The Slayers by dhwritertex
Summary: William ‘Spike’ Giles had a rocky past before he moved to America with his father Rupert Giles, which he put it back in the recesses of his mind as they began new lived in Sunnydale. A year after they moved , they met Joyce and a year after that, Rupert and the kind gallery owner entered a romantic relationship for which she moved into the Giles’ home. A year after that Buffy and Dawn entered into the picture, due to their father Hank, wanting freedom from the reasonability of having children. Thus began the love-hate relationship of Buffy and Spike. However, their junior year of high school turns into a rather interesting one.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape, Child Abuse, Spike/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: No Word count: 39389 Read: 25591 Published: 11/11/2007 Updated: 01/02/2008
Chapter Twenty Two by dhwritertex
Chapter Twenty Two

It was later that night, after Snyder and the police decided the attack was PCP gang related, after Xander and Spike’s talk, and after Cordellia and Willow escaped the closet after praying for a really long time, that Spike followed Buffy into her room.

“Buffy, about what you saw-” he went to explain, but Buffy stopped him.

“I know you were tricking them,” Buffy then gave him an odd look. “Anne Rice?”

“Xander told you that bit,” Spike then rolled his eyes then sighed. “Well, when a vamp is turned, a Childe, they go straight to their Sire if they aren’t there for the rising. I had to come up with something.” He then smirked. “Well, Xander fell for it anyways.”

Buffy smirked with him. “You know you’re talking about Xander, right? He’d believe it if you told him a cow was flying by the window.”

Spike laughed. “Yeah, I suppose.”

The entrance of Joyce made them somber.

“So,” Buffy ventured first. “What did you and Principal Snyder talk about anyway?”

Joyce arched a perfect eyebrow. “Principal Snyder said you both were a troublemakers.” They both looked down in shame, only to look back up when Joyce continued. “ And I could care less. I have a daughter and a step-son who can take care of themselves. Who are brave and resourceful and think of others in a crisis. I'm gonna sleep better knowing all that.” She then frowned. “Besides, I don’t like that man at all.”

“About how long till this wears off and you start ragging on us again?” Spike wondered, knowing it would be short lived with no scolding about the lack of school academics.

“Oh, at least a week and a half,” Joyce said before leaving them. “Dinner in about an hour.”

Buffy smiled at the thought of not getting in trouble. “Very cool!” She excitedly jumped and landed, laying on her bed. “This day seemed like it would never end.”

Spike nodded. “That it did.”

She felt the bed dip due to weight and felt Spike settle himself behind her. More like drape himself, she thought when she felt his chest against her back.

She lifted her head to look at him. “I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”

“What made you think that?” He asked as he wrapped his arms around her and began leaving light kisses along her neck.

She felt herself become heated and her stomach do flips, “You haven‘t touched me since last night.”

“Wanted to all day,” he told her, palming her breast and moved her so she was under him, then pulled off her tank top and bra so he could begin to suckle her breast.

“Spike!” Buffy moaned, her mind lost to the feelings he was invoking in her, her hands pushing his duster off his shoulders, the room suddenly feeling to hot, “Clothes off would be good.”

He lifted away from her briefly to pull off the duster and shirts, and kick off his boots and socks. As she kicked off her shoes and roamed her hands feverishly over his lean body and washboard abs, he threaded his fingers though her hair, felling its soft and silkiness.

“I love your hair, luv.” Spike whispered against her lips before claiming them in another searing kiss.

“You sure it’s not stupid.” She smirked when she was granted air after the kiss, feeling his hand lower to her skirt to unbutton and take off.

“No, it’s perfect. Like you,” he said throwing the skirt to where ever their other clothes hand gathered.

She threw her head back with a moan as his hand lowered her panties and brushed his fingers along her clit, “Oh God.”

He began to rub her, and inserted a finger into her channel, “God, so soft and wet. ’S gonna feel so good to be back inside you.”

Her breathing hitched and she moaned and bucked into his hand, “Please, Spike.”

He pushed her legs wider, settling himself in between her legs and with is other hand, reached to unbuckle his belt and pull off the remaining of his clothes, along with freeing his aching cock, “I love you so much Buffy.”

She blushed, watching him lick his fingers clean and bring her legs around him. “You do?”

“My world crumbled away when you left,” he then silenced her with a kiss.

She felt the tip of his cock brush along her wet slit, feeling a jolt of anticipation and pleasure.

She closed her eyes in pleasure, a lump forming in her throat, “Spike, I love you too.”

“I know,” he looked to her face. “No, open your eyes. Look at me. ’S me,” When she did, he thrust inside her to the hilt. “Buffy… so good… Christ!”

She bit into his shoulder to muffle the cry of pleasure and held him closer, then looked to his stormy gaze, seeing passion, “You feel so good too.”

His body commanded that he move, but he wanted to let her adjust to his size first. “My love. My goddess.”

“Are you going to write a poem for me?” Buffy smiled, sliding her legs around his waist, causing him to go deeper if it was even possible.

He pulled back only to thrust back inside her, at which she arched her back. “I already have… tons… in… fact.” He felt surrounded by her. She was everywhere. He kissed her, needing her to feel his emotions through it, needing to feel her soft lips against his. “So… good,” He watched the emotions dancing across her face, her mouth forming an ‘o’ as he thrust into her again and again. “Tight… wet… feel so good. Do you… like me inside you?”

“Yes!” She mewled, her green eyes wide, drowning into his cerulean blue eyes. “Spike! Uh… oh God…”

It was as if she felt connected to him, beyond the physical, like she could see into his soul. She saw want and need, softness and awe. From the look on his face, she knew that he could see her too, all the walls keeping her safe down for the time being. They continued their dance, the rhythm of their bodies, never changing tempo, and soon they were climaxing together, having reached the pinnacle of pleasure and crashed over the edge, both of them moaning and shuttering as they came. Spike thrust a few last times, then collapsed on top of her, spent for the time being.

“Wow.” Buffy panted a moment later, her breathing still heavy.

“Sorry,” He said as he lifted himself on his elbows, his heavy unnecessary breathing matching hers, “Didn’t mean to crush you.”

“You didn’t,” She replied, then began softly. “I’m sorry.”

“’Bout what?” He titled his head as he smiled softly. “You were amazin’.”

“I didn’t mean that,” She looked away. “At the school, I’m sorry I doubted you, if even for a moment.” At his look, she then blushed. “Besides, you really think I’m good?”

“Bloody perfect,“ he brought his finger to her chin and moved her to look at him, “What we ‘ad just now… felt like a revelation.”

She felt herself blush further, “You got the job done yourself.”

He grinned, “I was just tryin’ to keep up. The way you surrounded me… the way you felt…”

She gasped when she felt him hardened inside her, and lifted her head to kiss him. “That has to be a vampire thing.”

He smirked evilly. “You bring the monster out of me.”

“Buffy! Spike!” They heard Joyce approach the hallway. “Dinner! Where are- hello Spike.”

Spike had jumped off of Buffy with supernatural speed and grabbed Buffy’s door before her mother could open it all the way, poking his head out to greet her, “’Ello, Joyce.”

Joyce arched an eyebrow when he prevented her from opening it further, and notice that his once slicked back hair was now rumpled and curly, “What are you doing in Buffy’s room still?”

Spike did his best to look innocent, “Slayer stuff.”

She pushed at the door, but he held it in place firmly, “Slayer stuff?”

“Oh you know, the usual…” he trailed off, then muttered. “Monsters and whatnot.”

At seeing his eyes not holding to hers, Joyce couldn’t hold her suspicion any longer, “Spike, I want you both to talk with me and Rupert after dinner. I think it’s time the four of us had a little chat.”

His smile turned to a frown, “The four of us?”

“I’m going to send Dawn to bed to give us all privacy,” She then looked to the door and Spike began to wonder if mothers not only had eyes in the back of their heads, but also x-ray vision, “I’ll give you both ten minutes to shower and change.”

He watched as Joyce walked away and closed the door, then looked to find Buffy piling their clothes neatly on the bed, “I think we’re ‘ad, luv.”

“Better sooner than later, I guess,” She then looked up to Spike. “But its okay. We’ll just have to be straight with mom. That we’re mates.”
This story archived at http://