Lose Control by serenity
Summary: After his 18th birthday bash, William "Spike" Giles finds out some shocking news about his future and the sexy blonde that seduced him on the dance floor.
Winner at the Cradle of Humanity Awards Round 2- Consorted World Award
Nominated at LSA for Hottest Bite, Best Role Reversal. I am also up for Best Author!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Horror, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Completed: Yes Word count: 58565 Read: 39252 Published: 01/01/2007 Updated: 03/13/2008
Chapter 1 by serenity
Author's Notes:
To Gillypod who suggested I post this story here. Hope it works out...
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Spike awoke, pain shooting down the side of his neck, radiating fiercely. He looked around the bedroom, unsure of how he had made it home from the Bronze the night before. Removing the tangled, sweat soaked sheets that had twisted themselves around his naked body, he emerged from his bed. All of the sudden he felt faint, darkness swam before his eyes and he quickly reached out to grasp the edge of his desk.

After several deep breaths, he felt stable enough to continue towards the bathroom. Spike flipped on the lights, wincing at the brightness in the stark white room; once his eyes adjusted, he gasped at his reflection in the mirror. Dark circles shadowed his normally bright blue eyes, his face appeared gaunt and his skin was disturbingly pasty. He grimaced, thinking to himself that he really could not afford to get sick right now. His neck was searing in pain, turning it slightly, he caught sight of the mark that appeared.

“What the fuck?” he asked himself, quietly. Grasping the edge of the sink tightly, Spike bowed his head and desperately tried to remember the night before.

He had been standing near the bar at the Bronze, waiting for his friends to arrive, when he had first seen her. Unable to take his eyes off of her, he had watched her sway seductively to the music. Long golden hair swirled around her bare shoulders; a tiny swatch of fabric barely covered her breasts, which bounced to the beat of the music. Letting his gaze lower, taking in the flat, taut muscles of her bare midsection; her belly button rested just above the red leather of her tight pants.

Bravely, he let his eyes wander back towards her face and was shocked to find her staring back at him. Gleaming pools of emerald hypnotized him, pulling him towards her. Unconsciously, he weaved through the mass of writhing bodies until he was wrapped in her arms, hips grinding together as the beat of the music filled their bodies.

Time seemed to pass slowly, as though the outside world had vanished and they were the only two that remained. Her rich, sweet scent was intoxicating; assaulting his senses until his head was swimming with desire. He felt as though he had been drugged, he was completely under this vixen’s control. His heart beat loudly as she wound her hands around his neck, pulling him closer as she traced his jugular with the tip of her tongue. Nibbling and nipping, she made her way upwards to his eager lips, licking briefly before plunging her tongue deep inside, devouring him.

He grew hard when as she eased her cool hands under his shirt, caressing the heated skin of his back. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he thought it odd that her hands were so cold while his own skin was overheating. All reasonable thought flew out of his head as she went back to licking along his jaw line, moving down towards his neck. His hands were tangled in her hair as he held on to her, moaning in ecstasy as her own tiny hand fondled his cock through his jeans.

Buffy smirked to herself, reveling in the fact that this one was so easy to ensnare. She traced lazy circles with her tongue along his jugular, before the bones in her face transformed, allowing her demon to emerge and plunging her fangs deep inside his throat. She sighed inwardly at the first delicious, metallic taste of his rich blood as it pulsated into her eager mouth, her body tingling with desire.

She moaned sensuously, relishing the taste of his powerful blood. Moisture pooled between her thighs as she took one final pull before licking any stray droplets from her lips. Originally, her plan had been to drain the blonde boy dry and toss him aside like so many others before him.

He was vaguely aware that she had pulled away from the embrace. Slightly disoriented, he stared with heavy lids into her lust filled eyes. Before he was able to form any coherent phrases, she pressed one finger against his lips.

“Shhh…” she ordered, licking her lips slowly. Easing up onto her tiptoes, Buffy licked the outer rim of his ear. He closed his eyes as waves of pleasure coursed through his body. “You’re pretty tasty, slayer, “she whispered lightly, her breath warm against his skin, tickling his ear. “Think I’ll play with you a bit longer.”

He swayed slightly, disoriented from the blood loss. When he had opened his eyes a brief moment later, she had disappeared from sight. Confused and fatigued, he had stumbled from the club and headed home, forgetting about the previous plans he had made with his friends.


Spike leaned his head against the cool glass of the mirror, his head swimming. His cock was throbbing painfully, her curvy body and smooth skin floating through his mind. Taking his swollen member into his hand, Spike swirled his thumb swirled around the head, using the pre-cum as a lubricant he stroked his hardened length rapidly. Spike closed his eyes, imagining that he was fucking her, plunging deep inside her hot, tight pussy. Pumping faster, he felt his release approaching. Gripping the edge of the sink, he roared his release as he shot thick strands of cum into the basin.

After quickly cleaning up the mess, Spike took a shower, standing under the scalding hot water until it turned cold. Shivering, he emerged and continued getting ready for school; groaning when he realized that explaining his neck wound to his father would be rather difficult.

Realizing his father had already left for work; Spike grabbed his backpack and headed in the direction of Sunnydale High.

A/N: Relatively short chapter, I have had this story idea bouncing around in my restless mind. My muse decided to take a break on my other story, Breathless. Anyway, reviews are much appreciated especially if this is a story that you guys would like to continue to read. Thanks!
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=23786