Twinlets: Compilations by Xela
Summary: A collection of stories from the Twinlets-verse. Spillfy goodness galore.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: No Word count: 36124 Read: 14603 Published: 01/06/2007 Updated: 10/17/2008
Spike Me by Xela
Author's Notes:
There are more of these over at my personal site; I have a table of kink over there that I'm filling in, stories that just don't fit in with the actual Twinlets/Singlets story. Some of them will not be appearing here, as they're either not long enough or they're not just Spuffy.. So enjoy!
“Oh yeah? How’s Boston? Is there snow? I love snow—in small quantities and when there’s a beach near by!” Her laughter tickled his ears and sent all of his blood rushing towards his nether regions. Gods above, she was beautiful, sitting there on their bed, golden hair cascading down her back and shining in the lamp light. Delectable, was what she was. And she was all his.

“So you’re gonna bring me back a gift, right? Like a Harvard t-shirt or something brainy.” He slipped in behind her and started laying small kisses on her neck, the water from his hair dripping on her with abandon.

“Um…yeah,” Buffy said, trying to ignore the sensations running through her body. She swatted him away, her attempts half-hearted at best.

“What? I’m, I mean I—“ He bit down on her ear and pulled it into his warm mouth, a smile sliding across his face when he heard her sharp gasp. “I’m sorry, I’ve gotta go!”

Buffy threw the phone on the bedside table and attacked him, pushing him back on the bed and straddling his lean hips.

“You interrupted my conversation,” she said with a pout.

“I’ll make it up to you,” Spike promised, his eyes completely unrepentant. He claimed her mouth in the most innocent, tantalizing kiss that left her gasping for more.

“Promise?” she asked a bit breathlessly, her eyes fixed on those luscious, full lips. Lips of Spike. Yummy.

“Strip,” Spike ordered, his eyes promising her the world, shucking his own pants. Buffy smiled and made a production of getting off of Spike, making sure to rub against the considerable hardness she could see tenting his soft pants. He growled at the saucy minx as she slowly unbuttoned every bloody little button that held her shirt to her body.

“I’d go faster if you want your clothes in one piece!” he snarled, his eyes following her fingers, soaking up every delicious bit of skin she revealed. She arched one eyebrow at him and pursed her lips in displeasure.

“Patience is a virtue. And destroying my clothes will not get you laid,” she informed him primly. Spike was just about to argue with her, when her voice turned husky. “It may get you spanked.” He let out a low, appreciative chuckle at that. Maybe later. For now, he was way too preoccupied with the gentle swell of her breasts. He really wanted a taste of those. She finished taking off the shirt, showing off her red lace bra.

“Fuck,” Spike whispered. Red. She was wearing red. Red lace. With exaggerated slowness, she slipped her pants down her legs, showing off the matching panties…also red lace. Buffy’s only response was a small smile and a slow twirl.

“Buffy.” Spike’s voice was strained with arousal. Buffy crawled onto the bed, facing Spike on her knees. She grinned, and the voice she used would have made the most devoted man come crawling to her.

“You want me?” She turned over, settling on her hands and knees. She looked around, her ass waving enticingly in the air, and fixed Spike with a challenging stare. “Come and get me.”

Spike growled and lunged for her, his brain screaming “take girl now!” His body crashed into hers, sending her surging forward before she could catch her balance. With a low, deadly chuckle, he ran his hands over the curves of her body, enjoying the way her muscles jumped at his touch.

“Oh, I want you, kitten. I want you in so many ways. I want you like this,” he murmured, running one hand over her ass and cupping her mound. He grinned at her gasp; that was his girl, always ready. “I want you under me, moaning an’ writhin’ and beggin’ me to fuck you raw. I wan’ you over me, ridin’ me into the mattress, squeezin’ me till I pop like warm champagne.” Buffy’s breathing was getting faster, her body responding to his touch and his words.

Spike gathered her golden hair in his hands and carefully pulled back, taking care not to hurt her…too much. Buffy’s head was as far back as it would go, her neck taught and bare. Spike licked a possessive path up her neck, struggling for control. Gods, she’d be the death of him! He reached down to tease her slit, but her hands were already there. He growled, pressing himself closer to her back.

“You were…taking…too long,” she gasped out, her tone teasing.

“I’ll show you long!” he threatened. He ripped her underwear away, a part of him mourning the lost scrap of lace. But even that wasn’t enough to distract him. With a growl, he thrust into her. Buffy gasped at feeling so completely filled and moved her hips back, urging him deeper. Spike gripped her hips, hard enough that he was bound to leave marks, and began thrusting into her.

Buffy clutched the sheets, trying to ride the waves of pleasure every stroke of Spike’s beautiful cock brought. He was brushing the most intimate parts of her, coaxing her body into a frenzy. She couldn’t move; Spike had an iron grip on her hips. She was at his mercy.

“Harder!” she commanded, her hips seeking the delicious friction that would send her spiraling into her orgasm. “More!” With a dark chuckle, Spike threw his entire body into her, forcing her flat on the bed with a muffled ‘umph!’

“You’re not in charge right now,” he whispered in his ear. His laugh turned into a moan when Buffy started wiggling underneath him, his throbbing cock still firmly nestled in her quim. “Naughty girl.” Her muffled giggled made her smile.

With exaggerated slowness, he began thrusting shallowly, torturing her as much as himself. It was just enough that Buffy could feel him, feel the friction, but not enough that it gave her any sort of satisfaction.

“Spike!” she gasped, her tone pleading.

“Yes?” he asked innocently. Without warning, he drove in all the way.

“Spike!” It was a shriek this time. He pulled back to do it again, but Buffy was too quick for him. Using those incredible muscles that drove him crazy, he found himself flat on his back, Buffy straddling his hips facing away from him.

“Now pet, thi-hi-hi-haaaaaaaa!” He lost his train of thought, completely lost his ability to think when Buffy impaled herself on him and squeezed. She set a blazing pace, bouncing on top of him, her breasts moving in hypnotic ways. With a sinister smile, Buffy reached down and fondled Spike’s balls. He jackknifed up, forcing himself further into Buffy’s sopping center, swallowing her cry with a brutal kiss. They were moving frantically now, their pants and gasps harsh and loud in the still room. Buffy gripped Spike’s shoulder, her nails biting into the flesh.

“Gonna come,” she gasped. Spike grinned ferally at her, and bent to suck on one stiff nipple. He pinched her clit, hard enough to send her skittering head-first into an orgasm. “FUCK SPIKE!” she screeched, chomping down on his ear. The pain shot through Spike, and he splintered under its onslaught. He yelled something unintelligible, before collapsing, Buffy on top of him.

“Jesus,” he murmured, and started laughing. “That much fun has to be sinful!” Buffy propped her head up and grinned at him.

“Yeah? Want a spanking?”

With a breathless chuckle, Spike rolled them over so her was leaning over Buffy’s satiated body and grabbed the forgotten phone off the bedside table.

“Hope you’re enjoyin’ Boston, tosser. Stay as long as y’like, I’ve a girl to ravish.” With that, he hung up the phone and turned his attention to the giggling girl beneath him.

“That wasn’t very nice Spikey,” she said, her eyes twinkling merrily.

“Yeah, s‘pose I’ll have to pay for that…eventually. Now about that spanking…” Spike said with an anticipatory grin, before capturing Buffy’s kiss-swollen lips again.

888 888 888

Will stared at the phone in his hand, his brain short-circuiting and his dick still hard and angry. That was so unfair!
This story archived at http://