The Slayers by dhwritertex
Summary: William ‘Spike’ Giles had a rocky past before he moved to America with his father Rupert Giles, which he put it back in the recesses of his mind as they began new lived in Sunnydale. A year after they moved , they met Joyce and a year after that, Rupert and the kind gallery owner entered a romantic relationship for which she moved into the Giles’ home. A year after that Buffy and Dawn entered into the picture, due to their father Hank, wanting freedom from the reasonability of having children. Thus began the love-hate relationship of Buffy and Spike. However, their junior year of high school turns into a rather interesting one.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape, Child Abuse, Spike/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: No Word count: 39389 Read: 25577 Published: 11/11/2007 Updated: 01/02/2008
Chapter Twenty Five by dhwritertex
Author's Notes:
As you can see, I decided to continue on with the story with the rest of the season :)
Chapter Twenty Five

It was dark and quiet in the old and abandoned warehouse, save for the television that played as Darla watched Buffy’s fight in the pumpkin patch.

She pulled her blonde hair back, the click of her heels sounding off as she moved closer to the screen. “Rewind that. Let’s see that again.”

Victor did as he was told as Darla strolled to another monitor.

“She’s tricky.” Drusilla said, gliding into the room, then sing-songed. “Baby likes to play.”

The scene where Buffy staked the vampire with the sign replayed once again on the screen.

Darla turned to Dru. “You see that? The way she stakes him with that thing? That's what's called resourceful. And the way she fights… she’d be another one to be a good vampire… but we now know what happens when you make Slayers vampires.” She turned to Victor. “Rewind it again.”

“Miss Edith needs her tea,” Dru said as she went to her Sire and wrapped her hands around Darla’s waist, then took a free hand along with Darla’s and put it to her breast. “Do you love my insides? The parts you can't see?”

“Eyeballs to entrails, my love,” Darla then frowned. “That's why I've got to study this Slayer. Once I know her I can kill her. And once I kill her you can have your run of Sunnydale. Get strong again. And then we will have William to ourselves.”

“Don't worry. Everything's switching. Outside to inside,” She breathed unnecessarily into Darla’s neck. “It makes them all weak.”

“Really?” Darla turned off the TV. “Did my girl have a vision?”

“Do you know what I miss?” Dru turned away to do a little dance. “Leeches.”

“Come on, talk to Mommy.” Darla ran a hand down Dru’s cheek.

Dru began to hum. “First, I saw how it was supposed to be… You, then the angel, then me an’ the boy,” she then grinned. “Naughty, naughty. Born after they were supposed too.” The younger vampiress then looked up, in full game face. “You can get him tomorrow, the angel. He will be weak like the others. We can be a family.”

Darla smiled. “This thing that makes them all weak? When is it?”

“Tomorrow night.” Dru began to clap her hands.

“Tomorrow's Halloween,” Darla frowned. “Nothing happens on Halloween.”

Drusilla began to sing. “Someone's come to change it all. Someone new.”


The shop owner grinned to himself as he headed towards the back room of the shop. This time tomorrow, his plan of chaos will become reality. No Slayer would be there to stop him, as they both would be a helpless Victorian couple. And William would be human.

Ethan went through a curtain and kneeled before his statue of Janus. He pressed his hands together, wincing in pain, and the wounds on his palms touched, the blood flowing freely from them.

“The world that denies thee, thou inhabit,” he began chanting.

He dabbed the blood from his left hand with his right middle finger and smeared it over his right eyelid. “The peace that ignores thee…”

He dabbed the blood from his right hand with his left middle finger and smeared it over his left eyelid. “...thou corrupt.”

He dabbed the blood from his left hand with his right middle finger again and smeared a cross onto his forehead. “Chaos. I remain, as ever, thy faithful, degenerate son.”


“So, where are the boys?” Buffy asked as she sat with her sister, Willow, Cordy, and Tara.”

“Playing a soccer game.” Cordellia shrugged, then took a bite out of her salad.

“Not Xander and Anya. They are off for their usual-” Dawn went to say but Buffy stopped her.

“Don’t.” Buffy frowned

“I am fifteen. I know what they’re doing.” Dawn smiled.

“We don’t vocalize it. Out of sight, out of mind. Remember that,” Buffy said then turned to Willow and Tara. “So, if you don’t mind me asking, when did you guys start dating?”

Willow smiled, holding Tara’s hand. “We met each other at band camp over the summer.”

“O-once school started, we quit due to the way we were treated.” Tara added.

“Smartest thing you both ever did,” Cordy nodded. “Being in the band would have made you both more geeky than you already are.”

Buffy arched an eyebrow. “I think it was a good idea, since they didn’t agree with your relationship. You can’t help who you love.”

Dawn sighed, muttering, “Isn’t that the truth.”

Willow then grinned. “Speaking of loves, yours is in the old auditorium, catching up on his vampire shut-eye. He couldn’t go out side due to his current crispiness that has to do with the sun.”

Buffy crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair. “Since Giles found out about me being Spike’s mate, he’s been way wiggy. I wish I knew more about claims than just the physical part.”

“It's too bad we can't sneak a look at the Watcher diaries and read up on them,” Dawn said off handedly. “I'm sure it's full of fun facts to know and tell.”

Buffy smiled, giving Willow ‘The Look’. “Yeah. It's too bad. That stuff is private.”

Willow arched an eyebrow, a smile on her face. “Also Giles keeps them in his office. In his personal files.”

“Most importantly,” Buffy tilted her head. “It would be wrong.”


It was moments later that Willow and Buffy were peeking through the round door window of one of the doubled library doors. When they didn’t see Giles, they looked to each other, then Buffy quietly opened a door and when into the room first. She paused for a moment, looking back at Willow, who gave her encouragement to continue. The door closed and Willow looked in through the glass to watch Buffy’s progress.

Buffy quietly made her way up to the counter and stopped to look around again for Giles. Satisfied that he was no where to be seen, she headed for his office.

“Buffy!” She spun around and to see him in the cage getting some old books. “Excellent!”

“Nothing!” At his odd look, she brightened into a forced smile. “Hi!”

“Yes, I-I just wanted to talk to you about tonight,” He told her. “As it should be, uh, calm, you and Spike might want work on some new battle techniques. I set up the basement into a training room.”

“You're beginning to scare me, Giles. You need to have some fun.” She waved to Willow to come in as he was looking down at his books.

Willow shook her head and mouthed “No.”

Giles looked up seeing Buffy pull her hand back, pretending she was scratching her head. “You know, there's this place you can go, right, and you sit in the dark, and there are these moving pictures, right, and the pictures tell a story.”

Giles rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes, ha, ha, very droll.”

Willow quietly opened the door, walking into the library.

“I'll have you know that I have very, uh, many relaxing hobbies,” he continued, regarding Buffy’s odd behavior.

She gave him a disbelieving look. “Such as?”

“Well, um…” Giles looked down frowning, his mind coming to a blank.

Buffy mouthed to Willow to goad her on, to give the redhead encouragement.

He looked up as if he found the answer. “I enjoy cross-referencing.”

“Do you stuff your own shirts, or do you send them out?” Buffy grabbed a book from the stack he' was about to take to his office and walked around him to draw his view away from his office door. “So! How come Halloween is such a big yawner? I mean, do the demons just hate how commercial it's become?” She continued, leafing through the book.

He put his books down. “Um, it's interesting, ac... Not, I suspect, to you.” He took the book from her. “What is it you're after?”

Willow crept to the office door, pausing to see how Buffy was coming along with the distraction.

“Of course, it's of interest to me! I'm the Slayer. I need to know these things. You can't keep me in the dark any longer,” Willow opened the door and started in just as Giles grabbed the stack of books again and started for his office. Buffy grabbed his arm, turning him around. “Look at me when I talk to you!”

Willow stopped, looking at them anxiously.

Giles looked over Buffy as if he was trying to figure out what she was up to. “I really don't have time for these games. I found something in The Codex that continues with Spike’s prophesy that I have to do more research on-”

“Mom said you were a babe.” Buffy blurted out.

Willow had started for the door but stopped for a moment to give Buffy a look and the shake of her head before going into the office.

Giles titled his head, in a manner that reminded Buffy of Spike. “She said what?”

“Well, she said that you were a... h-hunk of burning... something or other. So,” she said meekly, then exhaled. “Whadaya think of that?”

“Uh, I…” Giles exhaled “I don't, um, uh... A burning hunk of what?”

“Look.” Buffy began. “You know how disgusting it is for me to even contemplate you grownups having smoochies,” she saw Willow come out of the office with a diary. “And I know you guys are married, and everything, but I see that the ‘fire’ is still there, and I think you should go for it. You know, go on more dates.”

“Buffy,” Giles said softly. “I appreciate your interest, but…”

Willow hurried past the counter as if she was a bunny on steroids.

“But I've overstepped my bounds. It's none of my business, you know,” Buffy stammered. “What was I thinking? My God! Shame,” Willowed rushed out the door. “Shame. I gotta go.” Buffy ended, rushing to her friend.

“A babe?” Giles wondered, not sure what to make of it. He then smirked. “I can live with that.”
This story archived at http://