The Casino by HisCuppaTea
Summary: William ‘Spike’ Tabors, owner of The Montecito Casino and Hotel is in for a surprise when young and savvy Buffy Summers shows up at his casino with only one dollar to her name. (Every one is human)
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 9336 Read: 6598 Published: 11/19/2008 Updated: 07/01/2009
Cain. . . . by HisCuppaTea
Author's Notes:
I own nothing! Joss Whedon and the others do (lucky bastards). But I do like to play with them and make them do wacky things.
She really was a spit fire the way he eyes changed color, going from jade to deep emerald, when she was pissed. He loved it! She was perfect for the job she would keep anybody inline. Also she would be underestimated, with her small frame nobody would expect her to be so forward, and that was putting it lightly. Spike smiled to himself as he walked down the hall to his employee’s quarters. Still smiling as he went to knock on her door. ‘This is going to be fun he.’

Buffy was rereading the contracts and forms he had given her. She couldn’t even say his name in her head for it would have run shivers down her spine. Just thinking about him drew out more of a reaction than kissing her last boyfriend. He was beautiful no other words could describe him. She had never really thought a guy could be beautiful, normally it was cute, yeah, hot, sure, major hottie, maybe but he was…well…beautiful. He was almost God like, his presence demanded authority, screamed that he was a leader, cool, calm, collected. He was absolute perfection in Buffy’s opinion, the way he walked, talked, smirked hell even the way he breathed, ‘Oh god how dumb am I, I am already falling for him and it hasn’t been a day yet’. But what really brought her to her knees was his accent. What girl could resist an accent? And a British one at that! All in all he was sex on legs.

Buffy was giving her self a once over in the mirror indigo blue camisole with off white lace trim. A pair of low-rise gray skinny jeans adorned her hips, strappy yellow sandals and her hair was up in a messy bun, that was carefully tease to look perfect, completed her look. . She was applying her lip-gloss when a knock sounded at the door.

She opened the door to see Spike standing there, his demeanor the complete opposite of the thoughts that were running through her head. He was wearing black sweat pants with an equally black wife beater that broadcasted the sinewy muscles of his arms.

“Good morning. You ready?”

Spike asked with a pleasant smile on his face. Buffy nodded noticing his hair wasn’t slicked back but was brushed back curling at the back of his neck. His transformation from business attire to casual made her mouth water.

“Yeah”, she squeaked ‘What the fuck? Get a grip on yourself Summers’

“Okay let’s go”, he responded giving her a discreet once over, and humming in appreciation, before turning around to lead her out into the hall.
Buffy groaned inwardly, ‘Damn! And he had an ass you could bounce coins off of.’

“She’s blonde”, Anya said to Willow as they walked over to the are that was home to the craps tables.


Willow asked her mind elsewhere. She was focusing on how she could make this man walk. For the past 45 minutes since he was there he was winning every hand. He had accumulated a total of 1.2 million dollars. Willow’s job was to try to get him to leave before he would cost the casino more money.

“Are you even listening?”

Anya whined. Willow rolled her eyes and turned to face her friend and hissed quietly,

“No not really”, watching the man intently to see if he was cheating.


Anya whined again, annoyed that Willow was not paying attention to her.

“What!” Willow snapped, agitation lacing her voice. “Listen Anya we can talk after we do our jobs. As you can see mister Get Rich Quick over there,” Willow said pointing to craps table 12, “has been wining every hand since nine a.m. and now its almost ten I think something’s going on.” Willow finished as she signaled a security guard.

“Make sure he doesn’t leave this table”, Willow whispered in his ear, she then turned and spoke into the hidden communication device.

“Gunn we have a code 10 on C12”

“So over here we have one of our six bars ”

Spike explained walking her to the bar called Caritas.

“It’s run by our very own Lorne Mitchells”

“What are you saying about me cupcake?” A flamboyantly dressed man interrupted. Buffy wasn’t sure if any body could pull of a lemon yellow suit with a orange accents, but if she had to choose some one it would be Lorne.

“Hello”, Spike said turning around to look at Lorne, “Buffy this is–”, but Spike was cut off by Lorne extending a perfectly manicured hand to Buffy and introducing himself.

“Lorne. What’s your name sunshine?”

Buffy smiled and looked at Spike, giving a little laugh she took his hand and introduced her self.

“Well isn’t she just grand.”

Lorne said to Spike as Buffy decided to look around the almost empty bar.

“Yeah she’s something all right. Gonna give me a run for my money, she is”

Spike said to Lorne while gazing at Buffy who was smiling with a patron.

“Well honey it does look like you have your work cut out for you. Listen I have to go Mike will spaz if I don’t show him he board for the new design plans for Caritas by noon and I haven’t completed them yet , see you tonight sweet cheeks”

Lorne said while walking to the elevator. Spike nodded his head and turned to see Buffy looking at him.

“So when do I meet the rest of the staff?”

“Soon luv, soon” Spike answered.

“So that woman last night you know the blatant one um-”

“You mean Cosmo”


“Oh her name is Anya, Cosmo is just her nickname”

“Oh”, Buffy said still not understanding, “Why is um …her nickname Cosmo?”

She was absolutely adorable he found it cute how she could back talk her would be boss but blush at the simple question.

“ Well pet, Anya seems to have sex on the brain allot so naturally I gave her the nickname of a women’s magazine that is centered around people sex lives ”

Buffy smiled and shook her head, “So do you have nicknames for everybody” Buffy asked coyly kind of hoping he had one for her. Spike smirked,

“No, not everybody. But Willow, the bird I told you about her nicknames Red, cause if her red hair. My sister, Cordelia, call her Cheerleader or Queen C sometimes I call her Delia. Um Darla’s Belle, Gunn is muscle and that’s about it”

“Oh that’s cool” Buffy said a little disappointed.

“No worries Goldilocks and here we have the casino floor.”

“Okay Willow how long has this guy been here?” Gunn asked approaching Willow who was discretely pretending to play a hand at the black jack table.

“A little less than an hour” She replied

“Has he lost any hands?”


“Shit!’’ Gunn exclaimed then he pulled out his walkie-talkie and paged Tucker

“Pull up video record for the last hour on craps 12.”

Gunn stared at Willow for a few moments she got the message and began to position her self for the other signal.

“Charles man that’s not our dice.” Tuckers voice sounded through the walkie-talkie.

Willow then turned and made another signal. In less than a minute the game was interrupted and a guard took the dice another guard then took the guy to a holding room, oddly enough the guy did not give much of a protest.

“What the bloody hell is going on here” Spike stated calmly as he and Buffy made their way to the hectic lot.

Gunn then explained to Spike what had happened in the last twenty minutes.

“Alright I’m going to have a little chat with our thief. Um Buffy this is Willow and you have already met Gunn and was briefly acquainted with Anya. I’ll see you later luv” and with that he was gone.

“So your the blonde” Willow said tactlessly.

Spike was furious, he was here, his own blood tried to steal money from him. That was so typical of him to waltz into his sanctuary and disrupt what little peace of mind he possessed. ‘Bloody git’, Spike let out a sigh, he had not seen his older brother in 2 years and when he did see him it was when he was in England to make an appearance at the court and he only did that out of respect of his fathers’ memory. Shit! He really could not deal with this right now. He then took another breath to compose him self and walked into the holding room. And in a deadly calm voice he spoke.

“Hello Liam”
This story archived at http://