A Second Chance by Pet
Summary: A man comes to Sunnydale to start a new life. He soon discovers that his new friends are hiding something. And what's the deal with that mysterious blonde woman who lives in the same house? AU - Buffy is not the slayer in this story, however, vampires and slayers do exist.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 45 Completed: Yes Word count: 59426 Read: 76084 Published: 09/03/2007 Updated: 03/18/2008
chapter 6 by Pet
Author's Notes:
Wow, I never would've thought I'd get so many wonderful reviews for last chap, thank you all so much!
Spike just stared at Buffy for a moment, a confused expression on his face. Then he burst out laughing. “Right, I’m the soddin’ Slayer! Good one.” When she didn’t laugh, or even looked amused, he stopped, frowning. “You are joking, right?”

“Spike…” Buffy let out a tired sigh, realizing that she shouldn’t have said anything. Giles had specifically told her that he was to be the one telling Spike about his destiny. She really hadn’t meant to just blurt it out like that, but it was too late to take it back now. And simply telling him that it had been a joke was not an option. So, she would just have to convince him that it was true, get him to believe it, but judging by the doubtful look on his face, it wouldn’t be easy. “It’s not a joke. You are the Slayer.”

He shook his head in denial, now dead serious. “Seriously, pet, you’ve got the wrong bloke here. I don’t know why you’d think that, but you’re wrong. Hell, I didn’t even know vampires existed a couple of hours ago. Honestly, I’m still not sure I believe it. This is all just…” He hesitated, remembering something. “But that vampire you killed… He called you ‘Slayer’.”

“No.” Buffy rolled her eyes. “I just asked him why he would be stupid enough to attack the Slayer. He had no idea who you were. It took him by surprise, and I could easily…”

Spike interrupted her, staring at her in disbelief. “You talk to the vampires before you kill them?!”

She shrugged. “Not like we’re having any deep conversations or anything. It’s just really annoying how they always have to say something, like ‘this will be the last thing you’ll ever do’, or something equally lame. So, I usually try to insult them first, it’s not like they can hear me afterwords, being all dusty.”

He shook his head again, as if to clear it. “You’re bloody insane!”

Buffy glared at him. “Anyway, that’s why he said ‘Slayer’, he wasn’t talking about me. It’s a known fact that women can’t be Slayers. Don’t ask me why, I personally think that it’s totally unfair. But the Slayer Manual says… Hold on, I’ll show you.” She jumped up from the chair and disappeared out of the kitchen, only to return a moment later with the book Giles had shown him earlier. She opened the book and put it down on the table. “It says here in the first paragraph…” She started reading out loud; “In every generation there is a Chosen One. He alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. He is the Slayer.” She handed him the book, so he could see for himself.

Spike looked at the page, briefly, before pushing the book back towards her. “All right. So, the Slayer has to be a bloke. Doesn’t prove that it’s me.”

She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Giles, his voice coming from the doorway behind them. “It’s you, Spike. For a long time I wasn’t sure myself, but I finally had to face the facts, and so will you. Being the Slayer is your destiny.”

Buffy gave Giles a guilty look. “I’m sorry, Giles, I didn’t mean to…”

Giles held up his hand to stop her. “It’s quite all right, dear. But I think it would be best right now if I could speak to Spike alone, if you don’t mind.”

“Sure.” Buffy got up. “I think I’ll just go to bed, I’m really tired. Goodnight.” She gave Giles a brief hug, and quickly left the room.

Waiting until he was sure Buffy was gone, Giles then turned to Spike. “I know this must come as a shock to you, but the sooner you will accept the truth, the better, for all of us.” He paused. “I suppose you want to know how I can be so sure of this.”

Spike shook his head. “Whatever you think you know, you’re wrong, Rupert. I’m not a Slayer.”

“Have you had any strange dreams where you have been someone else? Any extremely violent nightmares?” Giles sat down on a chair, giving Spike a serious look.

He snorted. “Everybody has weird dreams sometimes. Doesn’t prove anything.”

Giles ignored him. “You’ve been involved in a lot of violent fights during the last couple of years, am I right?”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Yes, then I almost killed a bloke and got to spend three months in jail. But you obviously know all that, said so yourself before. What does that have to do with anything?”

Sighing, Giles looked him right in the eyes. “Your mother told me that when you were younger, the kids in your school used to pick on you. But you never once fought back. When did all that change?” Spike looked at him, blankly, for a moment, then glanced away with a shrug. Giles went on; “Suddenly, you could fight back, get back at all those people who used to hurt you. Didn’t you ever wonder where your new strength came from?”

Spike kept his gaze at the table, refusing to meet his uncle’s eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I think you do.” Giles gave him a patient look. “I’m going to make a wild guess here; you tell me if I’m wrong. When you first realized that something about you had changed, was it about three years ago?” Looking up in surprise, Spike eyed his uncle warily, before finally nodding. Giles nodded also, his suspicions confirmed. “I see.”

“I don’t get it.” Spike looked at Giles in confusion.

Giles looked thoughtful for a moment, then spoke again; “July 14th, 2004. Does that date mean anything to you?”

Spike stared at him, shock evident on his face. “How the bloody hell did you…?”

“It means something special to me, too.” Giles sighed, and took a deep breath before he went on. “That was the day I lost my son.” His eyes met Spike’s. “The day William died. You see, William was the Slayer before you. Until he was killed, and you got called as the new Slayer.”

This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=27693