Love's Gift by pfeifferpack
Summary: What if Buffy didn't take that dive off of the tower in The Gift? What if she saw Spike for the man he was becoming and spent the next year without the depression caused from her being pulled from heaven? Could they have progressed to love on a natural course. Begins at climax of The Gift then AU.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: Yes Word count: 29924 Read: 26535 Published: 10/16/2006 Updated: 10/16/2006
Chapter 8 by pfeifferpack
Chapter 8

Giggling, the two raced each other up the stairs in a competition for first shower rights. Spike’s unbeating heart felt like it could play percussion for Santana; he couldn’t remember ever feeling so carefree and joyful.

Buffy got to the bathroom door a split second before Spike and twirled in triumph. "Ha ha, beat the Big Bad! Now you have to wait all covered in demon goo while I use up all the hot water!"

"Come here, little girl," Spike growled in a sexy, low voice. "If you’re gonna be getting rid of all that goop, might as well get some more on you." He pulled
the panting, laughing girl into his arms and swooped to her lips, plundering them for all he was worth.

Buffy returned his kisses with no hesitation at all, plastering her body up against his and raising her left leg to hook over his hip.

This time it was Spike who broke the kiss to gulp for air. He knew he didn’t need it, but it sure felt like he did. This girl could turn a vampire back into a man with just her kisses. He nuzzled into her neck then rained kisses up and down the smooth column of her throat.

Buffy moaned and threw her head back in pleasure. God, the things Spike could do with just his mouth and tongue were enough to send her over the edge!

"Spike, I really don’t want our first time to be standing up in a shower. Besides, you make my legs jelly. If we try it that way to start out, I’ll probably turn into one of those horrifying bathroom accident statistics."

Spike had to grin at the imagined news headline and reluctantly agreed with her. "Only if I get a rain check for a shower with you later. Can show you things
to do with that massaging shower head you never dreamed of, love!"

"I’ll just bet you can. I can be a very, very good student, too … when I like the class. I could even become teacher’s pet," Buffy teased.

"Already are. You’re teacher’s everything," Spike said softly. The passion in his voice left no room for doubt in Buffy’s mind.

Buffy went in and started her shower. "There’s spare towels in the hall closet, Spike. Pick out whatever you need. I don’t plan to be in here long, so don’t
fall asleep or anything," she teased.

She selected one of her many nice smellies to wash her hair and body, opting for a citrus and coconut concoction that always seemed to cover demon ick best. ‘Great,
Spike’s going to think he’s making love to a fruit salad,’ she thought. ‘Making love. With Spike! Never would have guessed that in a million years. That’s what it’s going to be too, making love.’ She sighed in contentment, no conflicting emotions to ruin the evening.

‘God, I can’t believe I actually doubted that he could feel love!’ she thought in wonder. ‘The Rasta Slayer was wrong, HE’S the one full of love. He may be dead,
but he’s so alive it’s scary and it’s the emotion that does it. Wait a minute! What was it she said? ‘Love, give, forgive’…no, before that … how did she put it? Yeah, she said I’d only lose my love if I reject it. Guess I’ve been doing THAT for a while. She said love was pain and that a Slayer forges strength from pain. She told me to risk the pain, to love, give and forgive and that my love would bring me to my gift. She must have been talking about me and Spike! I had to let go of all the pain and fear and forgive him. This must be, like, destiny or something!’ Buffy began to hum a happy melody, secure in her conclusion that she wasn’t making yet another mistake in her love life.

Spike was being careful not to touch anything while he waited for his turn to clean up. He couldn’t believe what was happening. He could hear Buffy on the other
side of the door and could picture her soft curves and buff body being caressed with the warm spray of water. He had no trouble seeing the soap foam as it glided
down bare breasts, nipples hard and rosy. He could mentally follow the trail of fragrant liquid as it moved its way down to her soft curls. He wondered what shade those curls would turn out to be. There was no way her hair was that blonde without a bit of help. He couldn’t remember ever being so hard in his life. Spike was struck with a sudden fear that he would do something to make this all go pear-shaped. ‘Bugger all! Ever since I met the bint, I’ve managed to cock up every plan I make. Gotta do this right, no messin’ this chance up. Don’t think Buffy’ll give me a second chance if I do.’

As the newly secure Slayer toweled off, the newly insecure vampire bounced from heel to toe in nervous anticipation.

The door swung open and Buffy grinned at Spike’s pent-up energy showing in his movements. "Channeling your inner Tigger there, handsome?" she teased.

"Just wantin’ to get rid of this stench. Don’t even want to kiss you when I’m like this and you’re …," he trailed off, taking in the sight of Buffy in only a
towel. A towel that didn’t leave much to the imagination either. Mum was right, cleanliness WAS a good thing, he decided.

"You’re up! Meet me under the covers in ten minutes or I might just fall asleep on you," Buffy threatened.

"Know how to wake you right up again if I have to. Might even suggest a bit of a kip for you, build up your strength and what all. I don’t think I’m gonna
let you get much sleep tonight, kitten." Spike arched his eyebrow and gave her a "come hither" look.

"Bedroom eyes! I’d heard about them but never really knew what that meant. You have bedroom eyes and a voice to match. I don’t think you need to worry about my energy levels, sexy. Slayer here, remember?" She smiled. As Spike watched her walk to her bedroom door he nearly lost it. She very deliberately dropped the towel in the hallway outside the door, giving Spike a lingering look at her firm, sexy, naked ass. She looked over her shoulder at him and blew him a kiss.

Spike growled and warned her in a low tone, "Keep that up, missy, and you’ll be all covered in goo again." He made a move to cross the hall to her and she let out a
squeal and closed the door.
This story archived at http://