There's No Place Like Sunnydale by lilladybug
Summary: Set post AtS, Spike closes his eyes, expecting to be fried by the dragon, and wakes up on a yellow brick road. In response to Challenge 321 on the Bloodshedverse, full requirements listed at the end of the story.
Categories: General/Canon Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes Word count: 11251 Read: 13965 Published: 09/15/2007 Updated: 10/02/2007
Poppy Fields Forever by lilladybug
Author's Notes:
Italics=internal monologue or something being read.
Buffy stopped the group behind her as they came to the edge of a poppy field.

“Oh, I can see it! Damn it…I forgot. Guys, let’s go around this field, all right? I have a bad feeling about poppies today.”

As the group began to walk away from the field, a bright blue flash shone in front of Buffy. She blinked in disbelief as Dawn stuck her head through the light and yelled to her.

“Buffy! Do the movie word-for-word as best you can! Then you and Spike can wake up…Buffy! Buffy….”

As quickly as the flash came, it was gone again. Spike cocked his head at Buffy when she sighed.

“What is it, pet?”

“Oh, nothing. Just stay close, okay? C’mon guys, I changed my mind. Let’s go through the poppy field.”
Xander and Anya ran full speed toward the Emerald City with Buffy, Spike, and Willow close on their heels. Xander turned back to smile at Buffy when he noticed that she, Spike, and Willow were nowhere to be seen.

“Tin…ma…woman! Come back! Dorothy…oh, where is she? Lion? Toto? Help! Help!”

Anya ran back and helped Xander search for the sleeping trio, and frowned when he began to cry.

“It's no use screaming at a time like this. Nobody will hear you.”

“Help! Help!”

Anya angrily kicked at the sleeping Willow and sighed at Xander.

“Oh, cut the crap, dummy. Crying isn’t going to get us anywhere. Hey, maybe that Glinda character could help us.”

“You mean Tara, the Good Witch of the North,” Xander choked through his streams of tears.

“No, I meant Glinda, the Good Witch of…what, did she die or something?”

“No, she changed her name to Tara after Lillith Faerie Fair. Something about ‘Glinda’ being a stereotypical housewife name or something, I don’t know.”

“Ah. Hey Glinda,” Anya shouted toward the sky, “Or Tara, or whatever the hell else you call yourself! We could use a little help here!”

A slow drift of snow began to fall down onto the poppy field, and Willow, Buffy, and Spike stirred and sat up, yawning. Anya smiled and rolled her eyes as she looked to the sky again.

“Not the most original idea, witchy-poo, but thanks none-the-less.”

The Tin Anya screamed before bolting toward the Emerald City, leaving the rest of the group behind. Spike raised an eyebrow at Buffy, who shrugged, then laughed.

“Oh, dear God,” she said, pointing to a small, white rabbit that sat where Anya had been standing.

Spike smiled.

“No wonder she ran. You ever see Monty Python, pet? Those things’ll tear you limb from limb.”

Buffy chuckled as she grabbed Spike’s hand and followed Willow and Xander after the frightened tin-Anya.


A large door stood between the group and their admittance to the Emerald City. Spike smirked at Buffy, and licked her ear before he whispered to her.

“What kind of neighborhood is this place if they need a gated community?”

Rolling her eyes and stifling a laugh, Buffy reached up and rang the doorbell. Clem’s familiar face covered in red facial hair and adorned with a large, puffy green hat popped out of a window embedded in the door. He frowned down at the group.

“Hey! Can’t you read?”

Buffy sighed as the rag-tag group behind her, aside from Spike, cowered in fear. Spike’s amused expression comforted Buffy in her insecurities about their ‘mission.’

“And what, pray tell, were we supposed to read, mate?”

Clem huffed loudly after looking down and seeing his sign was gone, possibly stolen by the riff-raff from the forest that forced the community to gate itself years ago.
Darn kids and their rock music; stealing innocent signs from doors….”
Clem ducked back into the door before he pulled out another sign and hung it above the doorbell. He slammed his window as the group read aloud, in unison.

“Bell out of order. Please knock.”

Buffy shook her head and knocked gently on the door, not wanting to break through it with her Slayer strengths. When the window opened again, and Clem jutted out, Buffy put on her best “impress-anyone-with-kindness” smile.

“Hi! We’d like to see the Wizard, please.”

“The wizard? But nobody can see the Great Oz! Nobody's ever seen the Great Oz! Even I've never seen him!”

“Well, then how do you know there is one?”

“Because…he, uh..., you're wasting my time.”

“Please, sir!”



“No. Nobody sees the Wizard. Not nobody, not nohow!”

Buffy’s years of practice paid off as large, faked tears rolled down her face, much to Spike’s chagrin. She gasped and quivered her bottom lip at Clem. Spike rolled his eyes and leaned against the green wall. Sniffling pathetically, Buffy stuck her quivering lip out in a pout as she stared at Clem.

“Oh…oh, now I’ll never get home to my Auntie Em. And all she ever wanted was for me to be happy. Oh…oh…oh my, what will she do? I never got to say goodbye….oh, oh dear, oh no….”

Clem’s eyes brimmed with tears as his ears dropped further down, in sadness.

“Oh, no…don’t cry. Please don't cry anymore. I'll get you in to the Wizard somehow. I had an Aunt Em myself once. Come on in, I’m so sorry!”

The large door swung open and the group cautiously stepped through, gasping at the sites that greeted them inside. Caught up in the whirlwind of excitement the colorful city radiated, the group was quickly split up and dolled up by Emerald City beauticians. Buffy burst out into laughter when Spike walked towards her in a sullen state.

“Oh, no, Spike…what’d they do to you?”

Spike opened his mouth to speak, but his voice failed him, and he hung his head in shame. His hair had been washed of the styling gel that he used to slick it back, leaving his hair in his naturally unruly curls. Dispersed throughout his curls were small, shiny red bows. Buffy swore she could smell a hint of lavender and vanilla perfumes coming off of him, but decided to drop the issue when he angrily ripped the bows out and stomped on them, in rage. She shook her head at his actions and giggled, grabbing his arm.

“That’s enough, Spike. I think you won. You beat the little bows to a bloody pulp.”

A loud outcry from the Emerald City residents forced Buffy and Spike to run toward the commotion. Anya, Xander, and Willow stood in the midst, staring in awe, at the sky. Drusilla, perched on her broomstick, circled the sky above, followed by her blonde flying monkey, Harmony. As Drusilla began to write in the sky, the smoke she was utilizing sparked, and caught Harmony’s wings on fire. Too focused on her evil ‘sky note,’ Drusilla didn’t notice as Harmony’s wings burned up, causing her to fall headlong from the sky, crashing in a bloody heap at Spike’s feet.

“Oh, bloody hell!”

Buffy crinkled her nose and backed away from Harmony’s primate corpse, before turning back to the sky.


Before the city folk had a chance to question who this Dorothy was, Buffy raised her hand and sighed.

“I’m Dorothy. Take me to your leader…er…the Wizard.”
This story archived at http://