Forever Alive by Shadow
Summary: When an Immortal Slayer joins forces with an unusal vampire, strange things are bound to happen
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 69 Completed: Yes Word count: 116319 Read: 144124 Published: 11/05/2006 Updated: 12/10/2011
Chapter 61 by Shadow
Author's Notes:
portions of this chapter were written by Jamies_Lady. She begged for some Haakon/Elvara loving, so I told her to write it!
After the wave of energy that had passed through the house, things seemed to quiet down. Elvara made a light lunch for everyone and watched in bemusement as they all seemed to drift into little groups. The two Wiccans and Anya were off exploring the neighborhood, having conned Giles into accompanying them. Methos and Ritchie had confiscated the boy, and along with the other two young men, were having a serious discussion in the games room. Oddly enough it seemed to involve the snooker table.

After Spike and Buffy had come downstairs, Spike had appropriated Haakon and the girls, and took them into the garden for some ‘fun in the sun’. From what she could see, it involved the three girls chasing the men with a water hose. Cassandra and Buffy had wandered off to the media room and were watching the news. She wondered where Joyce had gotten herself off to, and the shrugged before heading up to the library on the second floor. It was time to pack up the school bags for Monday.

Shortly afterwards Joyce appeared in the doorway, carrying a couple of bottles of wine and 2 glasses. “Enough, sister of mine. You have got to tell me about that gorgeous man you are living with. Where did you meet him and what has happened to Alun?” Joyce demanded with a laugh as she poured the wine into the glasses and sat down on one of the leather sofas.

Elvara took one of the glasses and sat in the matching leather chair. “Alun took exception, yet again, to me working for the temple. He wanted me to give up that part of my life.”

Joyce quirked one eyebrow. “But I thought he had been raised in the faith?”

Elvara sighed. “He had, but his mother had converted out of the faith and saw me as a wicked, fallen woman. She put a lot of pressure on him and he capitulated. I wanted to go up for the Moot and he refused to let me. He wouldn’t accept Katla, said he didn’t want another child and walked out on me when I was six months pregnant with her. He has never even seen her.”

“Oh honey I am so sorry. Why didn’t you call me?” Joyce said as she looked at Elvara with sympathy brimming in her eyes.

Elvara gave a soft snort and wry smile. “Because you were going through shit with Hank at the time and I didn’t want to add to it.”

Joyce grabbed Elvara and pulled her into a hug, holding her close as they renewed the sisterly bond between them. Pulling back she wiggled her eyebrows and asked, “And Haakon?”

“I went to the Moot. The elders were very apologetic about Alun.” She laughed wryly.

“I bet they were,” Joyce snorted. “They introduced you.”

“Well, I have been going back every time since, and loving it.” Elvara drained her wine glass and sighed.

Joyce topped up their wine glasses again with a giggle.

Elvara continued, “So eight years ago I was asked to lead the ceremony to Sunna, and I’ve been doing it ever since…”

“And Haakon? Come on, spill sister mine.” Joyce prompted.

“Four years ago, I went with the girls. We had such an amazing time. They had organized a nanny to keep the girls happy and to give me a little time to myself. I was leading the evening prayers when I found out they had re-started the competitions to declare a champion of the Moot; and I went down to watch. Haakon was one of the competitors. He was stripped to the waist, wrestling, when I first saw him, and he won.” Elvara said with a smile. “So the next morning, before dawn, I went into the stones to light the fire and start the moot. As I dropped my cloak, we were doing it properly, sky clad. Anyway, he picked it up and carried it for me. After I had made the blood offering as the sun had appeared over the horizon, I led the priestesses back towards the camp. He was waiting outside the circle and wrapped me in my cloak. Then he just vanished.

Joyce grinned. “Nicely done.”

“Oh it was. It would have had me looking for him for most of the day, but I was busy with the elders. That evening he was back, amongst the escort taking up for the celebration of Mani, the moon, you know?” Elvara giggled.

“Just seen enough to get you interested?” Joyce asked with a grin.

“You know me so well… that night, after moonrise, there was a huge fire lit and people were sitting around telling stories. He was there again, and I just couldn’t keep my eyes to myself.” Elvara said with a light blush.

“And? Come on. You are killing me with suspense here.” Joyce griped good-naturedly.

“He won the championship and I presented the prize.” Elvara blushed a little more. “He claimed the kiss. I still blush at the thought of it, as you can see. And Nordlys saw the whole thing. She has never let me forget it either.” Elvara gave a soft laugh. “You would have thought it was a festival to Frey and Freya rather than to the sun and moon. The elders told me later that he had volunteered to be my escort home.”

“And he never left.” Joyce stated softly.

“And he never left.” Elvara agreed a soft smile on her face as she drifted into her memories.

~*~*~*~ FLASHBACK (written by Jamies_Lady) ~*~*~*~

Haakon slipped a couple of twenties into the taxi drivers hand before putting his arms around Nordlys and lifting her up. The girl was still clinging tightly to the stuffed dinosaur he had won for her at the fair, but her head flopped onto his shoulder, she was fast asleep. Elvara was already opening up the door, supporting Katla with one arm as she wrestled with the door handle. Using her hip to push it open, she held it on one foot as Haakon made his way past her carrying the older girl.

Popping the girls into their beds, Elvara slipped off their shoes and tried to separate them from the stuffed toys, but had no luck at all. Nordlys was not letting go of her brontosaurus, and Katla had a death grip on the panther that was clutched under her arm.

“We can change the sheets and give them a bath in the morning. They’ve had a wonderful time and are exhausted. One night won’t hurt.” Elvara said as she turned out the main light and checked that the little nightlight was glowing, showing its little family of hedgehogs.

Haakon watched as Elvara kissed her two daughters on the forehead, smoothing long hair out of the way, before heading out the door. There was something about the way the woman loved her children that spoke straight to his own heart, she was an amazing mother. He followed her downstairs to the kitchen, accepting the glass of red wine that she offered him. The Clos Vougeot Grand Cru 2006 Domaine Meo-Camuzet was over £150 a bottle, but it was like drinking liquid velvet, and perfect after the busy day they had enjoyed.

Haakon had escorted Elvara and her family to the Winter Faire in Hyde Park. It had been an incredible experience, for the first time since he’d moved in, he had felt like was part of the family. He had gone on the carousels with the girls, taken them all up on the big wheel, they had been a family. There had been hot chestnuts and candy floss. They had had two sugared-up girls that had loved skating on the ice rink and had managed to sit through the circus. Nordlys hadn’t liked the clowns, they had scared her. Should he have enjoyed having Nordlys hide her face in his arm? It felt so right, so perfect. He had been given a glimpse of heaven. Of what could have been, or still might be.

Now, he was sitting by a fire, watching as Elvara wrapped some more presents up. She’d already sent hampers off to his blood family in Finland, and to friends in America, now she was wrapping up parcels for the girls. Haakon had never seen someone take so much pleasure in the preparations for the Solstice season. The tree had been delivered a couple of days previous and he had spent a wonderful day with girls helping her decorate both it and the house. Lifting Katla up high to put the figure of the One-Eyed Traveler on the top was sublime.

The lights sparkling on the tree were highlighting the red in Elvara’s hair as she fought with the sticky tape that was refusing to cooperate. She finally got the book wrapped and added it to the stack under the tree. So many gifts for two adored little girls. Nothing from their father of course, he had completely cut off all contact years ago. Elvara had talked to him a little about her first Guardian. The man had shamed himself with his actions.
“Have we plans for next week at all?” Haakon asked as Elvara finally joined him in front of the fire. “They are having a party at the Dojo and all the instructors are supposed to be there.” Haakon had been spending time teaching self defense at the local gym, he found it helped keep him centered.

“The only thing I have tickets for is the ballet on Thursday. I’m taking the girls to see The Nutcracker. After that, there is nothing booked until January.” Elvara said as she waved her glass in the hopes he would top it up.

Haakon laughed as she looked up at him. He topped up both glasses before asking, “So you are fine with me going out on Friday then?”

“It’s fine. Have a nice time.” Elvara’s eyes flashed with mischief. “I’ve seen some of the women there. Make sure you take plenty of mistletoe.” The puzzlement on Haakon’s face made her grin. “It’s traditional to kiss underneath it here as well.”

“You mean Freya’s magic works here?” Haakon asked with a puzzled look.

“Shall we find out?” Elvara asked as she reached into the box of greenery they had yet to hang. She pulled out a branch laden with berries and held it up between them.

Haakon stared at it for a couple of seconds before leaning in and kissing her gently on the lips, pouring all his passion and desire into the caress.

Elvara shuddered, Haakon was lighting a fire she didn’t think could ever be put out. Pulling back slightly, she looked deep into his piercing green eyes, seeking reassurance that this wasn’t some sort of joke. “Do you want me?’ she asked, her insecurities showing.

Haakon smiled and took the glass out of her hand, nodding as he did so. “This much,” he told her, placing his hand on the rapidly swelling bulge in his trousers.

“Alun never did. I couldn’t go through that again,” she whispered, looking away, not wanting this incredible man to see the pain in her eyes.

“Then he was a fool.” Haakon said as he silenced her fears with another kiss, weaving his fingers through her long hair and pulling their bodies as close as he could. Elvara wrapped her arms around his shoulders, reveling in the strength she found there. She was almost sitting on his lap, when he flipped them both over and she founder herself lying on the rug in front of the fire.

Haakon kissed his way down her neck and cross her clavicle. His long fingers started to undo the buttons on her blouse, hi long hair falling forward and brushing her sensitive skin. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked gently, not sure if he was worried she’d say yes, or no.

Elvara shook her head. “Don’t stop. I haven’t… I mean, it’s been years.”

Haakon kissed her lips gently to show his understanding. He knelt back onto his heels and undid his own shirt, slipping it off over his head. “Fair is fair,” he said as he returned to undoing her blouse. Tiny pearls slipped through silk-stitched holes as he undid each button. As each piece of flesh became visible, he placed a kiss on it. It took seven kisses to have the whole garment undone. Beneath it Elvara wore a corset, the gold studs down the front of the busk glittering in the firelight, and reflecting back a rainbow of colors from the lights on the tree. He carefully undid the corset as well. “Beautiful,” he said as she was finally revealed to his eyes. He took in the beauty of the woman laid out before him and wondered how anyone could reject her.

Elvara felt beautiful when she saw the expression on his face. She scratched lightly down his chest with her nails, causing him to shudder and arch backwards. She moaned as his hard, denim-entrapped cock came into contact with the juncture of her thighs. The soft velvet of her skirt only adding to the sensations she was feeling. She whimpered as she followed the muscles down his abdomen with her fingers. The hardened muscles pointed like an arrow to his manhood, a scattering of dark hair outlining the path her fingers were taking.

Haakon looked down at her and felt himself harden even more, if that was possible, at the sight of her hooded eyes and lust-filled expression.

Elvara’s nimble fingers found the buckle on his belt, then the buttons on his fly and undid them as quickly as she could, pushing the jeans off his hips. His cock sprang free of its prison, already dripping precum from its tip. She traced the slit carefully with one of her nails, causing Haakon to push her shoulders down flat to the elk skin rug she was laying on.

Haakon began undoing the buttons down the length of her skirt, slipping them free as quickly as he could. For every button he undid, he pressed a kiss to the flesh below it. He knew he should take his time, make this good for her, but he was feeling his own lust rise and knew he didn’t have the patience. He pulled her panties down and off, carefully stuffing them in his jeans pocket before he slithered out of his jeans completely. They both lay there naked, firelight highlighting their bodies, casting shadows of them on the wall. He kissed her again, his tongue begging for entrance as his worked their way up her body. The wonderful curve of her hips and belly made him desperate for more. Settling himself into the cradle of her thighs, he supported his weight on his forearms as he continued to kiss her.

Elvara had never seen anything as erotic as this gorgeous naked man above her. His hair brushed her skin, firing her nerves almost as much as his hands were. His kisses made her want more and more as she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him closer. She could feel his hard shaft near her sex, and the way he moved his hips, rubbing the tip up and down her nether lips, stoked the raging inferno burning in her belly.

Haakon traced a pathway down her body; her shoulders, the swell of her breasts, her nipples receiving special attention. All the while his hips were sliding his cock along the seam of her sex. Taking care to kiss and suck her nipples into hard peaks before going lower, he stroked her flanks and belly. To think, two children had been given life by this woman, she was amazing. Shifting his body down a little, he had to smile as Elvara whimpered at the loss of contact. He slipped his arms under her thighs and opened her legs wide. “Beautiful,” he whispered before starting to kiss, lick and feast on her pussy.

Elvara squirmed under his attentions, she could feel the tension pooling in her belly, rising higher and higher until all she could see were stars, until she blacked out for a few moments.

When Elvara came round, she found a very smug-looking Haakon gazing down on her, a huge grin on his face.

“You enjoy that then?” he asked before kissing her deeply.

Elvara could taste herself on his lips, and it was exceedingly erotic. It tasted of musk, sex and him. Shifting her hips slightly, she caused his shaft to breach her body for the first time, the thick tip entering her channel. She had been a little worried when she had first seen the size of him in his glory; Goddess knew he had no reason to be modest. The size caused a slightly pained stretching, she hadn’t had sex for years, not since the night she became pregnant with Katla. Wrapping her legs back around him and pulling hard, she felt Haakon fill her completely. It was like they had been made for each other, she had never felt like this before.

Green eyes studied her face, making sure she was alright. “Just give me a moment, Beloved. If I move now, I’ll shoot off like some untrained teenager,” Haakon told her, taking a few calming breaths before he started flexing his hips. He didn’t think he would ever forget every moan and whimper she made as he pushed her higher and higher. Haakon twisted his hips slightly as he went into her body, hitting that magical spot each time, changing rhythm and angle until she could bear it no longer and came apart around him, her body squeezing his so hard he found it impossible to move, he velvet sheath holding him tightly within her as she spasmed again. Haakon reached between them and rubbed at her clit, until her eyes rolled back into her head and she passed out a second time.

When she had recovered a little, Elvara kissed him on the lips, pulling his tongue into her mouth and sucking on it. Then she started moving her hips against him, sending his shaft in and out of her body, her nails scratching down his back, causing him to arch into her harder and harder.

“Again?” he asked with a grin.

“I want to feel you come inside me, please?” Elvara whispered, before kissing him again.

“I was trained… you want me to come?” he asked in amazement, not having expected that honor.

Elvara nodded her mouth too busy nibbling down his shoulder. Moving her hips faster and harder, she could feel him swell inside her, before he arched his back one last time and flooded her womb with his seed.

Haakon collapsed on top of Elvara, completely exhausted and weak-limbed for a few moments.

“Shall we continue this upstairs?” Elvara asked when he finally lifted his head and kissed her gently. Haakon smirked and slipped himself out of her body before helping her stand. Elvara collected their clothes together and led the way to her room. “Hersir, would you do me the honor of sharing my bed?” she asked formally at the threshold to her room, looking anxious as she waited for an answer.

“It would be my honor and my pleasure, My Lady.” Haakon replied as he kissed her palm.

“For tonight, and all my tomorrows?” Elvara blushed a little more. She was asking him to share her life fully for as long as he wanted. It wasn’t even something she had considered until she found herself speaking the words.

Haakon whooped his delight and swept her into his arms, carrying her through the door before kicking it closed. Placing her on the bed he proceeded to kiss his way up her legs before showing her time and time again that night, just how much of a pleasure it was.

Elvara was still asleep when Haakon woke up in the morning. Her dark Auburn hair was spread around her like the flame of the rising sun. She was sleeping on her front, her arms seeking him out even in sleep.

“You sleep Rakkaani. I’ll see to the girls.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead and pulled the quilt back up over her shoulders. He needed time to think. The night before had been a revelation. Haakon moved slightly and winced. He could feel the scratch marks down his back from where Elvara’s nails had sliced his flesh time after time as she came undone in his arms. He had never had such a responsive lover and he knew he would never take another, even if she changed her mind about wanting him to share her life. After taking a quick shower in her bathroom, he shrugged his jeans back on before slipping out of her room and along the corridor to his own. Nordlys caught him as she was coming out her door.

“Katla is in the bath, and I was going to make breakfast,” the young girl said, half smiling at his topless state. “Haakon, don’t forget the silencing charms the next time you share Mama’s bed. I had to tell Katla she was dreaming.”

Haakon blushed bright red. The last thing he needed this morning was a lesson in bedroom etiquette from an eleven year old. Ignoring her comment, or at least trying to, he told her “Go and make sure your sister is okay.” He then dived into his own room and found a shirt to put on.

It was another half hour before both girls made their way downstairs to investigate the smells that were coming from the kitchen. Pancakes were piled high on a plate by the hob, ready to be shifted to the table when they had seated themselves. The chocolate spread and syrup was already waiting by their plates. Katla piled her plate high with pancakes and chocolate spread, making a right mess of her face, grinning the whole time. Haakon smiled as Nordlys wordlessly handed her younger sister a napkin and helped her clean up a little. The girls were soon finished, and Katla went off to wash her face while Nordlys helped stack the dirty plates into the dishwasher.

Making sure Katla was well out of earshot, she turned to the dark-haired man. “I know you are bigger and stronger than I am, and I know it’s none of my business but… don’t hurt Mama please. She had enough of that with ‘Him’.” Nordlys refused to even give a name to her father.

“I have no intention of hurting her, Little One.” He told the girl softly.

Nordlys looked deep into his eyes and Haakon felt like squirming. I wasn’t a child that was looking at him, but an ancient soul. The girl nodded once, approving of whatever she had seen. “See that you don’t, Isä,” she said as she walked out of the room.

Haakon stared after her as she left, shocked to his very soul. The child had just called him father in his native language.

~*~*~*~ END FLASHBACK ~*~*~*~

Joyce grinned as she noticed the glazed look in Elvara’s eyes and took a sip of her wine before breaking into whatever thoughts were running through her sister’s head. “So, the boys. Where did you pick them up?” She asked, startling Elvara out of her memories.

“At the zoo,” Elvara grinned.

“Most people bring home stuffed animals home as a souvenir, not live ones.” Joyce said with a grin, noticing Elvara didn’t seem surprised at the wording.

“It was Katla’s birthday and there was a special exhibition on about predators. So we went as a treat for her. The four of us were looking around at the big cat enclosures and she was purring at the tigers when Haakon noticed we were being followed. He went into protective mode instantly, whipped us into the café and circled around behind the men. They didn’t seem the sort to be interested in little girls, but you can’t be too careful these days.” Elvara said with a wry laugh.

“I know, just look at that asshole I married.” Joyce muttered darkly.

“I wanted to hex his balls off when I heard.” Elvara said, reaching across to hold Joyce’s hand.

“Mother sorted the problem out. She never did have much patience with child abusers.” Joyce said with a grin.

“Too true. Remember that old guy who followed us around Egypt?” Elvara asked with a laugh.

“He was just fascinated with our hair. Mother hated it when we got it cut.” Joyce replied, chuckling. “So continue, with this story hmmm?”

“So, Haakon watches the two of them as they buy coffees and sit themselves down near the entrance, both staring at the girls. He sidles up behind them and starts talking; soon realizing they aren’t quite human. Once the girls were eating, I warded the table and joined him. The boys were very uncomfortable. Seems they came to see how the zoo was treating the lions and tigers and didn’t like all the crowds. They were shocked when we sat down and started talking with them. Haakon made a few threats, involving the removal of sensitive parts of their anatomy, if they came close to his girls again. That’s when Wolf growled and I knew what they were. What could I do? Send them away? They’d only followed the girls around like a couple of strays. There are only a couple of were packs left in Britain, and the chances of any of them coming across a mate are so slim…. Haakon and I talked with them again when the girls were busy on the climbing frame. Katla slipped and would have fallen but Fahr shot across and caught her. Wolf helped Nordlys get through the bars, just encouraging her onwards. So we let them move in. That way I don’t have to worry about them kidnapping the girls and whisking them back to the pack, and they don’t have to worry about how Nordlys and Katla are doing. The only condition I made was that they didn’t make any advances on them until they were old enough to cope. Not that they boys would. Wolf hasn’t even made a statement of intent yet, he promised he wouldn’t until Nordlys leaves school.” Elvara smiled softly. “It’s actually nice for Haakon and I to have on-call babysitters who actually want to be with the girls.”

“Know what you mean, Spike is much the same around Dawn, except without the whole mate bit.” Joyce laughed. “He treats her like she’s his baby sister and heaven help anyone who messes with her.”

Elvara grinned and nodded. “With the girls, I know they will have husbands who will be devoted to them and to their children. Men who would literally kill or die to protect them, and will never leave them or betray them.” She sighed softly. “What more can a mother ask? It’s more than either of us got at first. Wolf and Fahr would give the girls the moon if they asked for it.”

“You do realize,” Joyce said after a couple of minutes of thought, “Mother is going to want to ‘talk’ to them herself.”

“Oh boy, do you think I should warn them?” Elvara asked with a grin.

They looked at each other and said in unison “NAH!”

Isä – father
Rakkaani – Beloved
Hersir - Warrior
This story archived at http://