I'm Your Baby Tonight by ya_lublyu_tebya
Summary: After Riley's departure, a drunken Buffy decides that the best way to make herself feel better is to seduce herself a vampire.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes Word count: 2643 Read: 3708 Published: 05/07/2008 Updated: 05/08/2008

1. Part One by ya_lublyu_tebya

2. Part Two by ya_lublyu_tebya

Part One by ya_lublyu_tebya
Author's Notes:
Just a short piece of procrastination- 2 chapters in total.
Whatever you want from me
I’m givin’ you everything
I’m your baby tonight
You’ve given me ecstasy
You are my fantasy
I’m your baby tonight
~ Whitney Houston

One night wouldn’t hurt, surely. Just one little night of giving in to what she wanted, what he wanted. This would definitely be the first and last time though, definitely. She’d just give him what he wanted for one night and then maybe he’d stop with the creepy-stalker routine. Maybe. It was worth a shot anyway. And she was lonely, if she was honest. Riley’s departure had left her with a gaping hole where her heart had been. Maybe the bottle of tequila she’d downed wasn’t the best way to fix that, but she just wanted to drown away all thoughts of him. She didn’t want to miss him.

She wanted to hate him, but that wasn’t easy. He’d loved her still, right at the end and she knew that, and it made it harder to hate him. She could at least be disgusted with him though, with what their relationship had become. Except a part of her couldn’t help but be curious… What was it that Riley had found with those vampires that he couldn’t have with her? Her own intimate encounter with a vampire seemed so long ago, despite his claim that it had always shadowed their relationship. She barely remembered that night now- most of it forcibly blocked from her mind as a means of self-preservation.

So this was how, a couple of hours and a fair amount of alcohol later, she had ended up stumbling through the graveyard, eyes trained on the slightly blurry crypt in front of her. And it was probably the alcohol that had convinced her that seducing Spike was the best idea she had ever come up with. Sober, she wouldn’t even have dreamed about doing it. But now, to her addled brain, it made all sorts of sense.

She wanted to see what was so great about vampires, Spike was a vampire (who claimed to have feelings for her, but no matter) and she’d already kissed him plenty, so it wasn’t exactly new territory. So that was under a spell and not done of their own free will… Things had changed now anyway and Spike said he lov- he had feelings of the fuzzy sort for her. Which was all types of weird but very very useful right now. And it wasn’t like she’d never fantasized about Spike. He was evil and really annoying, but you’d have to be blind not to take notice of a body like that. Maybe it was because he was evil that he was so attractive. It probably helped lure innocent victims, that’s for sure.

She frowned for a moment and went back to far more pleasant musings on Spike’s body. He had those high, sharp cheekbones and those blue, blue eyes… and she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t checked him out in those tight little tops he loved so much. She wouldn’t be human if she didn’t.

Somewhere along the line, she had reached the crypt and she fumbled for the handle for a few moments, before finally grasping it and pushing the door open. She almost fell as she tumbled into the crypt but steadied herself on a nearby table. Spike, unmoving, looked up as she entered and then turned back to the television. She pouted and pushed herself upright.

“Hey, that’s just rude.”

She heard him sigh and then he turned to her.

“What do you want, Slayer?”

“What do you want?!” she retorted pointedly, wavering slightly.

He frowned and got to his feet, studying her intently.

“Slayer, are you drunk?”

“Na-huh. Not at all. I’m all good.”

He twitched an eyebrow at her and she smiled. How did he do that? And how did he make it look so sexy?


“What?” she asked absentmindedly, gaze still fixed on his eyebrow.

“What are you doing here?”

She moved her gaze to his and smiled as flirtatiously as she could.

“What do you want me to be doing here?”

He looked confused and so sweet and she giggled, unable to stop a little hiccup.

She took a shaky step forward, stopping just a few inches from him. She tilted her head to meet his gaze and smiled.

“You’re just the right height,” she mused.

“The right height for what?” he asked, still confused but with amusement in his voice.

“I don’t know… for a man. Not too tall.”


She wavered again and he caught her elbow, one eyebrow raised again.

“You want to sit down, Slayer?”

“Nope, I’m fine just here,” she replied, steadying herself with one hand against his chest.

He looked down at her hand and then up at her again, frowning.


“Do you work out?” she interrupted, “Or is it just a natural vampire thing?”

“Both,” he answered slowly, eyes searching his.

“Slayer, you alright?”

“Yep,” she answered cheerily, and then remembering her dilemma, her face dropped and she shook her head, “No.”


“I’m lonely.”

He looked shocked when she raised her eyes to his.

“Riley went away and I… I don’t have anyone.”

“That’s not true,” he answered quietly, his hand still holding her arm.

“Isn’t it?”

He swallowed hard, blue eyes fixed on hers.

“You’ve got your friends, your mum, your sister…”

She nodded silently and then raised her head again.

“And what about you?” she asked softly.

He went still and she heard him let out a shaky breath before he spoke again.

“What about me?”

“Do I have you?” she whispered, leaning into him as she spoke.

“I… Slayer,” he got out in a stronger tone, guiding her slightly backwards, “I think you should go home and sleep it off, yeah.”

“I don’t wanna.”

“Well, you’d better. Or I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”

His eyes darkened with his words and she smiled coyly, biting her lip.

“What actions?” she prompted.

“Slayer,” he warned, his grip on her elbow tightening.
She leant into him again, forcing her heavy eyes to his.

“Wha’s matter, Spike? Thought you wanted it?”

He said nothing, his body tense against hers as she trailed her free hand over his chest.

“Buffy,” he breathed, want and warning blending in his voice.

“Not afraid are you, Mr. Big Bad Vampire?” she teased, one hand running up his chest to rest under the lapel of his jacket, “Thought you wanted a chance with me when I was consh- shon- when I was awake.”

She heard him growl lowly but instead of acting as the warning he had meant it as, it sent a tremor through her body. The alcohol in her blood making her brazen, she leant up on tiptoes and brushed her lips over his jaw, just by his ear.

“Know you want it. So take it. Tonight, I’m yours.”

She had barely got the words out when his hands caught her shoulders and then his mouth was on hers, soft and cool, just like she remembered. A trail of fire started at their joined lips and spread through her body, making every nerve ending tingle. She moaned lowly and pressed herself against him, arms twining round his neck. One hand was splayed across her lower back, holding her firmly as his other hand trailed up her neck and threaded through her hair, tilting her head as he deepened their kiss. Maybe that was the alcohol too, but she was already more aroused than she had ever been with Riley and she pressed herself against his body as tightly as she could, not missing his groan.

Suddenly he caught her by the shoulders again, this time pushing her away, dark eyes staring at her wildly.

“Buffy…” he breathed huskily, faltered, then started again more strongly, “You don’t know what you’re doing. So I suggest you turn round and walk out of this crypt right now.”

“And if I don’t?” she asked with a coquettish smile, fingers stroking teasingly over his stomach.

“Slayer,” he got out lowly, his voice almost a growl, “M’not one of your poncey blokes. You’re playing with fire and if you don’t want to get burnt, you better get your fine arse out of here before I do something we’re both gonna regret tomorrow.”

“Something like this, you mean?” she whispered, her mouth moving to his neck again as her hand slid down his front, resting just over the front of his jeans.

His grip tightened almost painfully on her shoulders as he groaned… and pushed her away firmly.
Part Two by ya_lublyu_tebya
Mmmm, this bed was so warm and soft. She snuggled in closer, breathing in the scent of… hmm, not the scent of her bed. But it was nice, comforting almost. Vaguely masculine. She frowned and suddenly, pain jolted through her head, accompanied by a vague feeling of nausea. She moaned lowly and then, into the haze of her hangover, a deep voice sounded.

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty.”

She knew that voice. Funny she should hear it now because she’d had such a weird and surprisingly vivid dream about seducing-

“Spike!” she exclaimed, bolting upright, even as her head and her stomach protested with the movement. And sure enough, there he was, leaning against the wall and watching her.

“Oh God,” she whispered, eyes wide and mouth gaping.

How was this happening to her? Her eyes darted around the room and she found herself pulling the covers up higher, even though she had quickly realised she was fully-dressed. Her eyes darted nervously back to Spike and she felt her stomach drop when she caught sight of his smile. Her eyes flew to the bed she was lying in and back to him again and she gasped.

“Oh God!” she cried, tumbling out of bed and almost losing the contents of her stomach.

“Now Slayer-“

The vampire took a step toward her and she held out her hand, eyes flashing angrily as they met his.

“Don’t come near me.”

There was a brief flash of something that might have been pain in his eyes, but it quickly changed to anger to match hers.

“Weren’t saying that last night, Slayer.”

And that was a major problem, because she had been spending the last few seconds desperately trying to remember last night. There were vague snippets of her actions lodged in her memory, but everything between Spike pushing her away and this morning was gone. Which could only mean one thing right?

“What did you do to me?!” she exclaimed in horror, “I know I said the only chance you had with me was when I was unconscious, but seriously-“

“Don’t even start that with me, Slayer. You were the one dragged yourself here to chat me up.”

“Eww! In your dreams!”

“Not last night. Full Technicolor reality.”

He smirked and she clenched her fists, nails biting into her skin.

“God, I have to get out of here,” she mumbled, half to herself, “I need to go home and shower... God. And eww.”

She definitely felt like she was going to be sick. What had she been thinking, coming here?

“Just like I thought. Can’t even bring yourself to say thanks,” Spike muttered then, lighting up a cigarette.

Her head snapped up, eyes fixed on his.

“Thank you?!” she hissed, “Thank you for what?! For taking advantage of me when I was drunk? You make me sick.”

As she spoke, she grabbed up her jacket which had somehow ended folded up on a chair and was on a path to the door when he intercepted her, grabbing her arm.

“Nice to know you think so highly of me, Slayer,” he practically spat, “You really think, after what I told you, that I would do that to you?!”!

She froze, studying him, knowing that he had to be lying- but something in his voice stopping her.

“I… You mean… you didn’t…” she trailed off and with a look of contempt he released her and took a long drag on his cigarette before he answered her.

“Of course I didn’t. See you’re not too keen on believing me though so why don’t you just bugger off.”

She was half-tempted but she couldn’t do that- even to Spike.

“I- I’m sorry, Spike,” she spoke quietly, eyes avoiding his as his gaze flew to her in surprise, “I should have known you wouldn’t…”

He turned to her then, that smirk spreading across his face as he released a cloud of smoke from between his lips.

“Won’t say I wasn’t tempted,” he murmured, “Was a right nice offer and all.”

Making a moue of disgust – partly at herself, partly at him – she folded her arms across her chest.

“I was drunk,” she said pointedly, “I didn’t know what I was doing.”

“Now that’s not true, is it, Slayer?” he pressed, right in front of her in the next instant, crowding her personal space.

“I was drunk,” she repeated, not sure who she was trying to convince now as he smirked again, his body way too close for her liking.

“Funny though, innit? Most honest things I’ve ever heard came out of the mouths of drunks.”

She frowned at him and tried to move but he crowded her again, blocking her path with his body.

“Let me go,” she ground out, arms folded tightly – defensively – across her front.

“Not what you were saying last night,” he drawled, mouth hovering close to her ear and she tensed.

“Get out of my way,” she hissed, pushing him aside forcefully, but she had only got a few paces before he caught her by the arm, spinning her and pinning her to the wall with a hand either side of her head.

“I’ll let you go, Slayer,” he purred, blue eyes boring into her, “This time.”

“Don’t think I’m coming ba-“

She was cut off as his mouth caught hers in a rough, hungry kiss and try as she might to force herself to resist, she could feel herself succumbing. His lips moved over hers and when she gasped, he deepened the kiss, tongue delving inside. His body hovered just inches from hers, pinning her but not touching her and she found herself leaning into him.

Suddenly, he jerked his head back, blue eyes turned dark as he looked down at her – and she realised she hadn’t seen him look so dangerous in a long time.

“You can lie to yourself as much as you like, Slayer,” he whispered, his voice harsh and somehow soft at the same time, “Pretend it was nothing… blame it on the alcohol…”

She went to move but one firm hand on her shoulder stilled her.

“But I know the truth, Slayer. And one day, you’ll realise it too.”

She went to interrupt but he pressed a hand to her throat, shaking his head at her.

“And when you do decide to come back, know this,” he said firmly, “Next time, I won’t stop.”

He released her then, taking a step back, and she let out an involuntary gasp. Wide eyes held his for a long moment and then she stumbled to her right, blindly finding the ladder and fleeing the crypt as if her life depended on it. She didn’t stop until she was home, curled up in her bed and safe.

The End
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=30890