She Don't Know by Hannahlee_ann
Summary: When Buffy's mother dies, she moves to Sunnydale where she meets Spike. With the loss of her mother, Buffy looks at Spike as a lifeline, but is she the only one in need?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: Yes Word count: 35687 Read: 40995 Published: 07/08/2004 Updated: 08/07/2004
Twenty Seven by Hannahlee_ann
*Five Years Later*

Buffy waddled through the hallway, smiling as she listened to the curses her husband was spitting.

"Bloody fucking piece of shit!"

She entered the room just in time for a metal bracket to fly past her. She looked at Spike kneeling on the floor panting.

"How goes it?" She asked in an overly chipper voice that was followed by a mischievious smile.

"How does it bloody look?"

Buffy placed her hands on either side of her stomach, almost like she was covering the baby's ears.

"Watch your mouth, Daddy!"

Spike's anger and frustration melted and he crawled over to her on his knees. He caressed her stomach with his hands before placing a soft kiss upon it.

"I'm sorry my loves."

Buffy smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. He placed his ear against her stomach, looking up at her.

"I can hear him!"

"That's indegestion." Buffy snorted.

He looked up at her in mock outrage. "That's my son!"

"I don't think your son was in those tacos, buddy." She said softly rubbing at her burning chest.

Spike stood up and kissed her softly.

"I'm sorry, sweet love."

"Yeah, yeah."

Spike chuckled and made his way back to the half assembled crib. Buffy smiled when he picked up the directions, reading them before turning them over trying to make better sense of it.

"Why don't you just call Xander? He's good at this kinda stuff." She said turning around and walking toward the doorway.

Spike let out a disgusted sound and yelled at her retreating back.

"You think I can't handle this? I've got this!"

Buffy chuckled into her hand when she heard the thud following his words.

"Owww! Bloody- Ughhh !"


Buffy stood in front of the refrigerator trying to cool her burning body.

"God! What is wrong with me?"

She mumbled softly as she fanned the freezer door. She was on fire and it was December. She rolled her head around and tried to work the soreness from her shoulders. She had been almost miserable from the time she woke up this morning.

She suddenly doubled over as searing pain passed through her body and dry heaved as a wave of nausea hit her.

She stumbled to the phone and grabbed it, blindly hitting the redial button.


Jenny's voice sounded over the reciever and Buffy opened her mouth only to gag once again. Jenny heard the noise over the line.

"Buffy? Buffy are you alright?!"

"Je- Jenny, help."

Buffy barely choked the words out before she hit the ground.
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