A Second Chance by Pet
Summary: A man comes to Sunnydale to start a new life. He soon discovers that his new friends are hiding something. And what's the deal with that mysterious blonde woman who lives in the same house? AU - Buffy is not the slayer in this story, however, vampires and slayers do exist.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 45 Completed: Yes Word count: 59426 Read: 76047 Published: 09/03/2007 Updated: 03/18/2008
chapter 16 by Pet
Author's Notes:
I've been struggling with this chapter for a couple of days but finally managed to finish it. I don't know how often I will be able to update from now on but I'll try to keep posting at least once a week. Right now I have a lot of things going on in Real Life so to speak, but I will finish this story, even if it looks like it's gonna take a little longer than expected. I hope you can be patient with me.
Spike slowly approached the growling vampire, stake in a tight grip. He casted a brief glance over his shoulder, and wasn’t surprised when he realized that Wesley was nowhere to be seen. Shaking his head in disgust, he turned his attention back to the vampire in front of him. Right, stake him through the heart, how hard could it be? The snarling creature had yet to attack, and Spike took a deep breath, deciding not to give him an opportunity. He shut out his leg and kicked the vampire hard in the chest, sending him flying a few feet and hit a tree, ending up sprawling flat on his back. Before he got the chance to get up, Spike delivered a few more kicks to the fallen vampire before finally penetrating his chest with the stake, praying that he wouldn’t miss the heart.

Luckily, just like the vampire he had watched Buffy kill the other night, this one disappeared into a cloud of dust. Spike got up and brushed the dust off his hands, feeling quite pleased with himself. He had just killed… no, slayed, his first vampire, all by himself. Just like when he used to fight all those bullies back in London, fighting the vampire had given him a powerful rush, and he had enjoyed every minute of it. Only difference was, now, afterwords, there was no shame or guilt. Instead, he actually felt like he had done something good for a change. That was a whole new feeling, and it felt very good.

“All right… Three minutes and twenty seven seconds. You should be able to take it out faster next time, I hope. Aside from that, you did okay.” Wesley appeared behind him, causing Spike to roll his eyes. The Watcher had followed him all night, constantly lecturing him, but as soon as the vampire had shown up, he had run for cover. Now he was back like nothing happened, having the nerve to complain. Spike gritted his teeth, determined not to let the other English man get to him. He had only known Wesley for a couple of hours, and already knew that he couldn’t stand him. Unfortunately, he was stuck with the wanker.

“Let’s move on, we have not got all night.” Wesley glanced around to make sure it was safe to leave before he went on; “Now, I would like to see how you will handle facing a group of several vampires at once.” He paused, and glanced around again, nervously. “After you.”

Again, Spike rolled his eyes. How the bloody hell could that nancy-boy have gotten the job as a Watcher? He was just about to come up with some sarcastic comment; which most likely would get him into trouble with Giles later, when he felt a slight tingling in the back of his neck. He had felt it before, just when the vampire had approached him, so he quickly glanced around, expecting to see another one. But all he could see was the empty cemetery. He frowned. That was weird; he’d been so sure he would see another vampire lurking about. Although, he supposed he couldn’t really rely on his Slayer instincts just yet. This was all still kind of new to him.

“Did you hear a word I just said? What are you waiting for?” Wesley sounded annoyed, and a bit nervous, probably eager to get going. Spike shrugged, and started towards the far end of the cemetery, not waiting to see if Wesley would be able to catch up. Then he spotted a couple of vampires, hanging just outside a large mausoleum, and couldn’t help but smirk. This would be fun! He turned around and motioned for Wesley to stand back, not so much for the other man’s safety as for making sure he wouldn’t screw things up by getting in his way. Then he quietly approached the mausoleum, looking forward to kick some undead ass. But still, he couldn’t quite shake off the feeling of being followed.


Buffy was hiding behind some trees, enjoying the sight in front of her. She suddenly got a strange feeling of déjà vu, and remembered the first time she had watched William in a fight. But something about the way Spike was fighting seemed different, and it didn’t take long before she realized what it was. William had been a great fighter, and watching him had been amazing. But it had always been obvious that he had hated what he was doing. William had fought vampires and demons because it was the right thing to do, but also because he didn’t really have a choice.

Spike may have been reluctant at first, but now, Buffy only had to take one brief look at him to know that he enjoyed it. In fact, watching Spike fight made her feel like she was watching some kind of erotic dance, and the feeling made her incredibly hot. She blushed then, realizing that she had never been this turned on by watching William fight. That made her a little sad, but at the same time excited. Suddenly, all she could think about was how it would be like to spar with Spike, and made a silent promise to herself that one of these days, she would make it happen, whether he liked it or not. Although, she had a feeling that he wouldn’t be too hard to convince, judging by the way he was always looking at her when he thought she wouldn’t notice.

Suddenly, she got the feeling that someone was standing right behind her, and spun around. There was no one there. She couldn’t help but shudder, realizing that anyone, or anything could’ve easily sneaked up on her when she wasn’t paying attention. This wouldn’t do! She shook her head as if to clear it, and decided to head back to the house. It was obvious that Spike wouldn’t need her help here, anyway. He was clearly more than capable of taking care of himself. With that thought in mind, she hurriedly left the cemetery, looking over her shoulder every once in a while to make sure no one was following her.


The vampire quickly hid behind a large tomb stone as the Slayer’s little friend turned around, not wanting to be spotted. At least not yet. This was even more fun than expected; the Slayer would never know what hit him. But it wasn’t time for them to meet yet; the Slayer wasn’t ready. But it was only a matter of time, and the vampire had all the time in the world. And when they finally would stand face to face, there would be a party!

This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=27693