The Slayers by dhwritertex
Summary: William ‘Spike’ Giles had a rocky past before he moved to America with his father Rupert Giles, which he put it back in the recesses of his mind as they began new lived in Sunnydale. A year after they moved , they met Joyce and a year after that, Rupert and the kind gallery owner entered a romantic relationship for which she moved into the Giles’ home. A year after that Buffy and Dawn entered into the picture, due to their father Hank, wanting freedom from the reasonability of having children. Thus began the love-hate relationship of Buffy and Spike. However, their junior year of high school turns into a rather interesting one.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape, Child Abuse, Spike/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Completed: No Word count: 39389 Read: 25581 Published: 11/11/2007 Updated: 01/02/2008
Chapter Nine by dhwritertex
Chapter Nine

It was dark in the club, but every so often, Buffy would sneak glances in Spike’s direction. She sat with Willow, Tara, Anya, and Xander at one of the tables. Spike sat, sprawled in an arm chair in the lounging area with Angel and Cory kissing on the couch next to him. As usual, Spike looked like he didn’t have a care in the world, and a 40 of Corona in his hand.

“Okay, what’s up?” Willow said, breaking the group’s silence.

“Besides the ceiling,” Xander said. “You’ve been looking at Captain Peroxide all night.”

“Nothing,” Buffy told them, only to see that her friends weren’t going to let her take the easy way out. “It’s just… He wass the bane of my existence, but now-.”

“Do you like him? Because it’s okay if you do,” Tara smiled. “We know he likes you.”

“And I seem to be there when the get-a-roominess.” At that, Buffy glared at Xander.

“I bet you want him to give you tons of orgasms.” Anya nodded her head.

Buffy turned red in the face, but Xander covered for her. “Ahn, can we not have that type of conversation.”

Anya rolled her eyes. “I’m just saying. With all the tension between them you’d think if they-”

“And on that note, let’s dance.” Buffy got up with her friends and went to the dance floor.

Spike, having been watching Buffy the whole night, got up to walk long the edge of the dance floor studying her intently. He watched as her hips swayed enticingly to the beat and her golden blonde hair moved about her shoulders. Her dress was short and black, stopping below her bottom, only by a few inches, not even mid thigh, and he noticed thin strapped slide as if the might fall, but seen that it was only teasing him. Why had she even decided to patrol is the scrap of a dress? He could swear that he was hard the whole time they were patrolling, especially more so when she did those high kicks…

Finally, he made up his mind and started for her.

Buffy soon felt her hips being grabbed and felt herself being pushed up against a lean, hard body.

She turned her head to the side to see cerulean blue eyes full of lust. “Spike.”

“I figured since I brought you here you’d want to dance with me.” his voice was low and husky.

“You didn’t bring me. We both came here at the same time,” Buffy could feel their friends watching them and refused to look in their direction, “Don’t.”

“What, luv?” His hand glided over her body, then turned her around to face him. “’M just dancin’ with my Goldilocks.”

“What’s with the Don Juan act today?” Buffy closed her eyes, the beat to the music and Spike’s touch doing something to her senses. “I‘ve only been in Sunnydale for a whole day and you’re already-”

“I know you wonder,” Spike leaned into her and whispered in her ear as if it were a caress against her skin. “What it would be like between us.”

“No.” She said, but he knew she was lying.

“The things we’d do,” He continued, his hand following the curve of her behind and pressed her against his erection. “It’d take us to the point of no return. But then again, I wouldn’t want to return.”

Buffy released herself from his grip, “I’m going home. Just… leave me alone.”

“What? What did I do now to cause you to go, virtue fluttering?” Spike titled his head, his arms now crossed.

“I… let’s not talk about it,” Buffy turned only to stop when she heard his cell phone. “I planed each charted course/ Each little step along the highway/ And more, much more than this/ I did it my way.” “Why do you still have that ring tone?”

“It’s a classic,” Spike defended. “’Ey, da.”

Buffy went to Spike, “It’s Giles?”

“Yes as you can hear, Buffy’s ecstatic that you rang. That, or surprised,” Spike gave her a pointed look which caused her to calm and wait for the news Spike would give her. “What about a train?” Buffy watched his face shift to wariness. “Two… I see.”

“What?” Buffy was now wondering what was going on.

“Are you sure? No changes in-?”

“No! No changes! Tell him there’s been no changes! I don’t think about you differently! I don’t! No, no lusty feelings or anything!” Buffy rushed to say, not understanding that he meant something else.

Spike grinned and leered at Buffy, “You know he can hear you? I swear I can hear him cleanin’ his glasses.”

Buffy flushed a deep crimson, “Yeah, well… tell him… uh, yeah.”

Spike gave his attention back to the phone, “As I was saying, there were no changes to the way the vamp- Okay, we’ll head home. Dawn’s at- oh, okay, we’ll probably run into her on the way.”

With a “Yes, we’ll see you soon.” Spike hung up and looked to Buffy, “Well?”

Spike sighed, “Da has gone completely mad.”

“Why is he crazy?”

Spike grabbed her hand and lead the way to the door, “I don’t know, but somethin’s got ‘im spooked.”

“Did he say what has him scared?” Buffy asked as they left The Bronze.

“All he said was to get home, because two Master Vampires were spotted entering town by train,” Spike said and spotted Dawn with Conner across the road. “Dawn, come here.”

The use of Dawn’s Christian name had both girls looking surprised. Spike almost always used nicknames when it came to Dawn. The only time when he used her name was when he was nervous, angry, or scared with her. Which was hardly ever the case. Whatever was going on was definitely serious.

After saying goodbye to Conner, Dawn went to Spike and Buffy, “What’s going on?”

“Somethin’ came up. We’re goin’ home on Da’s orders.” Spike told Dawn.

Buffy could feel her nerves on edge, “I don’t understand why-”

Suddenly, a blonde woman stepped out of the shadows, “Hello my William and Buffy. It feels like it‘s been a long time since I‘ve seen you… but then, I’d be lying.”
This story archived at http://