Love's Gift by pfeifferpack
Summary: What if Buffy didn't take that dive off of the tower in The Gift? What if she saw Spike for the man he was becoming and spent the next year without the depression caused from her being pulled from heaven? Could they have progressed to love on a natural course. Begins at climax of The Gift then AU.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: Yes Word count: 29924 Read: 26534 Published: 10/16/2006 Updated: 10/16/2006
Chapter 5 by pfeifferpack
Chapter 5
Buffy liked the idea of having a double to take on the drudgery of a job more and more as she thought about it. "Maybe we can program it to clean house and cook,
too!" It seemed the only things Buffy really looked forward to were patrolling and her nightly visits with Spike.

Nearly every day she would stare at the bite mark on her neck made by Spike on the tower that night and run her fingers over the small scar left behind. She
would remember how hot the bite had made her. Even with hell spilling out into the world, all she had been able to think about was having Spike penetrate more
than her neck. She had been bitten before, of course. First the Master had killed her with a bite before drowning and then she had hit Angel until he had vamped out and drank her life-saving Slayer blood. She remembered that hurting a lot, even if she had climaxed as her first lover had nearly drained her dry. It had hurt; so had the Master’s bite. Dracula had bitten her too, but thanks to the thrall, she
didn’t really remember how it had felt. Most of what she felt about that whole thing was embarrassment. Spike’s bite was different. It was pure sex.

Buffy missed sex. She hadn’t had sex since Riley left. She hadn’t even indulged in a decent fantasy in a long while. Well, that was only half-true. She had lots of beginnings of fantasies and plenty of night dreams, all starring Spike and his fangs of pleasure. The waking ones she squashed as soon as she realized where her mind was going. The night ones tended to haunt her throughout the day.

"Damn sexy vampire! Bad enough I don’t get a decent amount of sleep without having a certain blonde vampire with that hard, hot body and a bite that made me come
without him even taking off his pants running naked through my dreams when I do sleep!" Buffy was seriously sexually frustrated. "Why couldn’t Dru have turned
some doofus with rotting buckteeth and a pot belly!

"Can’t really ask Giles about the whole yummy bitey stuff or he’d freak and stake Spike." Giles and Dawn had only been back for a couple of days and Buffy realized
how much she relied on her Watcher for so many answers in her life. "Not going to use Giles as my own personal Dr. Ruth though. His glasses couldn’t survive!" Buffy laughed at the mental image of Giles reacting to the kinds of questions she’d love to ask about vampiric sexuality and why the memory of some vampire bites got her hot and wet.

Spike had been by to see Dawn and annoy Giles. It was rather funny watching that last part. Somehow what Spike had done to save Buffy and Dawn made a major
difference in the attitude of the reserved Watcher. Spike tried all his old tricks to get a rise from Giles, only to be met with an exceptional amount of tolerance. Giles had finally found a way to completely frustrate the vampire.

"He’s no fun any more, Slayer," Spike complained as they patrolled later that night. "Don’t know what that Council of Wankers did to your Watcher, but I’m
bettin’ he’s a pod person. The real Giles is in some dark hole at their headquarters in London. I’m telling you, Slayer, we need to watch him close-like.
No tellin’ what he’ll do! The git even smiled at me and asked my opinion and you know that has to herald an apocalypse at the very least." Spike actually looked a bit worried.

"Stop being a drama queen, Spike. Giles simply figured out you aren’t Angelus with a buzz toy in your head. People can change. You even proved that demons can
change," Buffy pointed out.

"Well, I’m still watchin’ the Watcher," Spike promised.

"I’m sure he’ll be flattered," Buffy teased. "Better be careful or he’ll think you’ve developed a crush."

"Bloody hell, Slayer, he’s not my type at all! If I were lookin’ that way, I’d go much younger and in better shape."

"Should I warn Xander?" It took all of Buffy’s self control to keep from doubling over in laughter at Spike’s expression.

The vampire sputtered in indignation at the suggestion. "The whelp is NOT in better shape. Gonna need to be wheeled down the bleedin’ aisle if he doesn’t lay off the junk food. Don’t even THINK of saying such a horrifyin’ thing around anyone else
either, missy, or--chip or no chip--I WILL eat you." He threatened.

"Yeah, promises, promises," she said.

Buffy walked on ahead of the suddenly confused Spike. He could swear he smelled … no, not possible! If he weren’t sure he had to be imagining it, Spike would
place a bet that his Slayer was aroused at the thought. The rich aroma of heavily turned-on female wafted off Buffy so strongly he could smell it, even as far behind her as he was walking. Damn!

Buffy could not stop the thoughts! It was all Spike’s fault with that lame pretend threat to eat her. The words had just left his mouth, his so sexy mouth, when
she was imagining Spike eating her in every way imaginable. That tongue of his that he liked to poke between his teeth like a house cat high on catnip held the promise of talents Buffy had only read about. ‘Bet he’s done more than read, too! Oh yeah, lots more,’ she thought dreamily. ‘Of course, I wouldn’t object if he decided to have a little sip from my neck while he was at it.’ Buffy shook her head to clear the image as she felt herself grow even more wet at the thought.

"Spike, where’d you go?" Buffy noticed that the vampire who had been starring in her own mental porn movie had stopped several yards behind her and had a
completely befuddled expression on his face. "What’s up? Some nasty around I didn’t notice?"

When Spike didn’t answer at first, Buffy became a little alarmed. He was looking at her so oddly and not moving at all, only the movement of his Adam’s apple every few minutes showed he was not made of stone. Buffy headed back towards her paralyzed
vampire partner and snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Yo, Spike! Wake-up time for vampires! You okay?"

"Um…" Spike swallowed hard once more, as his eyes seemed to clear and focus again. "Yeah, fine here. No worries. Thought I caught a hint of something, but I had to have been wrong. Go on ahead, Buffy, I’ll be right with you." Spike prayed she would just move away without noticing the significant bulge straining his zipper at the scent of her arousal. There were times when that superior vampire sense of smell was not an asset. Wouldn’t do for Buffy to see the effect her words and smell had on him.

"Just what the hell turned her key?" Spike wondered. "What the hell did I say anyway?" He searched his memory trying to figure out what could have caused
Buffy to put out the smell that put the best French perfume to shame.

As soon as he was able to walk without looking like he had a metal bar down his left pant leg, Spike caught up to Buffy and tried to ignore the lovely aroma of Slayer
musk she was still emitting. This was an even bigger mystery than the change in Giles. What could have caused Buffy to suddenly let off all those delectable

Naturally there weren’t any vampires bursting out of their graves begging to be staked to distract Buffy thoughts. ‘Where’s a good attempted virgin sacrifice
when you need one?’ she wondered? Of course, the word "virgin" led down the same merry path she was already skipping along as she thought of all the fun things she had yet to experience but sensed that Spike knew firsthand.

Buffy stopped in her tracks, causing Spike to slam into her back. Spike’s arms went round her to keep her from being knocked to the ground and he found himself
unable to let go once she was stable again. It felt as though time stopped as Buffy slowly turned in his arms, not pulling away from him at all. In fact,
Buffy drew even closer to him, nearly scorching him with her heat. His painfully hard cock strained at his pants, begging for release. She had to feel what her nearness was doing to him! Just when Spike thought his mind would explode at the possibilities hinted at by Buffy’s non-reaction to his condition, she blew the top off his head by pressing her lips to his in a tentative kiss.
This story archived at http://