aside when he caught sight of the bleached blonde. The trip to ‘Sin’ had been silent except for the causal remarks of Willow in the backseat. It was plain to everyone that Spike did not want Buffy to see the murkier side of his livelihood.

He couldn’t possibly have known that she had spent two years of her life frequenting such an establishment.

Nor could the man have known that one of Hank’s call girls, Glory had been her personal nanny when it became too difficult for Joyce. Sometimes Joyce had demanded that Buffy accompany her in a bid to gain Hank’s affection. It all too quickly would dwindle to boredom when ‘Elizabeth’ didn’t act appropriately, namely stay in the corner of some dingy motel while ‘mommy and the nice dealer man’ talked. With annoyance Joyce would drop her off at Glory’s workplace, knowing that the girl would return her daughter safely to Hank. It was a perfect way to get rid of a perceived nuisance.

Sometimes Buffy would be allowed out into the main performing area. Glory worked as a stripper due to Hank’s opinion that she would waste any extra money. Twirling her hands and copying Glory’s movements, a small six year old would dance along. Most often the women would take turns between performances and entertained her by playing dress ups in the changing room.

If Hank had thought for one instant that Buffy had been left in the care of strippers, he would’ve killed both Glory and Joyce.

Looking at the stage now, Buffy couldn’t help but feel a twinge of nostalgia. She was the same age as Glory when she started dancing illegally.

Spike’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “C’mon luv. Peaches wants us at the table.” She could already hear the jovial sound in the deep rumble, knowing that he was intent on appearing pleased. It was a known trick which served without fail to diffuse Aureli’s sometimes irrational anger. Angel and him must still be fighting.

Stray bands of red and green light colored her skin as she followed after Spike. It shouldn’t have surprised her that he was involved in this type of industry. Women like Faith knew him for a reason. Hazel eyes looked over the occupied chairs with disappointment. How can I ever trust him when his whole life is based around deception? She caught the disgusted expression of Cordelia as one topless waitress placed a drink before Angel and shuddered. She could just see his hand stroking the girl’s hip. This looks like fun, she thought sarcastically. NOT!

“Looks like Aureli’s in the mood”, commented Spike as he sat down slowly. The statement earned him a menacing glare from Peaches which all too quickly would be replaced by an inebriated smile once the man started hitting the bar. Angel may have said that he wanted to check out business but that was just a farce. Everyone knew that ‘Sin’ was fine as far as book keeping.

The real reason Angel was there was to prove himself. That and teach the cheerleader not to deny him.

If Spike had had any choice in the night’s events, Buffy would be at the sodding movie with Red and the prom queen. Instead her pert nose was wrinkled in distaste at the girl’s which stood fawning over Angel.

What had she really expected?

Not this you wanker, thought Spike self-deprecatingly. The whole situation filled him with shame. He’d been terribly close to following in the poof’s footsteps after Dru.

Azure eyes stared helplessly as Jacob roughly pulled a giggling woman into his lap. The silly bird bumped Buffy as she moved, causing his spitfire to clench tiny fists. The fiery blonde opened her mouth ready to tell the dumb bird what she thought before noticing the glaze and flushed look on Jacob’s conquest. She was completely high.

Taking pity on Buffy and wishing to extract her away from the now moaning couple, Spike reached out an arm and gently pulled her to him.

“You alright pet?”

Incredulous eyes gazed into his own. “Spike she’s completely off her face! Hell, half the girls here are gone! Besides the fact that they are being taken advantage of, we dragged Willow along.” She huffed for a moment, as though still stunned he had the audacity to ask such a question. “Does Angel have any clue about how to run a club?”

Spike’s dark eyebrow raised at that question. And here I was bloody certain that she’d be fuming about the all the naked women…. Unable to help himself, the Brit pulled her into his lap and forced her look past their table and onto the stage. He tried to ignore why she would question Peaches’ management skills or thought herself knowledgeable. Something in him told the bleached blonde that he would not like the answer. Instead Spike opted for some good old fashioned teasing. That always got her to vent and let off bottled emotion.

“You positive that nothing else is tying that bloody big knot in your knickers?” asked Spike roughly. Another act had just come on to the sound of ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’ and was proceeding to wrap her body around a pole. He felt Buffy shake in annoyance and readied himself.

She could be nothing, if not brutally honest.

Angry, Buffy glared at the engrossed men which surrounded her and made an appealing gesture at Willow. The small red head had never been in such an environment before, judging by the shocked look that permanently sat on her features. I’ll be lucky if she ever visits the house again. Her eyes evaded the stripper with practice, knowing that Spike wanted to stir her up.

“No” she bit out, wrenching Spike’s hands off her and sitting hurriedly down in a seat next to Cordelia. Take that! “I’m just peachey.”

Looking up from her drink Cordelia tossed Spike a false smile. “That’s code for pissed off.”

“I think I got that memo, cheerleader.”

The brunette shrugged before looking at yet another scantily woman who had come over to the table. Didn’t they realise that he already has more women than Solomon? she thought in amazement. Even I was never that desperate.

“Can I take get you guys anything?” asked the girl with a smile the size of Texas. Her name tag hung off the waitress like skirt which was lower than most hipster jeans. Buffy wasn’t sure she dared to try and read it.

Spike didn’t even look at the girl, knowing already that there was no point. No woman had interested him since Buffy. He knew better than to try and change fate. “Bourbon would be fine luv.” Spike ignored the flutter of overdone eyelashes. When will this be nightmare end?

“How about you?” The girl turned to Cordelia, not missing the animosity which featured on the brunette’s face.

“Diet coke” responded Cordelia bluntly. The last thing I want is to be smashed around Angel. She resisted the urge to watch her lover who now had a girl on each knee and one massaging his shoulders. “Make it snappy too.”

Buffy, still mad and frustrated at being trapped in such an environment, blithely stared up at the woman. She looks about my age too, she thought with disgust. Hazel eyes widened with fear as the petite blonde took a closer glance at the soft baby blues which were now also opening in surprise. She knew that rounded chin and puffy cheeks from somewhere.

“Do I know you?”

The perky valley girl accent instantly filled Buffy with dread. “No I think you are mistaken… My face is pretty common.”

Apparently the girl wasn’t going to accept that.

“No I think I do know you. You’re Elizabeth Summers-Masters! We went to school together.” The girl’s hands clutched her notepad in excitement at her discovery. “Do you remember me?” At Buffy’s blank look she lifted the hem of her skirt and pointed to the name tag. “I’m Lucy.”

Breathe, just breathe… No one has picked up. No one has noticed. Buffy closed her eyes as the music in the club skidded to a halt. Lucy could still be heard talking in the background, reminiscing over their past exploits and dropping forbidden names into the open like it was a trial. When she finally dared to open her eyes, Spike’s met her instantly. Anger and betrayal swam, swallowing her whole as to the side Angel shrugged off his groupies.

“What in the bleeding hell is she talking about Buffy?”

And my day just keeps getting better an’ better.

A/N I apologise for the standard of this chapter. I just really had no clue how to write it. If any of you are willing to beta me I would love it. Just leave a review and your email. Apologies again,
This story archived at http://