Lose Control by serenity
Summary: After his 18th birthday bash, William "Spike" Giles finds out some shocking news about his future and the sexy blonde that seduced him on the dance floor.
Winner at the Cradle of Humanity Awards Round 2- Consorted World Award
Nominated at LSA for Hottest Bite, Best Role Reversal. I am also up for Best Author!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Horror, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Completed: Yes Word count: 58565 Read: 39216 Published: 01/01/2007 Updated: 03/13/2008
Chapter 25 by serenity
Author's Notes:
Thanks so much for all the comments! You guys made me smile so much with all of the wonderful reviews that were left. Hope you guys like this one!
“Anyanka?” Buffy whispered; her mind and body suddenly filled with dread. Nibbling on her lower lip as she did when she was nervous, she looked at a curious Spike and said, “That is so not of the good.”

“You’ve heard of this demon before, Buffy?” Wesley inquired, suddenly very interested in what the vampiress had to say. “Do tell.”

“I…I’ve heard…um, things over the years. Don’t know how true they are, through. Um…let’s see, Anyanka is this demonish type that totally terrorized everyone like a gazillion years ago. And, when I mean everyone…I mean everyone, demons, vampires and humans.”

“Demonish? Ok, so she’s a demon, what’s the sodding big deal about that?” Spike shrugged his shoulders and reached in his pants pocket for his cigarettes. “ ‘s not like I haven’t dealt with ‘em before, yeah?”

“I don’t mean like the normal run of the mill demons you see everyday. She’s like pure demon, one of the first known to exist…or at least be recorded. She can change her face like a vampire, put on a human guise to fit in, but no one really knows why. And, she was a real…I mean real big nasty. Her bloodlust trumps her legendary beauty and that’s what caused the ‘Powers That like to Mess with Everyone’s Lives’ to step in and lock her away all nice and tidy. Don’t really know the whole story there, but they somehow put her into some other hell dimension after she slaughtered thousands of innocents…er, as innocent as demons can be, right?” Buffy chewed on the tip of her fingernail for a second, lost in thought. “But, I heard that once in there, no one could leave. So, how’s she busting loose?”

“Right, well then…that’s the problem we’re facing. Seems that someone has found the proverbial loophole that always pops up in situations such as these; sadly, there’s no word on who the culprit is.” Wesley’s expression was grim as he leaned forward in his seat. “The small amount of information coming from the Council as of now is that the ceremony to raise Anyanka will occur in Sunnydale on the new moon; which gives us shortly under two weeks to figure out the who, where and how to stop it part of the mission.”

“Guess its research time then, Wes, time to rally together the gang.” Spike interjected, hoping off the couch and heading towards the desk across the room to use the phone. “Hopefully, Fred will be able to push aside her anger long enough to help divert the latest crisis; other than Wesley, tha’ bird’s the smartest one around and we need all the help we can get.”

“Erm, Spike…while research is the best angle we can pursue at the moment; tis’ a bit late in the evening to be calling people.” Wesley indicated towards the wall clock by the front door which showed that midnight had come and gone already by nearly two hours.

“Bloody hell I didn’t know it had gotten so late. Guess the best thing to do is call them in the morning, have them here about lunch time, yeah?” Spike ran his hands through his gelled locks in exasperation, knocking them free of their hold only slightly, but enough that tiny spikes of platinum stood on end. Sighing, he turned to Buffy, who was sitting silently on the couch and noticed her apprehensive expression, “Wha’s the matter, pet? Tha’ too early for you?”

“No, that’s fine.” She assured Spike, once again chewing at her lip. “It’s just…um, do you really want me there? Wouldn’t it go over better with Fred if I was…you know? Um…made myself scarce?”

“Probably, but I want you there, ok?” Spike assured her, quickly striding across the room and pulling her into his arms. “They’re gonna have to get use to you sooner or later, yeah? Plus, you’ve already proven to be useful, filled us in right nicely on this Anyanka bint. Coulda taken us hours to get that much info out of those dusty ol’ books of Wesley’s and my Da’s.”

“Very well then, Spike I’ll let myself out and leave calling everyone to you. See the both of you tomorrow afternoon, good ngiht.” Wesley stated, gathering his few belongings and heading out the door.

“Hmm…whatever will we do now tha’ we are all alone?” Spike whispered huskily, dipping his head to nibble along Buffy’s neck.

Her legs were already shaking with desire from his nips to her exposed flesh, making her head swim with lust. Knowing what needed to be done, Buffy placed her hands on his chest and pushed Spike away ever so slightly, but still enough to fill his eyes with insecurity and wonder. “I need to know, Spike...if it’s Willow or not.”

“Yeah? And how d’ya plan on doin’ that, luv? Got your magic ball stowed away in your suitcase?” Spike remarked as he went back to kissing along her throat; causing her to push him away again. “What?! ‘s not like you can bloody well just go ask the crazy chit, now can you? Even if you could, she wouldn’t just tell you what her plans were, yeah? Pretty sure you’ve made it on her enemy list right along with my name.”

“I know, but if I can get out there and do some digging on my own before word spreads that I’m on your side now, then maybe I can get some information. Even if it is something small.” Buffy reached up and placed her hand on his cheek; rubbing her thumb across the sharp angle of his cheekbone in a tender caress. “Please, just let me try.”

“Fine.” He grumbled, grudgingly accepting the soft kiss she brushed across his lips in gratitude. “But, make it quick. Sun’s almost up and I don’t fancy havin’ a pile of dust as a girlfriend.”

“Well, since you just said that I’m at girlfriend status, then I won’t have to remind you that I’m a big girl now and can take care of myself.” She smirked, giggling like a schoolgirl when he pulled her in for a bear hug; lifting her several inches off the floor so that they were face to face. After kissing for several minutes, she pulled away again and wriggled in his arms, “Course I’m covered in eau d’ Slayer, so I have to take a sprint through the shower first. Would you mind getting my suitcase for me so I can change?”

“Not a bit, luv.” Obligingly, Spike set her back down on her own two feet and headed towards the front door only after giving her a swat across her backside. “Did I ever mention that that whole vampire smelling thing is strange?”

Half an hour later, Buffy was strolling down the seemingly empty streets of Sunnydale; they were just dark and quiet enough to give the appearance of a peaceful town, but lurking in the shadows, she could feel the presence of evil. Speeding up, she walked at a brisk walk in the direction of Willie’s, a dive bar that was well known for its gossiping demon clientele. If she was lucky, her fallout with Willow and the now dusty Xander wouldn’t be widely known and she could find out some tasty tidbits of information.

Pushing her way through the dented door, Buffy was pleased when very few patrons paid any attention to her and that the one’s that did look seemed to want something a whole lot different than revenge. Sighing with relief, she sidled up to the dingy bar and ordered a shot of Tequila from the owner, Willy, a human who always reminded her of a scared rat.

“Haven’t seen you in these parts in a while.” Willy said, deciding to offer the well known Master Vampire the bottle of gold liquor instead of just one measly shot; figuring it was best to make nice with the temperamental blonde. “Where ya been?”

“Eh…here and there, no place special,” She offered, knocking back a small glass of the liquor, barely grimacing as it burned in her throat. Pouring another dose, Buffy looked him in the eyes and said, “Figured I’d come back here for the upcoming fireworks. Plus, wouldn’t mind knocking the Slayer around some beforehand.” Mentally, she crossed her fingers and hoped the weasel-looking human hadn’t had the foresight, or intelligence, to put up magical enhancements so that vampire’s couldn’t use thrall on other patrons.

“Yeah, yeah, that’s right. You were the one that nearly did him in! I nearly forgot. Hey, you’re a legend in here, only one that’s gotten close to killing Spike.” Willy’s eyes glazed over as Buffy’s thrall took his mind over and she smiled wickedly as he spilled the gossip he had gotten earlier. “Fireworks, you say? Don’t know about any pretty light show, but there’s word that you’re group is up to some heavy mojo.”

“Who told you that and what are they planning, Willy?” Buffy asked eagerly, nearly crushing her glass with excitement and frustration.

“Don’t know his name, just some new guy in town. Got something big planned to bring down the Slayer. Portals and magic, dunno what, guy didn’t know too much. Claims he heard it straight from the redhead’s mouth, said she sired him.”

She sat there, silent, as the information sank in. Willow was siring? She hadn’t been one to do that, only a handful over the years. Why now? “Shit.” Buffy mumbled, tipping her glass back and swallowing the last bit of alcohol. Letting the haze drop, Buffy pushed several waded up bills towards the slightly dazed bar owner and said, “Thanks, Willy.”

“No problem.” He stammered as he gathered up the crumbled bills. By the time his mind had cleared completely, the front door was slamming shut as Buffy headed for her new home.


**Sorry this took so long to get out, but Muse has been working overtime on Forbidden Passion and you know how it is when you try to work on one thing, but your mind is elsewhere. I honestly didn't think this would be done in time, but out of the blue, my creative streak decided to work on this update. Really hope you guys like it. Know it's not a lot, but had to get some plot in sooner or later. (No matter how much I like writting naked Spike!) I've got this story pretty much mapped out and if all goes well, the ending should come up soon. Maybe around five chapters or so. Can't really say for sure, since we never know how are MUSE is going to work things out, right.

Well, I'll stop rambling. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm now getting off work and about to start mine! Yea! I'll be back on Wednesday, hopefully all will go well and I can work on this story on my off days!***
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=23786