The Time of the Guardians by jackofspikes
Summary: Response to Gaia's challenge no.111 on the Bloodshedverse. Buffy has been brought back by Willow's spell, but she's changed...alot! Disclaimer: Joss owns the characters of BTVS. I am not making any money off of this fic. Please don’t sue me.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes Word count: 27773 Read: 65677 Published: 12/11/2006 Updated: 01/01/2007
Chapter 4 by jackofspikes
Author's Notes:
A/N: Beta'd by Always_jbj and Amy.
Chapter 4

”We’ve been talking Buffy,” Tara stated cautiously. At Buffy’s quietly encouraging smile, she continued. “The person, who took my memories, and forced me to participate in a spell that went against all of my beliefs, is not the person I fell in love with. I won’t be going back to her, its over.” A single tear tracked down her sad face.

“Oh, Tara, I’m sorry you’re hurting. You’ll still stay here, though, won’t you?” Buffy asked, compassion and sorrow clearly evident on her face and in her voice. She didn’t voice her opinion that Tara deserved so much better than she’d had lately with Willow.

With a tremulous smile Tara replied, “I’d like that, Buffy.”

“I too have decided not to go back. I deserve to get orgasms from somebody who loves me more than anyone else; I’m through being second choice to Xander Harris. I deserve to be first choice, don’t I?” Anya paused for Buffy and Tara’s agreement. “I know you don’t like me, and that Giles may not want me to work at the Magic Box anymore since he still owns it, but I really would like to stay and help, if you’ll let me.”

Bufy smiled at the former Vengance Demon. “I do like you Anya. I’d love for you to stay and help. Why would you think I didn’t like you? And why do you think Giles wouldn’t want you to work for him anymore? I mean without you managing all of the accounts and keeping track of what needed to be ordered and stuff, the store never would have been so successful!” Was Buffy’s baffled response.

Shaking her head, Anya sighed. "Oh it’s O.K. Buffy, Xander explained to me that none of you would want me around if I wasn’t with him. What with me being an ex-demon and you being the Slayer and all.” She replied.

“If he was still here, I’d kick his butt from here to next Tuesday!” Buffy muttered furiously to herself. “Anya, the only person that had a problem with you being an ex-demon was Xander. And I’m positive that I can speak for Giles and say your job is safe. I would welcome your help, and with your knowledge and experience, I honestly believe you are a fabulous asset to have on the team. Please, please, don’t let Xander speak for the rest of us,” she earnestly assured the ex-demon.

“And, Anya? …If you need a place to stay, there’s room here.”

“Thank you, Buffy.” Her gratitude showed as clearly in her eyes as did her pain.


Buffy smiled at Spike, a teasing glint to her green eyes as she sat on the front steps, leaning back and watching him pace in the shadows behind her. “I’m proud of you, you know. Not one smart ass comment about any of this. And I know you must have about a hundred of them you're just barely holding back from saying.”

“You WILL be making it up to me Summers!” The bleached vampire ground out, restlessly lighting another cigarette in an attempt to sooth his rattled nerves.

“Ooh goody!” Was the cheerful response as she moved away.

“Minx.” Spike grinned in appreciation, watching her hips sway as she went back into the house.


“Lorne? Can we talk?” Buffy asked the large green demon.

“Cupcake, talking to you would be my pleasure. Hearing what you have to say would be a thrill. The chance to read The Slayer was something I never dreamed of. You lead, I’ll follow.”

Buffy smiled slightly, unable to help giggling at Lorne's good hearted eagerness. If puppies were large, brightly dressed in expensive tailored suits, they'd be Lorne.

Making her way out to the back porch, demon in tow, Buffy sat down on the steps. Lorne followed her lead and made himself comfortable, lounging in one off the wooden chairs. He smiled reassuringly at her. “Lay it on me sweet thing.”

Buffy took a deep breath and started singing in a soft, sweet but shaky voice. “The sun’ll come out tomorrow, betcha’ bottom dollar that tomorrow, there’ll be sun. Just thinkin' about tomorrow, clears away the cobwebs, and the sorrow 'til there's none! When I'm stuck a day that's grey, and lonely, I just stick out my chin and Grin, and Say, Oh! The sun'll come out tomorrow, so ya gotta hang on 'til tomorrow, come what may. Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya tomorrow! You're always a day a way!”

“Ohhhhh sweet mercy..........” The gentle demon whispered, tears forming in his eyes.

The two sat quietly for a few moments before the ever exuberant empath demon grinned at Buffy, “Well, that certainly explains why you didn’t want Angelcakes here Sweetness, Cordy’s gonna be pissed!”

“Oh Yeah.” Buffy grinned in agreement, accepting the silk hankie from his front pocket and wiping her eyes.


“Spike?” Cordy stood in the doorway of the kitchen, studying the vampire who seemed to have finally calmed himself down a little.

“Cheerleader.” He nodded slightly to her

“Um… I just wanted to say thank you.” She moved closer, studying him. ¨

“For?” Replied the curious vampire with a cock of his head.

“For kidnapping Xander,” she stated blandly. Raising an eyebrow in amused confusion Spike waited for clarification.

“Well if you hadn’t kidnapped him and Willow, Oz and I would never have gone looking for them, and we wouldn’t have caught them in a lip-lock, and I might not have dumped his dumb ass!”

“Wait…Red cheated on the Wolf with Doughboy?” he responded incredulously.

“Worse…that idiot cheated on ME with Willow!” she replied indignantly.

“You’re more than welcome, Cheerleader ... ‘cause that’s just wrong!” Spike grinned shaking his head.

“You’re tellin’ me buddy.” Cordy shook her head, smiling at him. "Oh, and you still owe me for the outfit you ruined when I fell through the stairs of that dump you were staying in."

Spike looked at her for a moment. "You can't be serious!"

Cordy smiled, turning with a flip of her hair. "Oh, just try me, Buster. I have no problem having the PTB's give you a little zap to settle things if I have to."

Spike sighed deeply, shaking his head. "Bloody women. Never figure 'em out."


Dawn sighed, flopping down next to her sister on the couch. “I set up the camp bed in mom’s room Buffy, but with Tara and Anya staying the night, that means four of us will have to share the bed.” Dawn whispered to her sister, not wanting Tara or Anya to feel that they were causing any inconvenience.

“Thanks Dawnie. But don’t worry about the bed thing, there’ll only be three in it. I’ll share with Spike.” Quickly placing her hand over Dawn’s mouth, Buffy was able to muffle her sister’s excited squeal.

“Not a word to him or anyone else, and save your excitement till later.” Dawn was warned with Buffy’s hissed whisper.

“You are the coolest sister ever!!!” Dawn smiled brightly, hugging Buffy tightly.

“And don’t you forget it!” Buffy smiled at her little sister, teasingly ruffling her brown hair.


“Bit, why are you grinnin’ at me?” asked the disconcerted vamp as he stood at the stove cooking.

“Do I need a reason to smile at you, Spike?” Dawn asked in mock innocence.

“You always have a reason for everything you do, Nibblet. So why are you grinnin’ at me?” he growled at her.

“Is it wigging you out?”


“Cool.” She grinned at him and swung out of the room.

“Bloody Summers women!” He grumbled under his breath with a smile. "How did you manage th' both of 'em Joyce?"


“Buffy, I have to ask, where did you get these pork pies? They’re bloody brilliant. I haven’t tasted any this good since I was last in England.”

“Spike made them.”

“You’re joking?” Wes asked, in shocked disbelief.

“Nuh uh, the vamp’s been holding out on us. He’s the male answer to Martha Stewart!” Buffy smiled at the bemused ex-Watcher.


Everyone slowly made their way back into the living room, as if guided by some unconscious collective. Giles took the opportunity to ask Buffy the question that had been burning in him since Willow and Xander’s unremarked-upon exit. “Regardless of how badly they’ve behaved, is it prudent to dismiss known allies at this time, Buffy?”

“Actually, Giles, the two problems that we have to face and the three that the L.A. crew have to face have simple solutions. Okay, when I say simple I mean they’re simple now that I know what they are. When I didn’t know, they sucked big time. So, no, in answer to your question, we don’t need them.”

“What exactly are the two problems we have to face, Buffy?” Giles responded.

“Three nerds and the First Evil,” she replied succinctly.

“And us?” Wes asked.

“Prophecy baby, hitchhiking evil higher-being, and Angel’s egocentric belief that he can take on the armies of the senior partners of Wolfram and Hart with three warriors and a dying human.”

“Oh, my…”

“Good Lord.”

“Bloody wanker.”
This story archived at http://