The Clause by K_E_M
Summary: AU. Buffy Summers is Rupert Giles’ step-daughter. When he passes away, he leaves her his apartment in Sunnydale, California; and one half of his fortune. The thing is, that there’s a clause in Rupert’s will that says that to get the apartment and the money, she has to live with his infuriating nephew, William, (better known as Spike) for a month and a half. So, how’s a month and a half in a house where both of its occupants can’t stand each other? Rated PG-13, and eventually NC-17. HIATUS, WILL BE CONTINUED AND FINISHED!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: No Word count: 21734 Read: 11029 Published: 04/03/2007 Updated: 05/29/2007
Sunday Morning, part 2 by K_E_M
A/N: Yipee! I'm so happy you guys are liking this
! Your reviews make me sooo proud lol, I'm very happy. I hope you keep reviewing, and I'll, of course, keep updating =) Love y'all. Enjoy!

Chapter V: Sunday morning, part 2

Buffy was waiting for Spike in the hot tub. He was taking an awfully long time just to dry himself and put on a pair of swimming trunks, to get wet again.

She didn’t know why she was doing this, watching TV, having breakfast, and taking a soak in the Jacuzzi with him. After all, she didn’t like him, and he didn’t like her. He was arrogant, immature, sarcastic, and a bleached-thick headed-punk pig. **Yeah, big with the words, huh, Buffy?**

He was being a little bit nice today. Maybe he was in a good mood, or he was trying to make some peace with her. Who knew. He was as unpredictable as the storm that Sunnydale was currently experiencing.

Suddenly, she heard the terrace’s door open and close, and saw Spike run to the Jacuzzi through the heavy rain.

“Sorry I took so long, pet. I had to make a call” **Liar** Spike’s annoying mental voice piped up. The truth was that he had to free himself from some tension in certain parts of his body that wouldn’t go away voluntarily.

“Okay. So… what do you wanna chat about while we’re here?” Buffy asked.

“Umm… maybe we can get to know each other a bit better. We are roommates now, after all”

“Okay, so… What’s your full name?” **Oh, what a dumb question, Buffy**

“My name’s William James Giles”

“Giles told me you were his sister’s son. Why do you have her last name?” Buffy immediately realized that was a private question. He suddenly tensed “I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have asked that”

“Don’t worry, luv. It’s all in the past… My father… well, his name was Ethan Rayne, and he got my mother pregnant… she was 18 at the time. When she told him, he stayed with her for obligation, but didn’t let her put his last name on my name, he left us when I was five”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Spike”

“Nonsense, pet. Never loved him anyway”

“Oh. Well, something similar happened to me… My father divorced my mother when I was 10. He ran away with his secretary… I met her once… she was 19 at the time. My dad was 42. After the divorce my mother was destroyed, and wanted to start a new life, so we moved from LA to Sunnydale. She opened an art gallery here, and in an art show she met Giles. They fell in love, blah, blah, and then they married almost a year later.”

“The only time I talked to Rupert after he married your mother he told me he was very happy with her. I was 15 when I spoke to him… I never talked to him again after that…”

“How old are you, Spike?” Buffy asked

“I’m 26, why?”

“You didn’t speak to him for eleven years? Wow…”

“Yeah… well, as I said, I had my reasons” Spike’s tone told her that that was the end of that particular topic of conversation.

“You haven’t told me how old are you, luv. I’m not going to be the only one revealing ages here”

She chuckled lightly, before saying “I’m 25”

“Oh, so you’re younger than me? I can’t believe it, pet”

Buffy didn’t get mad like he expected her to be. She actually smirked

“Well, I thought you were in your mid-thirties… I can’t believe you’re older than me by only a year.”

“Ha bloody ha, Summers”

“It’s what I think… You can’t kill me for voicing my opinions, can you?”

He glared at her, even though he had to admit that her response was not the easily-annoyed-Buffy would give. This was more like spitfire-Buffy.

Buffy laughed a little at his expressions and then sobered up. “So, are you going to ask any more questions?”

“Yeah, but only if you promise you’ll answer anything I ask, okay?”

Buffy didn’t think, and just said “Okay”

Spike pushed back a smirk, as he made the question that would clearly bother her the most

“So, Summers, are you a virgin?”

Spike could have sworn her eyes got two sizes bigger than what they really were.

“I’m SO not going to answer that” she said, blushing and crossing her arms over her chest.

Spike couldn’t help noticing the way her breasts pushed together when she crossed her arms. “Ah, ah, ah, Summers… you don’t get away that easily.. You promised you’d answer anything I asked.”

Buffy looked torn. Okay, so she had promised. But that was her intimate business! Well, maybe if she just answered and went back into the house… it wouldn’t be so bad… She wouldn’t have to give any details, so…

Spike heard Buffy murmur something under her breath. “I didn’t catch that one, luv”

“I’m a virgin” Spike didn’t even had time to smile his Cheshire Cat grin, when Buffy was out of the hot tub and running to her room.

So she was a virgin? Huh. Who would have known… Spike was slowly discovering that Buffy could be a very interesting girl that kept hidden many secrets behind those pretty, brilliant hazel eyes.

Pretty? Brilliant? Where the hell had that come from?


Buffy was now locked in her room, her breath coming out in short gasps. Her face red in mortification.

He was such an ass!

He was just going to make fun of her the rest of his life, wasn’t he? She knew that most girls weren’t virgins at 25 this century… But that was no reason to make fun of her because of it… she just wanted to wait for the right guy…

Was that a bad thing?

She was made fun regularly for being a virgin. Every guy she went out with made fun of her for being a virgin. Of course she knew they just wanted to get laid, but still…

She felt so embarrassed…

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, and she wondered if she should open the door or let Spike rot in hell for irritating her.

She decided that the second option was childish, and she didn’t want to be like Spike, so she just opened the door.

Surprisingly, his face wasn’t one of mock. His eyes were lowered, staring at the carpet, and he was wringing his hands while shifting from one foot to another.

He almost looked like a child that had just been punished.

“What do you want?” It was the second time that day that she answered her door with that sentence. This time, the difference was that she had a reason to use the harsh tone in her voice.

“I… I just wanted to apologize for what I said, Buffy…”

She couldn’t believe it. Spike apologized! Big, arrogant Spike had apologized to her…

“It’s not a bad thing that you’re a virgin, Buffy. In fact, it’s a very admirable thing to be. You’re pure, and untouched and that’s a quality many girls your age don’t have, so… I shouldn’t have said anything.”

Buffy stared at him, still incredulous. He looked at her expectantly, and she smiled.

“You’re being sincere, right?”

“Of course. I’m sorry… really.. I shouldn’t have said that”

“Who would have thought you could be a decent guy?”

“Oi! I’m always a fucking decent guy… it’s just I don’t show it all the bloody time”

“Oh, yes, now let’s cover the fact that you apologized to me with unnecessary swearing” she raised an eyebrow. “I’ promise I won’t tell anyone you did the right thing, bad boy”

He glared at her. Maybe she was a sweet, pure virgin, but she sure had a big mouth. **Imagine all the different uses that mouth could have…** Aaaarrghhhh… that voice in his head was driving him nuts! It was always with the annoying comments that shouldn’t pass through his head.

“Yeah, well, I just wanted to apologize, but since you’re being a right bitch about it, I guess I’ll just go. No need to stay and be insulted, believe me.”

“Whatever. I don’t have any time for you”

Buffy knew this was not the best way to accept an apology, but this was the way things were between them. He said something nice, only to ruin it five minutes later. He sure had a big mouth!

She closed her door and went to lay down on her bed. She stared straight to the ceiling, and then at her walls.

She saw all the pictures she had hung there. Of her, Giles and her mom when they all used to be happy.

Joyce Summers had been a very sweet and good mother. Always concerned for Buffy’s well being. When Hank had divorced her, she had been devastated, and had wanted to leave LA in search of a new life, Hank-free.

Within a few months, Joyce had opened her own art gallery. Making her dream come true. She had got paintings and sculptures from the best artists in Sunnydale, and had organized her first showing.

There, she had met Giles.

Apparently he was a close friend of one of the artists showing their work at the gallery, so he had been invited. They had immediately hit it off, and in a year’s time, they were married. Buffy, at the tender age of 10, understood perfectly what her mother had been going through with her dad, so she was happy that she had met a wonderful man like Giles.

As it turned out, Rupert Giles was a very powerful and wealthy man in Sunnydale. He lived in a pent-house on the most expensive building in the entire city, but he was a very simple, and down-to-earth man. As soon as he and Joyce married, he moved to the small Summers’ residence in Revello Drive.

Giles never spoke much about himself or his family. He only mentioned he had a sister, who had a young son called William.

Nine years of happiness quickly passed in the Summers’ household.

Then, Joyce started having constant headaches and getting ill constantly. She went to many hospitals, and saw countless doctors, but none knew what was wrong with her.

That was until she died. It was then that the doctors gave them the answers they’d needed. She’d had an aneurysm. She had died while taking a nap on the couch, and no one could have stopped it.

Or so had said the doctors.

Buffy had been destroyed by it all. Luckily she’d had Giles to support her, even though he was even worse than her. He cried a lot for his beloved wife, and he needed all the love he could have. He was a good man, and he didn’t deserve to be so sad.

So Buffy kept strong for him, and didn’t cry.

For years she kept her feelings locked up inside her. Giles wanted her to let go and cry, to show her heart, but honestly she didn’t want to be weak.

She loved her father very much. That was Giles. Hank, her real father, had only been a sperm donor for her, but Giles had loved her more than Hank could ever have.

And when she thought maybe he was going to be with her for a long time, he had died too.

He’d had brain cancer. She hadn’t known anything about it, and she wasn’t sure if he knew. The doctors hadn’t said anything about him knowing. She had felt horribly knowing that an awful illness like cancer had been eating Giles from the inside for such a long time…

He had left her money, a house… but the only thing she wanted was her dad.

**Daddy… I want you back…**

Buffy looked at the ceiling, not noticing she was crying until the tears that fell tickled her cheeks. She burrowed her face in her pillow and started to cry for her father once again, hearing the rain falling heavily outside of her window… She just hoped the horrible pain in her heart would eventually go away…


Well, no smutty jacuzzi fun for now, but... I hope you like it anyways!
As always, thank you for your reviews! I hope you leave me some more for this one! Thanks, people! See ya soon!
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