Twinlets: Compilations by Xela
Summary: A collection of stories from the Twinlets-verse. Spillfy goodness galore.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: No Word count: 36124 Read: 14625 Published: 01/06/2007 Updated: 10/17/2008
Crack Fic 4 by Xela
Liz had started feeling a little...left out. Why should the clones have all the fun? Will chuckled and ran a hand over her hip, and she realized she'd said it out loud.

“Why indeed?” Will whispered seductively. Liz glanced away from the contest in front of them and flushed at the devious look Will was throwing her.

“What did you have in mind?” Will grinned and kissed her tenderly, in complete opposition to what he had planned. He guided her hand down to her soft cleft.

“Hold that for me,” he whispered. Liz's slightly theatric moan made him hurry over to the chest. He rummaged around and found what he wanted. Beautiful. He turned around and took in the view for a couple of moments. God, this was so incredibly indulgent. Liz tossed her head back and fixed him with a 'get your cock over here NOW' look that made his blood boil. He made his way over, his cock bobbing as he walked. He knelt between Liz's thighs.

“Allow me.” Her hand pulled away, leaving him with acres of flesh to play with. He gazed his fill, ignoring her squirming and encouraging little sounds.

“Wi-ill!” She was adorable when she whined, her nose scrunched and her cheeks flushed. He laughed and kissed her navel, rubbing his face against her smooth skin. He palmed one of his gifts and touched the small vibrator to her clit. He hips clipped him underneath the chin, but he didn't care. He surged up and captured her lips, moving the small massager in gentle circles. She came alarmingly fast, gasping into Will's mouth, shuddering all over. She collapsed onto the pillows. Will smirked. And she thought they were done.

He picked up the other vibrator and turned it on; it had a large, blunt phallus and a moving attachment on the top. While Liz was still shuddering from her first orgasm, he slid the toy into her and turned it on. Liz shouted his name as a second orgasm crashed in over the first. God it was hot. He worked the toy in and out, coaxing her body into a longer, more intense pleasure, until she was gasping at the ceiling, eyes wrenched close and body jerking.

“Bored?” Spike wondered. Will glanced over at the collapsed foursome, who were lounging.

“That's on hell of a chest,” Will said flippantly.

“Yeah, abut that chest...” Spike dragged himself up and padded over to check it out. Wow. Now that was a collection. And idea formed in his head, a way that he could thank B for He rifled through to find what he...ah.


With a wide grin, Spike chose the instruments of his desire, eager to get on with his 'thanking' of the wickedly sinful version of Buffy. He looked around the room for the perfect place to set up and found it...right in front of him.

A Little bit of magic, he thought with a grin. His cock took a moment to twitch, and he wondered if instant recovery time was also a part of the magic. He finished his set up and turned around to find two very curious pairs of eyes focused on him.

“Wanna help?” he offered magnanimously. Buffy and the weird version of him—right, it was Spike-2 now—were up in an instant, looking all the world like eager puppies. His tilted his head towards the entwined couple lounging on the floor and his dopplegaanger grinned in agreement. Spike smirked; if he were trying to keep up with twin Buffi, he'd want to get one over on them too.

B was drowsing happily when she was bodily picked up and dragged across the room.

“Wassat?” she mumbled. She jerked, and found she was bound in the corner, her arms pointing to two different walls. Her lassitude dissipated as she craned her neck around and found that, yes, someone could fairly comfortably stand behind her if they squeezed through the chains that bound her hands and the ones that had suddenly appeared on her ankles. She blinked mutely at the two visions of Spike grinning smugly at her.

“Lo, pet,” one of them purred seductively. B groaned as her body tried to rouse itself again. She was pretty sure that a light touch in the general vicinity of her clit would set her off again.

“Spike and I were talking, and we decided to stage a little test,” one of them whispered, his warm breath caressing her ear. She shivered delicately, loving and hating her defenseless position. She was the aggressor, not normally given to being the one tied down.

“Relax, luv. You'll like this.” She momentarily tensed as a silk blindfolds settled over her eyes, but relaxed as soothing, strong hands kneaded her shoulders. She rubbed her head against his hand, smiling at his chuckle.

“We're going to play 'Guess the Touch.' It's a fun game, no losers.” She chuffed a laugh at that and jerked against her restraints impatiently. Her body was very interested in this new development. There must be some kind of aphrodisiac in the air.

“I think the rules are self explanatory,” Spike-2 murmured. A thumb circled one nipple, pinching and teasing.


“Liz,” she breathed. She smirked at the surprised noise of agreement. As if they could fool her that easily. A hand carded through her hair, massaging the roots and pulling gently. She moaned as her head was tilted back and kisses laid against her throat.

“Mmmmm. Spike. My Spike,” she moaned, her arms instinctively trying to move towards him. One small kiss on her lips as affirmation and he drifted away. Her back arched as a slender finger raced the length of her spine. Too small to be a man's finger, but not Liz.

“Buffy,” she gasped, brushing off the odd sensation of calling out her own name. Next, a hot mouth sucking intently at her breast, tongue flicking rapidly over the tip. She jerked into the sensation. Not her Spike, but one of the twins. Her brain misfired, and her thought circle that. Twin, twin, twin.

“T-twin!” she managed to eek out.

“Mmmmm, good.”

“FUCK!” The stroke from a suede flogger caressed her skin, the unexpected sensation sending full body shivers through her. Jesus, something like that could kill a person.

“Wrong,” a voice whispered silkily in her ear. The next strike was a bit harsher, but no less arousing. She tried to spread her legs, but ended up pulling against the padded cuffs. A tongue licked a stripe of wetness up her leg to the juncture of the thigh and someone blew a cooling stream of air against it. She shuddered under the onslaught and someone else used the light flogger against her sensitized breasts, and another nipped down her back.

Sensations were coming from everywhere, from every one. She couldn't catch her breath, couldn't think, couldn't distinguish different touches and sensations from one another. Her world was sensation, her mind was focused entirely on her body, on the scrape of nails against her skin, the harsh touch of unyielding leather against her sensitive places, teeth and tongues and caresses and...everything melded together into one glorious bright pulse of feeling. It wasn't like anything she'd ever felt, when her entire world coalesced into one single sensation that blotted out everything else.
This story archived at http://