She Don't Know by Hannahlee_ann
Summary: When Buffy's mother dies, she moves to Sunnydale where she meets Spike. With the loss of her mother, Buffy looks at Spike as a lifeline, but is she the only one in need?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: Yes Word count: 35687 Read: 41010 Published: 07/08/2004 Updated: 08/07/2004
Fifteen by Hannahlee_ann

Buffy moaned as Spike thrust deeper inside her.

She had one arm around his neck and the other was sliding senuously up and down his back.

Her internal muscles contracted around him as he hit the sweet spot inside her.

"Buffy! God!" He groaned against her sweat slickened hair, while thrusting faster.

He could feel her breath speed up against his neck, and knew she was going to come. He slid his hand between them to rub against her, and held her to him as she came apart.

Her muscles were clutching him, and the sight of her swollen lips crying his name sent him over the edge with her.

She opened her eyes to find him gazing at her while still softly thrusting, bringing them both down from the heavens.

She gave him a sweet smile and ran her hands through his sweaty locks, pulling his lips to hers for an even sweeter kiss.

"I love you so much."

He smiled at her, and rolled them over so she was resting on top of him.

She nestled her head in the crook of his neck, finding his hand and entwining their fingers, bringing them to rest against her chest, after placing a soft kiss on them. He wrapped his other arm around her, laying his cheek against her soft hair.

"I love you too."


Spike woke up the next morning to the sound of Buffy softly humming.

He smiled and rolled over reaching for her, but only found an empty bed.

He opened his eyes and saw her sitting at her vanity fully dressed, running a brush through her hair.

He rested his head on his palm, "What are you doing, sweet love?"

She smiled at his pet name, "Nothing. Getting ready."

He rolled over on his back and closed his eyes again. "Ready for what?"

"Our date."

"Excuse me?" He pulled his head up to look at her.

"Our date." She spritzed some perfume on her neck.

Spike groaned when the scent reached his nose, feeling himself begin to harden. But he soon remembered her words.

"I don't recall anything about a date at-" He turned his head to look at the clock on her nightstand, "7:30?! Bloody Hell, woman!"

She chuckled as he glared at her. "I know, it's a surprise."

"Pet don't you think this is a little backwards?" He gestured between the two of them.


"Because I'm supposed to be surprising you if I'm gonna take you on a date."

"Oh. No."

"No? What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm taking you on a date."


Spike laid back on the blanket, thinking about earlier in the day.

He couldn't remember the last time he had so much fun.

After Buffy had dragged him out of bed, and basically shoved him under a stream of cold water, they had left the house and headed to the park.

Buffy had brought a picnic basket full of goodies, and they had snacked on some fruit for breakfast.

They had played in the fountain for a little while, but the cool November air had soon put them on the go.

Then they had played on the swings and merry-go round, laughing like children, and holding hands as they jumped to the ground.

After eating a simple luch of peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches, a Buffy special, they had walked to the small pond nestled in the middle of the park.

He had tugged her to a stop when they reached the middle of the small bridge crossing the water, and spun her around for a kiss that set their chilled bodies ablaze.

The sun had just went down, and they were lying on a blanket on top of a small hill that overlooked the town.

The sunset had been beautiful, but Spike had hardly noticed it.

He had been focused on Buffy, knowing that she outshined the sun.

He had watched as the pink and purples of the sky softly caressed her face, and made her eyes glow an unearthly shade of green.

She sighed and rolled over on the blanket, propping herself on her elbow so she could look down at him. She brought her other hand to rest against his cheek and he nuzzled his face against it like a cat.

"I love you."

His heart leaped everytime she said those words to him, and he had come to cherish the feeling.

He opened his mouth to return the sentiment when she laid her fingers on his lips.

"I love you so much, Spike." He placed as kiss against her fingers, letting her know he understood that she wanted to speak.

"I know I say it all the time, but it's not enough. It's just words. You can tell anyone you love them, but love is something you feel." Tears began coursing down her cheeks and he could feel his own pool as he listened to her words.

"And the way I feel for you, just makes it even more true. Because words could never describe this." She entangled his fingers with hers and brought them to rest against her heart.

"It burns and it freezes. It terrifies and excites me at the same time. It scares me to love you this much, because I know if I ever lost you, I'd-"

He crushed her lips to his and pulled back to look in her eyes.

"Never. You'll never lose me. I love you." He gave her a teary smile, "I'm drowning in you, you're in my heart, my soul. I couldn't get you out even if I tried. I love you, Buffy."

Their lips met again, tasting the other's tears.

They pulled away, and she placed a small kiss to the end of his nose.

"Sometimes I want to thank her."

"Who, sweet love?"

She turned around and rested her back against his chest, his arms wrapping around her.

"My mother." She felt him stiffen behind her, "Because I know if she hadn't-, if she wasn't gone, I might not have ever met you. Is that wrong?"

He didn't say a word and his arms were stiff around her, so she pointed to the stars. She laid her head back on his shoulder and looked at his face.

"Aren't they beautiful?"

He snapped out of his daze and looked at her, his arms softening.

"What, pet?"

"The stars, aren't they gorgeous?"

"Nothing compared to you, my love."

He placed a sweet kiss against her cheek and she watched his eyes as they drifted over the stars.

"Pick one."

He looked down at her and raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"I said, pick one."

He gave her a funny look and she pointed at the sky, "Go on. Choose."

He shook his head and turned it up, looking at the many choices.

"That one."

He pointed to a bright star just left of the full autumn moon.

"Alright. Be right back."

She stood up and began walking toward the steeper part of the hill. He jumped up and grabbed her hand, stopping her before she got to far from the blanket.

"Where are you going?"

"To get that star for you."

His bottom lip quivered and a tear ran down his cheek. She softly wiped it away with her thumb, while she caressed the side of his face.

"I'd do anything for you Spike. I'd go to the end of the earth and back. I'd find a way right now to get that star for you, if that's what you wanted. It might take me awhile, but-" She looked at the star winking at them from the dark sky, "I'd do it. I love you, William."

He pulled her to him with a strangled sob, and they fell to the ground as the wall around his heart crumbled.
This story archived at http://