Lose Control by serenity
Summary: After his 18th birthday bash, William "Spike" Giles finds out some shocking news about his future and the sexy blonde that seduced him on the dance floor.
Winner at the Cradle of Humanity Awards Round 2- Consorted World Award
Nominated at LSA for Hottest Bite, Best Role Reversal. I am also up for Best Author!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Horror, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Completed: Yes Word count: 58565 Read: 39276 Published: 01/01/2007 Updated: 03/13/2008
Chapter 8 by serenity
Author's Notes:
Thanks to everyone that has reviewes. I am getting a much better response from the readers here at SR than any other site and I truly apprectiate it! Hope you guys like this installment, it is Buffy the morning after. Next chapter will be Spikes!

Also, thank you so very much to whomever nominated me at LSA. I would never imagine that I would be nominated for anything! Thanks!!!!!!!
Hidden safely behind thick stonewalls of the mansion, Buffy tossed and turned in her silk covered bed. Sleep was restless; plagued with nightmarish visions of her past.

Her heart was pounding, echoing in her ears as she ran blindly through the woods. Limbs tore at the bare skin of her arms and snagged on the heavy material of her dress. Her lungs were on fire, screaming for more oxygen; her bosom strained against her corset, which was so tight her breathing was limited.

She glanced back, searching through the darkness for the monsters that pursued her. Brief flashes of pale skin taunted her; shock of flaming red hair disappeared behind the trunk of a nearby tree. They were close…Too close.

Whimpers of fright filled the darkened room as Buffy grasped the red silk sheets tightly with both hands.

“No…” She murmured lightly in her sleep; look of worry across her face. “Please…No.”

Faint light filtered through the leaves from a house in the distance; the golden glow from the candles perched near the windows. Hope filled her heavy heart as she lifted the layers of the ball gown higher and sprinted towards the safety of the house.

The edge of the forest was close, just a few more feet ahead. For a fleeting moment, a smile crossed her lips as she prepared to burst into the clearing. All hope left her when a cold hand clamped down on her shoulder, bringing her to a screeching halt.

She was pulled against a very feminine body, cool slender arms slid intimately around her cinched waist. Desperately, she tried to still the rampant beating of her heart and catch her breath; but failed. She shivered, repulsed, as the monster licked her neck and whispered in her ear, “Now, now, pet…it’s not very proper for a young lady to behave as such, running away from guests.”

Trembling with fear, she tried to break free from her captor. Her actions were futile and met with a chilling laughter from the redhead as well as the handsome man with dark hair that tumbled across his forehead.

She shouted for them to stop, for help, for anything other than what was about to happen. He laughed at her attempts as he smiled down into her tear stained face. “I do enjoy it when they struggle. Wouldn’t you agree, Willow?”

Panic bubbled deep within her core as the grip around her waist tightened. The last thing she remembered was the sharp sting of pain at her throat, a faint feeling, followed by blackness.

Pillows slid to the floor with a soft thump as Buffy thrashed wildly in her sleep. The sheets were now tangled, wrapped around her lean legs, the blood red silk splashed across the milky white paleness of her fully exposed skin. As always, she was nude, preferring to sleep without the hindrance of clothing.

Entrance into the house was simple seeing as she belonged there. Once the lady of the house, now declared missing, all she had to do was appear stricken and upset, tearful as she choked out the horrifying story of capture that she had conjured up along the way.

Remorse for his previous actions had surely been the reason why Riley had accepted her with open arms; never imagining the terror that she had succumbed to. He had ushered her into the seating area with the idea of allowing the fire to warm her. ‘Poor fool,’ she had thought, ‘I will never be warm again.’

Finally, when it was just the two of them in the room, the servants ushered out for privacy; she had glided up next to him in a seductive manner. Her body had shuddered and tingled with excitement and lust when she plunged her fangs deep into his neck; her pussy had ached with lust as his warm blood poured into her mouth. Out of the corner of her amber eye, she had watched eagerly as he died in her arms; his heart beat slowing and his eyes wide with fright. Never had any experience been as satisfying as this. When he was drained she flung his limp body to the floor and prepared for the rest of the plan to begin

A sadistic smile spread across her bloodstained face as she cruelly laughed at the scene presented before her. His body splayed open, his heart brutally ripped from his chest, the last drops of blood staining the carpet below him. Whoever found Riley would be in for quite a shock as they realized that his heart wasn’t the only part of his anatomy that was misplaced.

Leaning down beside him, she whispered softly into his ear. “Leaving me alone in the dark was not very husbandly, Riley. You were a naughty boy and that deserves punishment.”

Buffy shot straight up in bed, wide eyed as she gasped deeply for the breath had no use for; the sheets twisted around her and clutched tightly between her tiny hands at her chest. Fresh tears trickled down her flushed cheeks, carving a pattern through dried stain from the previous wave of moisture.

Pulling her knees up towards her chest, Buffy rested her head against them and allowed herself a good cry.

Hours passed before she crawled out of bed; her vampire senses telling her it was way past sunset. Slowly, Buffy made her way across the vast span of her bedroom and pushed aside the thick black velvet drapes to peer out the window. She stood there, perfectly still…gazing at the brightly lit town below.

It was then she made up her mind. With a heavy heart, Buffy turned from the window and headed towards the bathroom for a shower. She stood beneath the scalding water until it gave way to coldness; it was only then that she emerged and began to get ready. Drying her hair was a struggle due to the few injuries she had sustained from last nights fight with Spike. Her arm was healing nicely, but would take a while longer for all of the fractures to heal completely. She needed to feed again…soon, to speed up the healing process.

A short while later, she emerged from the room with a large bag and eased down the stairs into the living area. A quick check of the house proved her suspicions that her sire and grandsire were otherwise preoccupied in Xander’s bedroom. Deciding against interrupting them, she dug threw her purse and found a tube of red lipstick; which she used to quickly scrawled a message on the mirror by the front door. Satisfied with the message, Buffy grabbed the keys that were on the table by the front door; Buffy exited the mansion and headed down the winding steps towards the garage at the rear of the house. Once inside, she tossed the leather bag into the small trunk before climbing into the black sports car.

A short while later she passed the sign giving her a farewell and asking to please visit Sunnydale again soon.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=23786