Teardrops On My Guitar by SpuffyGirl729
Summary: Photobucket
Buffy Summers and William 'Spike' Bradley have been best friends for the past four years. Spike thinks of Buffy as a little sister but Buffy has been in love with him since the moment she saw him. How will she handle it when she finally decides to tell him how she feels and he has found someone else?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes Word count: 37972 Read: 46290 Published: 04/09/2008 Updated: 09/08/2008
Chapter Nine by SpuffyGirl729
Author's Notes:
Sorry!! I know I said thursday but I'm in the process of moving right now and this week has been extremely busy for me! But here it is!
Buffy peaked her head out of the curtain. She was about to go on stage and Spike had yet to make an appearance. Sure they hadn't talked since yesterday but he said he would be there.

"Ok, ladies and gentlemen, next is Buffy Summers with 'Heart'."

Buffy heard the audience clap and cheer and looked once more for Spike. Still not there. He had broken her heart once again. Buffy held back tears as she walked onto the stage.


Spike ran into the Bronze and looked around frantically. He prayed he wasn't to late. He spotted his friends and ran right towards the table.

"Whoaa, Spike, man. You ok?" Xander asked.

Spike stood there trying to catch his breath. *Gotta stop smoking* he thought. He nodded and looked up. "Did I miss her?" he asked with panic.

Angel shook his head and pointed to the stage. Buffy was standing behind the microphone as the music started to play. She looked beautiful.

She was wearing pink open toe heels, low cut blue jeans that hugged her every curve and a light pink tank top. Her golden hair fell straight around her face in layers. Spike's heart skipped a beat and he knew in that moment what he wanted.

As the music started Buffy looked up at the crowd with a heavy heart. Her heart skipped a beat when her eyes connected with a pair of blue ones. Tears formed in her eyes.

*He's here* she thought.

Buffy closed her eyes and held her tears back as she started to sing


Heart, I know I've been hard on you
I'm sorry for the things I've put you through
Before you start to break on me or ask for sympathy
I need to make you see

O, heart, I'm not sure it's been long enough
To say that what I feel is really love
There's just one way to learn, sometimes we'll get hurt
And right now it's our turn


Tears were now forming in Spike's eyes when he heard the lyrics to her song. There was no doubt in his mind that she had written this song about him and he wanted to die right there. How he could ever manage to put her in that much pain was beyond him. He made a vow right there to never hurt her ever again.


Give it time, help me through
Heart, we can do this together
You're my strength, you're my soul
I need you now more than ever


Buffy looked up and her eyes connected with Spike's. She knew he knew this was about him. He looked hurt and she felt bad. But she needed him to know how she felt. He couldn't just say those things he said to her yesterday and expect all her pain to go away. It didn't work like that. He needed to know how she felt, and if he still cared after that, then maybe something could happen. If he wanted it to.


Heart, all the hurt will soon be gone
If you'll, if you'll just keep on being strong
You will always be my friend, so keep on hangin' in
And we'll find love again

Give it time, help me through
Heart, we can do this together
You're my strength, you're my soul
I need you now more than ever


*we'll find love again*

Spike's jaw clenched at those words. The thought of her with anyone else besides him made his heart want to explode. He'd make everything better. He had to.

"Spike man, don't forget to breath," Oz said.

But Spike ignored him and watched the goddess up on the stage.


Heart, I know I've been hard on you
I'm sorry for the things I've put you through
Please don't you break on me, I need to make you see
It wasn't meant to be
Cause you will always be my friend, so keep on
hangin' in And we'll find love again


The crowd went crazy when she stopped singing . They clapped and cheered. That brought a smile to Buffy's face. "Thank you," she said into the microphone then made her way down the stage.

People congratulated her as she walked. She smiled warmly at them and thanked them. She froze when she saw Spike standing in front of her. She couldn't tell if he was mad, or upset. He was just staring.

"You wrote that about me?"

It was more of a statement then a question. Buffy nodded her head and she swallowed. Spike looked down. He didn't know what to say.

"Are you mad?" Buffy asked.

She was scared. She didn't know why, she had asked him for some space. Spike shook his head as he looked back up at her.

"Not really. Just, that was... deep."

Buffy looked down and mumbled, "Sorry."

Spike stepped closer to her and put his finger under her chin, lifting it up, forcing her to look at him. Her eyes shined with tears. "Don't be sorry luv, it was a beautiful song."

Buffy smiled at him weakly. He moved a loose strand of hair out of her face. "Buffy I..."

"Don't. Can we not talk tonight. Can we just pretend it was like it use to be? Before the song, before Dru. Can we just be us, just for tonight?" Buffy pleaded.

Spike smiled. This girl was amazing. But they did need to talk. But he would give her anything she wanted. Spike nodded and said, "Of course kitten."

Buffy smiled and hugged Spike close to her. Spike closed his eyes and just stood there, enjoying the feel of Buffy in his arms.


Two hours later the Summers house hold was filled with music and teenagers. With a keg on the back porch and cases filling the refrigerator and any open cooler, it was clear no one was leaving anytime soon. Some people were in the back yard sitting around talking or playing cards, others in the living room dancing, while most were gathered around the dining room table to watch the vigorous game of beer pong. On was side was Xander and Angel playing against Buffy and Spike.

"Yeah!!" Both Angel and Xander cheered. They high fived each other and looked at their opponents. Buffy and Spike had one cup in front of them while Xander and Angel still had two.

Buffy bit her lip and looked at Spike. "It's ok pet, games not over."

Buffy nodded her head and picked up her little ping pong ball. She let out a breath as she shook the access water off then aimed for the cup.

"Come on lil sis. Don't choke. You'll lose!" Angel taunted with a smirk.

Buffy sent her brother a glare then looked back at the cup. "Don't listen to him kitten. Peaches here just upset he's been carried the entire way by the whelp." Spike said to Buffy.

Buffy giggled when she heard everyone around them go "ohhhhhhh".

"Oh yeah. Bleach boy. You want to talk ? Wasn't that you who was being carried by my little sister last game?" Angel came back with.

Everyone else instigated again and waited for Spike's response. Spike crossed his arms over his chest and chuckled. "Got jokes? Ok mate. How about we make a little wager on this shot here?"

Angel raised his eyebrow. "I say me and goldilocks here win it right now. We'll both make each cup. Ending the game."

Buffy looked over at Spike in horror. "Um, Spike," she started.

Angel laughed along with Xander. "Ok. I'll take that. What are we betting?"

Spike smirked. "You win, I'll give you both two hundred dollars." Everyone around them gasped. Buffy's eyes bugged out of her head.

"Spike what the hell do you think you're doing?!" she hissed at him. He really had completely lost his mind. Spike ignored Buffy and kept his eyes on Angel.

"And if you win?" Angel asked.

Spike's smile grew wide. "You let me take your sister out on a date."

The room went completely silent while Buffy stood there staring in shock. *A date?!* She thought frantically. *He wants to take me out on a date?!*

Buffy looked over at her brother who looked like he had just seen a ghost. She could tell he was having an inner battle with himself. Angel knew she was in love with Spike, but that was still his best friend and she was still his little sister. Buffy swallowed when her brother looked at her. She didn't know how to react. Part of her wanted to jump up and down for joy at the fact that Spike wanted to take her out on a date, the other part wanted to run and hide. Angel looked at his sister one last time before looking back at Spike. "Deal."

Spike smirked.

"Five bucks they make it!" someone shouted from the crowd of people. "Five bucks they don't!"

Buffy stood there still shell shocked. Angel had agreed to the terms, and people around her were taking bets. She looked up at Spike breathing heavy. "What are you doing?!" She hissed.

Spike looked back at her and said, "Making a bet."

"Yes. True. But a date?! Spike you and Dru are..."

"I broke up with her before I came to see you tonight. That's why I was late."

Buffy looked at him in shock. He broke up with Dru. To go out on a date with her? She blinked back tears as she bit her lip. Spike shrugged his shoulders and said, "Plus, knew had to get Peaches permission before I asked you out. But I didn't want to wait."

In her head Buffy was jumping up and down screaming with joy. But on the outside she looked calm and collected. She smirked at Spike and said, "And what makes you think I want to date you?"

Spike smiled back at her as he tilted his head. He knew she was playing. He could tell in her eyes. "Then all you have to do is miss the cup." he stated.

Buffy pressed her lips together and smiled. "Are you guys going to shoot or flirt all night?!" Xander asked from the other side of the table.

Buffy blushed and turned back to the table. Spike lifted his ball and aimed it at the cup. With one swift toss the ping pong flew through the air and landed into the cup with a swish. People erupted in cheers while others groaned out in disappointment. Spike smirked at Angel as a guy behind him patted him on the shoulder. Angel moved the cup away and drank the contents of it.

"You're up Buffster, don't mess up!!" Xander taunted.

Buffy shook her head and lifted her arm in the air. Everyone had gone silent again. Buffy stole a glance at Spike who was looking at her with hope in his eyes. She looked back at the cup and made her decision. Buffy tossed her ball into the air while everyone watched as it flew through the air in what seemed like slow motion.
End Notes:
Song is 'Heart' by Britney Spears. Credit goes to whoever deserves it hehe
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=30527