Love Sanctioned by Slaymesoftly
Summary: Faith has arrived with her watcher, Gwendolyn, and everyone realizes that Spike was a better prophet than they'd thought when he predicted the next watcher would be "crooked or incompetent". Buffy makes an effort to be more open to Faith this time around and they do a bit of bonding at the Bronze.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: Loves Lost Series
Chapters: 16 Completed: Yes Word count: 34630 Read: 35049 Published: 04/03/2007 Updated: 04/12/2007
Nine by Slaymesoftly
Chapter Nine

“Bollocks!” Spike’s angry exclamation as he carried Buffy into the room and remembered that the bed had no linens took her attention off the ear lobe upon which she’d been nibbling.

“What’s wrong?”

“I forgot there wasn’t any bedding…nothing here but that old blanket.”

He set her down gently and looked around the room for something with which to cover the bare mattress. While he indulged in an unsuccessful attempt to find something suitable for the bed, Buffy was busy undoing the button of his jeans and pulling the zipper down. She pulled the jeans down as far as she could, then shoved him backwards onto the bed and began to untie his boots.

“What the--?”

“I’m just making you more comfortable,” she said innocently. “Didn’t you say the icky jeans were uncomfortable?” As she spoke, she was pulling his boots off and tugging on the tight jeans.

“You minx!” With a laugh, he kicked the pants off and fell backwards, pulling her up from the floor and onto the bed with him. She let her thighs fall apart so that his cock was pressing against her damp clothing, and she wriggled shamelessly against him. He groaned and pushed her away to begin tearing at the fastenings of her jeans. Buffy assisted as best as she could, while also pushing his tee shirt over his head and shedding her own shirt and bra. With much gasping and panting, they were soon naked; without preamble, he slid into her warmth, their matching sighs of contentment making words unnecessary.

They remained still for minutes, basking in the sense of completion that being so intimately connected again was providing. Buffy allowed him to fill her senses; she licked the silky skin on his neck, inhaled the tobacco/whiskey/leather smell that said “Spike”, and enjoyed the way her body molded itself to his without conscious thought. Spike reveled in the warmth surrounding his cock – a welcome change after months of his own cool hand - and he willingly surrendered to the emotion evoked by having Buffy’s arms and legs wrapped around him once again.

Inevitably, nature took over and their hips began a slow, syncopated rhythm that built until they were moaning and growling with the need for release. Spike’s sharp fangs slid into his marks just as Buffy bit into the muscle of his shoulder and she shuddered around him repeatedly as his deep draughts of her blood kept her spiraling into one orgasm after another.

For his part, every swallow of her powerful blood extended his own release until he finally collapsed onto her, licking the wounds closed before he allowed the lassitude that he couldn’t fight to take over.

“Love you, Buffy,” he whispered, rolling them to onto their sides so that his weight wouldn’t impede her breathing. “I love you so much. I missed you. Missed this.”

“Me too,” she murmured, unable to come up with anything more elaborate at that point.

“You too, what?”

“What you said.” She giggled at his exasperated growl, burrowing closer, squeezing her internal muscles around his already-recovering cock and turning the growl into an appreciative groan.

“Say it for me, love,” he begged, even as he rolled back onto her and began moving again. When she didn’t respond right away, he pulled out of her so that only the very tip of his cock was touching her entrance. He chuckled at her attempts to pull him back, holding himself up on his hands and knees and chiding her gently. “Ah, ah, pet. You don’t get what you want until I get what I want…”

His startled “oof!” when she flipped them over and immediately impaled herself on his cock had appreciative giggles accompanying her sigh of satisfaction. She wriggled her hips against him, gasping lightly as she felt him twitch within her and brush against the spot she’d been hoping he would find again. Bouncing gently on him, she asked archly, “Now, what was it that you tried to blackmail me into saying?”

“I want…” he growled, pulling her hips down onto his and nudging her internal bundle of nerves until she was whimpering, “to hear you say you love me…”

“You…can’t…tell…me…what…to…do…” she almost cried through gritted teeth, fighting the urge to surrender to the sensations he was creating.

“Bloody stubborn bint!” He held her still, allowing no movement except for the light touches his cock was brushing across her interior flesh. Whimpering with defeat, Buffy fell forward onto his chest, gasping, “Yes! Yes. I love you. Please….”

His cocky “Please what, Slayer?” was abruptly cut off when she clenched her internal muscles around his still active cock and squeezed until he groaned. She continued to squeeze rhythmically, ignoring his groans of pleasure/pain as she brought herself to a shuddering release; a release that triggered a shout of ecstasy when she milked his own completion from him.

For long minutes, the only sounds were Buffy’s gasps for air and the vampire’s matching panting. When she realized that Spike was limp and soft inside her, she rolled off to the side, asking softly, “Did we just have a fight?”

“Bloody stubborn bint,” he repeated, without answering her question. ‘Were you tryin’ to break me?”

She began to giggle again, then her head flew up and in a very small voice, she asked, “Should I not have done that? Did I hurt you? I’m sor—“

“Shhh, love. Was kidding, wasn’t I? You hurt me in the very best of ways, Buffy. I promise you.” He stroked her hair, kissing her worried mouth and doing his best to reassure her that he was not complaining. “You did what you had to do to get what you needed, and I was just along for the ride…the incredibly wonderful, sexy, satisfying… ride.”

As he spoke, he felt her slowly relaxing against his side, allowing his reassurances to calm her fears and permit her to enjoy the completely fulfilled sensation with which the strenuous internal battle had left her. He carefully pulled the old blanket over their satiated bodies, and joined her in a brief respite from their reunion activities.
This story archived at http://