The Clause by K_E_M
Summary: AU. Buffy Summers is Rupert Giles’ step-daughter. When he passes away, he leaves her his apartment in Sunnydale, California; and one half of his fortune. The thing is, that there’s a clause in Rupert’s will that says that to get the apartment and the money, she has to live with his infuriating nephew, William, (better known as Spike) for a month and a half. So, how’s a month and a half in a house where both of its occupants can’t stand each other? Rated PG-13, and eventually NC-17. HIATUS, WILL BE CONTINUED AND FINISHED!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: No Word count: 21734 Read: 11036 Published: 04/03/2007 Updated: 05/29/2007
Curious by K_E_M
N/A: Hi guys! I'm sorry I didn't update sooner! I've been kinda busy going to the doctor, getting tested and all lol, so I haven't gotten any time =) Hope you like this chapter! And thanks for your support and your reviews! I really, REALLY love them!

Chapter VI: Curious

Buffy awoke slowly, hearing a piercing sound coming from somewhere beside her.

The alarm clock.

It was 6:30 in the morning, and Buffy felt like crap. She had cried herself to sleep last night, so her eyes were red and swollen. Her eyes tired from shedding so many tears.

She turned off the alarm and went to take a quick shower. Today, she was going to go in to work after not going for three days.

After taking her shower and putting on a white blouse and a knee-length black skirt, she walked to the kitchen, planning on making some breakfast for herself, only to find that Spike had made her some toast and orange juice.

“Mornin’ luv, I made some breakfast. I assumed you were going to work today.”

Spike watched her cautiously, he had heard her sobbing all afternoon in her room after he had gotten out of the Jacuzzi, and now her tired and swollen eyes were the proof that he hadn’t imagined it. Was it because he had offended her or something?

“Good morning, Spike… Thanks for all of this… I really wasn’t keen on making breakfast today…”

“Dun’ worry, luv, it was a pleasure… So, you going to work today?” he watched her with concern.

“Yup, at last…”

“That’s good. Where do you work?”

“I work at an art gallery… It was my mother’s…” She toyed with the glass, not looking at him.

“Oh, that’s great… You’re like… the manager then?”

“Yeah, pretty much. I search for new artists and organize showings…”

“Really? Oh, that’s very good” He then stood up and went to get the newspaper on the door. He sat down again and immediately opened it.

“What are you doing?” Buffy asked curiously

“I’m looking for a job”

“Really? Oh, what kind of job are you looking for?”

“I was hoping for a job in some club… I kinda like to sing, and all. It’s not much, but it’s a start”

“Oh, that’s good! I hope you find something” He could tell her wish was sincere and he smiled at her

“Thanks, pet”

Buffy then looked at her watch and her eyes widened “Oh, God… I’m late! I’ll be back at 5, Spike!”

“Buffy, pet, some packages are going to be shipped here this afternoon… They’re mine… Could you please sign for me if you’re here? I’ll be out job-hunting”

“Of, course. If I’m home, I’ll gladly do it”


“You’re welcome, bye!”

Buffy went down the stairs to the parking lot, unlocking her car, and that’s when she realized she still had a flat tire. “Arrrrghhh! Dammit, Spike!”

She locked the car again, and headed to the street to get a cab. No way she was going to walk 9 blocks to work! When she was in the cab, she got her cell phone out, and dialed home, waiting for Spike to pick up.

“Hello?” For a moment, she felt shivers run up and down her spine. She hadn’t heard that tone of Spike’s voice… It almost sounded… bedroom-y.

“Umm.. Spike?”


“Umm… yeah… look, I just remembered that my car still has that flat tire, so could you go and repair it like you said, please?”

“Yeah, sure, I promised”

Buffy was grateful she wasn’t going to have to beg him to do it.

“Okay, thanks. Bye!”

“Bye, luv”

Buffy hung up, and stared out of the window, thinking how Spike’s moods were more unpredictable than she had thought.

When she got to work, she was immediately rushed to her office by a very frantic and excited Willow, who didn’t stop to worm her fingers in front of her.


“Willow! That’s awesome! He proposed last night?”

“Yeah! Isn’t that awesome? He’s the sweetest man on earth. I love Oz so much!”

Buffy was very happy for her friend. She was finally getting what she wanted, but she was also very sad because she didn’t have anyone like Oz. Someone who cared unconditionally for her… who pampered her and made her feel special.

Buffy and Willow stayed almost all day inside of Buffy’s office, discussing Oz’s proposal. Even the coffee break they had planned was dedicated to Willow’s new “engaged” status.

As soon as the end of the day came, working hours at Summers’ Art were over, and Buffy headed home.

She got into a pair of comfy shorts and a white tank top and laid down on the couch, grabbing a pile of papers from her study, that constituted a list of new artists that wanted to show their work at the gallery. She had to call them, check their work and decide.

Some time later, there was a knock on the door, and Buffy went to open it, seeing a tall, black man on the door.

“Hi, Miss… I’m Charles Gunn, from MRW, and I’m here to make a delivery… Is this William Giles’ house?”

“Yes, that’s correct” She stared at the different packages on the floor. All of them were wrapped in brown paper.

“Oh, that’s great… If you could sign right here, please?” he showed her a little chart

“Sure.” Buffy signed and smiled at him. He smiled back “Thank you” He put the packages inside, and turned to leave.

“Thank you for using MRW… Have a nice day, miss”

Buffy closed the door and stared at the numerous packages in the door.

There was a big, square-shaped one, and the rest were thin and squared too.

The big one looked like it could be a chest, maybe a box containing something.

It was very heavy.

The others, seemed like paintings, and Buffy, being the owner of an art gallery, wanted to know what they were.

So she “accidentally” ripped open the wrapping of one of the packages, and saw it was, in fact, a painting.

A painting of a very beautiful, raven-haired woman.

The strangest thing was, that it was signed by Spike, who was currently at the doorframe staring at her with eyes full of anger.

WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING?” Oh, yes, being nosy sucked.
Yup, it was kinda short, but that means my next chapter will be up sooner! =D LOL, Don't forget to leave a cute, lil' review! See ya! =D
This story archived at http://