I Put A Spell On You by pattyanne
Summary: A lust spell is cast, and it catches Buffy and Spike up in it.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes Word count: 8086 Read: 16270 Published: 07/04/2004 Updated: 07/13/2004
part 3 by pattyanne
I Put A Spell On You
Part 3

"Those fingers in my hair
That sly 'come hither' stare
That strips my conscience bare
It's witchcraft..."

She turned the corner onto Revello Drive, still mentally
slapping herself upside the head for behaving like a slut.

"God, what have I done?" she groaned, stopping and leaning
against the tree in front of her house. "I let that bastard have sex
with me."

Feeling an intense desire to bang her head on the trunk
of the tree, her face turned red as she forced herself to be honest.

**LET him do it? No, he was right...I BEGGED him to do
it. I wanted it. Not just sex....I wanted sex with HIM..**

And...oh, no-no-no...she wanted it again. Wanted Spike again. If
he had suddenly appeared before her, Buffy knew that she would
do him right then and there, in the middle of the front yard.

Nothing had ever felt so good as the sensation of lying beneath
Spike, letting him drive himself into her, over and over...

Even now, just thinking about it was turning her on, making her
panties damp and her nipples hard.

Her hands moved up her body until she reached her breasts, and
she cupped them firmly, trying to bring herself some small measure
of relief as she squeezed her thighs together.

But nothing she did helped. There was only one thing that would
relieve this monstrous, empty ache throbbing throughout her
body. She had to go back, had to find him, had to have him.

"Once more," she said softly. "Just one more time...then I'll be
all right. He'll be out of my system."

She hoped.

"And I've got no defense for it
The heat is too intense for it
What good would common sense for it do?"

Spike was having a difficult time walking. Less than five minutes
after screwing the slayer, he began to develop another fierce

Thinking about her pretty face and luscious body, he stepped
into the shadows of a mausoleum and unzipped his jeans.

Wrapping his fingers around his rigid cock, he tried to bring
himself some relief. But, after ten minutes of handling himself
roughly, he knew it was useless.

The only place he would find any peace was between the
slayer's soft, white thighs. He couldn't think of any other woman
that would please him.

Even if Drusilla suddenly materialized before him, naked and
pleading, he would turn away from her and run back to Buffy. He
craved her soft, warm skin...her sweet tasting mouth...her tight,
wet pussy surrounding him, milking him.

"Shit, shit, shit," he groaned, zipping up his fly. He left the
cover of the mausoleum, heading for the street.

He had to have her again, and if she wouldn't let him, then he'd
just have to hold her down.

"One more time," he promised himself. "Just once more...then
I'll go back to wanting to kill her."

"Cause it's witchcraft
Wicked witchcraft
Although I know it's strictly taboo.."

Buffy stumbled into the clearing from one side at the exact
moment that Spike appeared from the other.

They stood there, silently staring at each other for several
seconds, then began slowly walking towards each other.

When they were only three feet apart, Spike broke the silence.

"I'm gonna fuck you."

Buffy nodded. "I know...I'm gonna fuck you back," she said,
licking her lips.'

He moved a little closer. "What'll you let me do to you?"

She inched towards him. "What do you want to do to me?"
she asked.

"I want to lick every inch of your body," he replied. "Your
tits...your pussy....all of you."

Buffy's heart beat sped up, and her blood ran hot. "I want that,
too. I just wish I knew why."

"Don't care why." He shook his head slowly. "I just want to do

Without thinking twice, almost against her will, she began to
unbutton her shirt. "Then do it," she demanded. Yanking the
shirt open, she offered him her bare breasts. "Start here."

"Slayer....Buffy," Spike whispered. "You're so fucking beautiful."

He closed his mouth around one tight nipple, as his fingers played
with the other one, tugging it and pinching gently.

Buffy's head dropped back as she slid one hand behind his
neck. "I love it when you do that," she said.

"Mm-hmm." He blazed a wet trail across her chest, licking and
nipping. "I love doing it." Placing a hard kiss on each peak, he
reached for her hand. "Touch me," he begged, guiding her hand
down to the front of his pants. "Play with it."

She whimpered eagerly as she struggled with his belt and
zipper. Reaching into his jeans, she sighed with pure happiness
when she saw what he had for her. "So hard," she murmured.

"It's hard for you, kitten," he groaned at the feel of her warm
fingers. "Just for you." Moving his hips forward, he pushed his
shaft more firmly into her grasp. "See...how much it wants you?"

When she gave him a sultry smile, he put his hands on her
shoulders and urged her down to her knees. Taking his cock in
one hand, he slipped the other one around the back of her
neck, pulling her closer.

Repeating old habits, he inhaled sharply when Buffy moved
her hands up the back of his thighs. She caressed the hard
muscle of his ass, then began licking up and down the length
of his erection, teasing him with her light touch.

"In Buffy," he said, his voice deep with lust and passion. "Take
it in your mouth."

She smiled as he tangled his fingers in her hair. Parting her lips,
but remaining still, she allowed him to do slide his cock in and
back out of her mouth.

"Oh, fuck....that feels fantastic, luv," he rasped. Holding her
in place, he began to thrust a bit faster.

After a few seconds, he released her suddenly and pulled out
of her mouth. "Stop...before I...."

"Before you...what?" Buffy asked, mischief dancing in her
eyes. "Before you come?" She wrapped her fingers around his
shaft and squeezed firmly. "In my mouth?"

"Yes!" he choked. "Before I come in your mouth."

"You sure about that?" she teased.

"Yeah." He looked down at her and smiled. "I want to come in your
pussy....this time."

Buffy felt a jolt of excitement rush through her. She'd never before
had such blatantly sexual comments made to her, and it was
driving her crazy.

Spike dropped to his knees, then grabbed her arms and lowered
her to the soft grass. Pushing her skirt up around her waist, he
yanked her panties off and put his head between her thighs.

"Gotta make it wet first," he said with a devilish grin.

Buffy murmured contentedly when she felt him kissing the inside
of her thighs, then nearly screamed when his tongue slid up the
cleft of her sex and he pushed it inside.

She dug her nails into the damp grass as she lifted her hips
to give him better access. Spike licked her with long, wet
strokes of his tongue. Easily locating her clit, he sucked it

The scream she could no longer hold back erupted from her
throat, echoing through the empty graveyard as she came,
grinding herself against his mouth.

Before she could recover from her orgasm, Spike rose to his
knees. Shoving his jeans down, he grabbed her and turned her
over onto her stomach.

He gave her no time to react. Taking hold of her hips, he
pulled back until she was on her hands and knees in front of
him. Quickly positioning himself, he thrust his shaft all the way

Without pausing, he began pumping his hips hard, making her
grunt every time he slammed into her.

Buffy felt her body approaching another climax. Spike sensed
it too, and reached around in front of her with one hand to finger
her clit.

"Fuck...fuck...fuck..." He punctuated each thrust of his pelvis,
pounding hard and fast.

The things he was saying, combined with the sound of his
balls impacting against her upturned ass and the feel of his finger
playing with her, drove Buffy to new heights of pleasure.

"Yes...yes...oh, God...oh, pleasepleaseplease..." she babbled
mindlessly, unable to form a complete sentence. "So...good...so
good...and...ahhhh....I'm....so close...please....please....do
it....harder....harder...I need...."

Spike held her hips with both hands. "You need to come, baby?"
he asked harshly. "Want to come...want me to make you come?"

"....yes...oh, yes," she panted. "Make me come...make me come,
Spike....just you....only you....ever...."

"I will, baby. I'll...make...you....come!" Every word was timed to
match the pace of his thrusts. "NOW!!" he roared, ramming in
even faster as he felt her pussy clamp down on him, grasping
and milking him for his ejaculation, taking it all.

With his final stroke, he sent his hand back around and rubbed
her clit hard. Buffy screamed his name, as her body convulsed
wildly, jerking with the pleasure and the power of her orgasm.

"When you arouse the need in me
My heart says "yes indeed" in me
Proceed with what you're leading me to.."

They collapsed together, with Spike barely having the
presence of mind to tilt to one side so as not to crush her
underneath his limp body.

Every ounce of strength had drained from them, and Buffy
couldn't hold back a chuckle.

Spike looked at her, smiling. "What's funny, kitten?"

She sighed. "I was just thinking...if something dangerous was
to show up right about now....I wouldn't be able to lift a finger to
do anything about it."

"Mmmm....neither would I," he agreed. "Guess we'd both be
done for."

"Yeah," she nodded. "but at least we'd go with a great, big smile."

"True." He took her hand and laced his fingers with hers, then
kissed the back of it. "Buffy?"


"I want you again."

She raised her head and stared at him. "Already?"

Spike grinned. "Yeah," he drawled, gesturing down at himself.

"Oh, my gosh," Buffy murmured when she saw that he was
full erect again. "I've died and gone to heaven."

"Come here." Spike reached for her, pulling her down on
top of him. "Kiss me."

With a delighted grin on her face, Buffy gave him what he'd
asked for.

As he moved one hand into her soft hair, his sharp hearing
picked up the sound of people approaching. Immediately, he
rolled over and shielded her, not wanting anyone else to see
his lover this way.

"What's....." Buffy looked puzzled.

"Shhh," he cautioned her. "I hear someone."

By now, she could hear them, too. It sounded like a group
of teenagers, talking and laughing.

"Oh, God," she groaned. "They're not vampires, are they? I
don't feel like fighting right now."

Spike shook his head. "No, just kids larking about, trying to
scare each other." He stood up and held out his hand, pulling
her to her feet.

They adjusted their clothing, re-buttoning and zipping up in
all the right places.

But when everything was put to rights, they both wanted nothing
more than to take it all off again and fuck like there was no

"Spike," Buffy murmured, moving close and rubbing herself
against him. "Do something."

He held her, stroking his hand down the length of her back. "Want
me to scare them off?" he asked.

She considered it for a moment, then shook her head. "No...we
should go somewhere else. Even if we get rid of them, someone
else might come along."

"Your house?" he suggested, smoothing her hair back.

"Are you kidding? With my mother's hearing?" Now that they
were no longer exerting themselves, Buffy felt the chill of the damp
night air, and she shivered.

He looked concerned, which surprised her. "We've got to get you
inside, luv. It's getting too cold for you."

Shrugging his coat off, he wrapped her up in it, smiling at how
cute she looked in the over sized garment. He turned the sleeves
up for her, freeing her hands.

"Thank you," she said, giving him a kiss. "But aren't you cold?"

Spike shook his head. "Nah...vamps don't really feel the cold. Not
like people do."

"Then how come you always wear this coat?" Buffy asked.

He grinned and kissed the tip of her nose. "Cause I look damn
good in it."

"That's true," she giggled. Snuggling closer, she could feel his
erection pressing against her, and she wanted badly to undo his
pants and take it out. "Why don't we go to your...you know?"

"That's no good, luv," he said, frowning. "It's almost as cold in
there as it is outside."

Buffy considered their options. She was about to tell him that she
was willing to take her chances at her house, when inspiration
suddenly hit. "The Magic Box!"

"What about it?" Spike asked, rubbing her back as he nuzzled
her neck.

"There's a cot in the basement!" she informed him, excitedly.

"Brilliant...let's go!"

"It's such an ancient pitch
But one I wouldn't switch
Cause there's no sweeter witch than you.."

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