Forever Alive by Shadow
Summary: When an Immortal Slayer joins forces with an unusal vampire, strange things are bound to happen
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 69 Completed: Yes Word count: 116319 Read: 144176 Published: 11/05/2006 Updated: 12/10/2011
Chapter 21 by Shadow
Climbing to his feet, Methos sheathed his sword before flinging back the white hood that shaded his face. With a wicked chuckle he said, “Now is that any way to treat your favored son, Mother?”

Buffy snorted and rolled her eyes. “Yes. When that son is you.”

Placing his hand over his heart, Methos adopted a wounded expression. “Mother, you wound me. What have I done to merit such?”

A muffled laugh burst forth from the larger of the three remaining white-clad personages. “Looks like she’s got your number, old man.”

“I’ve had his number since the day I yanked his skinny ass out of that snow bank over 5000 years ago,” Buffy remarked.

Hank started to climb to his feet, sputtering, “Now see here you stupid bitch, I don’t care…” His blustering foolishness was abruptly stopped by the application of Spike’s fist to his face.

“Told you before, you bloody wanker, NOBODY talks to her like that!” Spike kicked Hank in the ribs for good measure.

“Oh, I think I like this one,” Methos exclaimed.

Angel lunged up from the ground, in a lame attempt to tackle Buffy. “You stupid cunt, you’ve ruined everything!” Before Buffy could react, the white-robed figure that had been standing behind Angel, knocked him over the head with the pommel of its sword, and he fell to the ground dazed.

Looking more than a little perturbed, Hammond quietly asked, “If I may inquire, what happens next? You have obviously won the right for the girl to be your sacrifice…” He trailed off as Buffy rounded on him, a look of utter fury on her face.

“Dawn is nobody’s damned sacrifice! Get that through your fucking thick skull right now,” Buffy growled, her eyes flashing angrily.

“But… the robes, and you calling them ‘your boys’ and…” Hammond trailed off totally confused.

The figure who had smacked Angel over the head laughed. “I’ve been called a lot of things in my lifetime, but never a boy.”

Buffy snickered at the look of confusion on Hammond’s face. “So, since I know for a fact that the other three are dead, permanently, wanna fill me in on who is wearing the robes?”

Methos laughed and bowed mockingly to Buffy. “As my lady wishes.”

“The rather large lump over there, portraying the image of war…” Methos laughed, “Would be one Duncan McLeod. Must say he just doesn’t have Kronos’ touch though.”

Duncan pulled off his hood and grinned. “Don’t know why I let you talk me into wearing this getup.”

“Cause you look sexy in that robe and you know it?” Methos grinned and blew Mac a kiss. “Moving along now, the one portraying the image of famine is the ever lovely Amanda.”

Amanda pulled her hood off, shook out her long black hair and snickered. “And from what I’ve heard, I’m the skinniest famine ever.”

“No kidding, Caspian ate more in one sitting than you do in a week.” Mac said with a grin.

“Oh bite me Mac.” Amanda said, sticking out her tongue.

“Enough you two, this is serious business.” Methos snickered softly. Turning to the last figure, the one who had smacked Angel over the head. “Last but not least, portraying the image of pestilence, the Lady Cassandra.”

Cassandra lowered her hood and smiled. “How are you Buffy? I see we got here in time.”

Buffy laughed, reached over and hugged a very confused Spike. “Hi Cassie. Yup, you guys got here in time.” Grinning at Mac she continued, “Never thought I’d be happy to see a morose Scotsman though."

Mac just laughed and finished removing the robe he was wearing. “How are Joyce and Dawn? These idiots didn’t get to them did they?”

Buffy turned towards the house. “Bring them, we don’t need the neighbors spying on us and gossiping.”

Methos clapped a hand to Spike’s shoulder and winked. “You and I need to have a drink and discuss just exactly why Mother was kissing you.”

Spike’s eyes widened and he just stared at Methos. “You do realize that I ain’t exactly human?”

“Oh he realizes, he is just tryna get under your skin. Either that or he just wants to see how drunk he can get you,” Buffy tossed over her shoulder as she reached for the door. And was promptly flung back as the 2nd stage ward activated.

Spike rushed over to her, cradling her against him while checking her over for any kind of damage the ward may have caused.

Angel started laughing. “You had the lesbian witch bitches lock US out, but forgot that any wards would lock you out as well. You really are a dumb cunt.”

Cassandra placed the tip of her sword at the base of Angel’s skull. “One more word from you, and I will remove your vocal cords from the back.”

Angel opened his mouth and Hammond gave a deep sigh. “Do be quiet Angel. You may be a client of the firm, but even the senior partners won’t go against the horsemen and their teacher.”

Methos stood there, staring at the door. “Any suggestions on how we are gonna get in?”

Spike thought for a moment and grinned as an idea formed. “Anyone got a cell phone? There has to be at least one in the house, if not more. And I know the watcher seldom lets his out of his sight.”

Amanda reached into her back pocket and produced her phone. “Here, it might be best if a voice he recognizes is on this end.” She tossed the phone to Spike.

“Ta pet. You’re right; he’d have an eppie if he didn’t recognize the voice. And we sure don’t need visit from Ripper to round out the evening.” Spike caught the phone as he and Buffy rose to their feet.

Spike flipped open the phone and dialed Giles’ number. When Giles answered Spike quipped, “Wanna open the front door Rupes? We got company and they really need to use the loo.”
This story archived at http://