Akoshta : Book II: Self by Kaylorin
Summary: Spike was tested by the demon sisters of Akoshta, The Gift, and has come to the realization that fighting by the side of The Slayer is his destiny. The Scoobies as a group have come to accept this as fact and together are moving along with their strange lives on The Hellmouth. Just when things are going well they are invited to visit London and The Council. Quentin has to find a way to stop a future fortold, all Buffy and company have to do is figure out what that is and stop The Council Head's plan. *I highly suggest you read Akoshta before diving in*
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 67879 Read: 19222 Published: 07/23/2008 Updated: 12/29/2008
Returned by Kaylorin
Author's Notes:
I couldn't help myself. This one was another tough one for me and now I think its done so... had to post.

Randall walked through the halls to Mr. Quinton's office. These hourly reports were becoming a more redundant part of his day. He knocked lightly on the door after the secretary announced him.

"Well, my boy? Anything?" Quinton sat up in his seat.

"I'm afraid not. We have extra people on it, mostly the older children in training, but we still have yet to have a sighting since Tuesday. Should we delay tonight's movie?"

The Head of the Council laced his fingers on his desk. "No, allow the families their entertainment, but I want guards placed around the facility. Center them in The Watcher's sections and in the family areas. We don't want him interrupting. And lock down the Commons once the movie has begun."

Randall nodded. "Is there anything else sir?"

"No. I believe I will attend to my duties here. Give the families my regards this evening."

"Very well, Sir. See you in an hour."

Quinton nodded at the young man as he left. He soon had his nose in the stacks of paper surrounding his desk.


"Are you worried?" Michelle asked Dawn from her seat across from her.

Dawn looked around the familiar commons of The Council's living quarters. "I don't know. I mean... I'm sure they're fine, but I'm not sure what to expect. You know?"

"I was talking about tonight. I have faith in The Slayer, and even The Vampire."

Dawn looked at her friend and smiled. "Thanks." She sighed. "You know what? I think I'm sort of gonna miss it here."

Michelle chuckled. "It's never going to be the same." Then she eyed the brunette. "I know we are all going to miss you too."

The girls just smiled, before heading into The Rugby room for the final touches of the setup for tonight's movie, and the execution of their plan.

Xander was making the adjustment for the viewing. The number of wires that connected everything from the DVD player to the projector, 8 different speakers was dizzying. Twice already he had accidentally unplugged something he shouldn't have. He was carpenter-man, not AV-dude.

He smiled at the young teen who was running the equipment. "So, how goes it?"

The young man barely turned and acknowledged the man. "Everything is fine. It's set."

Xander suddenly realized why the boy was so put off. He was afraid of being caught. This was the kid who was going to switch the disks. "Got it. Just remember, we are all backing you up, just like you‘re backing us up." He saw the boy perk up a little and give a nod. Then Xander left the him alone to finish up a few things.

When he saw Anya, he almost cringed. She was once again surrounded by small children . He stood and watched her, unaware of the smile that slowly crept to his lips.


Giles Willow and Tara walked out of The retired Watcher's apartment. He apparently had something of value in his satchel. The bah he had nearly torn apart days before. They stopped at the ladies apartment, and went in.

Giles and Willow left moments later. Tara placed the notebook on the kitchenette’s counter and pulled out a small vile. She poured the powder onto it and chanted softly. It was now invisible. She felt it on the counter and replaced it in Giles's bag.

All she had to do was chant a few words to reversed the effect, but for now the notebook would be safe. She laughed lightly when she thought of what Buffy's reaction to Giles's surprise would be.


Joel moved to his new post, just outside of The Watcher's main area, but close enough to see the men who had passed before those now in charge.

He hated this area. It was generally off limits, but they had needed volunteers tonight, and if The Vampire and The Slayer returned, they could use a little help getting through barricades. Anthony and Haden were both posted in the living area. Hopefully everything would be ok. He sighed to himself. "It damn well better work."


Buffy no longer felt the ground below her feet, or the wall against her back. She looked up, and saw nothing. He senses told her it was wrong. She felt Spike holding her. Was she blind?

“Oh God!'“ She screamed, but heard nothing. “SPIKE!!'“

No sound, not a ripple from the air. But maybe there was no air, she couldn‘t scent anything, not even the man pressed against her. But she felt him.

She could breath though, not that terrible implosion they always show on space movies. Or is that explosion? Whichever one it was always messy and looked painful. This was not messy, just incredibly empty. And there was no pain but her unease was fiercely uncomfortable. She began to quake from the difficult feeling that she had no control over any part of this.

Spike was secured within her arms just as she was in his, but for all the comfort he provided, his presence was the only comfort. It was like the extreme version of sensory deprivation.

He looked around and sensed it's familiarity. He had been here before. He had laid back and dreamt of her here. "Oh no." He thought. “BUFFY!!”

"Oh yea, brilliant. Can't hear, can's see." He felt Buffy begin to shake. "Can feel though."

His grip tightened drawing her flush with him. Her shivering slowed, but did not stop. He could feel the vibration of her growl reverberate from her chest. So out of place with the woman he cradled closely. She was raw and pure and animalistic but something real finaly clicked in Spike’s head.

She was all those things, some drawn from that pice of The Slayer, but so much was purely this entity, this huntress in a sprite’s form. But the demon being that which ruled was so out of place. She was Buffy, who harnessed the power inside to be used when needed. She wasn’t the demon borrowing the girl’s body for a time.

He brought his hands from her back to her face. He stroked her forehead, and he understood why they had been brought here. Here, all that mattered was what was brought. The outside world, or the reality of it, was completely cut off.

She felt him caress her brow. Slowly the vibrations of his own growl invaded her body. Whatever this was, he was here, and he wouldn't let her fall. That much she knew. It was such a goofy thing to say, but he’d told her he wouldn’t let her.

The floating wasn't so bad, but for someone who used her senses as much as she did, it was not a fun place. At least he was here. She could still draw on her innate ability to feel within herself that Spike was the one holding onto her. There was nothing else that would make any of this situation ok.

He leaned down and slowly kissed her forehead, then her cheek. She leaned into the soft feel of his lips on her face, while his hands roamed back down to her waist and just under the back of her jacket. He truly loved it when she wore the backless halters. Her soft skin was like a drug, and he would never tire of touching her. Such an enjoyable addiction.

Buffy let him lavish her face with kisses. Feeling him meant everything in this place, because it was the only thing that let her know she was still real. She knew she was in no way alone in whatever was to come.

He stopped for a moment, and she slipped her hand over his tight stomach feeling every ripple her fingers caused as his muscles reacted to the feel of her digits. Her touch moved down to his waist and under his duster and shirt. She wanted to feel his warmth, that connection only his body could bring, and a new experience she craved suddenly.


She could sense it more in this realm somehow. These surroundings seemed to increase her ability to read him. Involuntarily she leaned and licked the sensitive spot of his neck, eliciting a more intense growl from him she could feel as his chest vibrated.

She backed off slightly when she realized her demon face was still in place. Then she felt his warm tongue return the gesture. The tingling up her spine warmed her from the inside starting from her neck and radiating up to her very warm forehead then back down to her core and continuing to her toes. There was no part of her body that couldn’t sense his being.

The connection had begun, and without realizing it, whatever had caused her to fear what was supposed to take place, was gone and replaced with a desire to know every part of him she could.

He felt her breathing quicken as his heart pounded fitfully beneath his breast. She was actually working herself up to it. It may take awhile but-.

He felt the first prick of her fangs just before they broke the skin. He could barely react, but the rest of him did. He hardened instantly. His grip on her shoulders tightened and he bent down to drink, but she hadn't moved her head to the side.

He breathed in short gasps at the feel of her teeth inside him, then he realized, she hadn't begun to drink. He waited. God it was excruciating. She just stayed there completely still and excruciatingly intoxicating.

The feel of her sharp unused teeth embedded just an inch deep nearly had him undone. Spike’s breathing didn’t even out, it picked up. The act itself bringing his demon a feeling of euphoria as he began to pant as he waited for some sign that she was either pulling from his neatly sliced vein, or inviing him to return the gesture.

He brought a hand up to hold her head and try to urge it to the side to he could get some release, but her free hand caught it and held it tight. She wanted to control this moment, it was the one thing she had here. He felt her take a long uneasy breath through her nose, which tickled the nape of his neck but only caused his want of her to increase.

The first pull of his blood leaving his body came seconds later, causing a sensation to begin in his groin, and spread through his body. Every molecule hummed across his skin and within his body.he felt light, suddenly free and calmed, yet so captured and restless.

It was after that first drop hit her tongue that she felt it. That last question answered. The worst worries were scrubbed from consciousness. All of the goodness of the last year rolled through her heart and as his warm read blood traveled past her throat and spread through her system she could share every thought and feeling he did.

He brought his face down to her neck again, this time finding it exposed.

Buffy bit down harder when she felt him pierce her skin. The familiar pull started, and she held his arms in a vise grip. The warming That had begun only moments ago slammed into her full force. She tingled in places even Spike had only managed to get going a few times.

Her inner muscles began to clench on their own and she drove herself against one of Spike’s thighs with no thought. Pure want driving her as she tore her nails across his back, her hands still shifted under his shirt. Each of the eruptions came one immediately after the other, taking what little breath she had from her.

The possessed feelings of ownership, the knowledge that she needed to make sure he and anyone else who cared to get close enough to find out would know Spike was taken, softened into something completely different. Something gentle with love behind it.
this wasn't the fierce drinking of a Vampire. She noted the care he took with each slow sip of her neck, and matched his steady pace.

They both slid their arms down to their original positions. Buffy clutched his skin pulling him closer while scratching deep trails into his back.

Spike couldn't get enough of her he had his arms wrapped so tightly around her one would think he was afraid she'd disappear into nothing if he let go even slightly.

The need to breath finally broke the mating ritual older than either of them could comprehend. Buffy threw her head back at the same time as Spike, both hating the release forced on them by something completely separate from the sharing of their blood. She lazily opened her eyes, and there was a faint glow. Slowly she lifted her head, noting that neither hers, nor Spike's grip had lessened.

An illumination of blue fog came from Spike's chest floating up and above them both seemingly drawn upward.

Spike saw it just as it separated from his body. It moved lazily, no real hurry and no need to chose a particular path.

In the glow, they finally saw each other, both now in human form.

There was something different in their shared glance, something deeper and raw that hadn’t been there only moments before. There were now questions, there were no doubts. They simply were now. And with the act that had just taken place, both knew that would not be changing anytime soon.

Both sets of eyes watched as the soul of William moved down towards Buffy, and seemed to touch her cheek. Then, as quickly as is had appeared from Spike, it moved up and into the darkness. They were once again bathed in pure blackness.

The two were still panting, trying to gain back the breath they had lost for what seemed like forever and a moment all in one. Spike ran his hand over Buffy's face, tracing the humanity he knew in her. He traced her jaw line with his fingers until they felt the puncture wounds left by his bite.

She mimicked his motions, realizing the fear had been a waste of energy. As this conclusion came to her, both she and Spike were bathed in white light. She saw his demon come forth, then intensify to a gray demon, much like the drawings of the pure in Giles's book, but the eyes were still Spike‘s.

Spike looked into the yellow eyes of The Pure. He knew her in an instant. He knew he looked nothing like the man he was, but now they would both see who they were, and where they were from. As quickly as it has started, it was over.

They watched as the other disappeared into the darkness. Pulled apart by a force that centered in their gut and yanking them each backwards an nothing to fight against to make it stop.


Dawn turned around in her seat. They were closing the doors and Buffy still wasn't back.

Anya sat on one side, Christian on the other. Michelle and Richard were sitting on the other side of Christian.

To Dawns left was her extended family. One exe-demon, and her husbands a Witch, a hacker, a Watcher… but no Buffy, and no Spike.

The lights began to go down, and the large screen at the head of the room began to light up with the opening credits to K-PAX.

Anya leaned down. "Don't worry Dawn. I'm sure she's on her way right now. You have to remember, she left pretty late."

Dawn nodded. "I know, it's just... waiting. You know? We seem to be doing I a lot lately."

Anya nodded, then pressed her finger to her lips and pointed to the screen. "Movie."

Dawn smiled, and tried to focus on the alien/mental patient.


Joel was standing in position. Waiting to find either himself, or The Vampire. Depending on how you looked at it. He stood, waiting. The corridors were quiet with nearly everyone watching the movie.

He listened to the silence. It was a defining. Right up until the thud of a door shutting. He looked down the hall, and moved towards the turn cautiously. Then he looked carefully past the corner.

"Jeez. You weren't kidding. My head really hurts." She had the palm of her hand against her forehead as she squinted hoping to block out the light from the hallway that almost burned her eyes.

The pair were sitting on the floor in a less than dignified state, Buffy’s legs were caught under Spike’s and he was leaning against the wall rubbing the back of his head.

"Luv, this is nothing. That's from the toss through the door."

“Well I didn't know it was the door. Just felt myself going through. No one said ‘Oh, there's a floor on the other side.’"


Joel came around the corner to see Buffy sitting on the ground while Spike pushed himself up and stood. "Here, kitten. Let me help you." He pulled her up and smiled. "There, not to worse for ware I'd say."

Buffy smiled back then looked around. "Looks like were right back where we started." Then she saw Joel standing at the end of the hall. "Or maybe were in deep shit?"

Spike looked at the young man. "I don' t think so, Buffy." Spike took a few steps towards the young blonde. His hair was almost as light as his, and he was nearly his height and build. "Your the bloke what took off as the distraction. Aren't you?"

Joel stared openly at the couple. Buffy now came up and looked at him. "You are." She stated half grinning.

Spike looked back at her. "You remember, don't you, luv?"

Buffy nodded and turned back at the boy. "You… you're helping my sister, and all of us? Right?"

Joel nodded.

"How long until the disk starts playing?"

The young man looked at his wrist, then back up confusion covering his face. "Eight minutes."

Buffy grinned. "Plenty of time. You guys are planning… a… a movie right? That's how everyone's supposed to see it?"

"Yea. How did you-?"

"No time." Buffy looked at Spike. "I want you to go down where they're showing it."

"Where are you going?" Spike asked worried for her.

"Me?" She looked over her shoulder as she strode down the hall in the opposite direction. "I'm going to pay Quinton a visit. All personal and face to face-like."

Spike rolled his eyes at her before turning and letting the boy lead him through the halls.

He watched the faces of Watchers go by on the wall. Then stopped when he saw another very familiar one in a mirror. His.

He smiled at himself, then saw the dark roots and frowned. "No one ever tells me!!"
End Notes:
*whew* This has been a bit of a challenge rewriting and editing stories I hadn't looked at for 4 years. And we are down to 2 chapters. Yup, 2 more and the end of Self will be upon us. Deserving is only half done so there's something, but there is always Book III of Akoshta. It's a little shorter Chapterwise, but a fun romp if I do say so myself. So if enjoyed the run of this series so far, stay tuned for the gripping conclusion of Self and stick around for the next link of our journey.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=31869