The Slayers by dhwritertex
Summary: William ‘Spike’ Giles had a rocky past before he moved to America with his father Rupert Giles, which he put it back in the recesses of his mind as they began new lived in Sunnydale. A year after they moved , they met Joyce and a year after that, Rupert and the kind gallery owner entered a romantic relationship for which she moved into the Giles’ home. A year after that Buffy and Dawn entered into the picture, due to their father Hank, wanting freedom from the reasonability of having children. Thus began the love-hate relationship of Buffy and Spike. However, their junior year of high school turns into a rather interesting one.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape, Child Abuse, Spike/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: No Word count: 39389 Read: 25582 Published: 11/11/2007 Updated: 01/02/2008
Chapter Twenty Nine by dhwritertex
Chapter Twenty Nine

All hell had broken lose. Tara had went off to find Joyce and Giles, leaving Spike, who insisted he was William and Buffy was Elizabeth, who was also his wife, Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Anya, to go to Buffy’s house to wait for the return of the libertarian for the cure to end the horrible night.

Cordy then showed up at the house with Angel, exclaiming, “Has everyone in this town gone crazy!?”

Upon smelling Buffy and Spike’s blood, Angel vamped out, causing everyone to scream, and the ‘Victorian’ couple to run out of the house in fright.

His face back to human form, he looked around remorsefully , then ran out the back door, and unknowingly into Darla’s fist, knocking him out. “Well, isn’t this neat.”

By the time Cordy, Willow, Anya, and Xander went to the back porch, Angel was no where in sight.

Willow turned to her friends. “You guys go find Buffy, Spike and Angel while I go see if Tara and Giles are in the library.

Tara had found the older couple at a nice restaurant, and told them about what had happened. It was decided that she and Giles would go do research a the library while Joyce waited for the kids return at the house.

It was now in the library that Giles and Tara were going through some books and papers to figure out what had exactly had happened. The Watcher looked up from the papers he was reading when he heard yelling and sirens.

He then saw Willow come through the wall and jumped in complete surprise, the papers flying all over the place. “Jeez!”

“Hi.” Willow greeted meekly.

Giles calmed down a bit, speechless. “Uh... ah... Huh…”

Tara looked up. “Willow!” She looked to the Watcher. “Oh, sorry about not telling you my girl is now a spook,” she then looked back down at her book. “I don't even know what I'm looking for.”

“I’d help,” Willow offered. “But I can't turn the page.”

“Well, alright, l-let's, let's, let's review,” he said , picking up the strewn papers and putting them neatly back on the table. “Um, so everybody became, uh, whatever they were masquerading as.”

“Right,” Tara nodded. “Xander was a soldier and Spike and Buffy were a Victorian couple.”

“Oh!” Willow added. “And Angel became a vampire. But I think he had a soul or something, cause when he scared Spike and Buffy out of the house, he looked all sad and upset with himself, causing him to run into the night too.”

Giles tilted his head at the red head, confused. “A-and, uh, your, your costume?”

“I'm a ghost!” Willow told him, gesturing to the wall. “Did you not just see me walk through it?”

“Yes,” He looked over her state of dress, then took his glasses off to clean them. “Um... w, uh, uh, uh, the ghost of what, exactly?”

Willow covered her midriff with her arms. “Well, this is nothing. You should see what Cordellia was wearing. A-a, a unitard with cat things, like ears and stuff.”

“Good heavens,” Giles put his glasses back on the bridge of his nose. “Uh, sh-sh-she became an actual feline?”

“No!” Willow looked to her blonde girlfriend in the gypsy costume. “She was the same old Cordellia. Just in a cat costume. Like Anya in a bunny costume and you in a gypsy costume.”

Giles looked to the blonde witch. “You three didn't change?”

“No. Hold on…” Tara thought for a moment, then stood up. “Party Town. We got our outfits from Party Town.”

He looked to Willow. “A-a-and everyone who changed, they, they, they, they acquired their costumes where?”

“We all got ours at a new place,” Willow told them. “Ethan's.”


“We can hide in here until help comes,” William said as he pushed a dresser against the door. “There, that should hold.”

The two Slayers were in an abandoned home in the industry district, hiding away from the monsters and the panic that was still going on outside.

He looked over to see his wife shaking as she sat on a cot. He joined her on the bed, unsure of what else to say or do to comfort her.

Elizabeth turned to him, hugging him fiercely. “Darling husband, I am so scared!”

“No worries, my love,” he said softly.

Boldly, she kissed him, he hands in his. “Comfort me.”

He knew what it was really asking and he wasn’t sure if now was the time. But God, it felt like she hadn’t been in his arms for years. “Elizabeth…”

She laid back on the bed. “Please… William.”

He then laid down beside her, shrugging off his overcoat. He glided his hand from her cheek, feeling the soft silkiness of her skin, down over the swell of her breast, and began to pull her skirts up, Elizabeth sat up unbuttoning his vest and loosening his tie, pausing momentarily so William could pull her dress over her head to see that she wore strange petticoats that barely covered her lovely body.

He helped her with his shirt and britches, and soon, all their clothes were forgotten on the floor.

“Will, it seems like it has been forever,” she said huskily, leaning to him, kissing him.

“That it has, my wife.” He whispered into her lips, groaning when her hand encircled his erection and began pumping.

“I can’t waited,” she breathed. “I need you.”

He followed her as she laid back with him on top of her.

He stilled her movements on his cock, fearing that he wouldn’t be able to take it longer before he would come. “Hold on, luv.”

She withdrew her hand to place it on his shoulder and he took his hand and felt that she was indeed wet, ready form him. As soon he pulled his hand away, she thrust up with her hips, causing his cock to be encircled with her heat.

“William,” Elizabeth moaned as he began a slow pace. “I love you.”

God, every time she says that! He thrust quicker, deeper. “My love, my soul.”

He sat up, pulling her with him on his lap, the new position causing her to arch her back and moan.

“Will!” He knew it was going to be over soon, could feel the sign that he was close to release.

Wanting her too come first, he slid his hand in between them, his breathing irregular, panting, his fingers rubbing her clit where they were joined. She threw he head back on a silent scream, her inner walls shuttered and clamping around his cock, coming in waves of ecstasy.

His release was seconds after hers, causing him to shout out, “Elizabeth!” as her walls milked him for all he was worth.

They fell back with Elizabeth on top of him, he head over his beating heart.

Which soon stopped beating.

Buffy sat up, the movement causing Spike to groan. They both looked around, seeing that they were in a room. Naked.

Spike sat up with her, placing a hand on the cheek of Buffy’s ass, took a squeeze and grinned. “I thought Victorian ladies didn’t preposition men.”

Buffy flushed red. “William must have brought out the inner hussy of Elizabeth.”

Spike chuckled. “Figures, on a night when it’s supposed to be quiet, we turn into our costumes.”

They then paused, exchanging a look. “The others!”
This story archived at http://