Twinlets: Compilations by Xela
Summary: A collection of stories from the Twinlets-verse. Spillfy goodness galore.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: No Word count: 36124 Read: 14613 Published: 01/06/2007 Updated: 10/17/2008
Crack!Fic 2 by Xela
“Holy shit,” Liz breathed out. “Talk about the ultimate expression of narcissistic machismo!” Will and Spike stared. Buffy's jaw dropped. B started laughing uncontrollably, which set Liz—who had been holding herself together rather admirably—off, and the two female twins had tears running down their faces. And after she got over her amazement, (and so as not to be odd woman out) Buffy started laughing too.

Non-twin Spike was pretty used to being ganged up on, so he simple sighed and resigned himself to waiting for the girls to get the hell on with it. Whatever 'It' was. Seemed to him that they were all dancing around what they'd come here for. He eyed the non-laughing set of twins across the room, who were looking a little disgruntled at being out numbered. He couldn't hide his smirk at that; it was nice to know they were getting a taste of their own medicine. Then Will met his gaze and the heat flared between them. His feet started moving of their own accord.

Will nudged his glowering brother, who was busy glaring ineffectively at the three giggling Buffies. (Buffys? Buffi? Buffants? Now that was just silly.) There was one way to shut them up. When the other Spike was close enough, Will grabbed him, both hands fisted in the other man's shirt, and bent him backwards with the force of his kiss. He devoured him, no finesse or gentleness, demanding and unyielding. It was fucking HOT. He thrust his hips against the hardness he could feel through the worn, threadbare jeans.

“Jesus.” Will's eyes flashed on his brother, who was watching them avidly and stroking the growing bulge in his pants, the blue of his eyes rapidly disappearing into black.

“Three,” an awed female voice whispered.

Will smirked against other Spike's lips, pressing on last hard closed-mouthed kiss against him before letting go and facing the no longer giggling girls.

“Jesus, don't stop!” B growled at them. Spike laughed at his girl, and then pulled twin-Spike into an embrace just as heated as the last. If the girls wanted a show, he'd be happy to oblige. All thoughts of retribution or showing off fled as his brain overloaded when a sneaky pair of hands snuck down the back of his jeans and caressed his ass. The sound of his fly unzipping sent a shiver racing down his spine. The dark chuckle and warm breath against his ear didn't help either.

Will felt his dick leap when single-Spike moaned as his cock was freed from his jeans. The sound resonated through his chest, stirred something primal within him. That primal thing growled when small hands slipped underneath his shirt, stroking across his nipples and pinching his skin. Hands danced over heated flesh, too many hands to keep track of, too much sensation. Will felt himself disappearing under the onslaught.

Spike was completely absorbed by the tongue that was doing insidious things to his mouth, so he could be excused for what happened next. It's just not FAIR to sneak up on a guy like that. I mean, really, if you're going to grab a guy's hand, use it like a really convenient dildo, and COME all over it, it would be nice to give a little warning. Because while it's acceptable (and even flattering ) to send a woman careening over the edge time and time again, it's quite embarrassing for a fully grown man to come in his pants like he's a horny teenager with no self control.

His limbs were leaden. And he was...laying on the ground? When had he made it here? Summoning the last of his strength, Spike lifted his head to take stock of the situation. His recently spent cock twitched at the dirtiest, most erotic scene imaginable played out before him. His Buffy and Their Buffy were half dressed and stretched on the ground. His Buffy was on top, her hands pinning her counterpart's to the floor above her head. They were kissing, exploring, testing out the waters, B's hips seeking friction against the whimpering body beneath her. Spike's body was making a valiant attempt to sit up and take notice while Liz was pinned between the Twinlets, the three of them making a production of getting out of their clothes and watching the women on the floor. Fuck.

Liz was surrounded by hard masculinity. Hard chests, hard cocks, hard to ignore. She arched back into chest behind her and tilted her head to one side, encouraging the hot, hungry mouth on her neck. Spike took a moment to ease Liz's jeans over her hips and down to the ground. Christ she was gorgeous. He started kissing and nibbling his way up her leg. He stopped to admire her silk-covered sex, inhaling the musky scent that was so like their Buffy but somehow not. A hand brushed through his hair. Spike met his twin's stormy blue eyes and then the hand pressed him towards the last scrap of clothing on Liz's body. With a tortured moan, he rubbed his lips against her. Her entire body seemed to clench. So responsive. Liz clutched at Will for support as Spike teased her. She swiveled her hips, thrusting into Spike and then grinding against Will's erection. It was torturous heaven.

“FUCK!” Buffy's face was frozen in an expression of pleasure-pain, her entire body strung taut as an orgasm ripped through her, sharp and unrelenting. B rubbed her dopleganger's clit and sucked on her breast to prolong the sensation. Everything went still for a blissful minute and then Buffy came back to herself, sobbing and gasping for breath. Her body jerked with aftershocks, every nerve rubbed raw.

B disengaged her hand and left Buffy staring sightless at the ceiling. Fuck, she was horny. Her Spike was still conked out on the floor, but the Twinlets were getting down and dirty with her twin. From the looks of things, Will was getting pretty desperate rubbing against Liz's perfect ass. That just would not do. B ambled towards one of the chests in the room and peered in side. Holy shit. Everything her heart desired was in that chest. An entire collection of different lubes, dildos, paddles, vibrators, plugs, feathers, silk ties, was about to get very interesting.
This story archived at http://