The Slayers by dhwritertex
Summary: William ‘Spike’ Giles had a rocky past before he moved to America with his father Rupert Giles, which he put it back in the recesses of his mind as they began new lived in Sunnydale. A year after they moved , they met Joyce and a year after that, Rupert and the kind gallery owner entered a romantic relationship for which she moved into the Giles’ home. A year after that Buffy and Dawn entered into the picture, due to their father Hank, wanting freedom from the reasonability of having children. Thus began the love-hate relationship of Buffy and Spike. However, their junior year of high school turns into a rather interesting one.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape, Child Abuse, Spike/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: No Word count: 39389 Read: 25583 Published: 11/11/2007 Updated: 01/02/2008
Chapter Sixteen by dhwritertex
Author's Notes:
Here’s a request: If anyone would like to make a banner for the story, it would be much appreciated. I give thanks to all those who have reviewed. It really helps with the progression of the story and gives me encouragement.
Chapter Sixteen

He didn’t let her answer right away, with his head dipping to hers capturing her lips in a kiss. His kiss was gentle yet passionate against her lips, the softness of his causing her to moan, which he used to his advantage to slip his tongue into her mouth, devouring her. The feeling of triumph passed through his heated mind as her hands wrapped around his back, pulling him closer against her body. Her tongue reached out to tentatively caress his which caused him to groan, and he moved them so they laid on the floor with him on top of her.

Buffy was in a daze, passion and desire swirling in her brain. “Spike…”

“It’s been so long, Buffy,” he murmured, his hands moving over her body, with his mouth trailing kisses down her jaw to her neck. “I’ve wanted you for so long, so much.”

She shuttered when she felt a hand go up her white tank top. “Wait… oh…” she moaned as she felt his hand reach her breast, no bra preventing him from touching bare skin.

“No waiting. We both want this…” he placed a knee in between her legs, spreading them so he could settle his body over her.

She whimpered as he ground his erection against her pelvis, the friction against her most sensitive area causing her clit to throb. “Oh… God…” she moaned and arched her back off the floor when she felt his thumb and forefinger flick and knead her nipples into hardness, first one then the other, “Mmm, Spike.”

“Come on. Let’s see what we can ‘ave, if just for tonight.” But he knew he’d still want her again when it was all over.

He lifted her shirt just enough to uncover her breast, then lowered his head to suckle them, his tongue circling around one tender nipple before genteelly latching on with his lips and teeth, then giving her other breast the same treatment.

In the back of Buffy’s mind, she knew there was something that unnerved her, but couldn’t figure out what it was as Spike kept up his onslaught, determined to make love to her on his…

After a few moments she found the will power to push at him. “Spike, wait.”

He paused, raising himself on his forearms, concerned. “What, luv?”

She pulled her shirt down to cover herself. “I’m not ready for this.”

He tilted his head in further confusion, “What do you mean?”

She felt herself turn beat red. “I’m not losing my virginity on your bedroom floor.”

“Wh… you… bloody hell.” Spike stood up, and helped her to stand up, ever the gentleman. “So, Finn…”

She fidgeted under his scrutiny. “He lied.”

The face he made was nothing but unadulterated hatred. “That… asshole!”

Buffy frowned, her eyes narrowing. “Well, it certainly makes me feel better, knowing my step brother doesn’t want to fuck me because I’m not a slut.”

He gave her a dark look. “Don’t call me that.”

“What? Step brother?” Confusion was written across her face.

“I will never be anything brotherly to you,” his face softened. “I’m mad at the fact that Finn soiled your virtue. I mean I did punch him in the nose when I first heard his rumors-”

“You hit him?”

“Well, yeah.”

Buffy sighed, shaking her head. “Let’s just go out patrolling so this night will end.”

As she went to go to his window, he grabbed her arm, turning her to face him. “We have to talk.”


“Buffy, what we just did-”

She help up her hands. “Stop. Let’s just go-”

“I’m not ignoring this.” he told her.

She rolled her eyes. “And when do you ever ignore anything when it comes to me?”


She sighed, deciding to give him a crumb. “Okay. We’ll talk about this later.”

He tilted his head, regarding her. “You mean that?”

She nodded her head. “You have my word.”

It was his turn to sigh. “Right,” he took her hand and lead her to his window. “Later.”


It was dark and cold were she sat, her blonde hair drenched and her make-up smeared. She was shaking from both the temperature and from fear. There had been a ambush… Oh God! Spike! Fresh tears began to fall over the smudges of the last shed tears. It was her fault. She killed another person she had loved. No... Darla Buffy shook her head as she rocked herself in a fetal position against the crypt wall, the memories of hours earlier.

“Buffy! Look out!” Spike yelled out seeing a vampire lunge at her from the corner of his eye.

She took the warning and ducked, the vampire sailing over her. As she got up, she saw that they where surrounded by twenty vampires. She staked the airborne vampire in the back as he went to get up, making a total of nineteen… then there was clapping. Looking to the right, Buffy and Spike watched as two female vampires came out of the shadows. The clapping one was Darla. The other, twirling her red dress as she danced to her own tune, was Drusilla.

Buffy frowned. “What are doing here?”

“Such good little dollies. I’ve been good! Our Willy has come to play with us!” Dru sing-songed with a smile.

“About that…” Spike arched an eyebrow, regarding the insane vampiress.

“See, Dru here told me some important information tonight,” Darla told the Slayers, as the two Master Vampires advanced towards them. “It seems that Spike here, has a very important schedule to keep.”

“Drink from the fountain, he will,” Dru grinned evilly. “But not Sunshine.”

“No,” Darla’s yellow eyes landed on Buffy. “You get to wait for Saturday for what will happen to you.”

“What happens on Saturday?” Buffy asked, glancing to Spike, waiting for the moment to jump into battle.

“I kill you.” It was those words, said with such finality, that caused the fight to break out.

Endlessly, Buffy found herself punching and kicking, only a few times to check to see how her partner was fairing himself. Spin after spin, Buffy fought, dusting a few, the remains, lightly covering her. Then the rain began to fall and thunder filled the sky. She was on her fifth vampire when she looked over to Spike, seeing Darla lunge towards his back.

“Spike!” she shouted out.

He staked the vampire he was fighting and turned to Darla. Horror filled Buffy’s face as she watched the blonde vampiress plunged a knife in his stomach.

“No!” She screamed before she was tackled by two vampires.

He looked to her shout, and saw her struggling in the mud to free herself and get to him. “Buffy!”

She staked one of the two vampires and kicked the other one away. “Spike!” Tears ran down her mud and rain covered face.

Blood began to drip out of his mouth. “Run! Get out of here!”

She was about to get up and go to him, but the fear in his face stopped her. Tears welled in her eyes and she said softly. “I love you.” Before she took off with four vampires chasing after her.

It was quiet now, as Buffy sat by herself in her hiding place. She had easily dispatched two of the four vampires, the other two losing her trail as she had ran as fast as she could through the maze of forest and graveyard. She looked to her watch, mildly surprised that it had survived her ‘swim’ in the rain and mud. It was two hours till sunrise. Getting up on shaky legs, she pulled open the crypt door and looked out in the darkness. Satisfied that she felt no vampire presence, she left her hiding spot and headed towards the direction where they had been ambushed, tripping over tree roots and sticks in her haste.

When she reached to the place she dropped to her knees, wailing a pained cry. The was nothing but blood, his blood, all over the wet grass, soaking into her ripped jeans. Clawing at the grass, she felt anger build up inside her threatening to choke her. Then, there was a sound. Buffy stooped her crying automatically to listen closely, her survival instinct kicking in.

There was something a few yards away… Buffy fell backwards on her behind as a bloodied hand shot out of the dirt, both startling her and scaring her. A few seconds later, a second hand shot out of the ground. She scrambled to her feet. A zombie… No… a vampire. She grabbed her stake out of the waist band of her jeans and raised her weapon in the air in defense.

A few seconds later the rest of the fresh grave gave away, and Buffy was stunned, immobile from shock and she watched a figure with platinum blonde hair pulled himself out of his grave, a keening, pained yell coming deep within his chest.

Spike looked around wildly, sending particles of dirt out of his hair as he tried to pull his thoughts together as he was assaulted with different noises and smells. He paused when a familiar smell filled his nostrils and looked up, his yellow eyes landing on Buffy.

“Slayer.” he said, his feral mind coming to one conclusion: Another Slayer… mate.
This story archived at http://