She Don't Know by Hannahlee_ann
Summary: When Buffy's mother dies, she moves to Sunnydale where she meets Spike. With the loss of her mother, Buffy looks at Spike as a lifeline, but is she the only one in need?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: Yes Word count: 35687 Read: 40987 Published: 07/08/2004 Updated: 08/07/2004
Ten by Hannahlee_ann
Buffy looked up from her plate when a boot softly pushed against her foot.

Spike was sitting across from her with a secretive smirk and one dark eyebrow arched.

She glanced to her left making sure Giles and Jenny were occupied before giving him a coy smile, while running her bare foot up his shin. He looked at her again, flicking his eyebrows while shoving a bite of roast beef in his mouth.

Giles cleared his throat, and Buffy jerked her foot back so hard it smacked the rung on her chair. Spike disguised a laugh with a cough, and asked her with his eyes if she was alright. She gave him a short nod of her head, and he focused on his dinner after shooting a dirty look at his father.

Buffy saw the look just as Giles caught it as well.

She saw the sadness pass over his features before they hardened.

She didn't really think anything of it now, because it was normal. Or at least routine.

It had been three weeks since the night at The Bronze and Buffy and Spike had almost been inseperable.

They had walked home that night in a comfortable silence, each stealing glances at the other. They hadn't held hands, but as they walked side by side they had constantly brushed together. She had opened the door for him, and let him in walk ahead of her. He had shot her a confused look until she softly closed the door hardly making a sound. A sheepish look crept on his face and he had looked at the floor for a moment before bringing shy blue eyes back to her face. She had giggled and passed him, walking up the stairs ahead of him. They stopped in front of the bedrooms, and Spike had sucked in a breath while scratching the back of his neck nervously. He had muttered a quick "Bloody Hell" before grabbing her and kissing her until she fell back against her door, grabbing onto the knob for support. He had winked at her, and said "sweet dreams" in a voice that inspired said dreams. They both fell asleep thinking of the person across the hall.

The next day when she woke up, Spike was sitting in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. Shaking of the shock of seeing him, Buffy had walked in and made her own breakfast.

Later they sat on the couch, making fun of tv shows until Giles and Jenny came home from work. It was mid-July, so both Giles and Jenny had to go back to the school to prepare for the upcoming school year. Which meant they had the house to theirselves most of the time.

It seemed to Buffy that in these last few weeks, Spike had brought back light to her life.

Nothing could ever replace her mother, and there was still a giant void missing from her life, but it was getting easier.

The pain was still there, but it wasn't as hard or cold as it once had been. Buffy still missed her and thought about her constantly, but now instead of thinking of the bad, she thought of the good. Her words, her scent, her image. All things she had once pushed away, she now embraced.

And it was strange, because of all the things she had talked to Spike about, she had never talked to him about her mother. When she would start to say something about it, his body would go rigid, his features hardening. One time he had even gotten up and left, not coming back until later that night, when he stumbled in drunk.

Since she couldn't talk to Spike about her, she talked to Jenny. Jenny missed her almost as much as she did, and they would laugh thinking about certain things and cry thinking of others. Talking with Jenny had helped her in some ways, but she knew that Spike was the reason she was living again.

Buffy talked to Spike about anything and everything, with the exception of her mother and his. It felt so good to just talk to someone that she didn't realize that she had spilled her soul to him, and he was still as elusive as ever.

He never talked about any friends or relatives, or about his childhood. They basically just talked about her and the things going on around them. And even though she still didn't know somethings about him, she was falling in love with him.

Everyday he do or say something, that would sweep her off her feet all over again. And the stolen kisses and caresses just left her burning for more.

They hadn't told Giles and Jenny, but she was pretty sure they knew. They had came home early one Friday to find them snuggled on the couch, watching Gone With The Wind. Spike had stiffened when they came in, but to Buffy's surprise he didn't get up and stomp to his room. He didn't say anything to them either, but still he was staying around them more. And even though he never had anything to say or do with Giles unless he just had to, he was spending alot more time around Jenny. He would talk to her, or ask her a question, and Buffy could practically see her heart bursting.

Giles was relieved by this as well, but Buffy could see jealousy there. And a part of her could understand, Spike was his son, if he needed something he should come to him.

But Buffy knew there was more to it.

Because she knew that Spike was a loving person. Of course, just looking at him you could never tell it. But it was the things he did, he would go out of his way to make her comfortable, or to make her smile. He was fiercely protective as well, if they went out he never let her out of his sight. If she had to go to the bathroom, he would wait outside the door for her. And it wasn't just her, but Jenny and to a certain extent Giles. He was always watching for something, and Buffy was intrigued by this.

Because Giles was the exact same way.
This story archived at http://