The Secret Slayer by maryperk
Summary: Something unexpected happens to Buffy on her first night in Sunnydale. Something that causes her to change her name and hide from the people that were to be her friends. What happens when a certain peroxide blond vampire rolls into town?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 31 Completed: Yes Word count: 90658 Read: 80559 Published: 01/14/2009 Updated: 03/18/2009
Chapter 21 by maryperk
Chapter 21

Beth looked in the mirror. Her green-glowing Specter eyes flared with nervous tension. Spike was starting to question her identities. This made the turned Slayer extremely anxious. Beth wasn't sure how Spike would take the news that she was also the Specter. She hoped that his love for her was enough that he'd forgive her.

"Beth, pet, you home?" Spike's voice called out.

Beth quickly changed her Slayer visage into her vampire one. She hoped that Spike wouldn't notice the change in her heart. Beth wished she could research why she had a reflection and a heartbeat while in Slayer mode. Then, she changed into her human face.

"Here, baby." Beth stepped out of the downstairs half-bath. "Did you get Willow all moved in with Cassie?"

Cassie had dispatched her last demonic roommate with surprising ease after Anya had identified it. Then she'd asked her red-haired friend to move in with her.

Spike nodded. He went into the kitchen for some blood. He was getting used to pig's blood now, and he found himself drinking it instead of hunting. Spike had no desire to hurt his girls, although he did still enjoy terrorizing criminals.

"I have tonight off." Beth followed Spike through the hallway into the other room. She climbed up onto one of the stools where she leaned her elbows on the counter. She watched Spike putter around the kitchen.

"Oh, yeah? You wanna go do something?" Spike turned to look at Beth. Once again, he was struck by her beauty and innocence.

"The gang's going to a frat house party on campus." Beth shrugged. "I heard that from Anya. I'd rather stay home. Unless you really wanna go out?"

"Let's just stay in then." Spike leered playfully at Beth. "I'll have some alone time with my best gal."

"Cool. I'll make some popcorn." Beth leapt to her feet. "We can watch a movie."

Forty-five minutes later Spike and Beth were entranced by an action-adventure movie. At least Beth was. Spike, on the other hand, had let his mind wander. Once again he started to think about the Slayer that had killed Beth's sire.

"Did you see the Slayer that staked Luke?" the bleached blond asked abruptly.

"Huh?" Beth tensed for a moment before she tried to answer the question posed by her boyfriend. "There was a flash of blond hair, and then... I don't know. I got the heck out of there."

"So, you didn't see how she died?" Spike glanced down at Beth's dark curls when she tensed for a second time. He wondered why the petite vampiress seemed upset by the question.

"Not really." Beth tried to act uninterested, but Spike's questions worried her.

"The Specter showed up about that time too," Spike said to himself. "Wonder if there's a connection."

He's thinking too much, Beth thought. I better distract him. She climbed on Spike's lap, and she straddled him, pressing the apex of her thighs against his cock.

Spike settled his hands on Beth's hips. He could tell his girl was unhappy with his line of questioning. He vowed to get to the bottom of the mystery of Buffy Summers. Then, he succumbed to Beth's wiles.

Even as Spike sat submissively under Beth's sensual onslaught, a small part of his brain remained actively engaged over his self-imposed dilemma. He remembered Giles mentioning meeting the Slayer's mum. Just before taking a more active role in the shagging, Spike told himself he needed to look Mrs. Summers up.


Spike didn't get to search for Mrs. Summers right away as he had planned. A female werewolf showed up in good old Sunnyhell the day after Halloween. The bitch's name was Veruca, and she set her sights on Oz.

After Oz had kicked Veruca to the curb for Willow, the bitch had the nerve to attack Willow at the U.C. Sunnydale student labs. Unfortunately when Oz had to kill Veruca to save his girlfriend, he became scared and unsure of himself. Nothing Xander, Spike, or Giles said seemed to reassure the young man. Within days of the Veruca incident, Oz left town without telling anyone where he was going. He didn't even tell his Dingo band mates.

A few nights later Spike patrolled with the Specter on their designated schedule that the Scoobies had devised to thwart the Initiative. From Riley, Faith had learned the Army had no real idea what they were doing and mainly hung out at the college and its surrounding area. The south side of Sunnydale was safe for Spike and the Specter to patrol.

"Specter, luv." Spike looked at the dark-clad woman out of the corner of his eye. "How long have you lived here in Sunnyhell?"

"Long enough," the Specter answered vaguely.

"How did Buffy Summers die? Surely you heard rumors."

"Luke killed her," the Specter's voice rang with truth. "Even as she killed him."

Spike nodded, but he could hear something in the Specter's voice that made him question her answers. Not to mention, he realized how much like Beth she sounded. If it wasn't for the Specter's heartbeat, he would think they were the same person. Little did he know he already had the truth, but he lacked enough information to connect the dots.

"Do you think Oz will be back?" the Specter asked. She was desperate to change the subject.

Spike shrugged as he took a puff off his ever present cigarette. Smoke curled out his nose as he replied, "I tried to show him about control. I think he's runnin' scared now."

"I feel sorry for Willow." The Specter's guttural voice sounded sad. "My father left us. He was busy sexing up his secretary."

"Bastard," Spike snarled.

"Thanks, Spike." The Specter glanced at her watch. "I need to get home. I have to work tomorrow." She gave Spike a wave before she sprinted away.

Spike watched the Specter's hurried departure with worried eyes. Something was going on, and he felt the need to figure out what it was. On the way back home, he stopped at a pay phone to look at the phone book because he didn't want to raise Beth's suspicions. There were six listings with the last name of Summers.

Spike dug out a handful of change that he placed on the little metal table. He called each number, and he asked for Buffy. Only one, a J. Summers, recognized the name. The lady on the phone informed him that her eldest daughter had died three years before. Spike made the normal sympathy sounds before he apologized for bothering her.

After he hung up, Spike wrote the woman's address down on a piece of paper that he shoved in an inside pocket of his duster. Revello Drive wasn't all that far from his own street. Maybe he would give it a quick look-see one night.

Spike strolled home, keeping his eye out for trouble. He hadn't seen Dalton for a few days. He hoped the other vamp hadn't run into the Initiative. Spike decided he needed to check up on the minion the next night.

When Spike slipped into his house, he realized Beth was in the shower. Even as he shed his clothes to join her, he wondered what his girl could have possibly done to warrant another shower.
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