Animal Nature by beanie
Summary: Takes place during Bargaining. When Willow brings Buffy back, she is feral and dangerous. No one can get close to her except for a certain blonde vampire.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 15504 Read: 18647 Published: 07/03/2007 Updated: 08/15/2007
Thank You by beanie
Thanks for all the reviews! You guys are great!

Chapter 9: Thank You

Eventually, her sobs slowed to quiet hiccups and she fell asleep in Spike’s arms. He didn’t know how long he sat there, just holding her as she slumbered, but he was aware of the approaching dawn. He could feel it tickling his senses, warning him to find shelter from its harmful rays.

Spike knew he had to leave the graveyard. The vamp she had incapacitated still lay unconscious beside them, so Spike dusted him, putting him out of his misery, before he reluctantly stood up, still holding Buffy in his arms.

He rolled his neck and shoulders as much as he could to get the kinks out without jostling the sleeping Slayer. The light glow of the rising sun was apparent along the horizon, the trees appearing black against the yellow of the sky. Spike knew he didn’t have much time to get Buffy home before sunlight became a problem.

Cradling her to his chest, he began a sprint back through the graveyards in the direction of the Summers’ residence. He was thankful for his vampire strength that made the slayer feel like a feather in his arms, as well as making it easy to run and hold her at the same time.

However, the sun was rising quickly, it was like a fire burning a path hot on his heels, and even with his enhanced speed, he wasn’t sure he could make it to Buffy’s house before becoming dusty.

Making a quick decision, he turned in the opposite direction to his original destination and entered the cemetery that housed his crypt.

He was aware that, in hindsight, taking Buffy to his crypt probably wasn’t the wisest choice, but he would deal with the consequences when they appeared. Now, he had to protect himself and Buffy. He slammed the heavy door to his tomb closed moments before the sun rose from behind the trees.

Buffy made a small noise, and he looked down to see her eyes flutter open. “Ssh, pet. It’s okay, I’ve got you.” That seemed to satisfy her as she closed her eyes once more.

He proceeded towards the trapdoor leading to his lower level and pulled it open in order to climb down the ladder. Once downstairs, he went to his bed along the wall and gently laid Buffy against the soft pillows. She immediately curled up on her side, causing Spike to smile.

He turned to go back up the ladder and give her privacy, but Buffy’s voice stopped him. “Spike?”

“I’m here, luv.”

“Can you stay? With me? Please?” He could hear the slight panic in her voice and though she hadn’t moved from her position on the bed, her big, green eyes were looking at him, pleading.

Spike tried to mask the surprise her request caused him, and quickly removed his duster and boots before lying down beside her. He knew what she was asking of him and it touched his heart. He had held her before in the past few days, but this was different, not only because of the bed, which made the act intimate on its own, but because Buffy had asked him to stay close to her. All of the previous times were for protection or comfort, and Buffy had not been fully aware of his presence.

Now, however, she was completely conscious of what she was asking and she had asked anyway. It brought warmth to his heart. She trusted him enough to hold her in her moment of weakness, and it meant more to him than anything he had ever experienced.

He turned to her so that her back was against his chest and pulled her close. He inhaled her scent, memorizing the mixture of vanilla and sunshine that he had come to associate with Buffy. Her small hand fell atop his larger one against her stomach and she linked their fingers.

Spike smiled contently as he closed his eyes to let sleep overtake him. He knew when he woke he would have to deal with angry accusations and endless questions, but with Buffy beside him, in his bed, in my arms, he felt he could face anything.


Spike awoke hours later to the sound of his crypt door slamming against the stone wall. He closed his eyes for a moment, preparing to face the wrath of Buffy’s friends; then carefully extracted himself from the sleeping Slayer, lightly kissing her forehead before rising from the bed.

He walked to the ladder, turning around to look at Buffy one more time before he went upstairs. Her golden hair fell over her cheek and shoulders and her hand was curled against her opposite cheek along the pillow. The white sheet covering her rose and fell with each breath she took and he could hear her heart beat rhythmically against her chest. She was calm, content.

Safe, Spike pondered.

Spike never imagined he would have Buffy willingly sharing his bed with him, even if it was just to sleep. His dream had finally come true and was about to be ripped away from him by harsh reality. He sighed, took one last look at his golden angel, and reluctantly climbed up the ladder.


“Oh, Spike, I never thought I’d say this, but thank God!” Giles exclaimed as soon as Spike appeared on the upper level.

“Hey, Rupes,” the vampire replied, rising the rest of the way out of the floor.

“Buffy seems to have run away. We were hoping for your assistance in locating her.”

Spike went to the fridge and pulled out a packet of pig’s blood. He hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning and his demon was making that fact known. He ripped into it and drained it before turning to the other man.

He could have lied. Really, he should have. But something stopped him. Buffy had chosen him out of everyone around her. She had come to him for help and protection and he couldn’t tune out the part of him that wanted to gloat about it.

He was the Big Bad after all.

“No need to get your knickers in a twist, old man. She’s with me. Downstairs getting some shut eye.”

The Watcher’s eyes widened in shock and he began sputtering, unable to comprehend what he’d just heard.

After a few moments, he finally sobered. “She’s with you? Did she come here on her own?” The shock was still apparent in the other Englishman’s eyes.

Spike didn’t want to answer. He hoped he could just leave it at that and lead the Watcher and the rest of the Scoobies to believe Buffy came to him of her own choice.

“No, I didn’t.”

So much for hoping, he thought.

Spike turned sharply to see Buffy climbing out of the hole in the floor. He was scared to death of what she wasn’t going to tell her Watcher, and of what she was going to tell him. She hadn’t been bothered by being in his crypt the night before, but a new day could bring new reservations. He had learned that much in his 124 years on Earth.

“But I want to be here,” she quickly clarified, gracing Spike with a shy smile.

Giles was back to sputtering.

“Buffy… you…” Instead of trying to speak, the older man ran to his charge and wrapped her in his embrace. Spike could tell from Buffy’s body language that she was uncomfortable.

Giles pulled away a moment later, leaving his hands on Buffy’s shoulders, “Buffy, you can speak. How are you feeling?”

Spike had to hold back a smirk when Buffy rolled her eyes and pulled away from her confused mentor, “I was fine until you barged in here.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“Buffy, I… we were worried about you.”

“Well, I’m fine, so you can stop worrying.” Giles was taken aback by her harsh tone. Spike let his smirk show this time while he pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

“Buffy, you have gone through something beyond traumatic. Finding out you ran away from home was not something I wanted to hear.”

“I didn’t run away, Giles.” She looked up to the ceiling and threw her hand in the air, showing how exasperated she was with the turn of events. “I needed to go patrolling-” Giles opened his mouth to say something but she stopped him by putting her hand up, “and don’t you dare say it wasn’t safe. I’m not a child, Giles. I had been in that house for days and I needed to get out.”

“Then how exactly did you end up here?” Giles was getting visibly angrier as the conversation continued.

Buffy looked lost then, unsure of how she had ended up at Spike’s crypt. She glanced at the vampire then, asking him with her eyes to answer Giles’ question.

“We ran into some trouble an’ had to find shelter.”

That seemed to satisfy both of them and Buffy gave him a look of gratitude. She was glad he hadn’t told Giles about her breakdown in the cemetery. She didn’t want to face his questions or her friends yet, and was grateful for the strength and silent support Spike had given her.

“Well, I think you should return home. Dawn and the others are worried and we may have some information from the Council that could help explain your previous… condition.”

Buffy glared at him but nodded.

“I’ll go home, but only for Dawn’s sake. She needs me to be there. As for what the Council has to say, I don’t give a shit. We can talk about my condition later, when I’m ready to talk about it. I’ll meet you outside.”

Giles looked like he wanted to protest, but instead nodded and went out the door to wait for Buffy.

“Colorful language there, Goldilocks.” Spike smirked.

She smirked in return as she turned and walked up to him, “I guess I’ve been hanging with you too much lately.” She shrugged. “Plus, I’m mad.”

“And you have every right to be, pet. Are you sure you want to go back?”

“I’ll have to face them eventually, and Dawn will kick my butt if she finds out I’m talking again from someone other than me.” She smiled.

Spike chuckled, “Bite size does have a nasty violent streak. Gets it from her sis, I s’pose.”

Buffy smacked his chest lightly, but the teasing look quickly left her eyes. “Thank you, Spike.” She touched his cheek and he could see in her eyes how much his actions truly meant to her.

“Anything for you, Slayer.” They stayed locked in each other’s gaze for a moment before Buffy reluctantly dropped her hand.

“I have to go, but I’ll meet you tonight for patrol.” He nodded.

She gave him one last smile before turning around and walking out of his crypt. Into the sun where he couldn’t follow.
This story archived at http://