Forever Alive by Shadow
Summary: When an Immortal Slayer joins forces with an unusal vampire, strange things are bound to happen
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 69 Completed: Yes Word count: 116319 Read: 144124 Published: 11/05/2006 Updated: 12/10/2011
Chapter 10 by Shadow
“It was over a hundred years ago that I was turned, and I remember it like it was yesterday, ” Spike began. “Father had passed away a mere fortnight prior, and my family was still in mourning. However, matters of his estate drew me to London , and to his solicitors, who insisted that I accompany them to a small gathering of sorts. It so happened that my mother, in all manner of being concerned for my continuing bachelor status, had requested of my father’s solicitors that I be introduced to eligible young ladies whilst I was in London .”

Buffy gazed at Spike, not making any sound, but a small smile graced her lips.

“I know what you are thinking love , and you are wrong. I wasn’t the epitome of an English Rake. I was rather more… sedate. I preferred my studies at Oxford over the pointless pursuits of the other people of my station.” Spike chuckled softly. “Lot of good that did me though.”

Spike ran his fingers through his hair, loosening the gel and freeing up his riotous curls. “At any rate, at this so-called gathering, I was introduced to all manner of proper young Victorian Misses.” Spike snorted in irony. “Proper enough to tell a man off for being forward, but the worst of cackling hens when it came to rumor and the spreading of such.”

Buffy wiggled a little, shifting position slightly, trying to find a comfortable position.

“Oi, you don’t be wanting to do that, love . Drive me out of my mind you will, ” Spike remarked as Buffy’s shifting caused a tightening of jeans.

“Sorry Spike.” Buffy said with widening eyes as she felt something… hard… underneath her.

Spike placed his hands on Buffy’s waist, and shifted her himself, until she was straddling his lap. He slouched a little in the chair, and brought her firmly down on top of the rock hard bulge in his jeans, and held her there. “There, I’m comfy; you look comfy, and let’s get on with this sordid tale then.”

Buffy gasped at the feel of Spike pressed firmly up against her and looked at him with wide eyes. “Spike... I really think I should m…”

“Nope, you ain’t gonna move. You are gonna sit right there and listen to me.” Spike gave her a salacious smirk, “Wiggle away, I know I’ll enjoy it, and I bet you will too.”

Buffy felt her face grow hot as she flushed in embarrassment.

“Dammit Buffy…” Spike muttered, as he clasped the back of her neck in one hand, and brought her face down to his. “Gotta… do… this…” He smashed his mouth to hers, his tongue forcefully thrusting its way into her mouth. His other hand kept a tight grip on her hip, holding her steady as he ground up against the apex of her thighs. He broke the kiss as suddenly as he had started it, panting harshly. “What I wouldn’t give to see you in this same position, flushed with pleasure.” Spike gripped her hips with both hands, and thrust sharply upwards, eliciting a soft gasp from Buffy. “If I was smarter, I’d let you off my lap, but I seem to be a glutton for punishment where you are concerned love . So I’m gonna hold you right there, your heat searing me through my jeans…” Spike took a deep breath, “and that lovely aroma perfuming the air. And I will tell you all about myself.”

Buffy sat there, eyes wide, breath coming in harsh pants, as the sensations Spike had caused (and was still causing) darted throughout her body. “O-okay Spike.” She managed to get out breathlessly.

“Right, well the party was a right bore. All those uptight little prissy misses and the even more uptight wankers looking down their noses at me, simply because I preferred literature and poetry to hunting and cards. But, I stayed at the party. Mostly because I was being watched like a hawk by my father’s solicitors. Then I saw her, she was bewitching and ethereal. My Dark Princess.” Spike said this last with more than a hint of wistfulness.

Buffy looked at him with what seemed like shock, and she started wiggling. “Let me go Spike, if you think I’m gonna sit here while you reminisce about another woman…”

“OI! Sit still pet. And pay attention. I am NOT thinking about anyone else beyond what I need to think of to answer the bloody question you asked me.” Spike said with some annoyance.

Buffy stopped moving, peering down at Spike with a perturbed expression. “Okay, okay, sitting still. But get on with it.”

“Anyway, she had the darkest hair I’d ever seen, all pulled up, with sparkling diamonds woven through her dark curls. Her eyes were the color of the sky just before night falls, that dark dark blue color that is almost black. And I fell straight into them.” Spike shook his head and laughed in self-deprecation . “Next thing I remember, I was outside, pressed up against the wall of the building with that girl latched onto me, whispering things in my ears. Strange things about knights and princes and sunshine and forever . Weird girl. Anyway, she starts kissing my neck, which let me tell you, took me by complete surprise. Then I felt it. A sharp piercing pain in my throat, and then the most intense pleasure I had ever felt up to that point.”

Spike sighed gently, “I don’t remember much after that, except feeling faint, and my sight growing dim. I do remember thinking that I must be fainting, which was a rather odd thing for a gentleman to do.”

Buffy slid her arms around Spike’s neck, holding his head to her breasts. “So this ‘dark princess’ was the one who turned you?”

Spike nuzzled the small strip of skin between Buffy’s breasts, it being visible just above the neckline of her red shirt. “No, she’s the one who drained me, but she didn’t turn me. She left that up to the Grand Poof, Angelus.”

Grasping the hair on the back of Spike’s head, Buffy yanked his head back sharply. “Angelus is your Sire? You have got to be kidding me!”

“HEY! Let go of the hair. And no joke, he Sired me. As much as I’d like to forget that part, it’s the truth. But the worst was yet to happen…” Spike trailed off as Buffy stopped pulling on his hair and started stroking the back of his head tenderly.
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