Forever Alive by Shadow
Summary: When an Immortal Slayer joins forces with an unusal vampire, strange things are bound to happen
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 69 Completed: Yes Word count: 116319 Read: 144131 Published: 11/05/2006 Updated: 12/10/2011
Chapter 60 by Shadow
Author's Notes:
New Chapter! wooot!
Spike awoke to sunlight streaming through the massive double windows that graced the far side of the room. He instinctively grabbed for the quilt, intending to make a dash to less sun-filled room, when he realized he was actually sitting in a pool of sunlight, without burning to ash. “Oh I missed this…” he trailed off as thoughts of the sundrenched bedroom of his childhood streamed passed his conscious mind. He was so lost in both the memories and the feeling of the warmth of the sun, that he missed the presence of his bed partner.

Buffy smiled as she watched Spike’s face. She could almost see the thoughts dancing in his mind, and realized that she wanted to spend the rest of her existence waking up to a similar sight. A look of surprise passed across her features, almost too quick to be seen, before she settled into a deep contemplation of her feelings. It only took her a few moments to realize that, after many centuries of being alone, she had found the one person who completed her. A giggle passed her lips as she recognized the irony of it. “Who would have thought that the Elders had such a sense of humor…” she whispered to herself.

“What’s that pet?” Spike asked turning to face her as his sharp hearing picked up her whispered comment. His eyes darkened with desire at the sight of her toned body reclining on the dark blue silk sheets, the sunlight picking out golden highlights in her hair.

“Oh was just thinking about something rather ironic.” Buffy said with a soft smile, her fingers plucking at a fold in the sheet.

Sliding his body over hers, a smirk on his lips, he arched one eyebrow at her in question. “And what would this ironic thing be?” With a subtle nudge of his legs, he part Buffy’s thighs and settled himself between her legs, his burgeoning arousal resting against her core.

Buffy moaned softly as his gentle actions sent arousal dancing along her nerves. “I was just looking at you, watching expressions as various thoughts seemed to dance in your eyes, and…” she trailed off as Spike traced a fingertip along the arch of her right eyebrow.

“And?” He prompted, pressing a soft kiss to the tip of her nose. “Tell me what’s running through your pretty head, love.” He pressed the lower half of his body into hers more, propping himself up on his elbows, leaving his hands free to play in her hair.

Buffy smiled up at him and grinned, “And I realized that I could spend the rest of my life waking up to that same sight.” Her eyes dropped, focusing on Spike’s mouth, as he threaded the fingers of both hands into her hair. “Made me realize that I’m happy, with you…” her voice softened as she leaned up to press a gentle kiss to Spike’s lips. “Happier than I can ever remember being.”

“And this is ironic?” Spike said, his left hand sliding down her body to cup and fondle her right breast.

Buffy arched into his touch, gasping at the sensations his talented fingers raised in her. “No… that’s not the ironic part…” Her own fingers traced up and down his spine, mapping the solid planes of his back.

Spike softly stroked his fingers down Buffy’s body, slipping between them to stroke her clit, causing her to arch against him with a moan. He raised himself up until he was kneeling between Buffy’s spread thighs. With a wicked grin he slipped his fingers down to trace through her wetness, sliding them inside her tight core. “Or is this the ironic part?” He pulled his fingers out and thrust them back in sharply, drawing a sharp gasp from Buffy, her eyes rolling into her head.

“Huh?” Buffy asked, her brain having shut down from the overload of sensations. “Was I saying something?” A mischievous light entered her eyes as her brain re-engaged. She squeaked in surprise as Spike shifted to his vampiric visage, the fingers of his left hand buried deep inside her.

“Two can play at that game Slayer,” Spike growled as he sharply pulled his fingers from core and grasped his cock firmly at the base. With a smirk he slapped his cockhead against her clit, drawing more moans and gasps from her. “Tell me what you were thinking of, and why it’s ironic that these ‘Elders’ of yours have a sense of humor.” He placed the head of his cock at the entrance to her body and wrapped his hands around her waist.

Buffy wrapped his hands around his wrists, her eyes locked with his. “The Elder’s used me to create the Slayer line, to create a line of warriors to kill your kind.” Her voice became softer and yet more serious. “And yet I find myself feeling happy and complete when I am with you.” She arched up against him, feeling his erection slip just a little inside of her. “Don’t you think it ironic that the one person who completes me… is one of those my ‘spirit children’ were sent out to destroy?”

Spike blinked in shock, his mind grasping the implications of her statement. Then he grinned, “Oh I’ll complete you alright Slayer...” he said as he used the hands on her waist to pull her sharply towards him, shoving forwards with his hips at the same time, burying his full length inside her with one thrust.

Buffy screamed with pleasure as he slammed into her, her nails digging into his wrists. “Oh gods yes, you complete me so damned good…” she panted. Tossing her head back she gasped with each deep, hard thrust Spike made. Releasing his wrists, Buffy reached up and grabbed his shoulders, yanking him down to her and smashing her lips to his, not caring about his fang-filled mouth.

Spike fell forward on top of Buffy, his hips slamming into hers, driving his cock even deeper, the scream that issued forth from her mouth, muffled against his own. He felt her slice her tongue on one of his fangs and growled as her blood filled his mouth. After swallowing the blood, he ripped his mouth away and let out a loud growl, his burning yellow eyes boring into hers. “I have wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you in that cemetery in Sunnydale. “ He pulled out and thrust back in hard and deep. “That first night, you fell asleep in my arms, and I felt warm, needed, complete, for the first time since I can remember.” He paused at the bottom of his stroke, buried deep inside her, and lowered his head to brush his lips across hers. “I was willing to take whatever you were willing to give me.” He smiled softly. “Still am.” He would have continued but Buffy interrupted him gently.

“And if I said that I am willing to give you everything? Share with you everything that I am now and will ever be?” She looked up into his eyes and brushed her hand gently down his face. “If I ask you to share forever with me?”

“I would say I am the luckiest bloke in the entire world, and if I wasn’t otherwise engaged at this moment, I would fall on my knees in front of you.” He slowed his thrusts to a gentler pace traced her cheekbones with his thumbs.

Buffy linked her fingers together behind Spike’s neck and bared her throat. “Then take me, make me yours and I shall do the same. We shall declare to each other and to our family and friends that we are one.” She pulled his head gently downwards.

Spike’s eyes widened and he let loose a rumbling purr from deep within his chest, as his demon rejoiced in the fact that the Slayer actually wanted him… all of him! He began driving his cock harder and faster into the tight, writhing body beneath him. He knew he was fast approaching his peak and was determined to drive Buffy over the edge with him. As he felt his balls tighten and draw up, he growled low in her ear, “MINE”, and sank his fangs deep into her throat.

As Spike’s fangs ripped into her throat, Buffy felt herself fly over the precipice she had been fast approaching. She screamed out in a combination of pleasure and pain, “YOURS!” and felt him flood her with his cool spendings. Neither one of them noticing the flare of silver light that burst forth from them and filled the room.

Outside the room, the rest of the house’s occupants were startled by the flare of bright silver light. Most of them looked at each other in confusion, not knowing where it came from. Only one, Elvara, smiled with the knowledge that something momentous had just happened.
End Notes:
Hope you enjoyed the smut.
This story archived at http://