A Second Chance by Pet
Summary: A man comes to Sunnydale to start a new life. He soon discovers that his new friends are hiding something. And what's the deal with that mysterious blonde woman who lives in the same house? AU - Buffy is not the slayer in this story, however, vampires and slayers do exist.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 45 Completed: Yes Word count: 59426 Read: 76084 Published: 09/03/2007 Updated: 03/18/2008
chapter 18 by Pet
Author's Notes:
I wasn't planning on updating again so soon but, well I did. Thank you so much for all your supportive reviews after last chap, I really appreciate each and every one of them!
“You enjoyed it.” It was more a statement than a question, and Spike gave Buffy a confused look. She went on, explaining; “The slaying. You enjoyed it. Admit it.”

So far they were only circling each other, and Spike waited for her to take the next step. He had never sparred with anyone before; whenever he fought it was to cause damage, and he didn’t want to hurt Buffy. He was curious, though. She seemed to know what she was doing and he couldn’t wait to see her in action again. The realization that she had probably done this a thousand times before with William hit him, but he pushed that thought to the back of his mind. He refused to admit, even to himself, that he was jealous of his dead cousin.

He shrugged. “Maybe. What’s that got to do with anything?”

She smiled a little, then feigned a punch at his face, which he easily blocked. “You were reluctant at first. But now the idea of being a hero doesn’t seem so bad, does it?”

Frowning, he kept circling her, then cocked his head to the side. “What, you’re my shrink now?”

Buffy shook her head. “No. I just…” He managed to take her off guard when his leg suddenly shot out and swept her feet away, causing her to drop flat on her back on the floor.

He raised a brow. “Really, luv. Thought you’d be a lot more difficult to take down.”

She let out a grumble, about to jump back up on her feet and let him know just how ‘easy’ she would be to take down when she didn’t hold back, but he was too fast, straddling her so she wasn’t able to get up. Suddenly she was all too aware of his lean, muscular body, merely inches away from her, and inhaled shakily. He was so close; all she had to do was…

Spike suddenly pulled back a little, giving her a concerned look. “You okay, pet?” She just nodded, and he got aware of the intimacy of the position they were in. What had he been thinking, straddling her like that?! There was no way he could get up now without her noticing his hardening erection. And how would she react to that? She would probably freak out, maybe punch him in the face and then she would leave. He felt how she suddenly froze and let out a small gasp, and realized that it was already too late. He braced himself for the outburst he knew would be coming.

Buffy’s eyes widened when she felt something hard against her leg, something that definitely hadn’t been there a moment ago. She looked at Spike, a questioning expression on her face, and was taken aback when she saw the fear in his eyes. It was obvious that he wanted her, but what was he so afraid of? Then she realized that he waited for her to react, most likely with rejection. That made her want to assure him, somehow, that right now she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. But it was like, suddenly, her mouth was unable to form any words. Instead, she reached out a shaky hand and let her fingers gently run over his scarred brow.

He got a surprised look on his face, obviously not what he had expected her to do. “Buffy…”

“How did you get it?” He could hear by the sound of her voice that she really wanted to know, he just couldn’t understand why. He started to pull back again, but she stopped him by placing both of her hands on his shoulders.

“From my cell mate.” He had long since pushed the memory of the fear at the sight of the knife, and the sharp pain that followed, to the far back of his mind. But the scar remained, like a constant reminder.

“Why?” Buffy stared at him, her voice trembling.

He let out a sigh. “Don’t need a reason in jail, luv. Guess he just didn’t like me.”

He tried to shrug it away, but she wouldn’t let him. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t.” He closed his eyes for a brief moment, then looked her in the eyes. “Buffy, listen…”

“You wanna kiss me?” Her voice was barely more than a whisper, and for a moment he wasn’t sure he had heard her correctly. Then he could feel how tensed she had suddenly become, and realized that now she was the one who was afraid of rejection. How was that possible? Didn’t she know how much he wanted her, couldn’t she hear it in his voice, see it in his eyes? Never would he have dared to hope that she would feel the same way. But now, here she was, wondering if he wanted to kiss her. He knew his voice would fail him if he tried to speak, so he just nodded. The relief in her eyes spoke volumes, and she gave him a shaky smile.

When their lips finally met, it was like everything that had happened, from the moment they first laid eyes on each other, had been leading up to this very moment. And when she opened her mouth, only slightly, and allowed their tongues to meet, to slowly explore each other, Spike was certain he had somehow died and ended up in heaven. His arms slid around her, gently tugging her closer, and she willingly leaned into his embrace. He had to suppress a moan as he managed to whisper her name. “God, Buffy…”

Buffy wrapped her arms around him, hungrily giving in to the kiss, and let out a whimper. “Ooh, this is…” He captured her lips again, stopping her from finishing whatever she was going to say, and her fingers came to run softly through his hair, gently playing with the blonde curls at the back of his neck. Words couldn’t describe how she felt, and suddenly, nothing existed but the two of them.

“Buffy…” Spike breathed heavily into her mouth, arms clinging to her, feeling like if he would let her go for only a second, he would die.

“Mmm…” Buffy let out a moan, wanting to beg him to never stop kissing her, feeling like if he did, only for a brief moment, it would kill her. She couldn’t remember ever feeling like this before, it felt new, but at the same time so familiar, like she was seventeen again and kissing… “God, don’t stop… don’t… mmm… William!”

This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=27693