Forever Alive by Shadow
Summary: When an Immortal Slayer joins forces with an unusal vampire, strange things are bound to happen
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 69 Completed: Yes Word count: 116319 Read: 144196 Published: 11/05/2006 Updated: 12/10/2011
Chapter 45 by Shadow
Buffy looked around in amused amazement. “If I didn’t know better, I would swear we were actually in the desert.”

“The Chamber provides all that is needed.” Irnhe said with a self-depreciating smile. “Will this suffice for your needs?”

“Perhaps the addition of a large tree, with but a few branches, seemingly dead, but stronger than spelled iron.” Buffy said thoughtfully. “After all, we will need somewhere to tie the vampire while we work.”

Irnhe nodded and closed her eyes in concentration. In front of them, a large tree-like object shimmered into existence. “Is this what you had in mind?”

Buffy nodded, impressed with what she saw. “Did the room pluck the image from my mind? Because this is identical to the tree I tied Kronos to.”

“Nobody knows how the room works, my Lady. It is quite possible that it did read your mind.” Mordecai said as he approached them, the bound vampire following him.

Angel stared around in amazement. The sun was shining down on him and it was not hurting him. He glanced over at Buffy and smiled. “I thought this was to be a punishment? I don’t see how me standing in the sun can be anything but a reward.” He said with a condescending smirk on his face.

Buffy merely smiled and shook her head before turning back to Irnhe. “Looks like we have the venue. First thing we need to do is bind the vampire to the tree.”

“Might I suggest using this rope? It has been soaked in holy water for months.” Mordecai shrugged. “Never know when one might need it.”

“Always prepared for the unexpected. Some things never change Mordecai.” Buffy said with a laugh.


Methos reminded Joyce, Dawn and Giles to remain in the Jeep while he checked out the house. As he left the vehicle, Xander pulled in to the driveway behind him. “Stay put. I’m going to check things out.” Thus said, he headed into the house via the front door. As he entered the house, he drew his sword from beneath his coat, and took a deep breath. “Here’s hoping the idiot left before we returned…” he muttered to himself as he carefully bolted the front door. He checked out the living room first, making sure that all the curtains were wide open, leaving no place for anyone to hide.

“How long is this going to take?” Xander complained, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. “Cant he just yell at whoever might be in there, that if they don’t leave, he’s going to kill them?”

Anya smacked Xander on the back of the head. “You have been spending too much time with Spike. Methos will check every room, every closet, and every possible hiding place, from the attic to the basement. He is very thorough,” she said with a fond smile.

Willow whispered in Tara’s ear, “Why do I get the feeling that she’s talking about more than his searching skills.”

Tara put a hand over her mouth and giggled, but did not say anything.


Across town in Willy’s bar, Spike was asking questions and spreading the news about a possible council wet works unit in town. Willy promised to pass on any information that he picked up and Spike left the bar. As he walked towards Cho’s, he started making a mental list of what he should get, the realized that he did not know the old man’s preferences. Shaking his head and laughing softly to himself, he entered the restaurant and snuck up on a tiny young lady. Wrapping his arms around her waist he picked her up and spun around, causing the girl to squeal in shocked delight.

“Mr. Spike! I have been missing you.” The girl said with a smile as he put her down and she turned towards him. “Grandfather will be so pleased that you are here.”

“Don’t have time for much of a chat little Jade, I’m just here to…” he trailed off as a wizened old man came out of the kitchen.

“You are here to pick up huge order. Food for multitudes!” The old man said with a toothless grin.

“That’s right Cho, food for the masses.” He grinned. “And one of these days I’m going to figure out how you do that.”

“Now is not the time for you to be prying into secrets. Now is the time for you to be taking the good food we make and feed those in your care.” Cho nodded and motioned towards the two large boxes sitting against the wall. “Your order is ready, and you owe naught.” He slapped Spike’s hand when it reached to pay for the food.

“Cho, you are going to go broke if you keep this up.” Spike said with some exasperation.

“You want make payment? Fine. You and your young lady come to Jade’s wedding in 3 months time. That is payment I ask you to make.” Cho nodded once and turned back to the kitchen. “Now go, before food becomes as ice.”

Spike turned to Jade, “One of these days…” He trailed off as Jade started to laugh.

“You say that every time, and every time you leave with a smile on your face. Now go, my Neil is waiting to drive you home with the food.” Jade made a shooing motion towards the door. “GO!”

Spike bowed low and laughed. “Yes Madame Jade. Your orders are music to my ears.” He picked up the boxes easily and left the restaurant.


Back at the house, Methos had finished checking all the rooms, including the attic and the basement, and had found nothing out of the ordinary. There was nobody hiding in the house. He went outside, told everyone that the coast was clear, and told them to get their arses in the house.

“You know, if it wasn’t for the fact that you could quite possibly kill me without blinking an eye, I would take umbrage at being treated like a child.” Giles huffed as he passed Methos.

“Rupert, can I help it that you are all children in my eyes?” Methos asked with a laugh.

Joyce swatted Methos on the arm. “Quit baiting the man, Methos. You are being rude.”

Methos swept an old-fashioned bow to Joyce. “Of course sister mine. Your wish is my command.”

Their bantering was interrupted by Xander loudly asking what was taking Spike so long with the food.

Joyce laughed and closed the door, motioning to Dawn to come help her fetch some plates and flatware in preparation for the arrival of the food.
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